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PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Utils(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Utils(3)

PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Utils - Utility functions to save fingers

Lots of useful functions to save my fingers, especially for trivial tables

The following functions are exported

Given a field description from the "DATA" section, creates an absolute entry in the fields associative array for the class

Given a block of data large enough to account for all the fields in a table, processes the data block to convert to the values in the objects instance variables by name based on the list in the "DATA" block which has been run through "TTF_Init_Fields"

A TrueType types equivalent of Perls "unpack" function. Thus $fmt consists of type followed by an optional number of elements to read including *. The type may be one of:

    c       BYTE
    C       CHAR
    f       FIXED
    F       F2DOT14
    l       LONG
    L       ULONG
    s       SHORT
    S       USHORT

Note that "FUNIT", "FWORD" and "UFWORD" are not data types but units.

Returns array of scalar (first element) depending on context

Given the fields table from "TTF_Init_Fields" writes out the instance variables from the object to the filehandle in TTF binary form.

The TrueType equivalent to Perl's "pack" function. See details of "TTF_Unpack" for how to work the $fmt string.

Calculates binary search information from a number of elements

Returns the UTF8 form of the 16 bit string, assumed to be in big endian order, including surrogate handling

Returns the 16-bit form in big endian order of the UTF 8 string, including surrogate handling to Unicode.

Dumps out the given data as a sequence of <data> blocks each 16 bytes wide

Converts a binary string of hinting code into a textual representation

Adds a dotted circle to a font. This function is very configurable. The parameters passed in are:
Font to work with. This is required.
A cmap table (not the 'val' sub-element of a cmap) to add the glyph too. Optional.
Optional diameter for the main circle. Defaults to 80% em
Side bearing. The left and right side-bearings are always the same. This value defaults to 10% em.

There are various options to control all sorts of interesting aspects of the circle

Number of dots in the circle
Number of curve points to use to create each dot
Unicode reference to store this glyph under in the cmap. Defaults to 0x25CC
Postscript name to give the glyph. Defaults to uni25CC.
Radius of each dot.

No known bugs

Martin Hosken See PDF::API3::Compat::API2::Basic::TTF::Font for copyright and licensing.
2009-04-21 perl v5.32.1

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