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NameOpenXPKI::Server::NICEDescriptionNICE ist the Nice Interface for Certificate Enrollment. This class is just a stub to be inherited by your specialised backend class.The mandatory input parameters are directly passed to the methods while the mandatory return values should be returned as a hash ref by the method call and are written to the context by the surrounding activity functions. The implementations are free to access the context to transport internal parameters. If the expected operation could not be completed, the method MUST return undef, it is recommended to set a verbose error in the last_error class attribute (this might also show up on the UI). The methods should NOT use workflow controls as pause or retry, this should be left to the activity classes. Methods should throw exceptions only on final errors (such that will not succeed when called again with the same input data). API FunctionsissueCertificateSubmit a certificate request for a new certificate. The certificate request entry from the database is passed in as hashref.Note that it highly depends on the implementation what properties are taken from the pkcs10 container and what can be overridden by other means. PKCS10 is the default format which should be supported by any backend. You might implement any own format. See documentation of the used backend for details. In case the backend has processed the request but needs extra time to process it, the response should be a hash with cert_identifier set to undef. The backend should support pickup of the certificate by fetch certificate in this case and keep information in the context to process this call. Parameters
Return values
csr attributes Besides the properties of the csr, following attributes should be processed where applicable.
renewCertificateSubmit a certificate renewal request. Same as issueCertificate but receives the certificate identifier of the originating certificate as second parameter.fetchCertificateThis is only valid if issueCertificate or renewCertificate returned with a pending request and tries to fetch the requested certificate. If successful, the cert_identifier context parameter is populated with the identifier, otherwise the pending marker remains in the context. If the fetch finally failed, it should unset the cert_identifier.Output
revokeCertificateRequest the ca to add this certificate to its revocation list. Expects the serial of the certificate revocation request. If the given reason is not supported by the backend, "unspecified" should be used.Parameters
Return Values Boolean, true if the request was processed. Should throw an exception if revocation is not possible. checkForRevocationMight only valid after calling revokeCertificate.Check if the certificate revocation request was processed and set the status field in the certificate table to REVOKED/HOLD. The special state HOLD must be used only if the certificate is marked as "certificateHold" on the issued CRL or OCSP. Parameters
Return Values true if the certificate is revoked, false if not. unrevokeCertificateRemove a formerly revoked certifiate from the revocation list. Expects the certificate identifier. Only allowed after "certificateHold", sets the status field of the certificate status table back to ISSUED immediately.Input
issueCRLTrigger issue of the crl and write it into the "crl" parameter. The parameter ca_alias contains the alias name of the ca token.In case the backend has processed the request but needs extra time to process it, the response should be a hash with csr_serial set to undef. The backend should support pickup of the certificate by fetchCrl in this case and keep information in the context to process this call. Parameters
Return values
fetchCRLOnly valid after calling issueCRL, tries to fetch the new CRL. See issue/fetchCertificate how to use the pending marker.generateKeyGenerate and return a private key according to the parameters passed. Supported modes and parameter sets depend on the backend, some backends might even not implement this method.Input
Output Return value is a hash, the encrypted key must be returned in the key pkey. Additional arguments might be returned by the backend. fetchKeyFetch a key created by with generateKey from the backend. Usage of the password and key_transport settings might differ between implementations.Input
internal helper functions_get_context_paramExpect the name of the context field as parameter and returns the appropriate context value. Does not deserialize the content._set_context_paramExpect the name of the context field, and its new value. Does not serialize the content.__persistCertificateInformationPersist a certificate into the certificate table and store implementation specific information in the datapool. The first parameter is mandatory with all fields given below. The second parameter is serialized "as is" and stored in the datapool and can be retrieved later using "__fetchPersistedCertificateInformation".certificate_information
The certificate is expected to be a x509 structure. A pkcs7 container with the entity certificate and its chain is also accepted. If the ca_identifier is not set, we try to autodetect it by searching the certificate table for a certificate which matches the authority key identifier. If the certificate has no authority key identifier set, the lookup is done on the the issuer dn. __fetchPersistedCertificateInformationReturn the hashref for a given certificate identifiere stored within the datapool using "__persistCertificateInformation".Implementors GuideThe NICE API implements every operation in two individual steps to support asynchronus operating backends. If you are building a synchronus backend, you can ommit the implementation of the second steps.The activity definitions in OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::NICE::* show the expected usage of the API functions. issue/renew CertificateThe request information must be taken from the csr and csr_attributes tThe method must persist the certificate by calling __persistCertificateInformation and write the certificates identifier into the context parameter cert_identifier. If the request was dispatched but is still pending, the must be written into the cert_identifier context value. If cert_identifier is not set after execution, the workflow will call this method again.