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XmtDiscardButtonEvents(3) FreeBSD Library Functions Manual XmtDiscardButtonEvents(3)

XmtDiscardButtonEvents(), XmtDiscardKeyPressEvents() - discard pending user input events.

#include <Xmt/Xmt.h>

void XmtDiscardButtonEvents(Widget w)

void XmtDiscardKeyPressEvents(Widget w)

Any widget on the display for which events are to be discarded.

XmtDiscardButtonEvents() gets all pending events from the X server, and then removes all ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, ButtonMotion and PointerMotion events from the Xlib event queue, without processing them. It affects events generated in any window of the application on the same display as w.

XmtDiscardKeyPressEvents() removes all pending KeyPress events in the same way. This function does not remove Key Release events, because it may be called from callback or action procedures triggered (through a translation table) by KeyPress events, and the Xt Translation Manager expects to see the corresponding KeyRelease events in order to return to its default state. Calling this function may leave a series of KeyRelease events on the queue, but these will generally will not trigger any translations.

XmtDiscardButtonEvents() can be used to prevent ``click ahead'' buffering of mouse events while an application is doing any lengthy computation or I/O without servicing events. Similarly, XmtDiscardKeyPressEvents() can be used to prevent ``type-ahead''. If you will be discarding events, you should be sure to provide feedback to the user that the events will not be processed-display a ``please wait'' cursor or dialog box. See XmtDisplayBusyCursor() and Xmt DisplayWorkingDialog().

Chapter 31, Busy States and Background Work, XmtDisplayBusyCursor(), XmtDisplayWorkingDialog().

Motif Tools Xmt

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