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DBIx::Class::Loader(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation DBIx::Class::Loader(3)

DBIx::Class::Loader - Dynamic definition of DBIx::Class sub classes.

  use DBIx::Class::Loader;

  my $loader = DBIx::Class::Loader->new(
    dsn                     => "dbi:mysql:dbname",
    user                    => "root",
    password                => "",
    namespace               => "Data",
    additional_classes      => [qw/DBIx::Class::Foo/],
    additional_base_classes => [qw/My::Stuff/],
    left_base_classes       => [qw/DBIx::Class::Bar/],
    constraint              => '^foo.*',
    relationships           => 1,
    options                 => { AutoCommit => 1 }, 
    inflect                 => { child => 'children' },
    debug                   => 1,
  my $class = $loader->find_class('film'); # $class => Data::Film
  my $obj = $class->find(1);

use with mod_perl

in your

  # load all tables
  use DBIx::Class::Loader;
  my $loader = DBIx::Class::Loader->new(
    dsn       => "dbi:mysql:dbname",
    user      => "root",
    password  => "",
    namespace => "Data",

in your web application.

  use strict;

  # you can use Data::Film directly
  my $film = Data::Film->retrieve($id);

This module is deprecated in favor of DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader for use with DBIx::Class versions 0.05 and higher. It continues to function as well as it ever did, even for recent DBIx::Class releases, and will be maintained for some time to counter bugs, but it doesn't use the now-preferred DBIx::Class::Schema way of doing things, and tends to promote bad DBIx::Class usage habits.

DBIx::Class::Loader automate the definition of DBIx::Class sub-classes by scanning table schemas and setting up columns and primary keys.

Class names are defined by table names and the namespace option. The only required arguments are "namespace" and "dsn".

 | table   | namespace | class        |
 | foo     | Data      | Data::Foo    |
 | foo_bar | MyDB      | MyDB::FooBar |

DBIx::Class::Loader supports MySQL, Postgres, SQLite and DB2. See DBIx::Class::Loader::Generic for more, and DBIx::Class::Loader::Writing for notes on writing your own db-specific subclass for an unsupported db.

Example in Synopsis above demonstrates the available arguments. For detailed information on the arguments, see the DBIx::Class::Loader::Generic documentation.

Bug reports to Brandon L Black "", or the mailing list, or visit #dbix-class on

Sebastian Riedel, ""

Based upon the work of IKEBE Tomohiro

Adam Anderson, Andy Grundman, Autrijus Tang, Dan Kubb, David Naughton, Randal Schwartz, Simon Flack and all the others who've helped.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2006-02-27 perl v5.32.1

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