NAMEmt - Adds support for the MovableType XML-RPC APISYNOPSISuse Net::Blogger; use Carp; use Data::Dumper; my $mt = Net::Blogger->new(engine=>"movabletype"); $mt->Proxy("http://yaddayadda.com/mt-xmlrpc.cgi"); $mt->Username("asc"); $mt->Password("*****"); $mt->BlogId(123); $mt->newPost(postbody=>\&fortune(),publish=>1) || croak $mt->LastError(); my $id = $mt->metaWeblog()->newPost(title=>"test:".time, description=>&fortune(), publish=>1) || croak $mt->LastError(); my $categories = $mt->mt()->getCategoryList() || croak $mt->LastError(); my $cid = $categories->[0]->{categoryId}; $mt->mt()->setPostCategories(postid=>$id, categories=>[{categoryId=>$cid}]) || croak $mt->LastError(); print &Dumper($mt->mt()->getPostCategories(postid=>$id)); sub fortune { local $/; undef $/; system ("fortune > /home/asc/tmp/fortune"); open F, "</home/asc/tmp/fortune"; my $fortune = <F>; close F; return $fortune; } DESCRIPTIONAdds support for the MovableType XML-RPC APIOBJECT METHODS$obj->getRecentPostTitles(\%args)Valid arguments are :
Returns an array ref of hash refs. Each hash ref contains the following keys :
This method was introduced in Net::Blogger 0.86 and does not accept arguments passed as a list. They must be passed by reference. $obj->getCategoryList()Returns an array ref of hash references.$obj->getPostCategories(\%args)Valid arguments are
Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible. Returns an array ref of hash references $obj->setPostCategories(\%args)Valid argument are
Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible. Returns true or false $obj->getTrackbackPings(\%args)
Returns an array reference of hash references who keys are :
Releases prior to Net::Blogger 0.85 accepted a list of arguments rather than a reference. Version 0.85+ are backwards compatible. $obj->supportMethods()Returns an array reference.$obj->publishPost($postid)Returns true or false.VERSION1.0DATE$Date: 2005/03/26 19:29:08 $AUTHORAaron Straup CopeSEE ALSONet::Blogger::Engine::Basehttp://www.movabletype.org/mt-static/docs/mtmanual_programmatic.html#xmlrpc%20api LICENSECopyright (c) 2002-2005, Aaron Straup Cope. All Rights Reserved.This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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