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NAMEoo2c - Oberon-2 compilerSYNOPSISoo2c [options] <module>...oo2c (--make|-M) [options] <module> oo2c --uses <ext-ident> [options] <module>... oo2c --build-package [options] <package> oo2c --install-package [options] <package> oo2c --uninstall-package [options] <package> oo2c --build-pkg-doc [options] <package> oo2c --package-installed [options] <package> oo2c --list-packages [options] oo2c --update-repository [options] NOTEThis document is a subset of corresponding chapter of the OOC2 Reference Manual. It covers the basic functionality of oo2c. For a complete overview of oo2c's features, the reader is referred to the reference manual (see below).DESCRIPTIONThe default mode of oo2c assumes that all arguments are names of modules or source files and tries to compile them to C code. Compiling a single module in this way can be used to do a syntax check on a module. Module names are resolved by searching in the repositories listed in the corresponding section of the compiler configuration.The option --make (or -M for short) turns a set of Oberon-2 modules into an executable program. The single argument can be either the name of a module or a module's file name. The compiler searches the configured repositories to resolve module names. It inspects all modules imported directly or indirectly by the given main module, and generates new C code for any modules that have not been compiled yet, or whose C code is not up to date anymore. Then, all necessary object files are generated by invoking the C compiler. The final step links object files and libraries into an executable program with the same name as the main module. Note that, unlike the Oberon System, there is no notion of commands (that is, parameterless exported procedures, which can be activated directly by the user). Instead, the module body of the main module specifies the program's execution sequence. The command --uses lists using occurences of the given declaration in the source code. The modules given on the command line and all their imported modules are searched. The declaration is identified by a module name followed by an arbitrary long sequence of names, separated by dots, like module.procedure.var. With --build-package, --install-package, and --uninstall-package packages are compiled, installed, and uninstalled. A package is a set of libraries, executables, resource files, option definitions, and pragma definitions. Its content is described by the file pkginfo.xml in the package's top-level directory. The option --build-pkg-doc creates HTML documentation for all modules used by the libraries and executables of the given package. After successful completion, the files can be found under <repository>/oocdoc/html. --package-installed tests if a given package is installed. If the package name appears in the repository's manifest file <oocdir>/pkginfo.xml, then the exit code is 0. Otherwise, the program exits with a non-zero code. --list-packages writes a list of all packages to stdout, one package per line. The first word in the line is the package name. The command --update-repository updates the file <oocdir>/pkginfo.xml from on the meta information of all packages that have been installed into the repository <oocdir>. This is also done automatically after every --install-package and --uninstall-package. OPTIONS
CONFIGURATION FILESThe compilers configuration is determined by the file <prefix>/lib/oo2c/oo2crc.xml and by the pkginfo.xml files of any repositories listed there.oo2crc.xml provides default value for options and pragma variables, and also defines a default list of repositories: the compiler's installation directory and the current working directory. The name of the configuration file can be overridden by setting the environment variable OO2CRC. Within a pkginfo.xml file, the root element package and its child elements describe the meta data of a package. Among other things, the provide a package name, a version, and optional lists of executables, libraries, and resource files. The compiler uses this information to take appropriate action when executing a --build-package or --install-package command. The file may also include package specific definitions of options and pragma variables. This information is incorporated automatically by the compiler and extends the settings from oo2crc.xml. For examples of pkginfo.xml, please refer to ./pkginfo.xml and ./lib/pkginfo.xml.in in oo2c's distribution tar ball. ERROR MESSAGESAny errors encountered while parsing a source file foo.Mod are written to stdout like this:src/foo.Mod:<line>:<column>: <error message> The integer <line> refers to a line in the file (the first line is 1), and <column> to a column within that line (the first column being 1). The rest of the line is a plain text error message. The message format can be changed with the option --error-style, and in connection with --error-style char-pos, the filter program ooef can also be used. ENVIRONMENTOO2CRC overrides the name of the configuration file. OOC_REPS is a list of repository paths, separated by colons (:). Empty paths are ignored.FILESfile.Mod Source code of an Oberon-2 module. file.Sym Symbol file with public interface of the module. file.Doc Documentation strings from the public interface. file.oh Header file with C level interface. file.c, file.d Generated ANSI-C code. file.o Object file derived from file.d and file.c. In the directory <prefix>/lib/oo2c: oo2crc.xml Configuration file with defaults for options, pragmas, and repositories. src/__*.h Auxiliary files of the compiler. DIAGNOSTICSThe exit status is non zero, if, and only if, an error occurred during compilation.SEE ALSOooef(1), oowhereis(1)Additional topics covered by the OOC2 Reference Manual: installing oo2c, use of initialization files, interfacing to C code, creating static and shared libraries from Oberon-2 modules, and using the Oberon-2 mode for Emacs. The OOC Reference Manual can be obtained from the OOC Home Page at http://ooc.sourceforge.net/. It is available in info, Postscript, HTML, and texinfo format. Please note: At the time of writing, only the OOC Reference Manual for version 1 is available. AUTHORMichael van Acken <mva@users.sf.net>