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USERQUICK(8) User Contributed Perl Documentation USERQUICK(8)

userquick - A perl script to automatically create single user accounts

userquick [ -dhrsy ] [ -u user information of single user ] [ -g primary group ] [ -b [base directory for $HOME] ] [ -S [smbpasswd binary] ] [ -o [Output file] ] [ -m [minimum password length] ] [ -x [maximum password length] ] [  -D [descriptors] ] [ -G [member groups] ]

userquick creates a single user account based on information given on the command line. The possible command line options are:
Enable the "dupe engine" which tries to "bruteforce" a username that doesn't exist yet by appending one or two random characters to already existing usernames it encounters. This is disabled by default.
Display usage information.
Create strong passwords which means completely random strings of misc case letters, special characters and numbers with a length of 10 characters (if no different length is specified using the -m and -x switches). By default this is disabled and the script creates passwords that are only composed of random lowercase letters with a length of 8 characters.
Create Samba accounts in addition to traditional unix accounts. By default this is disabled.
Append the "school year" to the GECOS field which is the period between some day in September and some day in July and is therefore composed of two calender years. I only included this because I originally wrote this script for creating user accounts on my school's network. If you need this option you probably know what I'm talking about, if not you can safely ignore this as it is disabled by default anyway.
-g [primary group]
Specify the primary group for the users to be created, defaults to 'users'.
-G [member group1;member group2;...]
Specify a semicolon separated list of member groups for the users to be created.
-B [directory]
Specify the directory where the home directories of the created users will be placed. Defaults to "/home/$group" where $group is the primary group of the users.
-S [location of smbpasswd(8)]
Specify the location of smbpasswd(8). Defaults to "/usr/local/bin/smbpasswd". This implies -s.
-m [minimum password length]
Specify the minimum password length. This overrides the default value of 8 characters (no -r option given) or 10 characters (-r option given).
-x [maximum passsword length]
Specify the maximum password length. This overrides the default value of 8 characters (no -r option given) or 10 characters (-r option given).
-D [descriptor1;descriptor2;...]
Specify a semicolon separated list of descriptors for the fields in the argument to the -u option. The length of this list has to match the actual fields being present.


Johannes Grassler <>
2003-07-26 1.36

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