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MM(1L) MM(1L)

mm - mirror master

mm [flags] [package-files]

mm is the mirror master. It runs multiple calls to mirror in parallel and handles locking and minimal retry times.

As with mirror, mm is a package written in Perl.

mm presumes that all the package details are stored in a directory called packages. All the packages for a given site must be in a file whose name is the same as that of the site. So in packages/ will be all the package details for the host

Ignore the minimal retry timers.
-o site:package
Only mirror the given site:package.
Enable debugging. If this argument is given more than once the debugging level will increase. Currently the maximum useful level is four.
Enable status debugging. This will print out the status of any subprocess as it is spawned or as it exits.

The configuration file is parsed as a series of statements. Blank lines and lines beginning with a hash are ignored. There are are two kinds of statements, controls and site:package details.

Control statements are of the form:


You can add whitespace around the equals.

Here is a list of the keywords and their values, any defaults are given inside square brackets:

Directory that mm chdirs to before doing any work.
Maximum number of mirrors that can be running in parallel at any one time
This is the way to call mirror. Any occurence of $args, $package or $site is replace with the appropriate entry from the package. Any $pkg is replaced with a version of $package with all characters that cause problems in filenames converted to underscore. The default is: exec ./mirror \$args -p'\$package' packages/\$site > logs/\$site:\$pkg 2>&1
Run the given command. This can occur multiple times.
Run the given command and use its output as mm input. This can occur multiple times.
Skip the given site:package when it occurs.

In addition to control statements there are also package details. Each package details statement is of the form:

site:package min-restart-last-ok min-restart-last-notok mirror-args

The site and package fields are matched against those in the packages. A mirror will only be run to this site:package if the last mirror run was more than min hours out. The min-restart-last-ok limit will be used if the last call to mirror was successful. If the mirror call failed then min-restart-last-notok will be used.

Here is a simple mm input file to manage mirroring two packages.

home=/public/mirror 20 20 20 20

More usually the auxilly program pkgs_to_mmin will be used to automatically convert the contents of the packages directory into the site:package statements.

cmdin=./pkgs_to_mmin packages/*

Written by Lee McLoughlin <>.
21 April 1993

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