Perl data type class for the XML Schema defined complexType
ActionEngineEventPayload from the namespace http://www.onvif.org/ver10/schema.
Action Engine Event Payload data structure contains the
information about the ONVIF command invocations. Since this event could be
generated by other or proprietary actions, the command invocation specific
fields are defined as optional and additional extension mechanism is
provided for future or additional action definitions.
The following properties may be accessed using get_PROPERTY / set_PROPERTY
- RequestInfo
- ResponseInfo
- Fault
- Extension
Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():
{ # ONVIF::Media::Types::ActionEngineEventPayload
RequestInfo => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Envelope
Header => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Header
Body => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Body
ResponseInfo => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Envelope
Header => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Header
Body => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Body
Fault => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::Fault
faultcode => $some_value, # QName
faultstring => $some_value, # string
faultactor => $some_value, # anyURI
detail => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::detail
Extension => { # ONVIF::Media::Types::ActionEngineEventPayloadExtension