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HTTPD::Authen(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation HTTPD::Authen(3)

HTTPD::Authen - HTTP server authentication class

    use HTTPD::Authen ();

This module provides methods for authenticating a user. It uses HTTPD::UserAdmin to lookup passwords in a database. Subclasses provide methods specific to the authentication mechanism.

Currently, under HTTP/1.0 the only supported authentication mechanism is Basic Authentication. NCSA Mosaic and NCSA HTTPd understand the proposed Message Digest Authentication, which should make it into the HTTP spec someday. This module supports both.

Since HTTPD::Authen uses HTTPD::UserAdmin for database lookups it needs many of the same attributes. Or, if the first argument passed to the new() object constructor is a reference to an HTTPD::UserAdmin, the attributes are inherited.

The following attributes are recognized from HTTPD::UserAdmin:

DBType, DB, Server, Path, DBMF, Encrypt

And if you wish to query an SQL server: Host, User, Auth, Driver, UserTable, NameField, PasswordField

The same defaults are assumed for these attributes, as in HTTPD::UserAdmin. See HTTPD::UserAdmin for details.

    $authen = new HTTPD::Authen (DB => "www-users");

Short-cut to return an HTTPD::Authen::Basic object.

    $basic = $authen->basic;

Short-cut to return an HTTPD::Authen::Digest object.

    $digest = $authen->digest;

This method will guess the authorization scheme based on the 'Authorization' header value, and return an object bless into that scheme's class.

By using this method, it is simple to authenticate a user without even knowing what scheme is being used:

     $authtype = HTTPD::Authen->type($authinfo);
     @info = $authtype->parse($authinfo)
     if( $authtype->check(@info) ) {
         #response 200 OK, etc.

HTTPD::Authen::Basic methods

$hashref should be an HTTPD::Authen object, it must be present when looking up users. Optionally, you can pass the attribute USER with the value of an HTTPD::UserAdmin object.

Normally, this method is not called directly, but rather by HTTPD::Authen->basic method.

This method expects the value of the HTTP 'Authorization' header of type Basic. This should look something like:

 'Basic ZG91Z206anN0NG1l'

This string will be parsed and decoded, returning the username and password. Note that the MIME::Base64 module is required for decoding.

    ($username,$password) = HTTPD::Authen::Basic->parse($authinfo)
    #or, assuming $authen is an HTTPD::Authen object
    ($username,$password) = $authen->basic->parse($authinfo)

    #or check the info at the same time
    $OK = $authen->check($authen->basic->parse($authinfo))

This method expects a username and *clear text* password as arguments. Returns true if the username was found, and passwords match, otherwise returns false.

    if($authen->check("JoeUser", "his_clear_text_password")) {
        print "Well, the passwords match at least\n";
    else {
        print "Password mismatch! Intruder alert! Intruder alert!\n";
HTTPD::Authen::Digest methods
NOTE: The MD5 module is required to use these methods.

$hashref should be an HTTPD::Authen object. Normally, this method is not called directly, but rather by HTTPD::Authen->digest method.

This method expects the value of the HTTP 'Authorization' header of type Basic. This should look something like:

  Digest username="JoeUser", realm="SomePlace", nonce="826407380", uri="/test/blah.html", response="0306f29f88690fb9203451556c376ae9", opaque="5e09061a062a271c8fcc686c5be90c2a"

This method returns a hash ref containing all Name = Value pairs from the header.

     $mda = HTTPD::Authen::Digest->parse($authinfo);

     #or, assuming $authen is an HTTPD::Authen object
     $mda = $authen->digest->parse($authinfo)

     #or check the info at the same time
     $OK = $authen->check($authen->digest->parse($authinfo))

This method expects a hashref of Name Value pairs normally found in the 'Authorization' header. With this argument alone, the method will return true without checking nonce or the opaque string if the client 'response' checksum matches ours.

If $request is present, it must be a hashref or an HTTP::Request method. From here, we fetch the request uri and request method. Otherwise, we default to the value of 'uri' present in $hashref, and 'GET' for the method.

If $seconds is present, the value of 'nonce' will be checked, returning false if it is stale.

If $client_ip is present, the value of the 'opaque' string will be checked, returning false if the string is not valid.

This implementation is based on the Digest Access Authentication internet-draft and NCSA's implementation

HTTPD::UserAdmin, MD5, HTTP::Request, MIME::Base64

Doug MacEachern <>

Copyright (c) 1996, Doug MacEachern, OSF Research Institute

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
Around line 248:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
Around line 251:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'
Around line 292:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
Around line 297:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'
1997-12-11 perl v5.32.1

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