Net::HTTPS::NB - Non-blocking HTTPS client
- Example of sending request and receiving response
use strict;
use Net::HTTPS::NB;
use IO::Select;
my $s = Net::HTTPS::NB->new(Host => "") || die $@;
$s->write_request(GET => "/");
my $sel = IO::Select->new($s);
die "Header timeout" unless $sel->can_read(10);
my($code, $mess, %h) = $s->read_response_headers;
redo READ_HEADER unless $code;
# Net::HTTPS::NB uses internal buffer for reading
# so we should check it before socket check by calling read_entity_body()
# it is error to wait data on socket before read_entity_body() will return undef
# with $! set to EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK
# make socket non-blocking, so read_entity_body() will not block
while (1) {
my $buf;
my $n;
# try to read until error or all data received
while (1) {
my $tmp_buf;
$n = $s->read_entity_body($tmp_buf, 1024);
if ($n == -1 || (!defined($n) && ($! == EWOULDBLOCK || $! == EAGAIN))) {
last; # no data available this time
elsif ($n) {
$buf .= $tmp_buf; # data received
elsif (defined $n) {
last; # $n == 0, all readed
else {
die "Read error occured: ", $!; # $n == undef
print $buf if length $buf;
last if defined $n && $n == 0; # all readed
die "Body timeout" unless $sel->can_read(10); # wait for new data
- Example of non-blocking connect
use strict;
use Net::HTTPS::NB;
use IO::Select;
my $sock = Net::HTTPS::NB->new(Host => '', Blocking => 0);
my $sele = IO::Select->new($sock);
until ($sock->connected) {
else {
die 'Unknown error: ', $HTTPS_ERROR;
See `examples' subdirectory for more examples.
Same interface as Net::HTTPS but it will never try multiple reads when the
read_response_headers() or read_entity_body() methods are
invoked. In addition allows non-blocking connect.
- If read_response_headers() did not see enough data to complete the
headers an empty list is returned.
- If read_entity_body() did not see new entity data in its read the
value -1 is returned.
Imported by default
Imported by default
Same as Net::HTTPS::new, but in addition allows `Blocking' parameter. By setting
this parameter to 0 you can perform non-blocking connect. See
connected() to determine when connection completed.
Returns true value when connection completed (https handshake done). Otherwise
returns false. In this case you can check $HTTPS_ERROR
to determine what handshake need for, read or write.
HTTPS_WANT_WRITE respectively. See "SYNOPSIS".
As opposed to Net::HTTPS where blocking method consciously broken you can set
socket blocking. For example you can return socket to blocking state after
non-blocking connect.
Net::HTTP, Net::HTTP::NB, Net::HTTPS
Copyright 2011-2015 Oleg G <>.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.