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log-analytics -

The LogAnalytics CLI for the LogAnalytics service.

  • delete-assocs
  • get-assoc-summary
  • list-associated-entities
  • list-entity-source-assocs
  • list-source-assocs
  • upsert-assocs
  • validate-assoc-params

  • get
  • list
  • list-resource-category
  • remove-resource-category
  • update-resource-category


  • get-config-work-request
  • list-config-work-requests



  • change-compartment
  • create
  • delete
  • get
  • list
  • summary
  • update

  • add-associations
  • change-compartment
  • create
  • delete
  • get
  • list
  • list-associations
  • remove-associations
  • summary
  • update


  • create
  • delete
  • get
  • list
  • update

  • delete-field
  • get-field
  • get-fields-summary
  • list-fields
  • upsert-field

  • batch-get-basic-info
  • delete-label
  • get-label
  • get-label-summary
  • list-label-priorities
  • list-label-source-details
  • list-labels
  • upsert-label

  • change-compartment
  • create
  • delete
  • get
  • get-log-analytics-log-groups-summary
  • list
  • update

  • append-data
  • delete
  • get
  • get-summary
  • list
  • register-lookup
  • update
  • update-data

  • get
  • list
  • offboard
  • onboard

  • change-compartment
  • create
  • delete
  • get
  • list
  • update

  • delete-parser
  • extract-structured-log-field-paths
  • extract-structured-log-header-paths
  • get-parser
  • get-parser-summary
  • list-parser-functions
  • list-parser-meta-plugins
  • list-parsers
  • test-parser
  • upsert-parser

  • get
  • remove
  • update

  • compare-content
  • export
  • filter
  • get-query-result
  • parse
  • search
  • suggest

  • background
  • cancel
  • get
  • list

  • change-compartment
  • clean
  • create-acceleration-task
  • create-standard-task
  • delete
  • get
  • list
  • pause
  • resume
  • run
  • update
  • verify

  • add-event-types
  • delete-source
  • disable-auto-assoc
  • disable-event-types
  • enable-auto-assoc
  • enable-event-types
  • get-column-names
  • get-source
  • get-source-summary
  • list-associable-entities
  • list-auto-assocs
  • list-event-types
  • list-meta-source-types
  • list-source-extfield-defs
  • list-source-functions
  • list-source-label-operators
  • list-source-patterns
  • list-sources
  • remove-event-types
  • upsert-source
  • validate-source
  • validate-source-extfield-details

  • disable-archiving
  • enable-archiving
  • estimate-purge-data-size
  • estimate-recall-data-size
  • estimate-release-data-size
  • get
  • get-log-sets-count
  • get-storage-usage
  • get-storage-work-request
  • list-log-sets
  • list-recalled-data
  • list-storage-work-request-errors
  • list-storage-work-requests
  • purge-storage-data
  • recall-archived-data
  • release-recalled-data
  • update


  • delete
  • delete-upload-file
  • delete-upload-warning
  • get
  • get-unprocessed-bucket
  • list
  • list-upload-files
  • list-upload-warnings
  • set-unprocessed-bucket
  • upload-log-events-file
  • upload-log-file
  • validate-file
  • validate-source-mapping

  • list
  • suppress
  • unsuppress

  • get
  • list




  • delete-assocs
  • get-assoc-summary
  • list-associated-entities
  • list-entity-source-assocs
  • list-source-assocs
  • upsert-assocs
  • validate-assoc-params

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Deletes the associations between the sources and entities specified.

oci log-analytics assoc delete-assocs [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The compartment ID

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--items [complex type]

The information required to delete an association.

This option is a JSON list with items of type DeleteLogAnalyticsAssociation. For documentation on DeleteLogAnalyticsAssociation please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics assoc delete-assocs --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns the count of source associations for entities in the specified compartment.

oci log-analytics assoc get-assoc-summary [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics assoc get-assoc-summary --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Lists the association details of entities in the specified compartment that are associated with at least one source.

oci log-analytics assoc list-associated-entities [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--entity-id [text]

The entity OCID.

--entity-type [text]

The entity type used for filtering. Only associations on an entity with the specified type will be returned.

--entity-type-name [text]

Entity Type Display Name

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned entities

Accepted values are:

associationCount, entityName, entityTypeDisplayName

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics assoc list-associated-entities --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns the list of source associations for the specified entity.

oci log-analytics assoc list-entity-source-assocs [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--entity-id [text]

The entity OCID.

--entity-type [text]

The entity type used for filtering. Only associations on an entity with the specified type will be returned.

--entity-type-name [text]

Entity Type Display Name

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-show-total [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not to return the total number of items returned.

--life-cycle-state [text]

The life cycle state used for filtering. Only associations with the specified life cycle state will be returned.

Accepted values are:


--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned associations

Accepted values are:

sourceDisplayName, status, timeLastAttempted

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics assoc list-entity-source-assocs --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns the list of entity associations in the input compartment for the specified source.

oci log-analytics assoc list-source-assocs [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The souce name used for filtering associations.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--entity-id [text]

The entity OCID.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-show-total [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not to return the total number of items returned.

--life-cycle-state [text]

The life cycle state used for filtering. Only associations with the specified life cycle state will be returned.

Accepted values are:


--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned associations

Accepted values are:

entityName, status, timeLastAttempted

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics assoc list-source-assocs --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Creates or updates associations between sources and entities. All entities should belong to the specified input compartment.

oci log-analytics assoc upsert-assocs [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The compartment ID

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-from-republish [boolean]


--items [complex type]

The information required to create or update an association.

This option is a JSON list with items of type UpsertLogAnalyticsAssociation. For documentation on UpsertLogAnalyticsAssociation please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics assoc upsert-assocs --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Checks if the passed in entities could be associated with the specified sources. The validation is performed to ensure that the entities have the relevant property values that are used in the corresponding source patterns.

oci log-analytics assoc validate-assoc-params [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The compartment ID

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--items [complex type]

The information required to create or update an association.

This option is a JSON list with items of type UpsertLogAnalyticsAssociation. For documentation on UpsertLogAnalyticsAssociation please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned association parameters

Accepted values are:

sourceDisplayName, status

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics assoc validate-assoc-params --namespace-name $namespace_name

A category into which resources can be placed.

  • get
  • list
  • list-resource-category
  • remove-resource-category
  • update-resource-category

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets detailed information about the category with the specified name.

oci log-analytics category get [OPTIONS]

--category-name [text]

The category name.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export category_name=<substitute-value-of-category_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics category get --category-name $category_name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns a list of categories, containing detailed information about them. You may limit the number of results, provide sorting order, and filter by information such as category name or description.

oci log-analytics category list [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--category-display-text [text]

The category display text used for filtering. Only categories matching the specified display name or description will be returned.

--category-type [text]

A comma-separated list of category types used for filtering. Only categories of the specified types will be returned.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--name [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entities whose name matches the entire name given. The match is case-insensitive.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned categories

Accepted values are:

displayName, type

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics category list --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns a list of resources and their category assignments. You may limit the number of results, provide sorting order, and filter by information such as resource type.

oci log-analytics category list-resource-category [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--categories [text]

A comma-separated list of categories used for filtering

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--resource-ids [text]

A comma-separated list of resource unique identifiers used for filtering. Only resources with matching unique identifiers will be returned.

--resource-types [text]

A comma-separated list of resource types used for filtering. Only resources of the types specified will be returned. Examples include SOURCE, PARSER, LOOKUP, etc.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned category resources.

Accepted values are:

categoryName, resourceId, resourceType

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics category list-resource-category --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Removes the category assignments of DASHBOARD and SAVEDSEARCH resources.

oci log-analytics category remove-resource-category [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--items [complex type]

An array of resources and their corresponding category assignments to update.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsResourceCategory. For documentation on LogAnalyticsResourceCategory please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics category remove-resource-category --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Updates the category assignments of DASHBOARD and SAVEDSEARCH resources.

oci log-analytics category update-resource-category [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--items [complex type]

An array of resources and their corresponding category assignments to update.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsResourceCategory. For documentation on LogAnalyticsResourceCategory please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics category update-resource-category --namespace-name $namespace_name

List of supported character encodings.


  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets list of character encodings which are supported by on-demand upload.

oci log-analytics char-encoding-collection list-supported-encodings [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics char-encoding-collection list-supported-encodings --namespace-name $namespace_name


  • get-config-work-request
  • list-config-work-requests

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns detailed information about the configuration work request with the specified id.

oci log-analytics config-work-request get-config-work-request [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--work-request-id [text]

Work Request Identifier OCID <> for the asynchronous request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export work_request_id=<substitute-value-of-work_request_id> #
    oci log-analytics config-work-request get-config-work-request --namespace-name $namespace_name --work-request-id $work_request_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns the list of configuration work requests such as association or lookup operations, containing detailed information about them. You may paginate or limit the number of results.

oci log-analytics config-work-request list-config-work-requests [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned work requests

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics config-work-request list-config-work-requests --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name


  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Exports all custom details of the specified sources, parsers, fields and labels, in zip format.

oci log-analytics content-export export-custom-content [OPTIONS]

--file [filename]

The name of the file that will receive the response data, or ‘-‘ to write to STDOUT.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--field-names [complex type]

The field names. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--parser-names [complex type]

The parser names. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--source-names [complex type]

The source names. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export file=<substitute-value-of-file> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics content-export export-custom-content --file $file --namespace-name $namespace_name



  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Imports the specified custom content from the input in zip format.

oci log-analytics content-import import-custom-content [OPTIONS]

--file [filename]

Path to the custom content file

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--expect [text]

A value of 100-continue requests preliminary verification of the request method, path, and headers before the request body is sent. If no error results from such verification, the server will send a 100 (Continue) interim response to indicate readiness for the request body. The only allowed value for this parameter is “100-Continue” (case-insensitive).

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-overwrite [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not to overwrite existing content if a conflict is found during import content operation.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export file=<substitute-value-of-file> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics content-import import-custom-content --file $file --namespace-name $namespace_name

Configuration details for enterprise manager bridge.

  • change-compartment
  • create
  • delete
  • get
  • list
  • summary
  • update

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Update the compartment of the log analytics enterprise manager bridge with the given id.

oci log-analytics em-bridge change-compartment [OPTIONS]

--bridge-id [text]

The log analytics enterprise manager bridge OCID

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The OCID of the compartment where the log analytics entity should be moved.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export bridge_id=<substitute-value-of-bridge_id> #
    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics em-bridge change-compartment --bridge-id $bridge_id --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Add configuration for enterprise manager bridge. Enterprise manager bridge is used to automatically add selected entities from enterprise manager cloud control. A corresponding OCI bridge configuration is required in enterprise manager.

oci log-analytics em-bridge create [OPTIONS]

--bucket-name [text]

Object store bucket name where enterprise manager harvested entities will be uploaded.

--compartment-id, -c [text]

Compartment Identifier OCID <> .

--display-name [text]

Log analytics enterprise manager bridge display name.

--em-entities-compartment-id [text]

Compartment for entities created from enterprise manager.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--defined-tags [complex type]

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--description [text]

A description for log analytics enterprise manager bridge.

--freeform-tags [complex type]

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {“bar-key”: “value”} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the resource to reach the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation creates, modifies or deletes a resource that has a defined lifecycle state. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the resource reaches a given lifecycle state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the resource to see if it has reached the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export bucket_name=<substitute-value-of-bucket_name> #
    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export display_name=<substitute-value-of-display_name> #
    export em_entities_compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-em_entities_compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics em-bridge create --bucket-name $bucket_name --compartment-id $compartment_id --display-name $display_name --em-entities-compartment-id $em_entities_compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Delete log analytics enterprise manager bridge with the given id.

oci log-analytics em-bridge delete [OPTIONS]

--bridge-id [text]

The log analytics enterprise manager bridge OCID

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export bridge_id=<substitute-value-of-bridge_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics em-bridge delete --bridge-id $bridge_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Retrieve the log analytics enterprise manager bridge with the given id.

oci log-analytics em-bridge get [OPTIONS]

--bridge-id [text]

The log analytics enterprise manager bridge OCID

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export bridge_id=<substitute-value-of-bridge_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics em-bridge get --bridge-id $bridge_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Return a list of log analytics enterprise manager bridges.

oci log-analytics em-bridge list [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--display-name [text]

A filter to return only log analytics enterprise manager bridge name whose name matches the entire name given. The match is case-insensitive.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--import-status [text]

Filter by the processing status of the latest upload from enterprise manager.

Accepted values are:


--lifecycle-details-contains [text]

A filter to return only log analytics enterprise manager bridges whose lifecycleDetails contains the specified string.

--lifecycle-state [text]

A filter to return only log analytics enterprise manager bridges matching all the lifecycle states specified for this parameter.

Accepted values are:


--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort enterprise manager bridges by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated and timeUpdated is descending. Default order for enterprise manager name is ascending. If no value is specified timeCreated is default.

Accepted values are:

displayName, timeCreated, timeUpdated

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics em-bridge list --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns log analytics enterprise manager bridges summary report.

oci log-analytics em-bridge summary [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics em-bridge summary --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Update log analytics enterprise manager bridge with the given id.

oci log-analytics em-bridge update [OPTIONS]

--bridge-id [text]

The log analytics enterprise manager bridge OCID

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--bucket-name [text]

Object store bucket name where enterprise manager harvested entities will be uploaded.

--defined-tags [complex type]

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--description [text]

A description for log analytics enterprise manager bridge.

--display-name [text]

Log analytics enterprise manager bridge display name.


Perform update without prompting for confirmation.

--freeform-tags [complex type]

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {“bar-key”: “value”} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the resource to reach the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation creates, modifies or deletes a resource that has a defined lifecycle state. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the resource reaches a given lifecycle state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the resource to see if it has reached the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export bridge_id=<substitute-value-of-bridge_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics em-bridge update --bridge-id $bridge_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

Description of a log analytics entity.

  • add-associations
  • change-compartment
  • create
  • delete
  • get
  • list
  • list-associations
  • remove-associations
  • summary
  • update

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Adds association between input source log analytics entity and one or more existing destination entities.

oci log-analytics entity add-associations [OPTIONS]

--association-entities [complex type]

Destination entities OCIDs with which associations are to be added. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--entity-id [text]

The log analytics entity OCID

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy and paste the following example into a JSON file, replacing the example parameters with your own.

    oci log-analytics entity add-associations --generate-param-json-input association-entities > association-entities.json

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export entity_type_name=<substitute-value-of-entity_type_name> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    entity_id=$(oci log-analytics entity create --compartment-id $compartment_id --entity-type-name $entity_type_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics entity add-associations --association-entities file://association-entities.json --entity-id $entity_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Update the compartment of the log analytics entity with the given id.

oci log-analytics entity change-compartment [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The OCID of the compartment where the log analytics entity should be moved.

--entity-id [text]

The log analytics entity OCID

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export entity_type_name=<substitute-value-of-entity_type_name> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    entity_id=$(oci log-analytics entity create --compartment-id $compartment_id --entity-type-name $entity_type_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics entity change-compartment --compartment-id $compartment_id --entity-id $entity_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Create a new log analytics entity.

oci log-analytics entity create [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

Compartment Identifier OCID <> .

--entity-type-name [text]

Log analytics entity type name.

--name [text]

Log analytics entity name.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--agent-id [text]

The OCID of the Management Agent

--cloud-resource-id [text]

The OCID of the Cloud resource which this entity is a representation of. This may be blank when the entity represents a non-cloud resource that the customer may have on their premises.

--defined-tags [complex type]

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--freeform-tags [complex type]

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {“bar-key”: “value”} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--hostname [text]

The hostname where the entity represented here is actually present. This would be the output one would get if they run echo $HOSTNAME on Linux or an equivalent OS command. This may be different from management agents host since logs may be collected remotely.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the resource to reach the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--properties [complex type]

The name/value pairs for parameter values to be used in file patterns specified in log sources. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--source-id [text]

This indicates the type of source. It is primarily for Enterprise Manager Repository ID.

--timezone-region [text]

The timezone region of the log analytics entity.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation creates, modifies or deletes a resource that has a defined lifecycle state. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the resource reaches a given lifecycle state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the resource to see if it has reached the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export entity_type_name=<substitute-value-of-entity_type_name> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics entity create --compartment-id $compartment_id --entity-type-name $entity_type_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Delete log analytics entity with the given id.

oci log-analytics entity delete [OPTIONS]

--entity-id [text]

The log analytics entity OCID

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export entity_type_name=<substitute-value-of-entity_type_name> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    entity_id=$(oci log-analytics entity create --compartment-id $compartment_id --entity-type-name $entity_type_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics entity delete --entity-id $entity_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Retrieve the log analytics entity with the given id.

oci log-analytics entity get [OPTIONS]

--entity-id [text]

The log analytics entity OCID

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export entity_type_name=<substitute-value-of-entity_type_name> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    entity_id=$(oci log-analytics entity create --compartment-id $compartment_id --entity-type-name $entity_type_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics entity get --entity-id $entity_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Return a list of log analytics entities.

oci log-analytics entity list [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--cloud-resource-id [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entities whose cloudResourceId matches the cloudResourceId given.

--creation-source-details [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entities whose auto-creation source details contains the specified string.

--creation-source-type [text]

A filter to return only those log analytics entities with the specified auto-creation source.

Accepted values are:


--entity-type-name [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entities whose entityTypeName matches the entire log analytics entity type name of one of the entityTypeNames given in the list. The match is case-insensitive.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--hostname [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entities whose hostname matches the entire hostname given.

--hostname-contains [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entities whose hostname contains the substring given. The match is case-insensitive.

--is-agent-id-null [text]

A filter to return only those log analytics entities whose managementAgentId is null or is not null

Accepted values are:

false, true

--lifecycle-details-contains [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entities whose lifecycleDetails contains the specified string.

--lifecycle-state [text]

A filter to return only those log analytics entities with the specified lifecycle state. The state value is case-insensitive.

Accepted values are:


--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--name [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entities whose name matches the entire name given. The match is case-insensitive.

--name-contains [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entities whose name contains the name given. The match is case-insensitive.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort entities by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated and timeUpdated is descending. Default order for entity name is ascending. If no value is specified timeCreated is default.

Accepted values are:

name, timeCreated, timeUpdated

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


--source-id [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entities whose sourceId matches the sourceId given.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics entity list --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Return a list of log analytics entities associated with input source log analytics entity.

oci log-analytics entity list-associations [OPTIONS]

--entity-id [text]

The log analytics entity OCID

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--direct-or-all [text]

Indicates whether to return direct associated entities or direct and inferred associated entities.

Accepted values are:


--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort entities by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated and timeUpdated is descending. Default order for entity name is ascending. If no value is specified timeCreated is default.

Accepted values are:

name, timeCreated, timeUpdated

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export entity_type_name=<substitute-value-of-entity_type_name> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    entity_id=$(oci log-analytics entity create --compartment-id $compartment_id --entity-type-name $entity_type_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics entity list-associations --entity-id $entity_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Delete association between input source log analytics entity and destination entities.

oci log-analytics entity remove-associations [OPTIONS]

--association-entities [complex type]

Destination entities OCIDs with which associations are to be deleted This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--entity-id [text]

The log analytics entity OCID

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy and paste the following example into a JSON file, replacing the example parameters with your own.

    oci log-analytics entity remove-associations --generate-param-json-input association-entities > association-entities.json

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export entity_type_name=<substitute-value-of-entity_type_name> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    entity_id=$(oci log-analytics entity create --compartment-id $compartment_id --entity-type-name $entity_type_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics entity remove-associations --association-entities file://association-entities.json --entity-id $entity_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns log analytics entities count summary report.

oci log-analytics entity summary [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics entity summary --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Update the log analytics entity with the given id.

oci log-analytics entity update [OPTIONS]

--entity-id [text]

The log analytics entity OCID

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--agent-id [text]

The OCID of the Management Agent.

--defined-tags [complex type]

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.


Perform update without prompting for confirmation.

--freeform-tags [complex type]

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {“bar-key”: “value”} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--hostname [text]

The hostname where the entity represented here is actually present. This would be the output one would get if they run echo $HOSTNAME on Linux or an equivalent OS command. This may be different from management agents host since logs may be collected remotely.

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the resource to reach the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--name [text]

Log analytics entity name.

--properties [complex type]

The name/value pairs for parameter values to be used in file patterns specified in log sources. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--timezone-region [text]

The timezone region of the log analytics entity.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation creates, modifies or deletes a resource that has a defined lifecycle state. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the resource reaches a given lifecycle state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the resource to see if it has reached the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export entity_type_name=<substitute-value-of-entity_type_name> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    entity_id=$(oci log-analytics entity create --compartment-id $compartment_id --entity-type-name $entity_type_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics entity update --entity-id $entity_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

Summary of a log analytics entity.


  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Return a log analytics entity topology collection that contains a set of log analytics entities and a set of relationships between those, for the input source entity.

oci log-analytics entity-topology list [OPTIONS]

--entity-id [text]

The log analytics entity OCID

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--lifecycle-state [text]

A filter to return only those log analytics entities with the specified lifecycle state. The state value is case-insensitive.

Accepted values are:


--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort entities by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated and timeUpdated is descending. Default order for entity name is ascending. If no value is specified timeCreated is default.

Accepted values are:

name, timeCreated, timeUpdated

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export entity_type_name=<substitute-value-of-entity_type_name> #
    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    entity_id=$(oci log-analytics entity create --compartment-id $compartment_id --entity-type-name $entity_type_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics entity-topology list --entity-id $entity_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

Description of log analytics entity type.

  • create
  • delete
  • get
  • list
  • update

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Add custom log analytics entity type.

oci log-analytics entity-type create [OPTIONS]

--name [text]

Log analytics entity type name.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--category [text]

Log analytics entity type category. Category will be used for grouping and filtering.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--properties [complex type]

Log analytics entity type property definition.

This option is a JSON list with items of type EntityTypeProperty. For documentation on EntityTypeProperty please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics entity-type create --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Delete log analytics entity type with the given name.

oci log-analytics entity-type delete [OPTIONS]

--name [text]

Log analytics entity type name

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics entity-type delete --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Retrieve the log analytics entity type with the given name.

oci log-analytics entity-type get [OPTIONS]

--name [text]

Log analytics entity type name

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics entity-type get --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Return a list of log analytics entity types.

oci log-analytics entity-type list [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--cloud-type [text]

A filter to return CLOUD or NON_CLOUD entity types.

Accepted values are:


--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--lifecycle-state, -lc [text]

A filter to return only those log analytics entities with the specified lifecycle state. The state value is case-insensitive.

Accepted values are:


--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--name [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entity types whose name matches the entire name given. The match is case-insensitive.

--name-contains [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entity types whose name or internalName contains name given. The match is case-insensitive.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated and timeUpdated is descending. Default order for name is ascending. If no value is specified timeCreated is default.

Accepted values are:

name, timeCreated, timeUpdated

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics entity-type list --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Update custom log analytics entity type. Out of box entity types cannot be udpated.

oci log-analytics entity-type update [OPTIONS]

--name [text]

Log analytics entity type name

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--category [text]

Log analytics entity type category. Category will be used for grouping and filtering.


Perform update without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--properties [complex type]

A single log analytics entity type property definition.

This option is a JSON list with items of type EntityTypeProperty. For documentation on EntityTypeProperty please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export name=<substitute-value-of-name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics entity-type update --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name

Field Details

  • delete-field
  • get-field
  • get-fields-summary
  • list-fields
  • upsert-field

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Deletes field with the specified name.

oci log-analytics field delete-field [OPTIONS]

--field-name [text]

The field name.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export field_name=<substitute-value-of-field_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics field delete-field --field-name $field_name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets detailed information about the field with the specified name.

oci log-analytics field get-field [OPTIONS]

--field-name [text]

The field name.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export field_name=<substitute-value-of-field_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics field get-field --field-name $field_name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns the count of fields. You may optionally specify isShowDetail=true to view a summary of each field data type.

oci log-analytics field get-fields-summary [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-show-detail [boolean]

A boolean indicating whether or not to display detailed field summary information

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics field get-fields-summary --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns a list of log fields, containing detailed information about them. You may limit the number of results, provide sorting order, and filter by specifying various options including parser and source names.

oci log-analytics field list-fields [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--filter [text]


--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-include-parser [boolean]


--is-match-all [boolean]

A flag indicating how to handle filtering when multiple filter criteria are specified. A value of true will always result in the most expansive list of items being returned. For example, if two field lists are supplies as filter criteria, a value of true will result in any item matching a field in either list being returned, while a value of false will result in a list of items which only have fields contained in both input lists.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--parser-ids [text]

A list of parser names used for filtering. Only fields used by the specified parsers will be returned.

--parser-names [text]

A list of parser names used for filtering. Only fields used by the specified parsers will be returned.

--parser-type [text]

The parser type used for filtering. Only items with, or associated with, parsers of the specified type will be returned.

Accepted values are:


--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned fields

Accepted values are:

dataType, name

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


--source-ids [text]

A list of source IDs used for filtering. Only fields used by the specified sources will be returned.

--source-names [text]

A list of source names used for filtering. Only fields used by the specified sources will be returned.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics field list-fields --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Creates or updates a field that could be used in parser expressions to extract and assign value. To create a field, specify its display name. A name would be generated for the field. For subsequent calls to update the field, include the name attribute.

oci log-analytics field upsert-field [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--data-type [text]

The data type.

--description [text]

The field description.

--display-name [text]

The field display name.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--is-multi-valued [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not the field is multi-valued.

--name [text]

The field internal name.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics field upsert-field --namespace-name $namespace_name

LogAnalytics label

  • batch-get-basic-info
  • delete-label
  • get-label
  • get-label-summary
  • list-label-priorities
  • list-label-source-details
  • list-labels
  • upsert-label

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Lists basic information about a specified set of labels in batch.

oci log-analytics label batch-get-basic-info [OPTIONS]

--is-include-deleted [boolean]

A flag specifying whether or not to include information on deleted labels.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--basic-label-sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned labels

Accepted values are:

name, priority

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--label-names [complex type]

An array of label names. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export is_include_deleted=<substitute-value-of-is_include_deleted> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics label batch-get-basic-info --is-include-deleted $is_include_deleted --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Deletes label with the specified name.

oci log-analytics label delete-label [OPTIONS]

--label-name [text]

The label name.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export label_name=<substitute-value-of-label_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics label delete-label --label-name $label_name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets detailed information about the label with the specified name.

oci log-analytics label get-label [OPTIONS]

--label-name [text]

The label name.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export label_name=<substitute-value-of-label_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics label get-label --label-name $label_name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns the count of labels.

oci log-analytics label get-label-summary [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics label get-label-summary --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Lists the available problem priorities that could be associated with a label.

oci log-analytics label list-label-priorities [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics label list-label-priorities --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Lists sources using the label, along with configuration details like base field, operator and condition.

oci log-analytics label list-label-source-details [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--label-name [text]

The label name used for filtering. Only items with, or associated with, the specified label name will be returned.

--label-source-sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned sources

Accepted values are:

labelFieldDisplayName, sourceDisplayName

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics label list-label-source-details --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns a list of labels, containing detailed information about them. You may limit the number of results, provide sorting order, and filter by information such as label name, display name, description and priority.

oci log-analytics label list-labels [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-alias-pop [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not return the aliases used by each label.

--is-count-pop [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not to count the label usage per source and per rule.

--is-system [text]

The system value used for filtering. Only items with the specified system value will be returned. Valid values are built in, custom (for user defined items), or all (for all items, regardless of system value).

Accepted values are:


--label-display-text [text]

The label display text used for filtering. Only labels with the specified name or description will be returned.

--label-name [text]

The label name used for filtering. Only items with, or associated with, the specified label name will be returned.

--label-priority [text]

The label priority used for filtering. Only labels with the specified priority will be returned.

Accepted values are:


--label-sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned labels

Accepted values are:

name, priority, sourceUsing

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics label list-labels --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Creates or updates a label that could be used to tag a log entry. You may optionally designate the label as a problem, and assign it a priority. You may also provide its related terms (aliases). To create a label, specify its display name. A name would be generated for the label. For subsequent calls to update the label, include the name attribute.

oci log-analytics label upsert-label [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--aliases [complex type]

The alias list.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsLabelAlias. For documentation on LogAnalyticsLabelAlias please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--description [text]

The label description.

--display-name [text]

The label display name.

--edit-version [integer]

The edit version.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--impact [text]

The label impact.

--is-system [boolean]

The system flag. A value of false denotes a custom, or user defined label. A value of true denotes a built in label.

--name [text]

The label name.

--priority [text]

The label priority. Valid values are (NONE, LOW, HIGH). NONE is default.

Accepted values are:


--recommendation [text]

The label recommendation.

--suggest-type [integer]

suggest type

--type [text]

The label type. Valid values are (INFO, PROBLEM). INFO is default.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics label upsert-label --namespace-name $namespace_name

Summary of an Log-Analytics log group.

  • change-compartment
  • create
  • delete
  • get
  • get-log-analytics-log-groups-summary
  • list
  • update

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters

Moves the specified log group to a different compartment.

oci log-analytics log-group change-compartment [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The OCID of the compartment where the log analytics entity should be moved.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--log-group-id [text]

The log group OCID

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Creates a new log group in the specified compartment with the input display name. You may also specify optional information such as description, defined tags, and free-form tags.

oci log-analytics log-group create [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

Compartment Identifier OCID <> .

--display-name [text]

A user-friendly name that is changeable and that does not have to be unique. Format: a leading alphanumeric, followed by zero or more alphanumerics, underscores, spaces, backslashes, or hyphens in any order). No trailing spaces allowed.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--defined-tags [complex type]

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--description [text]

Description for this resource.

--freeform-tags [complex type]

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {“bar-key”: “value”} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export display_name=<substitute-value-of-display_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics log-group create --compartment-id $compartment_id --display-name $display_name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Deletes the specified log group. The log group cannot be part of an active association or have an active upload.

oci log-analytics log-group delete [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--log-group-id [text]

The log group OCID

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics log-group delete --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters

Gets detailed information about the specified log group such as display name, description, defined tags, and free-form tags.

oci log-analytics log-group get [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--log-group-id [text]

The log group OCID

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns the count of log groups in a compartment.

oci log-analytics log-group get-log-analytics-log-groups-summary [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics log-group get-log-analytics-log-groups-summary --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns a list of log groups in a compartment. You may limit the number of log groups, provide sorting options, and filter the results by specifying a display name.

oci log-analytics log-group list [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--display-name [text]

A filter to return only log analytics log groups whose displayName matches the entire display name given. The match is case-insensitive.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending. If no value is specified timeCreated is default.

Accepted values are:

displayName, timeCreated, timeUpdated

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics log-group list --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters

Updates the specified log group’s display name, description, defined tags, and free-form tags.

oci log-analytics log-group update [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--defined-tags [complex type]

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--description [text]

Description for this resource.

--display-name [text]

A user-friendly name that is changeable and that does not have to be unique. Format: a leading alphanumeric, followed by zero or more alphanumerics, underscores, spaces, backslashes, or hyphens in any order). No trailing spaces allowed.


Perform update without prompting for confirmation.

--freeform-tags [complex type]

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {“bar-key”: “value”} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--log-group-id [text]

The log group OCID

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


  • append-data
  • delete
  • get
  • get-summary
  • list
  • register-lookup
  • update
  • update-data

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Appends data to the lookup content. The csv file containing the content to be appended is passed in as binary data in the request.

oci log-analytics lookup append-data [OPTIONS]

--file [filename]

Path to the lookup content file

--lookup-name [text]

The name of the lookup to operate on.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--char-encoding [text]

The character encoding of the uploaded file.

--expect [text]

A value of 100-continue requests preliminary verification of the request method, path, and headers before the request body is sent. If no error results from such verification, the server will send a 100 (Continue) interim response to indicate readiness for the request body. The only allowed value for this parameter is “100-Continue” (case-insensitive).

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--is-force [boolean]

is force

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export file=<substitute-value-of-file> #
    export lookup_name=<substitute-value-of-lookup_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics lookup append-data --file $file --lookup-name $lookup_name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Deletes lookup with the specified name.

oci log-analytics lookup delete [OPTIONS]

--lookup-name [text]

The name of the lookup to operate on.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--is-force [boolean]

is force

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export lookup_name=<substitute-value-of-lookup_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics lookup delete --lookup-name $lookup_name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets detailed information about the lookup with the specified name.

oci log-analytics lookup get [OPTIONS]

--lookup-name [text]

The name of the lookup to operate on.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export lookup_name=<substitute-value-of-lookup_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics lookup get --lookup-name $lookup_name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns the count of user created and oracle defined lookups.

oci log-analytics lookup get-summary [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics lookup get-summary --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns a list of lookups, containing detailed information about them. You may limit the number of results, provide sorting order, and filter by information such as lookup name, description and type.

oci log-analytics lookup list [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--type [text]

The lookup type. Valid values are Lookup or Dictionary.

Accepted values are:

Dictionary, Lookup


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--categories [text]

A comma-separated list of categories used for filtering

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-hide-special [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not to return OMC annotated or hidden lookups.

--is-system [text]

The system value used for filtering. Only items with the specified system value will be returned. Valid values are built in, custom (for user defined items), or all (for all items, regardless of system value).

Accepted values are:


--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--lookup-display-text [text]

The lookup text used for filtering. Only lookups with the specified name or description will be returned.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

sort by field

Accepted values are:

creationType, displayName, status, type, updatedTime

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


--status [text]

The lookup status used for filtering when fetching a list of lookups.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export type=<substitute-value-of-type> #
    oci log-analytics lookup list --namespace-name $namespace_name --type $type

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Creates a lookup with the specified name, type and description. The csv file containing the lookup content is passed in as binary data in the request.

oci log-analytics lookup register-lookup [OPTIONS]

--file [filename]

Path to the lookup content file

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--type [text]

The lookup type. Valid values are Lookup or Dictionary.

Accepted values are:

Dictionary, Lookup

--char-encoding [text]

The character encoding of the uploaded file.

--description [text]

The description for a created lookup.

--expect [text]

A value of 100-continue requests preliminary verification of the request method, path, and headers before the request body is sent. If no error results from such verification, the server will send a 100 (Continue) interim response to indicate readiness for the request body. The only allowed value for this parameter is “100-Continue” (case-insensitive).

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-hidden [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not the new lookup should be hidden.

--name [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entities whose name matches the entire name given. The match is case-insensitive.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export file=<substitute-value-of-file> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export type=<substitute-value-of-type> #
    oci log-analytics lookup register-lookup --file $file --namespace-name $namespace_name --type $type

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Updates the metadata of the specified lookup, such as the lookup description.

oci log-analytics lookup update [OPTIONS]

--lookup-name [text]

The name of the lookup to operate on.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--categories [complex type]

An array of categories to assign to the lookup. Specifying the name attribute for each category would suffice. Oracle-defined category assignments cannot be removed.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsCategory. For documentation on LogAnalyticsCategory please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--default-match-value [text]

The default match value.

--description [text]

The lookup description.

--fields [complex type]

The lookup fields.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsLookupFields. For documentation on LogAnalyticsLookupFields please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.


Perform update without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--max-matches [integer]

The maximum number of matches.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export lookup_name=<substitute-value-of-lookup_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics lookup update --lookup-name $lookup_name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Updates the lookup content. The csv file containing the content to be updated is passed in as binary data in the request.

oci log-analytics lookup update-data [OPTIONS]

--file [filename]

Path to the lookup content file

--lookup-name [text]

The name of the lookup to operate on.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--char-encoding [text]

The character encoding of the uploaded file.

--expect [text]

A value of 100-continue requests preliminary verification of the request method, path, and headers before the request body is sent. If no error results from such verification, the server will send a 100 (Continue) interim response to indicate readiness for the request body. The only allowed value for this parameter is “100-Continue” (case-insensitive).

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--is-force [boolean]

is force

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export file=<substitute-value-of-file> #
    export lookup_name=<substitute-value-of-lookup_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics lookup update-data --file $file --lookup-name $lookup_name --namespace-name $namespace_name

This is the namespace details of a tenancy in Logan Analytics application

  • get
  • list
  • offboard
  • onboard

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

This API gets the namespace details of a tenancy already onboarded in Logging Analytics Application

oci log-analytics namespace get [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics namespace get --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Given a tenancy OCID, this API returns the namespace of the tenancy if it is valid and subscribed to the region. The result also indicates if the tenancy is onboarded with Logging Analytics.

oci log-analytics namespace list [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.


Fetches all pages of results.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    oci log-analytics namespace list --compartment-id $compartment_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Off-boards a tenant from Logging Analytics

oci log-analytics namespace offboard [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics namespace offboard --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

On-boards a tenant to Logging Analytics.

oci log-analytics namespace onboard [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics namespace onboard --namespace-name $namespace_name

The configuration details of an Object Storage based collection rule.

  • change-compartment
  • create
  • delete
  • get
  • list
  • update

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Move the rule from it’s current compartment to the given compartment.

oci log-analytics object-collection-rule change-compartment [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The OCID <> of the compartment to which the rule have to be moved.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--object-collection-rule-id [text]

The Logging Analytics Object Collection Rule OCID <>

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export display_name=<substitute-value-of-display_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export log_source_name=<substitute-value-of-log_source_name> #
    export os_bucket_name=<substitute-value-of-os_bucket_name> #
    export os_namespace=<substitute-value-of-os_namespace> #
    log_group_id=$(oci log-analytics log-group create --compartment-id $compartment_id --display-name $display_name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    object_collection_rule_id=$(oci log-analytics object-collection-rule create --compartment-id $compartment_id --log-group-id $log_group_id --log-source-name $log_source_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --os-bucket-name $os_bucket_name --os-namespace $os_namespace --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics object-collection-rule change-compartment --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --object-collection-rule-id $object_collection_rule_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Creates a rule to collect logs from an object storage bucket.

oci log-analytics object-collection-rule create [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The OCID <> of the compartment to which this rule belongs.

--log-group-id [text]

Logging Analytics Log group OCID to associate the processed logs with.

--log-source-name [text]

Name of the Logging Analytics Source to use for the processing.

--name [text]

A unique name given to the rule. The name must be unique within the tenancy, and cannot be modified.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--os-bucket-name [text]

Name of the Object Storage bucket.

--os-namespace [text]

Object Storage namespace.

--char-encoding [text]

An optional character encoding to aid in detecting the character encoding of the contents of the objects while processing. It is recommended to set this value as ISO_8859_1 when configuring content of the objects having more numeric characters, and very few alphabets. For e.g. this applies when configuring VCN Flow Logs.

--collection-type [text]

The type of collection.

Accepted values are:


--defined-tags [complex type]

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--description [text]

A string that describes the details of the rule. It does not have to be unique, and can be changed. Avoid entering confidential information.

--entity-id [text]

Logging Analytics entity OCID. Associates the processed logs with the given entity (optional).

--freeform-tags [complex type]

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {“bar-key”: “value”} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-enabled [boolean]

Whether or not this rule is currently enabled.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the resource to reach the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--object-name-filters [complex type]

When the filters are provided, only the objects matching the filters are picked up for processing. The matchType supported is exact match and accommodates wildcard “*”. For more information on filters, see Event Filters <>. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--overrides [complex type]

The override is used to modify some important configuration properties for objects matching a specific pattern inside the bucket. Supported propeties for override are: logSourceName, charEncoding, entityId. Supported matchType for override are “contains”. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--poll-since [text]

The oldest time of the file in the bucket to consider for collection. Accepted values are: BEGINNING or CURRENT_TIME or RFC3339 formatted datetime string. Use this for HISTORIC or HISTORIC_LIVE collection types. When collectionType is LIVE, specifying pollSince value other than CURRENT_TIME will result in error.

--poll-till [text]

The newest time of the file in the bucket to consider for collection. Accepted values are: CURRENT_TIME or RFC3339 formatted datetime string. Use this for HISTORIC collection type. When collectionType is LIVE or HISTORIC_LIVE, specifying pollTill will result in error.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation creates, modifies or deletes a resource that has a defined lifecycle state. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the resource reaches a given lifecycle state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the resource to see if it has reached the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export display_name=<substitute-value-of-display_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export log_source_name=<substitute-value-of-log_source_name> #
    export os_bucket_name=<substitute-value-of-os_bucket_name> #
    export os_namespace=<substitute-value-of-os_namespace> #
    log_group_id=$(oci log-analytics log-group create --compartment-id $compartment_id --display-name $display_name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics object-collection-rule create --compartment-id $compartment_id --log-group-id $log_group_id --log-source-name $log_source_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --os-bucket-name $os_bucket_name --os-namespace $os_namespace

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Deletes the configured object storage bucket based collection rule and stop the log collection. It will not delete the existing processed data associated with this bucket from logging analytics storage.

oci log-analytics object-collection-rule delete [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--object-collection-rule-id [text]

The Logging Analytics Object Collection Rule OCID <>


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export display_name=<substitute-value-of-display_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export log_source_name=<substitute-value-of-log_source_name> #
    export os_bucket_name=<substitute-value-of-os_bucket_name> #
    export os_namespace=<substitute-value-of-os_namespace> #
    log_group_id=$(oci log-analytics log-group create --compartment-id $compartment_id --display-name $display_name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    object_collection_rule_id=$(oci log-analytics object-collection-rule create --compartment-id $compartment_id --log-group-id $log_group_id --log-source-name $log_source_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --os-bucket-name $os_bucket_name --os-namespace $os_namespace --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics object-collection-rule delete --namespace-name $namespace_name --object-collection-rule-id $object_collection_rule_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets a configured object storage based collection rule by given id

oci log-analytics object-collection-rule get [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--object-collection-rule-id [text]

The Logging Analytics Object Collection Rule OCID <>

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export display_name=<substitute-value-of-display_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export log_source_name=<substitute-value-of-log_source_name> #
    export os_bucket_name=<substitute-value-of-os_bucket_name> #
    export os_namespace=<substitute-value-of-os_namespace> #
    log_group_id=$(oci log-analytics log-group create --compartment-id $compartment_id --display-name $display_name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    object_collection_rule_id=$(oci log-analytics object-collection-rule create --compartment-id $compartment_id --log-group-id $log_group_id --log-source-name $log_source_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --os-bucket-name $os_bucket_name --os-namespace $os_namespace --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics object-collection-rule get --namespace-name $namespace_name --object-collection-rule-id $object_collection_rule_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets list of collection rules.

oci log-analytics object-collection-rule list [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--lifecycle-state [text]

Lifecycle state filter.

Accepted values are:


--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--name [text]

A filter to return rules only matching with this name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeUpdated is descending. Default order for name is ascending. If no value is specified timeUpdated is default.

Accepted values are:

name, timeCreated, timeUpdated

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics object-collection-rule list --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Updates configuration of the object collection rule for the given id.

oci log-analytics object-collection-rule update [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--object-collection-rule-id [text]

The Logging Analytics Object Collection Rule OCID <>

--char-encoding [text]

An optional character encoding to aid in detecting the character encoding of the contents of the objects while processing. It is recommended to set this value as ISO_8859_1 when configuring content of the objects having more numeric characters, and very few alphabets. For e.g. this applies when configuring VCN Flow Logs.

--defined-tags [complex type]

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--description [text]

A string that describes the details of the rule. Avoid entering confidential information.

--entity-id [text]

Logging Analytics entity OCID. Associates the processed logs with the given entity (optional).


Perform update without prompting for confirmation.

--freeform-tags [complex type]

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {“bar-key”: “value”} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--is-enabled [boolean]

Whether or not this rule is currently enabled.

--log-group-id [text]

Logging Analytics Log group OCID to associate the processed logs with.

--log-source-name [text]

Name of the Logging Analytics Source to use for the processing.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the resource to reach the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--object-name-filters [complex type]

When the filters are provided, only the objects matching the filters are picked up for processing. The matchType supported is exact match and accommodates wildcard “*”. For more information on filters, see Event Filters <>. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--overrides [complex type]

Use this to override some property values which are defined at bucket level to the scope of object. Supported propeties for override are: logSourceName, charEncoding, entityId. Supported matchType for override are “contains”. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation creates, modifies or deletes a resource that has a defined lifecycle state. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the resource reaches a given lifecycle state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the resource to see if it has reached the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export display_name=<substitute-value-of-display_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export log_source_name=<substitute-value-of-log_source_name> #
    export os_bucket_name=<substitute-value-of-os_bucket_name> #
    export os_namespace=<substitute-value-of-os_namespace> #
    log_group_id=$(oci log-analytics log-group create --compartment-id $compartment_id --display-name $display_name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    object_collection_rule_id=$(oci log-analytics object-collection-rule create --compartment-id $compartment_id --log-group-id $log_group_id --log-source-name $log_source_name --name $name --namespace-name $namespace_name --os-bucket-name $os_bucket_name --os-namespace $os_namespace --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics object-collection-rule update --namespace-name $namespace_name --object-collection-rule-id $object_collection_rule_id


  • delete-parser
  • extract-structured-log-field-paths
  • extract-structured-log-header-paths
  • get-parser
  • get-parser-summary
  • list-parser-functions
  • list-parser-meta-plugins
  • list-parsers
  • test-parser
  • upsert-parser

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Deletes parser with the specified name.

oci log-analytics parser delete-parser [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--parser-name [text]

The parser name.


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export parser_name=<substitute-value-of-parser_name> #
    oci log-analytics parser delete-parser --namespace-name $namespace_name --parser-name $parser_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Extracts the field paths from the example json or xml content.

oci log-analytics parser extract-structured-log-field-paths [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--categories [complex type]

An array of categories assigned to this parser. The isSystem flag denotes if each category assignment is user-created or Oracle-defined.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsCategory. For documentation on LogAnalyticsCategory please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--content [text]

The content.

--description [text]

The parser description.

--display-name [text]

The parser display name.

--edit-version [integer]

The parser edit version.

--encoding [text]

The encoding.

--example-content [text]

The example content.

--field-delimiter [text]

The parser field delimiter.

--field-maps [complex type]

The parser fields.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParserField. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParserField please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--field-qualifier [text]

The parser field qualifier.

--footer-content [text]

The footer regular expression.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--header-content [text]

The header content.

--is-default [boolean]

A flag indicating if this is a default parser.

--is-hidden [boolean]

A flag indicating if the parser is hidden or not.

--is-namespace-aware [boolean]

A flag indicating whether the XML parser should consider the namespace(s) while processing the log data.

--is-parser-written-once [boolean]

A flag indicating whther or not the parser is write once.

--is-single-line-content [boolean]

A flag indicating if this is a single line content parser.

--is-system [boolean]

The system flag. A value of false denotes a custom, or user defined object. A value of true denotes a built in object.

--is-user-deleted [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not the parser has been deleted.

--language [text]

The language.

--log-type-test-request-version [integer]

The log type test request .

--mapped-parsers [complex type]

The mapped parser list.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParser. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParser please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--name [text]

The parser name.

--parser-filter [complex type]

This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--parser-functions [complex type]

The parser function list.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParserFunction. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParserFunction please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--parser-ignoreline-chars [text]

Ignore line characters

--parser-sequence [integer]

The parser sequence.

--parser-timezone [text]

The time zone.

--parser-type [text]

The parser type - possible values are XML, JSON or DELIMITED.

Accepted values are:


--sources [complex type]

The list of sources using this parser.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSource. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSource please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--sources-count [integer]

The number of sources using this parser

--time-updated [datetime]

The last updated date.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--tokenize-original-text [text]

Tokenize original text: true/false

--type [text]

The parser type. Default value is REGEX.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics parser extract-structured-log-field-paths --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Extracts the header paths from the example json or xml content.

oci log-analytics parser extract-structured-log-header-paths [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--categories [complex type]

An array of categories assigned to this parser. The isSystem flag denotes if each category assignment is user-created or Oracle-defined.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsCategory. For documentation on LogAnalyticsCategory please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--content [text]

The content.

--description [text]

The parser description.

--display-name [text]

The parser display name.

--edit-version [integer]

The parser edit version.

--encoding [text]

The encoding.

--example-content [text]

The example content.

--field-delimiter [text]

The parser field delimiter.

--field-maps [complex type]

The parser fields.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParserField. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParserField please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--field-qualifier [text]

The parser field qualifier.

--footer-content [text]

The footer regular expression.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--header-content [text]

The header content.

--is-default [boolean]

A flag indicating if this is a default parser.

--is-hidden [boolean]

A flag indicating if the parser is hidden or not.

--is-namespace-aware [boolean]

A flag indicating whether the XML parser should consider the namespace(s) while processing the log data.

--is-parser-written-once [boolean]

A flag indicating whther or not the parser is write once.

--is-single-line-content [boolean]

A flag indicating if this is a single line content parser.

--is-system [boolean]

The system flag. A value of false denotes a custom, or user defined object. A value of true denotes a built in object.

--is-user-deleted [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not the parser has been deleted.

--language [text]

The language.

--log-type-test-request-version [integer]

The log type test request .

--mapped-parsers [complex type]

The mapped parser list.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParser. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParser please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--name [text]

The parser name.

--parser-filter [complex type]

This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--parser-functions [complex type]

The parser function list.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParserFunction. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParserFunction please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--parser-ignoreline-chars [text]

Ignore line characters

--parser-sequence [integer]

The parser sequence.

--parser-timezone [text]

The time zone.

--parser-type [text]

The parser type - possible values are XML, JSON or DELIMITED.

Accepted values are:


--sources [complex type]

The list of sources using this parser.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSource. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSource please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--sources-count [integer]

The number of sources using this parser

--time-updated [datetime]

The last updated date.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--tokenize-original-text [text]

Tokenize original text: true/false

--type [text]

The parser type. Default value is REGEX.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics parser extract-structured-log-header-paths --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Gets detailed information about the parser with the specified name.

oci log-analytics parser get-parser [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--parser-name [text]

The parser name.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export parser_name=<substitute-value-of-parser_name> #
    oci log-analytics parser get-parser --namespace-name $namespace_name --parser-name $parser_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns the count of parsers.

oci log-analytics parser get-parser-summary [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics parser get-parser-summary --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Lists the parser functions defined for the specified parser.

oci log-analytics parser list-parser-functions [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--parser-name [text]

The parser name used for filtering.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned items

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics parser list-parser-functions --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Lists the parser meta plugins available for defining parser functions.

oci log-analytics parser list-parser-meta-plugins [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned items

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics parser list-parser-meta-plugins --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns a list of parsers, containing detailed information about them. You may limit the number of results, provide sorting order, and filter by information such as parser name, type, display name and description.

oci log-analytics parser list-parsers [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--categories [text]

A comma-separated list of categories used for filtering

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-match-all [boolean]

A flag indicating how to handle filtering when multiple filter criteria are specified. A value of true will always result in the most expansive list of items being returned. For example, if two field lists are supplies as filter criteria, a value of true will result in any item matching a field in either list being returned, while a value of false will result in a list of items which only have fields contained in both input lists.

--is-system [text]

The system value used for filtering. Only items with the specified system value will be returned. Valid values are built in, custom (for user defined items), or all (for all items, regardless of system value).

Accepted values are:


--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--parser-display-text [text]

The parser display text used for filtering. Only parsers with the specified name or description will be returned.

--parser-name [text]

The parser name used for filtering.

--parser-type [text]

The parser type used for filtering. Only items with, or associated with, parsers of the specified type will be returned.

Accepted values are:


--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned parsers

Accepted values are:

name, sourcesCount, timeUpdated, type

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


--source-type [text]

The source type used for filtering. Only parsers associated with a source of the specified type will be returned.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics parser list-parsers --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Tests the parser definition against the specified example content to ensure fields are successfully extracted.

oci log-analytics parser test-parser [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--content [text]

The content used for testing.

--description [text]

The parser description.

--display-name [text]

The parser display name.

--encoding [text]

The content encoding.

--example-content [text]

The example content.

--field-delimiter [text]

The parser field delimiter.

--field-maps [complex type]

The parser fields.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParserField. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParserField please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--field-qualifier [text]

The parser field qualifier.

--footer-content [text]

The footer regular expression.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--header-content [text]

The header content.

--is-default [boolean]

A flag indicating if this is a default parser.

--is-hidden [integer]

A flag indicating if the parser is hidden or not.

--is-namespace-aware [boolean]

A flag indicating whether the XML parser should consider the namespace(s) while processing the log data.

--is-parser-written-once [boolean]

A flag indicating whther or not the parser is write once.

--is-single-line-content [boolean]

A flag indicating if this is a single line content parser.

--is-system [boolean]

The system flag. A value of false denotes a custom, or user defined object. A value of true denotes a built in object.

--language [text]

The language.

--log-type-test-request-version [integer]

The log type test request version.

--metadata [complex type]

This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--name [text]

The parser name.

--parser-functions [complex type]

The parser function list.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParserFunction. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParserFunction please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--parser-ignoreline-chars [text]

Ignore line characters

--parser-sequence [integer]

The parser sequence.

--parser-timezone [text]

The parser timezone.

--req-origin-module [text]

The module to test. A value of ‘ParserFunctionTest’ will result in testing of the parser functions.

--scope [text]

The scope used when testing a parser.

Accepted values are:


--time-updated [datetime]

The last updated date.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--tokenize-original-text [text]

Tokenize original text: true/false

--type [text]

The parser type. Default value is REGEX.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics parser test-parser --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Creates or updates a parser, which defines how fields are extracted from a log entry.

oci log-analytics parser upsert-parser [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--categories [complex type]

An array of categories to assign to the parser. Specifying the name attribute for each category would suffice. Oracle-defined category assignments cannot be removed.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsCategory. For documentation on LogAnalyticsCategory please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--content [text]

The content.

--description [text]

The parser description.

--display-name [text]

The parser display name.

--edit-version [integer]

The parser edit version.

--encoding [text]

The encoding.

--example-content [text]

Example content.

--field-delimiter [text]

The parser field delimiter.

--field-maps [complex type]

The parser fields.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParserField. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParserField please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--field-qualifier [text]

The parser field qualifier.

--footer-content [text]

The footer regular expression.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--header-content [text]

The header content.

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--is-default [boolean]

A flag indicating if this is a default parser.

--is-namespace-aware [boolean]

A flag indicating whether the XML parser should consider the namespace(s) while processing the log data.

--is-parser-written-once [boolean]

A flag indicating whther or not the parser is write once.

--is-single-line-content [boolean]

A flag indicating if this is a single line content parser.

--is-system [boolean]

The system flag. A value of false denotes a custom, or user defined object. A value of true denotes a built in object.

--language [text]

The language.

--log-type-test-request-version [integer]

The log type test request version.

--name [text]

The parser internal name.

--parser-functions [complex type]

The parser function list.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParserFunction. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParserFunction please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--parser-ignoreline-chars [text]

Ignore line characters

--parser-sequence [integer]

The parser sequence.

--parser-timezone [text]

The time zone.

--tokenize-original-text [text]

Tokenize original text: true/false

--type [text]

The parser type. Default value is REGEX.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics parser upsert-parser --namespace-name $namespace_name

The preference information

  • get
  • remove
  • update

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Lists the preferences of the tenant. Currently, only “DEFAULT_HOMEPAGE” is supported.

oci log-analytics preference get [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned preferences.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics preference get --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Removes the tenant preferences. Currently, only “DEFAULT_HOMEPAGE” is supported.

oci log-analytics preference remove [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--items [complex type]

An array of tenant preference details.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsPreference. For documentation on LogAnalyticsPreference please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics preference remove --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Updates the tenant preferences. Currently, only “DEFAULT_HOMEPAGE” is supported.

oci log-analytics preference update [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--items [complex type]

An array of tenant preference details.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsPreference. For documentation on LogAnalyticsPreference please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics preference update --namespace-name $namespace_name

Input arguments for running a log anlaytics query. If the request is set to run in asynchronous mode then shouldIncludeColumns and shouldIncludeFields can be overwritten when retrieving the results.

  • compare-content
  • export
  • filter
  • get-query-result
  • parse
  • search
  • suggest

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns the difference between the two input payloads, including intraline differences.

oci log-analytics query compare-content [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--content1 [text]

The first of two strings to compare.

--content2 [text]

The second of two strings to compare.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics query compare-content --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Export data based on query. Endpoint returns a stream of data. Endpoint is synchronous. Queries must deliver first result within 60 seconds or calls are subject to timeout.

oci log-analytics query export [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

Compartment Identifier OCID <> .

--file [filename]

The name of the file that will receive the response data, or ‘-‘ to write to STDOUT.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--query-string [text]

Query to perform.

--sub-system [text]

Default subsystem to qualify fields with in the queryString if not specified.

Accepted values are:


--compartment-id-in-subtree [boolean]

Flag to search all child compartments of the compartment Id specified in the compartmentId query parameter.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--max-total-count [integer]

Maximum number of results retrieved from data source. Note a maximum value will be enforced; if the export results can be streamed, the maximum will be 50000000, otherwise 10000; that is, if not streamed, actualMaxTotalCountUsed = Math.min(maxTotalCount, 10000).

Export will incrementally stream results depending on the queryString.

Some commands including head/tail are not compatible with streaming result delivery and therefore enforce a reduced limit on overall maxtotalcount. no sort command or sort by id, e.g. ‘ | sort id ‘ - is streaming compatible sort by time and id, e.g. ‘ | sort -time, id ‘ - is streaming compatible all other cases, e.g. ‘ | sort -time, id, mtgtguid ‘ - is not streaming compatible due to the additional sort field

--output-format [text]

Specifies the format for the returned results.

Accepted values are:


--query-timeout-in-seconds [integer]

Amount of time, in seconds, allowed for a query to execute. If this time expires before the query is complete, any partial results will be returned.

--scope-filters [complex type]

List of filters to be applied when the query executes. More than one filter per field is not permitted.

This option is a JSON list with items of type ScopeFilter. For documentation on ScopeFilter please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--should-include-columns [boolean]

Include columns in response

--should-localize [boolean]

Localize results, including header columns, List-Of-Values and timestamp values.

--should-use-acceleration [boolean]

Controls if query should ignore pre-calculated results if available and only use raw data.

--time-end [datetime]

Date-time for query to stop matching results to. End Time must be greater than or equal to start time otherwise it will result in error.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-start [datetime]

Date-time for query to start matching results from. Start time must be less than end time otherwise it will result in error.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--timezone [text]

Time zone for query. Should use long time zone name e.g America/New_York to handle daylight savings properly.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export file=<substitute-value-of-file> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export query_string=<substitute-value-of-query_string> #
    export sub_system=<substitute-value-of-sub_system> #
    oci log-analytics query export --compartment-id $compartment_id --file $file --namespace-name $namespace_name --query-string $query_string --sub-system $sub_system

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Each filter specifies an operator, a field and one or more values to be inserted into the provided query as criteria.

oci log-analytics query filter [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--query-string [text]

Query to apply edits to.

--sub-system [text]

Default subsystem to qualify fields with in the queryString if not specified.

Accepted values are:


--filters [complex type]

List of edit operations to be applied in the specified order to the specified queryString.

This option is a JSON list with items of type Filter. For documentation on Filter please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export query_string=<substitute-value-of-query_string> #
    export sub_system=<substitute-value-of-sub_system> #
    oci log-analytics query filter --namespace-name $namespace_name --query-string $query_string --sub-system $sub_system

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns the intermediate results for a query that was specified to run asynchronously if the query has not completed, otherwise the final query results identified by a queryWorkRequestId returned when submitting the query execute asynchronously.

oci log-analytics query get-query-result [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--work-request-id [text]

Work Request Identifier OCID <> for the asynchronous request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

Maximum number of results to return in this request. Note a limit=-1 returns all results from pageId onwards up to maxtotalCount.

--output-mode [text]

Specifies the format for the returned results.

Accepted values are:


--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--should-include-columns [boolean]

Include columns in response

--should-include-fields [boolean]

Include fields in response

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export work_request_id=<substitute-value-of-work_request_id> #
    oci log-analytics query get-query-result --namespace-name $namespace_name --work-request-id $work_request_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Describe query

oci log-analytics query parse [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--query-string [text]

Query to parse.

--sub-system [text]

Default subsystem to qualify fields with in the queryString if not specified.

Accepted values are:


--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export query_string=<substitute-value-of-query_string> #
    export sub_system=<substitute-value-of-sub_system> #
    oci log-analytics query parse --namespace-name $namespace_name --query-string $query_string --sub-system $sub_system

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Performs a log analytics search, if shouldRunAsync is false returns the query results once they become available subject to 60 second timeout. If a query is subject to exceed that time then it should be run asynchronously. Asynchronous query submissions return the queryWorkRequestId to use for execution tracking, query submission lifecycle actions and to poll for query results.

oci log-analytics query search [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

Compartment Identifier OCID <> .

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--query-string [text]

Query to perform. Must conform to logging analytic querylanguage syntax. Syntax errors will be returned if present.

--sub-system [text]

Default subsystem to qualify fields with in the queryString if not specified.

Accepted values are:


--async-mode [text]

Execution mode for the query if running asynchronously i.e (shouldRunAsync is set to true).

Accepted values are:


--compartment-id-in-subtree [boolean]

Flag to search all child compartments of the compartment Id specified in the compartmentId query parameter.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

Maximum number of results to return in this request. Note a limit=-1 returns all results from pageId onwards up to maxtotalCount.

--max-total-count [integer]

Maximum number of results to count. Note a maximum of 2001 will be enforced; that is, actualMaxTotalCountUsed = Math.min(maxTotalCount, 2001).

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--query-timeout-in-seconds [integer]

Amount of time, in seconds, allowed for a query to execute. If this time expires before the query is complete, any partial results will be returned.

--scope-filters [complex type]

List of filters to be applied when the query executes. More than one filter per field is not permitted.

This option is a JSON list with items of type ScopeFilter. For documentation on ScopeFilter please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--should-include-columns [boolean]

Include columns in response

--should-include-fields [boolean]

Include fields in response

--should-include-total-count [boolean]

Include the total number of results from the query. Note, this value will always be equal to or less than maxTotalCount.

--should-run-async [boolean]

Option to run the query asynchronously. This will lead to a LogAnalyticsQueryJobWorkRequest being submitted and the {workRequestId} will be returned to use for fetching the results.

--should-use-acceleration [boolean]

Controls if query should ignore pre-calculated results if available and only use raw data. If set and no acceleration data is found it will fallback to raw data.

--time-end [datetime]

Date-time for query to stop matching results to. End Time must be greater than or equal to start time otherwise it will result in error.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-start [datetime]

Date-time for query to start matching results from. Start time must be less than end time otherwise it will result in error.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--timezone [text]

Time zone for query. Should use long time zone name e.g America/New_York to handle daylight savings properly.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export query_string=<substitute-value-of-query_string> #
    export sub_system=<substitute-value-of-sub_system> #
    oci log-analytics query search --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --query-string $query_string --sub-system $sub_system

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Returns a context specific list of either commands, fields, or values to append to the end of the specified query string if applicable.

oci log-analytics query suggest [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

Compartment Identifier OCID <> .

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--query-string [text]

Query seeking suggestions for.

--sub-system [text]

Default subsystem to qualify fields with in the queryString if not specified.

Accepted values are:


--compartment-id-in-subtree [boolean]

Flag to search all child compartments of the compartment Id specified in the compartmentId query parameter.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export query_string=<substitute-value-of-query_string> #
    export sub_system=<substitute-value-of-sub_system> #
    oci log-analytics query suggest --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --query-string $query_string --sub-system $sub_system

Job details outlining parameters specified when job was submitted.

  • background
  • cancel
  • get
  • list

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Put the work request specified by {workRequestId} into the background. Backgrounded queries will preserve query results on query completion for up to 7 days for recall. After 7 days the results and query expire.

oci log-analytics query-work-request background [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--work-request-id [text]

Work Request Identifier OCID <> for the asynchronous request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export work_request_id=<substitute-value-of-work_request_id> #
    oci log-analytics query-work-request background --namespace-name $namespace_name --work-request-id $work_request_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Cancel/Remove query job work request.

oci log-analytics query-work-request cancel [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--work-request-id [text]

Work Request Identifier OCID <> for the asynchronous request.


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export work_request_id=<substitute-value-of-work_request_id> #
    oci log-analytics query-work-request cancel --namespace-name $namespace_name --work-request-id $work_request_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Retrieve work request details by workRequestId. This endpoint can be polled for status tracking of work request. Clients should poll using the interval returned in the retry-after header.

oci log-analytics query-work-request get [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--work-request-id [text]

Work Request Identifier OCID <> for the asynchronous request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export work_request_id=<substitute-value-of-work_request_id> #
    oci log-analytics query-work-request get --namespace-name $namespace_name --work-request-id $work_request_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

List active asynchronous queries.

oci log-analytics query-work-request list [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--mode [text]

Filter based on job execution mode

Accepted values are:


--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeStarted is descending. If no value is specified timeStarted is default.

Accepted values are:

timeExpires, timeStarted

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics query-work-request list --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

Log analytics scheduled task resource.

  • change-compartment
  • clean
  • create-acceleration-task
  • create-standard-task
  • delete
  • get
  • list
  • pause
  • resume
  • run
  • update
  • verify

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Move the scheduled task into a different compartment within the same tenancy.

oci log-analytics scheduled-task change-compartment [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

Compartment Identifier OCID <> .

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--scheduled-task-id [text]

Unique scheduledTask id returned from task create. If invalid will lead to a 404 not found.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export scheduled_task_id=<substitute-value-of-scheduled_task_id> #
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task change-compartment --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --scheduled-task-id $scheduled_task_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Clean accumulated acceleration data stored for the accelerated saved search. The ScheduledTask taskType must be ACCELERATION.

oci log-analytics scheduled-task clean [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--scheduled-task-id [text]

Unique scheduledTask id returned from task create. If invalid will lead to a 404 not found.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--time-end [datetime]

Optional parameter to specify end of time range, in the format defined by RFC3339. Default value is end of time.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-start [datetime]

Optional parameter to specify start of time range, in the format defined by RFC3339. Default value is beginning of time.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export scheduled_task_id=<substitute-value-of-scheduled_task_id> #
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task clean --namespace-name $namespace_name --scheduled-task-id $scheduled_task_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Schedule a task as specified and return task info.

oci log-analytics scheduled-task create-acceleration-task [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

Compartment Identifier OCID <> .

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--saved-search-id [text]

The ManagementSavedSearch id OCID <> to be accelerated.

--defined-tags [complex type]

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--display-name [text]

A user-friendly name that is changeable and that does not have to be unique. Format: a leading alphanumeric, followed by zero or more alphanumerics, underscores, spaces, backslashes, or hyphens in any order). No trailing spaces allowed.

--freeform-tags [complex type]

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {“bar-key”: “value”} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the resource to reach the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation creates, modifies or deletes a resource that has a defined lifecycle state. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the resource reaches a given lifecycle state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the resource to see if it has reached the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export saved_search_id=<substitute-value-of-saved_search_id> #
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task create-acceleration-task --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --saved-search-id $saved_search_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples

Schedule a task as specified and return task info.

oci log-analytics scheduled-task create-standard-task [OPTIONS]

--action [complex type]

This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--compartment-id, -c [text]

Compartment Identifier OCID <> .

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--schedules [complex type]

Schedules, typically a single schedule. Note there may only be a single schedule for SAVED_SEARCH and PURGE scheduled tasks. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--task-type [text]

Task type.

Accepted values are:


--defined-tags [complex type]

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--display-name [text]

A user-friendly name that is changeable and that does not have to be unique. Format: a leading alphanumeric, followed by zero or more alphanumerics, underscores, spaces, backslashes, or hyphens in any order). No trailing spaces allowed.

--freeform-tags [complex type]

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {“bar-key”: “value”} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the resource to reach the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation creates, modifies or deletes a resource that has a defined lifecycle state. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the resource reaches a given lifecycle state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the resource to see if it has reached the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy and paste the following example into a JSON file, replacing the example parameters with your own.

    oci log-analytics scheduled-task create-standard-task --generate-param-json-input action > action.json
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task create-standard-task --generate-param-json-input schedules > schedules.json

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export task_type=<substitute-value-of-task_type> #
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task create-standard-task --action file://action.json --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --schedules file://schedules.json --task-type $task_type

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Delete the scheduled task.

oci log-analytics scheduled-task delete [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--scheduled-task-id [text]

Unique scheduledTask id returned from task create. If invalid will lead to a 404 not found.


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export scheduled_task_id=<substitute-value-of-scheduled_task_id> #
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task delete --namespace-name $namespace_name --scheduled-task-id $scheduled_task_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Get the scheduled task for the specified task identifier.

oci log-analytics scheduled-task get [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--scheduled-task-id [text]

Unique scheduledTask id returned from task create. If invalid will lead to a 404 not found.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export scheduled_task_id=<substitute-value-of-scheduled_task_id> #
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task get --namespace-name $namespace_name --scheduled-task-id $scheduled_task_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Lists scheduled tasks.

oci log-analytics scheduled-task list [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--task-type [text]

Required parameter to specify schedule task type.

Accepted values are:



Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--display-name [text]

A filter to return only resources that match the given display name exactly.

--display-name-contains [text]

A filter to return only resources whose display name contains the substring.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--saved-search-id [text]

A filter to return only scheduled tasks whose stream action savedSearchId matches the given ManagementSavedSearch id OCID <> exactly.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. Default order for displayName is ascending. If no value is specified timeCreated is default.

Accepted values are:

displayName, timeCreated, timeUpdated

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export task_type=<substitute-value-of-task_type> #
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task list --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --task-type $task_type

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Pause the scheduled task specified by {scheduledTaskId}.

oci log-analytics scheduled-task pause [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--scheduled-task-id [text]

Unique scheduledTask id returned from task create. If invalid will lead to a 404 not found.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the resource to reach the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation creates, modifies or deletes a resource that has a defined lifecycle state. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the resource reaches a given lifecycle state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the resource to see if it has reached the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export scheduled_task_id=<substitute-value-of-scheduled_task_id> #
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task pause --namespace-name $namespace_name --scheduled-task-id $scheduled_task_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Resume the scheduled task specified by {scheduledTaskId}.

oci log-analytics scheduled-task resume [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--scheduled-task-id [text]

Unique scheduledTask id returned from task create. If invalid will lead to a 404 not found.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the resource to reach the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation creates, modifies or deletes a resource that has a defined lifecycle state. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the resource reaches a given lifecycle state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the resource to see if it has reached the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export scheduled_task_id=<substitute-value-of-scheduled_task_id> #
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task resume --namespace-name $namespace_name --scheduled-task-id $scheduled_task_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Execute the saved search acceleration task in the foreground. The ScheduledTask taskType must be ACCELERATION. Optionally specify time range (timeStart and timeEnd). The default is all time.

oci log-analytics scheduled-task run [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--scheduled-task-id [text]

Unique scheduledTask id returned from task create. If invalid will lead to a 404 not found.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--time-end [datetime]

Optional parameter to specify end of time range, in the format defined by RFC3339. Default value is end of time.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-start [datetime]

Optional parameter to specify start of time range, in the format defined by RFC3339. Default value is beginning of time.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export scheduled_task_id=<substitute-value-of-scheduled_task_id> #
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task run --namespace-name $namespace_name --scheduled-task-id $scheduled_task_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Update the scheduled task. Schedules may be updated only for taskType SAVED_SEARCH and PURGE.

oci log-analytics scheduled-task update [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--scheduled-task-id [text]

Unique scheduledTask id returned from task create. If invalid will lead to a 404 not found.

--action [complex type]

This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--defined-tags [complex type]

Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. Example: {“foo-namespace”: {“bar-key”: “value”}} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--display-name [text]

A user-friendly name that is changeable and that does not have to be unique. Format: a leading alphanumeric, followed by zero or more alphanumerics, underscores, spaces, backslashes, or hyphens in any order). No trailing spaces allowed.


Perform update without prompting for confirmation.

--freeform-tags [complex type]

Simple key-value pair that is applied without any predefined name, type or scope. Exists for cross-compatibility only. Example: {“bar-key”: “value”} This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the resource to reach the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--schedules [complex type]

Schedules may be updated for task types SAVED_SEARCH and PURGE. Note there may only be a single schedule for SAVED_SEARCH and PURGE scheduled tasks.

This option is a JSON list with items of type Schedule. For documentation on Schedule please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation creates, modifies or deletes a resource that has a defined lifecycle state. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the resource reaches a given lifecycle state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the resource to see if it has reached the lifecycle state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export scheduled_task_id=<substitute-value-of-scheduled_task_id> #
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task update --namespace-name $namespace_name --scheduled-task-id $scheduled_task_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Verify the accelerated saved search task specified by {scheduledTaskId}. For internal use only. Optionally specify whether to return accelerated search results; the default is false. The ScheduledTask taskType must be ACCELERATION.

oci log-analytics scheduled-task verify [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--scheduled-task-id [text]

Unique scheduledTask id returned from task create. If invalid will lead to a 404 not found.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--should-include-results [boolean]

Optional parameter to specify whether to include acceleration results. Default value is false;

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export scheduled_task_id=<substitute-value-of-scheduled_task_id> #
    oci log-analytics scheduled-task verify --namespace-name $namespace_name --scheduled-task-id $scheduled_task_id



  • add-event-types
  • delete-source
  • disable-auto-assoc
  • disable-event-types
  • enable-auto-assoc
  • enable-event-types
  • get-column-names
  • get-source
  • get-source-summary
  • list-associable-entities
  • list-auto-assocs
  • list-event-types
  • list-meta-source-types
  • list-source-extfield-defs
  • list-source-functions
  • list-source-label-operators
  • list-source-patterns
  • list-sources
  • remove-event-types
  • upsert-source
  • validate-source
  • validate-source-extfield-details

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Add one or more event types to a source. An event type and version can be enabled only on one source.

oci log-analytics source add-event-types [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--items [complex type]

An array of event type specifications.

This option is a JSON list with items of type EventType. For documentation on EventType please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source add-event-types --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Deletes source with the specified name.

oci log-analytics source delete-source [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source delete-source --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Disables auto association for a log source. In the future, this log source would not be automatically associated with any entity that becomes eligible for association. In addition, you may also optionally remove all existing associations for this log source.

oci log-analytics source disable-auto-assoc [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--items [complex type]

A list of information required to disable auto association on a source.

This option is a JSON list with items of type DisableAutoAssociationDetail. For documentation on DisableAutoAssociationDetail please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source disable-auto-assoc --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Disable one or more event types in a source.

oci log-analytics source disable-event-types [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--items [complex type]

An array of event type specifications.

This option is a JSON list with items of type EventType. For documentation on EventType please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source disable-event-types --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Enables auto association for a log source. This would initiate immediate association of the source to any eligible entities it is not already associated with, and would also ensure the log source gets associated with entities that are added or become eligible in the future.

oci log-analytics source enable-auto-assoc [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--items [complex type]

A list of information required to enable auto association on a source.

This option is a JSON list with items of type EnableAutoAssociationDetail. For documentation on EnableAutoAssociationDetail please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source enable-auto-assoc --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Enable one or more event types in a source. An event type and version can be enabled only in one source.

oci log-analytics source enable-event-types [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--items [complex type]

An array of event type specifications.

This option is a JSON list with items of type EventType. For documentation on EventType please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source enable-event-types --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Extracts column names from the input SQL query.

oci log-analytics source get-column-names [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--sql-query [text]

The SQL query from which column names are to be extracted.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export sql_query=<substitute-value-of-sql_query> #
    oci log-analytics source get-column-names --namespace-name $namespace_name --sql-query $sql_query

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Gets detailed information about the source with the specified name.

oci log-analytics source get-source [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source get-source --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Returns the count of sources.

oci log-analytics source get-source-summary [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics source get-source-summary --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Lists the entities in the specified compartment which are (in)eligible for association with this source.

oci log-analytics source list-associable-entities [OPTIONS]

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--search-text [text]

The text used for filtering returned entities. Search text is applicable to the entity name and the entity description.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned entities

Accepted values are:

agentId, entityName, entityTypeName, host

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


--type [text]

The entity type - either eligible or ineligible for association.

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source list-associable-entities --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Gets information related to auto association for the source with the specified name.

oci log-analytics source list-auto-assocs [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned auto association information.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source list-auto-assocs --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Lists the event types mapped to the source with the specified name. The event type string could be the fully qualified name or a prefix that matches the event type.

oci log-analytics source list-event-types [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--display-text [text]

The text used for filtering event types by name or description.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-enabled [boolean]

The enabled flag used for filtering. Only items with the specified enabled value will be returned.

--is-system [text]

The system value used for filtering. Only items with the specified system value will be returned. Valid values are built in, custom (for user defined items), or all (for all items, regardless of system value).

Accepted values are:


--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned source event types.

Accepted values are:

eventType, timeUpdated

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source list-event-types --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Lists the types of log sources supported.

oci log-analytics source list-meta-source-types [OPTIONS]

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned items

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics source list-meta-source-types --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Lists the extended field definitions for the source with the specified name.


oci log-analytics source list-source-extfield-defs [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned source patterns

Accepted values are:

baseFieldName, regularExpression

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source list-source-extfield-defs --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Lists the functions that could be used to enrich log entries based on meaningful information extracted from the log fields.


oci log-analytics source list-source-functions [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned items

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics source list-source-functions --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Lists the supported conditional operators that could be used for matching log field values to generate a label. You may use patterns to specify a condition. If a log entry matches that condition, it is tagged with the corresponding label.


oci log-analytics source list-source-label-operators [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned items

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics source list-source-label-operators --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Lists the source patterns for the source with the specified name.


oci log-analytics source list-source-patterns [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-include [boolean]

is included source patterns

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned source patterns

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source list-source-patterns --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Returns a list of sources, containing detailed information about them. You may limit the number of results, provide sorting order, and filter by information such as display name, description and entity type.


oci log-analytics source list-sources [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--categories [text]

A comma-separated list of categories used for filtering

--entity-type [text]

A filter to return only sources associated with entities of the specified type. The match is case-insensitive.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-auto-associated [boolean]

An auto-associate flag used for filtering. Only sources which are marked for automatic association will be returned.

--is-simplified [boolean]

A flag specifying whether or not to return all source information, or a subset of the information about each source. A value of true will return only the source unique identifier and the source name. A value of false will return all source information (such as author, updated date, system flag, etc.)

--is-system [text]

The system value used for filtering. Only items with the specified system value will be returned. Valid values are built in, custom (for user defined items), or all (for all items, regardless of system value).

Accepted values are:


--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--name [text]

A filter to return only log analytics entities whose name matches the entire name given. The match is case-insensitive.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned sources

Accepted values are:

associationCount, name, sourceType, timeUpdated

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


--source-display-text [text]

The source display text used for filtering. Only sources with the specified name or description will be returned.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics source list-sources --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Remove one or more event types from a source.


oci log-analytics source remove-event-types [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--source-name [text]

The source name.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--items [complex type]

An array of event type specifications.

This option is a JSON list with items of type EventType. For documentation on EventType please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export source_name=<substitute-value-of-source_name> #
    oci log-analytics source remove-event-types --namespace-name $namespace_name --source-name $source_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Creates or updates a log source. You may also specify parsers, labels, extended fields etc., for the source.


oci log-analytics source upsert-source [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--categories [complex type]

An array of categories to assign to the source. Specifying the name attribute for each category would suffice. Oracle-defined category assignments cannot be removed.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsCategory. For documentation on LogAnalyticsCategory please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--create-like-source-id [integer]

The unique identifier of the source to use as the reference for a create like operation.

--data-filter-definitions [complex type]

An array of data filter definitions.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceDataFilter. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceDataFilter please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--database-credential [text]

The database credential name.

--description [text]

The source description.

--display-name [text]

The source display name.

--edit-version [integer]

The source edit version.

--entity-types [complex type]

An array of entity types.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceEntityType. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceEntityType please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--extfield-defs [text]

Extended field definitions

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--functions [complex type]

An array of source functions.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceFunction. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceFunction please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--is-for-cloud [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not this is a cloud source.

--is-ignore-warning [boolean]

is ignore warning

--is-incremental [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not the update of a source is incremental or not. If incremental, the name of the source must be specified.

--is-secure-content [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not the source content is secure.

--is-system [boolean]

The system flag. A value of false denotes a custom, or user defined object. A value of true denotes a built in object.

--is-timezone-override [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not the source has a time zone override.

--label-conditions [complex type]

An array of source label conditions.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceLabelCondition. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceLabelCondition please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--label-definitions [complex type]

An array of labels.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsLabelDefinition. For documentation on LogAnalyticsLabelDefinition please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--labels [complex type]

An array of labels.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsLabelView. For documentation on LogAnalyticsLabelView please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--metadata-fields [complex type]

An array of source metadata fields.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceMetadataField. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceMetadataField please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--metric-definitions [complex type]

An array of metric definitions.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsMetric. For documentation on LogAnalyticsMetric please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--metrics [complex type]

An array of metrics.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceMetric. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceMetric please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--name [text]

The source internal name.

--oob-parsers [complex type]

An array of built in source parsers.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParser. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParser please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--parameters [complex type]

An array of parameters.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParameter. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParameter please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--parsers [complex type]

An array of parser.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParser. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParser please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--patterns [complex type]

An array of patterns.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourcePattern. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourcePattern please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--rule-id [integer]

The rule unique identifier.

--source-id [integer]

The source unique identifier.

--type-name [text]

The source type internal name.

--user-parsers [complex type]

An array of custom parsers.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParser. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParser please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--warning-config [integer]

The source warning configuration.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics source upsert-source --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Checks if the specified input is a valid log source definition.


oci log-analytics source validate-source [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--categories [complex type]

An array of categories to assign to the source. Specifying the name attribute for each category would suffice. Oracle-defined category assignments cannot be removed.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsCategory. For documentation on LogAnalyticsCategory please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--create-like-source-id [integer]

The unique identifier of the source to use as the reference for a create like operation.

--data-filter-definitions [complex type]

An array of data filter definitions.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceDataFilter. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceDataFilter please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--database-credential [text]

The database credential name.

--description [text]

The source description.

--display-name [text]

The source display name.

--edit-version [integer]

The source edit version.

--entity-types [complex type]

An array of entity types.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceEntityType. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceEntityType please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--extfield-defs [text]

Extended field definitions

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--functions [complex type]

An array of source functions.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceFunction. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceFunction please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--is-for-cloud [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not this is a cloud source.

--is-ignore-warning [boolean]

is ignore warning

--is-incremental [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not the update of a source is incremental or not. If incremental, the name of the source must be specified.

--is-secure-content [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not the source content is secure.

--is-system [boolean]

The system flag. A value of false denotes a custom, or user defined object. A value of true denotes a built in object.

--is-timezone-override [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not the source has a time zone override.

--label-conditions [complex type]

An array of source label conditions.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceLabelCondition. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceLabelCondition please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--label-definitions [complex type]

An array of labels.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsLabelDefinition. For documentation on LogAnalyticsLabelDefinition please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--labels [complex type]

An array of labels.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsLabelView. For documentation on LogAnalyticsLabelView please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--metadata-fields [complex type]

An array of source metadata fields.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceMetadataField. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceMetadataField please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--metric-definitions [complex type]

An array of metric definitions.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsMetric. For documentation on LogAnalyticsMetric please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--metrics [complex type]

An array of metrics.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceMetric. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceMetric please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--name [text]

The source internal name.

--oob-parsers [complex type]

An array of built in source parsers.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParser. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParser please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--parameters [complex type]

An array of parameters.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParameter. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParameter please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--parsers [complex type]

An array of parser.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParser. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParser please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--patterns [complex type]

An array of patterns.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourcePattern. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourcePattern please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--rule-id [integer]

The rule unique identifier.

--source-id [integer]

The source unique identifier.

--type-name [text]

The source type internal name.

--user-parsers [complex type]

An array of custom parsers.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParser. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParser please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--warning-config [integer]

The source warning configuration.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics source validate-source --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Checks if the specified input contains valid extended field definitions against the provided example content.


oci log-analytics source validate-source-extfield-details [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--assoc-count [text]

Association count

--assoc-entity [text]

Association entity

--categories [complex type]

An array of categories assigned to this source. The isSystem flag denotes if each category assignment is user-created or Oracle-defined.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsCategory. For documentation on LogAnalyticsCategory please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--data-filter-definitions [complex type]

The data filter definitions.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceDataFilter. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceDataFilter please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--database-credential [text]

The database credential.

--description [text]

The source description.

--display-name [text]

The source display name.

--edit-version [integer]

The source edit version.

--entity-types [complex type]

The entity types.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceEntityType. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceEntityType please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--event-types [complex type]

An array of event types.

This option is a JSON list with items of type EventType. For documentation on EventType please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--extfield-defs [text]

Extended Field Definitions

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--functions [complex type]

The source functions.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceFunction. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceFunction please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--is-auto-assoc-enabled [text]

Auto associaton enabled flag

--is-auto-assoc-override [text]

Auto associaton override flag

--is-for-cloud [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not this is a cloud source.

--is-secure-content [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not the source content is secure.

--is-system [boolean]

The system flag. A value of false denotes a custom, or user defined object. A value of true denotes a built in object.

--is-timezone-override [boolean]

A flag indicating whether or not the source has a time zone override.

--label-conditions [complex type]

The label alert conditions.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceLabelCondition. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceLabelCondition please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--label-definitions [complex type]

The labls used by the source.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsLabelDefinition. For documentation on LogAnalyticsLabelDefinition please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--labels [complex type]

The labels associated with the source.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsLabelView. For documentation on LogAnalyticsLabelView please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--metadata-fields [complex type]

The source metadata fields.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceMetadataField. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceMetadataField please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--metric-definitions [complex type]

The metric definitions.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsMetric. For documentation on LogAnalyticsMetric please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--metrics [complex type]

The metric source map.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourceMetric. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourceMetric please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--name [text]

The source internal name.

--oob-parsers [complex type]

The built in parsers associated with source.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParser. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParser please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--parameters [complex type]

The source parameters.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParameter. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParameter please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--parsers [complex type]

The list of parsers used by the source.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParser. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParser please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--pattern-count [integer]

The pattern count.

--patterns [complex type]

The source patterns.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsSourcePattern. For documentation on LogAnalyticsSourcePattern please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--rule-id [integer]

The rule unique identifier.

--source-id [integer]

The source unique identifier.

--time-updated [datetime]

The last updated date.

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--type-display-name [text]

The source type name.

--type-name [text]

The source type internal name.

--user-parsers [complex type]

An array of custom parsers.

This option is a JSON list with items of type LogAnalyticsParser. For documentation on LogAnalyticsParser please see our API reference: This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--warning-config [integer]

The source warning configuration.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics source validate-source-extfield-details --namespace-name $namespace_name


This is the storage configuration and status of a tenancy in Logan Analytics application

  • disable-archiving
  • enable-archiving
  • estimate-purge-data-size
  • estimate-recall-data-size
  • estimate-release-data-size
  • get
  • get-log-sets-count
  • get-storage-usage
  • get-storage-work-request
  • list-log-sets
  • list-recalled-data
  • list-storage-work-request-errors
  • list-storage-work-requests
  • purge-storage-data
  • recall-archived-data
  • release-recalled-data
  • update

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API disables archiving.


oci log-analytics storage disable-archiving [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics storage disable-archiving --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


THis API enables archiving.


oci log-analytics storage enable-archiving [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics storage enable-archiving --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API estimates the size of data to be purged based based on time interval, purge query etc.


oci log-analytics storage estimate-purge-data-size [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--compartment-id, -c [text]

This is the compartment OCID under which the data will be purged

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--time-data-ended [datetime]

This is the time before which data will be purged

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Optional Parameters

--compartment-id-in-subtree [boolean]

If true, purge child compartments data

--data-type [text]

This is the type of the log data to be purged

Accepted values are:


--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--purge-query-string [text]

This is the solr data filter query, ‘*’ means all

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export time_data_ended=<substitute-value-of-time_data_ended> #
    oci log-analytics storage estimate-purge-data-size --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --time-data-ended $time_data_ended

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API gives an active storage usage estimate for archived data to be recalled and the time range of such data.


oci log-analytics storage estimate-recall-data-size [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--time-data-ended [datetime]

This is the end of the time range for the data to be recalled

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-data-started [datetime]

This is the start of the time range for the data to be recalled

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export time_data_ended=<substitute-value-of-time_data_ended> #
    export time_data_started=<substitute-value-of-time_data_started> #
    oci log-analytics storage estimate-recall-data-size --namespace-name $namespace_name --time-data-ended $time_data_ended --time-data-started $time_data_started

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API gives an active storage usage estimate for recalled data to be released and the time range of such data.


oci log-analytics storage estimate-release-data-size [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--time-data-ended [datetime]

This is the end of the time range for the data to be released

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-data-started [datetime]

This is the start of the time range for the data to be released

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export time_data_ended=<substitute-value-of-time_data_ended> #
    export time_data_started=<substitute-value-of-time_data_started> #
    oci log-analytics storage estimate-release-data-size --namespace-name $namespace_name --time-data-ended $time_data_ended --time-data-started $time_data_started

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API gets the storage configuration of a tenancy


oci log-analytics storage get [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics storage get --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API returns the count of distinct log sets.


oci log-analytics storage get-log-sets-count [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics storage get-log-sets-count --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API gets storage usage information of a tenancy. Storage usage information includes active, archived or recalled data. The unit of return data is in bytes.


oci log-analytics storage get-storage-usage [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics storage get-storage-usage --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API returns work request details specified by {workRequestId}. This API can be polled for status tracking of work request. Clients should poll using the interval returned in retry-after header.


oci log-analytics storage get-storage-work-request [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--work-request-id [text]

Work Request Identifier OCID <> for the asynchronous request.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export work_request_id=<substitute-value-of-work_request_id> #
    oci log-analytics storage get-storage-work-request --namespace-name $namespace_name --work-request-id $work_request_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API returns a list of log sets.


oci log-analytics storage list-log-sets [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--log-set-name-contains [text]

If this filter is present, each of the logsets returned must contain the value of this filter.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics storage list-log-sets --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API returns the list of recalled data of a tenancy.


oci log-analytics storage list-recalled-data [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

This is the query parameter of which field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeDataStarted is descending. If no value is specified timeDataStarted is default.

Accepted values are:

timeDataStarted, timeStarted

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


--time-data-ended-less-than [datetime]

This is the end of the time range for recalled data

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-data-started-greater-than-or-equal [datetime]

This is the start of the time range for recalled data

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics storage list-recalled-data --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API returns the list of work request errors if any.


oci log-analytics storage list-storage-work-request-errors [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--work-request-id [text]

Work Request Identifier OCID <> for the asynchronous request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeCreated is descending. If no value is specified timeCreated is default.

Accepted values are:


--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export work_request_id=<substitute-value-of-work_request_id> #
    oci log-analytics storage list-storage-work-request-errors --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --work-request-id $work_request_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API lists storage work requests. Use query parameters to narrow down or sort the result list.


oci log-analytics storage list-storage-work-requests [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--operation-type [text]

The is the work request type query parameter

Accepted values are:


--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--policy-id [text]

This is the query parameter of purge policy ID

--policy-name [text]

This is the query parameter of purge policy name

--sort-by [text]

This is the query parameter of which field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeAccepted is descending. If no value is specified timeAccepted is default.

Accepted values are:

timeAccepted, timeExpires, timeFinished

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


--status [text]

The is the work request status query parameter

Accepted values are:


--time-finished [datetime]

The is the query parameter of when the processing of work request was finished

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-started [datetime]

The is the query parameter of when the processing of work request was started

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics storage list-storage-work-requests --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API submits a work request to purge data. Only data from log groups that the user has permission to delete will be purged. To purge all data, the user must have permission to all log groups.


oci log-analytics storage purge-storage-data [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--compartment-id, -c [text]

This is the compartment OCID under which the data will be purged and required permission will be checked

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--time-data-ended [datetime]

This is the end of the purge time interval

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Optional Parameters

--compartment-id-in-subtree [boolean]

If true, purge child compartments data

--data-type [text]

This is the type of the log data to be purged

Accepted values are:


--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--purge-query-string [text]

This is the solr query used to filter data, ‘*’ means all

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export time_data_ended=<substitute-value-of-time_data_ended> #
    oci log-analytics storage purge-storage-data --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --time-data-ended $time_data_ended

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API submits a work request to recall archived data based on time interval and data type.


oci log-analytics storage recall-archived-data [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--compartment-id, -c [text]

This is the compartment OCID for permission checking

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--time-data-ended [datetime]

This is the end of the time interval

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-data-started [datetime]

This is the start of the time interval

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Optional Parameters

--data-type [text]

This is the type of the log data to be recalled

Accepted values are:


--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export time_data_ended=<substitute-value-of-time_data_ended> #
    export time_data_started=<substitute-value-of-time_data_started> #
    oci log-analytics storage recall-archived-data --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --time-data-ended $time_data_ended --time-data-started $time_data_started

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds
  • UTC with microseconds
  • Timezone with microseconds

  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API submits a work request to release recalled data based on time interval and data type.


oci log-analytics storage release-recalled-data [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--compartment-id, -c [text]

This is the compartment OCID for permission checking

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--time-data-ended [datetime]

This is the end of the time interval

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

--time-data-started [datetime]

This is the start of the time interval

The following datetime formats are supported:

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.ssssssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123456Z
UTC with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00.123Z
UTC without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30:00Z
UTC with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T20:30Z

Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456789-0800
Timezone with milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00.456-0800
Timezone without milliseconds
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30:00-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30:00-0800
Timezone with minute precision
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mmTZD
    Example: 2017-09-15T12:30-08:00, 2017-09-15T12:30-0800
Short date and time
The timezone for this date and time will be taken as UTC (Needs to be surrounded by single or double quotes)
.. code::
    Format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm' or "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    Example: '2017-09-15 17:25'
Date Only
This date will be taken as midnight UTC of that day
.. code::
    Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    Example: 2017-09-15
Epoch seconds
.. code::
    Example: 1412195400

Optional Parameters

--data-type [text]

This is the type of the recalled data to be released

Accepted values are:


--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

--max-wait-seconds [integer]

The maximum time to wait for the work request to reach the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 1200 seconds.

--wait-for-state [text]

This operation asynchronously creates, modifies or deletes a resource and uses a work request to track the progress of the operation. Specify this option to perform the action and then wait until the work request reaches a certain state. Multiple states can be specified, returning on the first state. For example, --wait-for-state SUCCEEDED --wait-for-state FAILED would return on whichever lifecycle state is reached first. If timeout is reached, a return code of 2 is returned. For any other error, a return code of 1 is returned.

Accepted values are:


--wait-interval-seconds [integer]

Check every --wait-interval-seconds to see whether the work request to see if it has reached the state defined by --wait-for-state. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export time_data_ended=<substitute-value-of-time_data_ended> #
    export time_data_started=<substitute-value-of-time_data_started> #
    oci log-analytics storage release-recalled-data --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name --time-data-ended $time_data_ended --time-data-started $time_data_started

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API updates the archiving configuration


oci log-analytics storage update [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--archiving-configuration [complex type]

This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters


Perform update without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy and paste the following example into a JSON file, replacing the example parameters with your own.

    oci log-analytics storage update --generate-param-json-input archiving-configuration > archiving-configuration.json

Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics storage update --archiving-configuration file://archiving-configuration.json --namespace-name $namespace_name


List of supported timezones.


  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Gets list of timezones which are supported by on-demand upload.


oci log-analytics timezone-collection list-supported-timezones [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics timezone-collection list-supported-timezones --namespace-name $namespace_name


Upload is a container that can be used to put all the relevant and related on-demand upload based log files together.

  • delete
  • delete-upload-file
  • delete-upload-warning
  • get
  • get-unprocessed-bucket
  • list
  • list-upload-files
  • list-upload-warnings
  • set-unprocessed-bucket
  • upload-log-events-file
  • upload-log-file
  • validate-file
  • validate-source-mapping

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Deletes an Upload by its reference. It deletes all the logs in storage asscoiated with the upload and the corresponding upload metadata.


oci log-analytics upload delete [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--upload-reference [text]

Unique internal identifier to refer upload container.

Optional Parameters


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--if-match [text]

For optimistic concurrency control. In the PUT or DELETE call for a resource, set the if-match parameter to the value of the etag from a previous GET or POST response for that resource. The resource will be updated or deleted only if the etag you provide matches the resource’s current etag value.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export upload_reference=<substitute-value-of-upload_reference> #
    oci log-analytics upload delete --namespace-name $namespace_name --upload-reference $upload_reference

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Deletes a specific log file inside an upload by upload file reference. It deletes all the logs from storage associated with the file and the corresponding metadata.


oci log-analytics upload delete-upload-file [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--file-reference [text]

Unique internal identifier to refer upload file.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--upload-reference [text]

Unique internal identifier to refer upload container.

Optional Parameters


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export file_reference=<substitute-value-of-file_reference> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export upload_reference=<substitute-value-of-upload_reference> #
    oci log-analytics upload delete-upload-file --file-reference $file_reference --namespace-name $namespace_name --upload-reference $upload_reference

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Suppresses a specific warning inside an upload.


oci log-analytics upload delete-upload-warning [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--upload-reference [text]

Unique internal identifier to refer upload container.

--warning-reference [text]

Unique internal identifier to refer upload warning.

Optional Parameters


Perform deletion without prompting for confirmation.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export upload_reference=<substitute-value-of-upload_reference> #
    export warning_reference=<substitute-value-of-warning_reference> #
    oci log-analytics upload delete-upload-warning --namespace-name $namespace_name --upload-reference $upload_reference --warning-reference $warning_reference

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Gets an On-Demand Upload info by reference.


oci log-analytics upload get [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--upload-reference [text]

Unique internal identifier to refer upload container.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export upload_reference=<substitute-value-of-upload_reference> #
    oci log-analytics upload get --namespace-name $namespace_name --upload-reference $upload_reference

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API retrieves details of the configured bucket that stores unprocessed payloads.


oci log-analytics upload get-unprocessed-bucket [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics upload get-unprocessed-bucket --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Gets a list of all On-demand uploads. To use this and other API operations, you must be authorized in an IAM policy.


oci log-analytics upload list [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--name [text]

Name of the upload container.

--name-contains [text]

A filter to return only uploads whose name contains the given name.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeUpdated is descending. Default order for name is ascending. If no value is specified timeUpdated is default.

Accepted values are:

name, timeCreated, timeUpdated

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


--warnings-filter [text]

Use this for filtering uploads w.r.t warnings. Only one value is allowed. If no value is specified then ALL is taken as default, which means that all the uploads with and without warnings will be returned.

Accepted values are:


Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics upload list --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Gets list of files in an upload along with its processing state.


oci log-analytics upload list-upload-files [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--upload-reference [text]

Unique internal identifier to refer upload container.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--search-str [text]

This can be used to filter upload files based on the file, log group and log source names.

--sort-by [text]

The field to sort by. Only one sort order may be provided. Default order for timeStarted is descending. timeCreated, fileName and logGroup are deprecated. Instead use timestarted, name, logGroup accordingly.

Accepted values are:

fileName, logGroup, logGroupName, name, sourceName, status, timeCreated, timeStarted

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


--status [text]

Upload File processing state.

Accepted values are:


Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export upload_reference=<substitute-value-of-upload_reference> #
    oci log-analytics upload list-upload-files --namespace-name $namespace_name --upload-reference $upload_reference

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Gets list of warnings in an upload caused by incorrect configuration.


oci log-analytics upload list-upload-warnings [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--upload-reference [text]

Unique internal identifier to refer upload container.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export upload_reference=<substitute-value-of-upload_reference> #
    oci log-analytics upload list-upload-warnings --namespace-name $namespace_name --upload-reference $upload_reference

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


This API configures a bucket to store unprocessed payloads. While processing there could be reasons a payload cannot be processed (mismatched structure, corrupted archive format, etc), if configured the payload would be uploaded to the bucket for verification.


oci log-analytics upload set-unprocessed-bucket [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--bucket-name [text]

Name of the Object Storage bucket.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-enabled [boolean]

The enabled flag used for filtering. Only items with the specified enabled value will be returned.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export bucket_name=<substitute-value-of-bucket_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics upload set-unprocessed-bucket --bucket-name $bucket_name --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Accepts log events for processing by Logging Analytics.


oci log-analytics upload upload-log-events-file [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--file [text]

Log data file. Example: –file /Users/me/myfile.txt

--log-group-id [text]

The log group OCID that gets mapped to the uploaded logs.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--content-type [text]

The content type of the log data.

--expect [text]

A value of 100-continue requests preliminary verification of the request method, path, and headers before the request body is sent. If no error results from such verification, the server will send a 100 (Continue) interim response to indicate readiness for the request body. The only allowed value for this parameter is “100-Continue” (case-insensitive).

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--log-set [text]

The log set that gets associated with the uploaded logs.

--payload-type [text]

Identifies the type of request payload.

Accepted values are:


Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export display_name=<substitute-value-of-display_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export file=<substitute-value-of-file> #
    log_group_id=$(oci log-analytics log-group create --compartment-id $compartment_id --display-name $display_name --namespace-name $namespace_name --query --raw-output)
    oci log-analytics upload upload-log-events-file --file $file --log-group-id $log_group_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Accepts log data for processing by Logging Analytics.


oci log-analytics upload upload-log-file [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--file [text]

Log data file. Example: –file /Users/me/myfile.txt

--filename [text]

The name of the file being uploaded. The extension of the filename part will be used to detect the type of file (like zip, tar).

--log-source-name [text]

Name of the log source that will be used to process the files being uploaded.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--opc-meta-loggrpid [text]

The log group OCID to which the log data in this upload will be mapped to.

--upload-name [text]

The name of the upload. This can be considered as a container name where different kind of logs will be collected and searched together. This upload name/id can further be used for retrieving the details of the upload, including its status or deleting the upload.

Optional Parameters

--char-encoding [text]

Character encoding to be used to detect the encoding type of file(s) being uploaded. When this property is not specified, system detected character encoding will be used.

--content-md5 [text]

The base-64 encoded MD5 hash of the body. If the Content-MD5 header is present, Logging Analytics performs an integrity check on the body of the HTTP request by computing the MD5 hash for the body and comparing it to the MD5 hash supplied in the header. If the two hashes do not match, the log data is rejected and an HTTP-400 Unmatched Content MD5 error is returned with the message:

“The computed MD5 of the request body (ACTUAL_MD5) does not match the Content-MD5 header (HEADER_MD5)”

--content-type [text]

The content type of the log data.

--date-format [text]

This property is used to specify the format of the date. This is to be used for ambiguous dates like 12/11/10. This property can take any of the following values - MONTH_DAY_YEAR, DAY_MONTH_YEAR, YEAR_MONTH_DAY, MONTH_DAY, DAY_MONTH.

--date-year [text]

Used to indicate the year where the log entries timestamp do not mention year (Ex: Nov 8 20:45:56).

--entity-id [text]

The entity OCID.

--expect [text]

A value of 100-continue requests preliminary verification of the request method, path, and headers before the request body is sent. If no error results from such verification, the server will send a 100 (Continue) interim response to indicate readiness for the request body. The only allowed value for this parameter is “100-Continue” (case-insensitive).

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--invalidate-cache [boolean]

This property can be used to reset configuration cache in case of an issue with the upload.

--log-set [text]

The log set that gets associated with the uploaded logs.

--timezone [text]

Timezone to be used when processing log entries whose timestamps do not include an explicit timezone. When this property is not specified, the timezone of the entity specified is used. If the entity is also not specified or do not have a valid timezone then UTC is used

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export file=<substitute-value-of-file> #
    export filename=<substitute-value-of-filename> #
    export log_source_name=<substitute-value-of-log_source_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export opc_meta_loggrpid=<substitute-value-of-opc_meta_loggrpid> #
    export upload_name=<substitute-value-of-upload_name> #
    oci log-analytics upload upload-log-file --file $file --filename $filename --log-source-name $log_source_name --namespace-name $namespace_name --opc-meta-loggrpid $opc_meta_loggrpid --upload-name $upload_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Validates a log file to check whether it is eligible to be uploaded or not.


oci log-analytics upload validate-file [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--filename [text]

The name of the file being uploaded. The extension of the filename part will be used to detect the type of file (like zip, tar).

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--object-location [text]

Location of the log file.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export filename=<substitute-value-of-filename> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export object_location=<substitute-value-of-object_location> #
    oci log-analytics upload validate-file --filename $filename --namespace-name $namespace_name --object-location $object_location

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Validates the source mapping for a given file and provides match status and the parsed representation of log data.


oci log-analytics upload validate-source-mapping [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--filename [text]

The name of the file being uploaded. The extension of the filename part will be used to detect the type of file (like zip, tar).

--log-source-name [text]

Name of the log source that will be used to process the files being uploaded.

--namespace-name, --namespace, -ns [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--object-location [text]

Location of the log file.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export filename=<substitute-value-of-filename> #
    export log_source_name=<substitute-value-of-log_source_name> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export object_location=<substitute-value-of-object_location> #
    oci log-analytics upload validate-source-mapping --filename $filename --log-source-name $log_source_name --namespace-name $namespace_name --object-location $object_location



  • list
  • suppress
  • unsuppress

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Returns a list of collection warnings, containing detailed information about them. You may limit the number of results, provide sorting order, and filter by information such as start time, end time, warning type, warning state, source name, source pattern and entity name.


oci log-analytics warning list [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--end-time [text]

The warning end date query parameter.

--entity-name [text]

The entity name used for filtering. Only warnings associated with an entity with the specified name will be returned.

--entity-type [text]

The entity type used for filtering. Only associations on an entity with the specified type will be returned.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--is-no-source [boolean]

A flag indicating whether to filter warnings based on source display name or on warning level. A value of true will filter based on warning level (rule, source, or pattern), while a value of false will filter based on source display name.

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

--sort-by [text]

The attribute used to sort the returned warnings

Accepted values are:

EntityName, EntityType, FirstReported, Host, InitialWarningDate, PatternText, SourceName, WarningMessage

--sort-order [text]

The sort order to use, either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC).

Accepted values are:


--source-name [text]

The source name.

--source-pattern [text]

The source pattern used for filtering. Only warnings associated with a source with the specified pattern will be returned.

--start-time [text]

The warning start date query parameter.

--warning-message [text]

warning message query parameter

--warning-state [text]

The warning state used for filtering. A value of SUPPRESSED will return only suppressed warnings, a value of UNSUPPRESSED will return only unsuppressed warnings, and a value of ALL will return all warnings regardless of their suppression state. Default is UNSUPPRESSED.

Accepted values are:


--warning-type [text]

The warning type query parameter.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics warning list --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Supresses a list of warnings. Any unsuppressed warnings in the input list would be suppressed. Warnings in the input list which are already suppressed will not be modified.


oci log-analytics warning suppress [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--warning-references [complex type]

A list of LogAnalyticsWarning references. Used as input to APIs which operate on a list. For example, the suppress warning API accepts a list of warning references and will suppress all warnings in the input list. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics warning suppress --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Unsupresses a list of warnings. Any suppressed warnings in the input list would be unsuppressed. Warnings in the input list which are already unsuppressed will not be modified.


oci log-analytics warning unsuppress [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--warning-references [complex type]

A list of LogAnalyticsWarning references. Used as input to APIs which operate on a list. For example, the suppress warning API accepts a list of warning references and will suppress all warnings in the input list. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax.

The --generate-param-json-input option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics warning unsuppress --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name


A description of workrequest status

  • get
  • list

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Gets the status of the work request with the given ID.


oci log-analytics work-request get [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--work-request-id [text]

Work Request Identifier OCID <> for the asynchronous request.

Optional Parameters

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export work_request_id=<substitute-value-of-work_request_id> #
    oci log-analytics work-request get --namespace-name $namespace_name --work-request-id $work_request_id

  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Lists the work requests in a compartment.


oci log-analytics work-request list [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--compartment-id, -c [text]

The ID of the compartment in which to list resources.

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export compartment_id=<substitute-value-of-compartment_id> #
    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    oci log-analytics work-request list --compartment-id $compartment_id --namespace-name $namespace_name


An error encountered while executing a work request.


  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Return a (paginated) list of errors for a given work request.


oci log-analytics work-request-error list [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--work-request-id [text]

Work Request Identifier OCID <> for the asynchronous request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export work_request_id=<substitute-value-of-work_request_id> #
    oci log-analytics work-request-error list --namespace-name $namespace_name --work-request-id $work_request_id


This is a log message from the execution of a work request.


  • Description
  • Usage
  • Required Parameters
  • Optional Parameters
  • Global Parameters
  • Examples


Return a (paginated) list of logs for a given work request.


oci log-analytics work-request-log list [OPTIONS]

Required Parameters

--namespace-name [text]

The Logging Analytics namespace used for the request.

--work-request-id [text]

Work Request Identifier OCID <> for the asynchronous request.

Optional Parameters


Fetches all pages of results. If you provide this option, then you cannot provide the --limit option.

--from-json [text]

Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax.

The --generate-full-command-json-input option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id –> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array.

Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used.

For examples on usage of this option, please see our “using CLI with advanced JSON options” link:

--limit [integer]

The maximum number of items to return.

--page [text]

The page token representing the page at which to start retrieving results. This is usually retrieved from a previous list call.

--page-size [integer]

When fetching results, the number of results to fetch per call. Only valid when used with --all or --limit, and ignored otherwise.

Global Parameters

Use oci --help for help on global parameters.

--auth-purpose, --auth, --cert-bundle, --cli-auto-prompt, --cli-rc-file, --config-file, --debug, --defaults-file, --endpoint, --generate-full-command-json-input, --generate-param-json-input, --help, --latest-version, --max-retries, --no-retry, --opc-client-request-id, --opc-request-id, --output, --profile, --query, --raw-output, --region, --release-info, --request-id, --version, -?, -d, -h, -i, -v


Copy the following CLI commands into a file named Run the command by typing “bash” and replacing the example parameters with your own.

Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up the OCI configuration <> and appropriate security policies <> before trying the examples.

    export namespace_name=<substitute-value-of-namespace_name> #
    export work_request_id=<substitute-value-of-work_request_id> #
    oci log-analytics work-request-log list --namespace-name $namespace_name --work-request-id $work_request_id


2016, 2022, Oracle
May 17, 2022 3.9.1

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