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NAMEOurNet::BBS::Roadmap - The OurNet-BBS development roadmapSYNOPSISThere are several design goals for the OurNet-BBS:Secure Communication & StorageThe most fundamental weakness of thin-client architectures is the vulnerability of tampering, either by intercepting transmissions or preying on unencrypted data stored on the centralized server. Therefore, OurNet-BBS MUST provide means to retrieve, forward and store data securely.Multiple Representation ParadigmsIn order to translate between heterogeneous services within a common network, OurNet-BBS MUST accept both storage-based (eg. HTTP/FreeNet/LDAP) and message-based (eg. Jabber/XML-RPC) renderings, and be able to render into corresponding formats (eg. HTML/XML/MIME).Decentralized Syndication SupportMonolithic, single point-of-failure servers has remained as the state of art in telnet-based BBS networks since the very beginning, which leads to its incapability to leverage viewers, services and computing resources on client machines as well as the high failure rate in on-line services.While not an end in itself, OurNet-BBS MUST provide a clearly defined layer for writing inter-operable agent and services in a server-less environment, either by utilizing existing networks (eg. Gnutella, JXTA, FreeNet) or by creating its own network. COMPONENTSSince OurNet-BBS is a large undertaking, its various components are relatively independent with each other, and are better viewed as sub-projects working collaboratively.BBS BackendsOurNet-BBS MUST provide backends for all major telnet-based BBS systems, akin to DBD::* database access drivers.These backends SHOULD support all existing services available through telnet-based interfaces, including boards, articles, nested archives, board classes, user info, mailbox, sessions, instant message, and chat rooms. Backend developers are strongly encouraged to actively abstract similar file-based operations among components, via the OurNet::BBS::Base object framework. All backends MUST provide the same interface for Board, Article and User components, and SHOULD support Group and Session wherever applicable.
Wrapper BackendsThese backends SHOULD map their native data representation into traditional ones, and MAY offer additional options to control their behavior. They SHOULD NOT break any semantics common to all traditional backends.
Content RenderingSome representation layers, such as stateless HTTP, does not allow a transparent integration. Nevertheless, OurNet-BBS SHOULD provide rendering tools to perform batch import / export against different targets.
Service TransportsThe service transports allows interoperability between OurNet-BBS objects and other distributed systems.
Decentralized NetworkingOurNet-BBS SHOULD layer itself on top of a distributed computing network that allows Server-to-Server communications.
Agent PlatformThe medium-term goal for OurNet-BBS is to become a backend-independent Agent platform, consisting of all interconnected OurNet nodes. It is therefore necessary to offer a common set of API and infrastructure to encourage people writing OurNet Agents.
DocumentationThe documentation set of OurNet-BBS is distributed under the OurNet::BBS::* namespace.
MILESTONESMilestone 0This milestone gives the baseline of basic functionalities, and a working prototype of RPC + Access Control network. It also includes man pages and overviews.backend: MAPLE2, PTT, MAPLE3, MELIX. wrapper: RAM, BBSAgent, NNTP, MailBox. transport: OurNet-RPC. agent: Telnet Agents, Access Control (MELIX). Milestone 1This milestone aims to provide a working public beta based on old client/server model. It will focus on core stability, a complete test case, and introductory materials.agent: Access Control (MAPLE2). rendering: Migration Toolkit. document: Architecture & Philosophy, Interfaces & Samples, Test Cases With Comments. Milestone 2This milestone is for co-operability toward developers. It will have a fully-functional reference implementation of Web rendering, as well as a procedural interface suitable to bindings with other languages. An experimental discovery network should be formed by this milestone.wrapper: POP3/SMTP. transport: XML-RPC. rendering: WebBBS Plug-in. network: Discovery. document: Backend Developer's Guide. Milestone 3Cross-node messaging, presence and session management are the main purpose for this milestone. By this release, we should also gradually move away from depending on text-file based storage.transport: Jabber. wrapper: DBI. network: Messaging, Authentication. Milestone 4This milestone turns existing OurNet network into a true Agent Platform, by offering intention- and subscription- based syndication between nodes.rendering: Web Framework Integration. network: Syndication. agent: Transportable Objects. document: Agent Developer's Guide. AUTHORSAutrijus Tang <autrijus@autrijus.org>COPYRIGHTCopyright 2001-2002 by Autrijus Tang <autrijus@autrijus.org>.This document is open document; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Open Content License. See <http://opencontent.org/opl.shtml>