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Data::Printer::Config(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Data::Printer::Config(3)

Data::Printer::Config - Load run-control (.dataprinter) files for Data::Printer

This module is used internally to load ".dataprinter" files.

    # line comments are ok with "#" or ";"
    ; this is also a full line comment.
    ; Comments at the end of a line (inline) are not allowed
    multiline  = 0
    hash_max   = 5
    array_max  = 5
    string_max = 50
    # use quotes if you need spaces to be significant:
    hash_separator = " => "
    class.show_methods = none
    class.internals    = 0
    filters = DB, Web

    # if you tag a class, those settings will override your basic ones
    # whenever you call p() inside that class.
    multiline = 1
    show_tainted: 1
    class.format_inheritance = lines
    filters = MyAwesomeDebugFilter

    theme = Monokai

    ; use "begin filter NAME" and "end filter" to add custom filter code.
    ; it will expose $obj (the data structure to be parsed) and $ddp
    ; (data printer's object). YOU MAY ONLY DO THIS IF YOUR FILE IS ONLY
    ; READABLE AND WRITEABLE BY THE USER (i.e. chmod 0600).
    begin filter HTTP::Request
        return $ddp->maybe_colorize($obj->method . ' ' . $obj->uri, 'string')
             . $obj->decoded_content;
    end filter

This module is not meant for public use. However, because Data::Printer changed the format of the configuration file, we provide the following public function for people to use:

    perl -MDDP -E 'say Data::Printer::Config::convert( q(/path/to/my/.dataprinter) )'

Loads a deprecated (pre-1.0) configuration file and returns a string with a (hopefully) converted version, which you can use for newer (post-1.0) versions.

Other public functions, not really meant for general consumption, are:

"load_rc_file( $filename )" - loads a configuration file and returns the associated data structure. If no filename is provided, looks for ".dataprinter".

2021-03-03 perl v5.32.1

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