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lightning-sendinvoice - Command for send an invoice for an offer

(WARNING: experimental-offers only)

sendinvoice offer label [msatoshi] [timeout] [quantity]

The sendinvoice RPC command creates and sends an invoice to the issuer of an offer for it to pay: the offer must contain send_invoice; see lightning-fetchinvoice(7).

If fetchinvoice-noconnect is not specified in the configuation, it will connect to the destination in the (currently common!) case where it cannot find a route which supports option_onion_messages.

offer is the bolt12 offer string beginning with "lno1".

label is the unique label to use for this invoice.

msatoshi is optional: it is required if the offer does not specify an amount at all, or specifies it in a different currency. Otherwise you may set it (e.g. to provide a tip), and if not it defaults to the amount contained in the offer (multiplied by quantity if any).

timeout is how many seconds to wait for the offering node to pay the invoice or return an error, default 90 seconds. This will also be the timeout on the invoice that is sent.

quantity is optional: it is required if the offer specifies quantity_min or quantity_max, otherwise it is not allowed.

On success, an object is returned, containing:

label (string): unique label supplied at invoice creation
description (string): description used in the invoice
payment_hash (hex): the hash of the payment_preimage which will prove payment (always 64 characters)
status (string): Whether it's paid, unpaid or unpayable (one of "unpaid", "paid", "expired")
expires_at (u64): UNIX timestamp of when it will become / became unpayable
amount_msat (msat, optional): the amount required to pay this invoice
bolt12 (string, optional): the BOLT12 string

If status is "paid":

pay_index (u64): Unique incrementing index for this payment
amount_received_msat (msat): the amount actually received (could be slightly greater than amount_msat, since clients may overpay)
paid_at (u64): UNIX timestamp of when it was paid
payment_preimage (hex): proof of payment (always 64 characters)

The following error codes may occur:

-1: Catchall nonspecific error.
1002: Offer has expired.
1003: Cannot find a route to the node making the offer.
1004: The node making the offer returned an error message.
1005: We timed out waiting for the invoice to be paid

Rusty Russell <> is mainly responsible.


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