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AG_TLIST(3) FreeBSD Library Functions Manual AG_TLIST(3)

agar tree/list widget

#include <agar/core.h>
#include <agar/gui.h>

The AG_Tlist widget is designed to display the contents of an existing tree or list structure. Typically, the contents are generated from a polling routine.

The AG_Table(3) and AG_Treetbl(3) widgets are more efficient alternatives to AG_Tlist.

AG_Object(3) -> AG_Widget(3) -> AG_Tlist.

AG_Tlist *
AG_TlistNew(AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags);

AG_Tlist *
AG_TlistNewPolled(AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, void (*eventFn)(AG_Event *), const char *eventArgs, ...);

AG_TlistSetRefresh(AG_Tlist *tl, int ms);

AG_TlistRefresh(AG_Tlist *tl);

AG_TlistSetItemHeight(AG_Tlist *tl, int item_height);

AG_TlistSetIconWidth(AG_Tlist *tl, int icon_width);

AG_TlistSetIcon(AG_Tlist *tl, AG_TlistItem *item, AG_Surface *icon);

AG_TlistSizeHint(AG_Tlist *tl, const char *text, int nitems);

AG_TlistSizeHintPixels(AG_Tlist *tl, int w, int nitems);

AG_TlistSizeHintLargest(AG_Tlist *tl, int nitems);

AG_TlistSetDblClickFn(AG_Tlist *tl, AG_EventFn fn, const char *fn_args, ...);

AG_TlistSetChangedFn(AG_Tlist *tl, AG_EventFn fn, const char *fn_args, ...);

AG_TlistSetCompareFn(AG_Tlist *tl, int (*fn)(const AG_TlistItem *a)(const AG_TlistItem *b));

The AG_TlistNew() function allocates, initializes, and attaches a AG_Tlist widget.

The AG_TlistNewPolled() variant sets the AG_TLIST_POLL flag and configures a default ‘tlist-poll’ event handler.

Acceptable flags include:

Allow the user to select multiple items while holding CTRL or SHIFT.
Allow the user to select multiple items without holding CTRL or SHIFT.
List contents are updated dynamically by the ‘tlist-poll’ event handler (implied by AG_TlistNewPolled()). Note that it is necessary to use AG_TlistBegin() and AG_TlistEnd() when updating a dynamic list.
List contents are organized in a tree structure.
When using AG_TLIST_POLL, don't try to preserve selection information across list updates.
Expand horizontally in parent (equivalent to invoking AG_ExpandHoriz(3)).
Expand vertically in parent (equivalent to invoking AG_ExpandVert(3)).
Shorthand for AG_TLIST_HFILL|AG_TLIST_VFILL. This is recommended as an alternative to AG_TlistSizeHint(), AG_TlistSizeHintPixels() or AG_TlistSizeHintLargest().

AG_TlistSetRefresh() configures the rate at which the polling routine will be invoked, in milliseconds. It is only useful with AG_TlistNewPolled(). The default is 125 milliseconds. A value of -1 disables automatic updates, assuming AG_TlistRefresh() will be used to explicitely force updates.

AG_TlistSetItemHeight() sets the height of all items to item_height pixels . AG_TlistSetIconWidth() sets the width of icons in pixels.

The AG_TlistSetIcon() function updates the icon shown with item, scaled to w by h pixels.

AG_TlistSizeHint() requests sufficient height to display nitems items at once, and sufficient width to display an item containing text. The AG_TlistSizeHintPixels() variant accepts a width argument in pixels instead of a string and the AG_TlistSizeHintLargest() variant uses the largest text label in the current list of items to determine the width.

AG_TlistSetDblClickFn() arranges for the given callback fn to be invoked with the given arguments (as well as the item pointer) when the user double clicks on an item.

AG_TlistSetChangedFn() arranges for the callback fn to be invoked when the user selects or deselects an item. The arguments are respectively, a pointer to the item and an integer with a value of 0 to indicate deselection and 1 to indicate selection.

In order for AG_Tlist to maintain per-item states (selection flag, etc) through polling updates, items must be uniquely identifiable. By default, the p1 pointer is used. AG_TlistSetCompareFn() specifies an alternate comparison routine to use. The standard built-in routines AG_TlistCompareStrings(), AG_TlistComparePtrs() and AG_TlistComparePtrsAndClasses() are provided.

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistAdd(AG_Tlist *tl, AG_Surface *iconsrc, const char *format, ...);

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistAddS(AG_Tlist *tl, AG_Surface *iconsrc, const char *text);

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistAddHead(AG_Tlist *tl, AG_Surface *iconsrc, const char *format, ...);

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistAddHeadS(AG_Tlist *tl, AG_Surface *iconsrc, const char *text);

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistAddPtr(AG_Tlist *tlist, AG_Surface *iconsrc, const char *text, const void *p1);

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistAddPtrHead(AG_Tlist *tlist, AG_Surface *iconsrc, const char *text, const void *p1);

AG_TlistDel(AG_Tlist *tlist, AG_TlistItem *item);

AG_TlistSort(AG_Tlist *tlist);

AG_TlistUniq(AG_Tlist *tlist);

AG_TlistClear(AG_Tlist *tlist);

AG_TlistBegin(AG_Tlist *tlist);

AG_TlistEnd(AG_Tlist *tlist);

AG_TlistSelect(AG_Tlist *tlist, AG_TlistItem *item);

AG_TlistSelectAll(AG_Tlist *tlist);

AG_TlistDeselect(AG_Tlist *tlist, AG_TlistItem *item);

AG_TlistDeselectAll(AG_Tlist *tlist);

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistSelectPtr(AG_Tlist *tlist, void *ptr);

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistSelectText(AG_Tlist *tlist, const char *text);

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistFindByIndex(AG_Tlist *tlist, int index);

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistSelectedItem(AG_Tlist *tlist);

void *
AG_TlistSelectedItemPtr(AG_Tlist *tlist);

void *

AG_TlistFindPtr(AG_Tlist *tlist, void **p);

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistFindText(AG_Tlist *tlist, const char *text);

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistFirstItem(AG_Tlist *tlist);

AG_TlistItem *
AG_TlistLastItem(AG_Tlist *tlist);

AG_TlistScrollToStart(AG_Tlist *tlist);

AG_TlistScrollToEnd(AG_Tlist *tlist);

The AG_TlistAdd() function inserts a new item into the list. The icon argument specifies an optional AG_Surface(3) to display next to the label. Both the icon and the text arguments can be set to NULL. AG_TlistAddHead() places the item at the head of the list, as opposed to the tail.

AG_TlistAddPtr() is a variant of AG_TlistAdd() which accepts an extra user-defined pointer p1, which will be associated with the item. AG_TlistAddPtrHead() places the item at the head of the list, as opposed to the tail.

The AG_TlistDel() function detaches and frees item from its parent tlist.

The AG_TlistSort() routine lexicographically sorts the items in the list. The function returns 0 on success or -1 if insufficient memory is available for the sort.

AG_TlistUniq() scans the list for duplicates (by comparing items using the current comparison routine as configured by AG_TlistSetCompareFn()), and removes all duplicate items.

AG_TlistClear() removes all items attached to the list.

The AG_TlistBegin() function removes all items attached to tlist, but remembers the selected items. AG_TlistEnd() compares each item against the previous selections and restores the selected flag accordingly.

The AG_TlistSelect() and AG_TlistDeselect() functions manipulate the selected flag on item. Unless the AG_TLIST_MULTI flag is set, AG_TlistSelect() clears the selection flag on all other items. The AG_TlistSelectAll() and AG_TlistDeselectAll() functions sets/unsets the selection on all items attached to tlist.

The AG_TlistSelectPtr() function selects and returns the first item with a user pointer value matching ptr. Similarly, AG_TlistSelectText() selects and returns the first item with a text field equal to text. Both of these functions invoke ‘tlist-poll’ if the AG_TLIST_POLL option is set.

The AG_TlistFindByIndex() function returns the item at index, or NULL if there is no such item. The AG_TlistSelectedItem() function returns the first selected item, or NULL if there are none.

The AG_TlistSelectedItemPtr() function returns the user pointer of the first selected item, or NULL if there is no selected item. It is not possible to distinguish a non-existent selection from an actual selection with a NULL user pointer using this function.

In event handler context, the AG_TLIST_ITEM() macro is a shortcut for AG_TlistSelectedItemPtr() on item n from the event stack.

The AG_TlistFindPtr() variant copies the user pointer associated with the first selected item into p, returning 0 on success or -1 if there is no item selected. The AG_TlistFindText() function searches tlist for an item containing the text string and returns NULL if there is no such item.

The AG_TlistFirstItem() and AG_TlistLastItem() functions return the first and last items on the list.

AG_TlistScrollToStart() scrolls the display to the start of the list, and AG_TlistScrollToEnd() scrolls the display to the end of the list.

AG_MenuItem *
AG_TlistSetPopupFn(AG_Tlist *tlist, AG_EventFn fn, const char *fn_args, ...);

AG_MenuItem *
AG_TlistSetPopup(AG_Tlist *tlist, const char *category);

The AG_TlistSetPopupFn() function arranges for the given callback fn to be invoked with the given arguments whenever the user right-clicks on an item on the list. A pointer to the selected item is passed as the last argument to this function. Typically, the function will use AG_PopupNew(3) to display a popup menu.

The AG_TlistSetPopup() function creates a popup menu that will be displayed when the user right-clicks on any item that matches the given category string.

The AG_Tlist widget generates the following events:

tlist-changed(AG_TlistItem *item, int state)
item was selected or unselected.
tlist-selected(AG_TlistItem *item)
item was selected.
tlist-dblclick(AG_TlistItem *item)
The user just double-clicked item. Binding to this event is equivalent to using AG_TlistSetDblClickFn().
tlist-return(AG_TlistItem *item)
The user has selected item and pressed the return key.
The AG_TLIST_POLL flag is set and the widget is about to be drawn or an event is being processed.

The AG_Tlist widget provides the following bindings:

void *selected
The p1 (user pointer) value of the selected item, or NULL if there is no selection. The value of this binding is undefined if the AG_TLIST_MULTI or AG_TLIST_MULTITOGGLE flags are in use.

For the AG_Tlist object:

TAILQ items
List of all AG_TlistItem objects (read-only, items are writeable).
int nitems
Number of items in the list (read-only).

For the AG_TlistItem structure:

int selected
Selection flag.
void *p1
User pointer.
const char *cat
User "category" string (application-specific usage).
char text[]
Text to display (limit of AG_TLIST_LABEL_MAX bytes).
int depth
Depth in tree (for AG_TLIST_TREE).
Uint8 flags
Item flags (see ITEM FLAGS section below).

Indicates that the child items should be displayed (the AG_TLIST_TREE flag must be set).
Indicates that this item has a non-zero number of child items.
Disallow user selection of this item.
If popup menus are in effect, disable popups for this item.

The following code fragment displays an existing tree structure. A callback function is used such that updates in the tree are reflected instantly by the widget.
MyTreeItem *myTreeRoot;

UpdateItems(AG_Event *event)
	AG_Tlist *tl = AG_SELF();
	MyTreeItem *item = AG_PTR(1);
	MyTreeItem *child;
	AG_TlistItem *ti;

	if (item == myTreeRoot)

	ti = AG_TlistAddPtr(tl, NULL, item->text, item);
	ti->flags |= AG_TLIST_HAS_CHILDREN;
	if (ti->flags & AG_TLIST_EXPANDED) {
		LIST_FOREACH(child, &item->children, children) {
			AG_Event ev;
			AG_EventArgs(&ev, "%p,%p", tl, child);

	if (item == myTreeRoot)

AG_TlistNewPolled(NULL, 0, UpdateItems, "%p", myTreeRoot);

See tests/themes.c in the Agar source distribution.

AG_Intro(3), AG_Widget(3), AG_Window(3)

The AG_Tlist widget first appeared in Agar 1.0.
August 20, 2002 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE

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