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DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale::fr(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale::fr(3)

DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale::fr -- French localization for the French revolutionary calendar.

  use DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale;
  my $french_locale = DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary::Locale->load('fr');

  my $french_month_name =$french_locale->month_name($date);

This module provides localization for DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary. Usually, its methods will be invoked only from DT::C::FR.

This module provides the following class methods:
  • new

    Returns an object instance, which is just a convenient value to be stored in a variable.

    Contrary to the widely used Gregorian calendar, there is no need to customize a French Revolutionary calendar locale. Therefore, there are no instance data and no instance methods.

  • month_name ($date)

    Returns the French name for $date's month, where $date is a "DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary" object.

  • month_abbreviation ($date)

    Returns a 3-letter abbreviation for the French month name.

  • day_name ($date)

    Returns the French day name.

  • day_abbreviation ($date)

    Returns a 3-letter abbreviation for the French day name.

  • am_pm ($date)

    Returns a code (typically "AM" or "PM") showing whether the datetime is in the morning or the afternoon. Outside the sexagesimal time with a 1..12 hour range, this is not very useful.

  • feast_short ($date)

    Returns the name for the plant, animal or tool that correspond to $date's feast.

  • feast_long ($date)

    Same as "feast_short", with a "jour" prefix.

  • feast_caps ($date)

    Same as "feast_long" with capitalized first letters.

  • on_date ($date)

    Gives a small text about the events which occurred the same month and day as $date between the calendar's epoch (22 Sep 1792) and the day it was rescinded (31 Dec 1805).

    Most of these events come from an anonymous propaganda book published in year VIII (1799--1800). The others are common knowledge available in any French History book or any encyclopedia.

  • full_date_format, long_date_format, medium_date_format, short_date_format

    Class methods, giving four "strftime" canned formats for dates, without the need to remember all the "%" specifiers.

  • full_time_format, long_time_format, medium_time_format, short_time_format

    Same thing, "strftime" canned formats for decimal time.

  • full_datetime_format, long_datetime_format, medium_datetime_format, short_datetime_format

    Same thing, for formats including both the date and the decimal time.

  • default_date_format, default_time_format, default_datetime_format

    Class methods suggesting one each of the date formats, of the time formats and of the datetime formats.

  • full_time_format, long_time_format, medium_time_format, short_time_format

    Same thing, "strftime" canned formats for decimal time.

  • full_datetime_format, long_datetime_format, medium_datetime_format, short_datetime_format

    Same thing, for formats including both the date and the decimal time.

  • default_date_format, default_time_format, default_datetime_format

    Class methods suggesting one each of the date formats, of the time formats and of the datetime formats.

  • default_date_format_length, default_time_format_length

    While "default_date_format" and "default_time_format" give the actual default formats, with "%" and all, these class methods give a one-word description of the default formats: "short", "medium", "long" or "full".

  • date_formats, time_formats

    These class methods give a hashtable where the key is the length ("short", "medium", "long" and "full") and the value is the corresponding format, complete with "%" and specifiers.

  • month_names, month_abbreviations, day_names, day_abbreviations

    Class methods giving the whole array of month or day names or abbrevs, not limited to the date implemented by the invocant.

Support for this module is provided via the email list. See <> for more details.

Please report any bugs or feature requests to Github at <>, and create an issue or submit a pull request.

If you have no feedback after a week or so, try to reach me by email at JFORGET at cpan dot org. The notification from Github may have failed to reach me. In your message, please mention the distribution name in the subject, so my spam filter and I will easily dispatch the email to the proper folder.

On the other hand, I may be on vacation or away from Internet for a good reason. Do not be upset if I do not answer immediately. You should write me at a leisurely rythm, about once per month, until I react.

If after about six months or a year, there is still no reaction from me, you can worry and start the CPAN procedure for module adoption. See <> <> and <>.

Jean Forget <>

The development of this module is hosted by Les Mongueurs de Perl, <>.

Calendrier Militaire, anonymous (see the last entry of the Internet section).





"Décret du 4 frimaire, an II (24 novembre 1793) sur l'ère, le commencement et l'organisation de l'année et sur les noms des jours et des mois"


Same text, with a slightly different typography.


"Archives parlementaires de 1789 à 1860: recueil complet des débats législatifs & politiques des Chambres françaises", J. Madival and E. Laurent, et. al., eds, Librairie administrative de P. Dupont, Paris, 1912.

Starting with page 6, this document includes the same text as the previous links, with a much improved typography. Especially, all the "long s" letters have been replaced by short s. Also interesting is the text following the decree, page 21 and following: "Annuaire ou calendrier pour la seconde année de la République française, annexe du décret du 4 frimaire, an II (24 novembre 1793) sur l'ère, le commencement et l'organisation de l'année et sur les noms des jours et des mois".


[Fabre] "Rapport fait à la Convention nationale dans la séance du 3 du second mois de la seconde année de la République française, au nom de la Commission chargée de la confection du calendrier", Philippe-François-Nazaire Fabre d'Églantine, Imprimerie nationale, Paris, 1793


[Annuaire] "Annuaire du cultivateur, pour la troisième année de la République : présenté le 30 pluviôse de l'an II à la Convention nationale, qui en a décrété l'impression et l'envoi, pour servir aux écoles de la République", Gilbert Romme, Imprimerie nationale des lois, Paris, 1794-1795


"Calendrier militaire, ou tableau sommaire des victoires remportées par les Armées de la République française, depuis sa fondation (22 septembre 1792), jusqu'au 9 floréal an 7, époque de la rupture du Congrès de Rastadt et de la reprise des hostilités" Moutardier, Paris, An VIII de la République française. The source of the "on_date" method.

Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019, 2021 Jean Forget. All rights reserved. This program is free software. You can distribute, modify, and otherwise mangle DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolutionary under the same terms as perl 5.16.3.

This program is distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.16.3: GNU Public License version 1 or later and Perl Artistic License

You can find the text of the licenses in the LICENSE file or at <> and <>.

Here is the summary of GPL:

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <> or contact the Free Software Foundation, Inc., <>.

2021-04-06 perl v5.32.1

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