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XmtGetApplicationValues(3) FreeBSD Library Functions Manual XmtGetApplicationValues(3)

XmtGetApplicationValues(), XmtSetApplicationValues() - query and set application resources by name.

#include <Xmt/AppRes.h>

void XmtGetApplicationValues(Widget w, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args)

void XmtSetApplicationValues(Widget w, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args)

Any descendant of the root shell for which application resource values are to be obtained.
An ArgList specifying the names of resources to be queried or set, and the addresses of variables to store their values in (for XmtGetApplicationValues()) or the values to set for those resources (for XmtSetApplicationValues()).
The number of elements in the args array.

XmtGetApplicationValues() and XmtSetApplicationValues() are analogs to XtGetValues() and XtSetValues(). Instead of querying and setting the resources of a widget, however, they query and set the standard Xmt application resources associated with a root shell widget. See Chapter 7, Application Resources and Command-Line Arguments, for a complete list of these application resources. The header file <Xmt/AppRes.h> contains symbolic names that you can use to refer to each of these application resources-each name begins with an XmtN prefix, just as Xmt widget resource names do.

Xmt does not make copies of any of its string application resources, so any strings returned by XmtGetApplicationValues() must not be modified or freed. Similarly, Xmt does not make copies of any of its string application resources, so any string values set by this function must be constant strings, of must not be modified or freed for the lifetime of the application.

Not all application resources can be meaningfully set. Xmtforeground and XmtNbackground, for example, are used only within XmtInitializeApplicationShell() and are never referenced again; setting them will have no effect.

Calling XmtSetApplicationValues() only sets the specified values; Xmt makes no attempt to update the current application state to reflect the new values. If the ``busy cursor'' is being displayed by XmtDisplayBusyCursor(), for example, and you set the XmtNbusyCursor resource, the cursor that is displayed will not change. The next time you call XmtDisplayBusyCursor(), however, the new cursor will be used.

Chapter 7, Application Resources and Command-Line Arguments, XmtInitializeApplicationShell(), XmtParseCommandLine().
Motif Tools Xmt

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