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OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::import_chain(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
OpenXPKI::Server::API2::Plugin::Cert::import_chain(3) |
Expects a set of certificates as PKCS7 container, concated PEM or array of PEM
blocks - expected sorting is "entity first". For security reasons
the root is not imported by default, set import_root to import root
certificates. If the chain can not be build, the import will fail unless you
set force_nochain, which will import the chain as far as it can be
built. Certificates from the chain that are already in the database are
ignored. If the data contain certs from different chains, all chains are built
(works only with PEM array/block)
Return value is a hash with keys imported, existed and failed:
- imported
- array ref holding the db_hash of the successful imports
- existed
- array ref holding the db_hash of items that have been in the database
- failed
- array ref holding the cert_identifier and error message of failed imports
([{ cert_identifier => ..., error => .... }])
- "chain" Str or ArrayRef - PEM
encoded certificate (Str) or full certificate chain (list of PEM
encoded certificates) starting with the entity
- "pkcs7" Str - PEM encoded PKCS7
- "pki_realm" Str - realm to import
to, default is the current realm
- "force_nochain" Bool - force
import of incomplete chains
- "import_root" Bool - import the
root certificate if required
Changes compared to API v1:
The old parameter "DATA" was
split up into two separate parameters
"chain" and
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