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OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::ParsePKCS10(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::ParsePKCS10(3) |
Take a pkcs10 container and extract information to the context. If a profile
name and style are given and the profile has a ui section, the data extracted
from the CSR is used to prefill the profile ui fields. Otherwise the extracted
subject and san information is put "as is" into the context. Output
definition is given below.
To get extra information from the CSR, add parameters key_params,
req_attributes and req_extensions to your activity configuration.
- pkcs10
- The PEM formatted pkcs10 request, has priority over context key.
- cert_profile
- Determines the used profile, has priority over context key.
- cert_subject_style
- Determines the used profile substyle, has priority over context key.
- key_params
- If set to a true value, details of the used public key are available in
the key_params context entry. Requires Crypt::PK::ECC if ECC keys
need to be handled.
- verify_signature
- If set to a true value, the signature of the PKCS#10 container is checked
and the boolean result is written to csr_signature_valid. If not set, the
parameter is deleted from the context. It is recommended to check the
PCKS#10 container on upload already using the validator. Note that at
least the default backend will refuse broken signatures on the request to
issue, so you MUST handle this.
- subject_prefix
- Prefix for context output keys to write the subject information into
(cert_subject_parts, cert_san_parts, cert_subject_alt_name). Default is
- pkcs10
- Read pkcs10 request from if not set using activity param.
- cert_profile
- Read cert_profile request from if not set using activity param.
- cert_subject_style
- Read cert_subject_style request from if not set using activity param.
- req_extensions
- List of OIDs (or names) of request extensions, multiple items must be
seperated by space. For each extensions that is found in the request, a
item in the req_extension context item is created. The key is the given
name, the content is the raw data as returned by Crypt::PKCS10 and depends
on the extensions.
- req_attributes
- List of OIDs (or names) of request attributes, similar to
Prefix cert_ can be changed by setting subject_prefix.
- csr_subject
- The extracted subject as string (comma seperated)
- cert_subject_parts
- If a valid profile is given, contains the preset values for all fields
given in the profiles subject section. The values are determined by
running the appropriate template string for each field with the data
extracted from the csr.
In plain mode, it contains the parsed DN as key-value pairs
where the key is the shortname of the component (e.g: OU) and the value
is an array of values found. Note that any component is an array even if
it has only one item. All items found in the SAN part are also added
with a prefix "SAN_" and all uppercased names as used by
- cert_san_parts
- Only in profile mode. Contains the preset values for all fields given in
the profiles san section. The values are determined by running the
appropriate template string for each field with the data extracted from
the csr.
- cert_subject_alt_name
- Only in plain mode. All SAN items as nested array list. Each item of the
list is a two item array with name and value of one SAN item. The names
are given as required to build then openssl extension file (otherName,
email, DNS, dirName, URI, IP, RID).
- csr_key_alg
- Algorithm of the public key, one of rsa, dsa, ec, unsupported
- csr_digest_alg
- The digest algorithm used to create the signature request (e.g. md5,
- csr_key_params
- Hash holding additional information on the used public key, only present
if key_params is set. Keys depend on the type of the key.
- key_length
- Size of the used public key (RSA/DSA)/curve (ECC) in bits
- curve
- ec keys only, name of the curve - can be empty if curve is not known to
the current openssl version or if custom parameters have been used.
- csr_subject_key_identifier
- The key identifier of the used public key, Hex with uppercased letters.
The format is identical to the return value of the API method
get_key_identifier_from_data and the format used in the certificates
- csr_signature_valid
- Boolean, set only if validate_signature is set and recevies a
literal 0/1 weather the PKCS#10 containers signature can be
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