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LWP::Authen::OAuth2::ServiceProvider::Dwolla(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation LWP::Authen::OAuth2::ServiceProvider::Dwolla(3)

LWP::Authen::OAuth2::ServiceProvider::Dwolla - Access Dwolla API v2

  my $oauth_dwolla = LWP::Authen::OAuth2->new(
    # client_id/client_secret come from your Dwolla account, under API Keys in
    # Registered Applications
    client_id        => DWOLLA_APP_KEY,
    client_secret    => DWOLLA_APP_SECRET,
    service_provider => 'Dwolla',
    # $use_test = 1 to use in your dev sandbox, for test transactions
    use_test_urls    => $use_test ? 1 : 0,
    redirect_uri     => '',
    # scope for reading funding sources and sending money; see Dwolla docs for other scopes
    scope            => 'Send|Funding',

  # read user's list of funding sources
  my $account = $oauth_dwolla->access_token()->{'_links'}->{'account'}->{'href'};
  my $funding_sources = eval { $oauth_dwolla->make_api_call($account.'/funding-sources') };

  # get all verified bank accounts
  my @verified_sources = grep {
    $_->{'status'} eq 'verified' && $_->{'type'} ne 'balance'
  } @{ $funding_sources->{'_embedded'}->{'funding-sources'} };

  # get user's Dwolla balance, if it has a positive balance
  my ($balance_source) = grep {
    $_->{'type'} eq 'balance'
  } @{ $funding_sources->{'_embedded'}->{'funding-sources'} };

  my $dwolla_balance = eval {
  print 'Dwolla balance = '.$dwolla_balance->{'balance'}->{'value'}."\n";

  # send 100USD from first verified bank account to $recipient_account_id
  my $success = eval { $oauth2->make_api_call('/transfers', {
    _links => {
      destination => { href => $oauth2->api_url_base().'/accounts/'.$recipient_account_id },
      source      => { href => $verified_sources[0]->{'_links'}->{'account'}->{'href'} },
    amount => { currency => 'USD', value => '100.00' },
  }) };

  # (to send via Dwolla balance, use $balance_source->{'_links'}->{'account'}->{'href'}
  # as source href instead)

First get a Dwolla account, by signing up at Then create a new application via API Keys -> Create an application. Set up the OAuth Redirect to match the "redirect_uri" in your LWP::Authen::OAuth2 object, and use the application's Key and Secret values in client_id and client_secret.

Full Dwolla API v2 docs can be found here:

<>, <>

Adi Fairbank, "<>"

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc LWP::Authen::OAuth2::ServiceProvider

You can also look for information at:

Github (submit patches here)
CPAN maintainer's branch: <>

Branch where I work on Dwolla support: <>

RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
CPAN Ratings
2019-02-25 perl v5.32.1

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