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SWAYIMG(1) Swayimg manual SWAYIMG(1)

swayimg - image viewer for Sway

swayimg [OPTIONS...] FILE...

The swayimg utility can be used for preview images inside the currently focused window (container).

Use '-' as FILE to read image data from stdin.

The program uses Sway IPC to determine the geometry of the currently focused workspace and window. This data is used calculate the position and size of a new window. Then the program adds two rules to the Sway: "floating enable" and "move position" for swayimg application, creates a new Wayland window and draws an image from the specified file.

-h, --help
Display help message.
-v, --version
Display version information and list of supported image formats.
-g, --geometry=X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT
Set the absolute position and size of the window, for example 10,20,100,200 creates a window at position 10x20 (top left corner) with a size of 100x200. The comma can be replaced with any non-numeric character. If this parameter is not specified, the geometry of the currently focused Sway window will be used.
-b, --background=XXXXXX
Set background color from RGB hex string, for example 1a2b3c. If this parameter is not specified or contains special value grid, the default grid background will be used.
-f, --fullscreen
Start in full screen mode.
-s, --scale=SCALE
Set the default scale of the image. SCALE is one of the named values. ´default´: reduce the image to fit the window, but do not enlarge it. ´fit´: reduce or enlarge the image to fit the window. ´real´: real image size (100%).
-i, --info
Show image properties on startup (path, size, current scale etc).

Arrows and vim-like moving keys (h,j,k,l)
Move the view point.
+, =
Zoom in.
Zoom out.
Set scale to 100%.
Reset scale to defaults.
F5, [
Rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise.
F6, ]
Rotate 90 degrees clockwise.
Flip vertical.
Flip horizontal.
Show/hide image properties.
f, F11
Toggle full screen mode.
PgDown, Space, n
Show next file.
PgUp, p
Show previous file.
Esc, Enter, F10, q
Exit the program.

Path to the socket file used for Sway IPC.


For suggestions, comments, bug reports etc. visit the project homepage.
2021-12-28 swayimg

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