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DSBLogoutmgr(1) FreeBSD General Commands Manual DSBLogoutmgr(1)

Graphical logout manager

dsblogoutmgr [-L <lock command>] [-S <suspend command>] [-l <logout command>] [-r <reboot command>] [-s <shutdown command>]

dsblogoutmgr is a Qt utility that allows you to leave your current window manager-session, reboot, suspend or shutdown your system. Furthermore, it supports time-controlled shutdown.

The following options are available:

Defines the screen lock command. Default “metalock”
Defines the suspend command. Default “acpiconf -s 3”
Defines the logout command. Default “fluxbox exit”
Defines the reboot command. Default “shutdown -r now”
Defines the shutdown command. Default “shutdown -p now”

Commands for the actions can also be defined in ~/.config/DSB/dsblogoutmgr/config using variable=value pairs by setting the variables lock, logout, shutdown, reboot, and suspend. Commands containing white spaces must be enclosed in double quotes. If an action is defined on the command line, it is used instead of the one defined in ~/.config/DSB/dsblogoutmgr/config.

In order to be able to execute shutdown as regular user, you can either use sudo(8) (see below), or you can add your username to the operator group:
# pw groupmod operator -m yourusername

If you want to be able to suspend your system as regular user, you can use sudo(8). Add

%wheel  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/acpiconf *

to /usr/local/etc/sudoers, and define the suspend action accordingly by using the -S flag on the command line, or set

suspend = "sudo acpiconf -s 3"

in ~/.config/DSB/dsblogoutmgr/config

Note: On FreeBSD >= 12, members of the operator group are allowed to execute acpiconf. Using sudo(8) is not necessary.

Users of OpenBox can set the logout action to “openbox --exit” using the -l flag.
Users of Fluxbox can set the logout action to “fluxbox-remote exit” using the -l flag. This requires
session.screen0.allowRemoteActions: true

to be set in ~/.fluxbox/init.

June 12, 2022 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE

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