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UML::Sequence::Raster(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation UML::Sequence::Raster(3)

UML::Sequence::Raster - converts xml sequence files to a raster image

    use UML::Sequence::Raster;

    seq2raster @ARGV;

This module supports the script like Pod::Html supports pod2html. The array passed to should have the following form:

 ([ I<options-pairs>, ] [input_file_name])

where options-pairs are any of

"-a color"
specifies a color to be used to fill the activation boxes. Must be a string of either hexadecimal RGB values, e.g., '#FF00AC0024B1', or a name from the following list of supported colors:

    white     lyellow     lpurple     lbrown
    lgray     yellow      purple      dbrown
    gray      dyellow     dpurple     transparent
    dgray     lgreen      lorange
    black     green       orange
    lblue     dgreen      pink
    blue      lred        dpink
    dblue     red         marine
    gold      dred        cyan
"-c color"
specifies a color to be used to fill the class boxes. See the "-a" option for acceptable color specifications.
specifies that embedded annotations are to be applied to the raster image. Only valid when the "-m" or "-M" option is also specified. When an arrow label has associated annotations, the labels with be suffixed with a superscript number linking to a text section containing the annotation text.
"-f "font"", "-F fontfile"
Specifies a font to be used to render text. "-f" uses a "named" font, e.g., "Times New Roman", which can be resolved to a TrueType font file. The special fontname gd may be used to specify the GD builtin fonts (which are also the default on non-Win32 platforms). Values other than gd are currently only supported on Win32 platforms with Win32::Font::NameToFile installed.

"-F" specifies the actual fontfile name, e.g., 'ARIALBD.TTF'.

Note that, on Win32 platforms with Win32::Font::NameToFile installed, using a named font will cause this module to attempt to locate bold (for class name labels) and italic (for event labels) versions of the font file. The base font will be used if either is not found.

"-g arrow-gap"
If "arrow-gap" is an integer value, specifies number of pixels between arrows (default is 40 pixels). If "arrow-gap" is a fractional value, specifies a scaling factor for the default number of pixels between arrows.
specifies that Javascript'ed tooltip annotations are to be applied to the raster image. Only valid when the "-m" or "-M" option is also specified. When an arrow label has associated annotations, the hyperlinks in the areamap for the label will include "onmouseover()" function calls containing the annotation text for use with the Javascript tooltip package available at <>. Note that annotated labels will be underlined in the image.
"-m areamap-path", "-M areamap-path"
specifies the name of a file to receive HTML containing an image element, areamap, and (optionally) either an ordered list of annotations (if -e was specified) or a script tag linking to the Javascript tooltip script (if -j was specified) to be applied to the raster image. Only valid when either the -p or -P option is specified. "-M" specifies append mode for the output file.
"-o output_file_name"
specifies the output file name. The format of the image is determined by the file qualifier as follows:

    .png, .PNG => PNG format
    .gif, .GIF => GIF format
    .jpg, .jpeg, .JPG, .JPEG => JPEG format

If not specified, output is sent to STDOUT in PNG format.

"-p classdocs-path", "-P classdocs-path"
specifies a base path to classdocs generated by psichedoc. Adds an areamap to the HTML output file specified by the "-m" or "-M" option with hyperlinks to the documents for individual classes and/or methods, excluding method labels w/ embedded whitespace. Additionally, the specified path is used with any generated HTML imagemap. Both "-p" and "-P" behave the same; both are supported for compatibility with UML::Sequence::Svg.
"-s "Signature""
specifies a signature to apply to the lower right corner in small text, e.g., "Copyright(C) 2006, GOWI Corp.".
"-w box-width"
specifies width of class box in pixels; default is 125. Used to compute class header boxes and areamap coordinates.
"-x char-width"
specifies width of characters in pixels; default is 6. Used to compute class header boxes and areamap coordinates.
"-y char-height"
specifies height of characters in pixels; default is 14. Used to compute class header boxes and areamap coordinates.

By default input is from standard in and output is to standard out.

The diagram layout of output of this module differs slightly from the layout of UML::Sequence::Svg output; specifically, this module stacks conditionals atop the activation label in order to avoid collisions with activation bars.


Dean Arnold <>

Copyright (C) 2006, Dean Arnold, Presicient Corp., USA. All rights reserved.

Portions Copyright 2003, Philip Crow, all rights reserved.

You may modify and/or redistribute this code in the same manner as Perl itself.

2006-01-22 perl v5.32.1

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