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NAMEGD::Graph::ohlc - GD::Graph type that shows open, high, low and close as ticks on little sticksSYNOPSISCreate an chart, displaying the open, high, low, and close -- normally for stock data. The data points for ohlc charts are completely different from all the other graph types, they must be four tuples, "[$o,$h,$l,$c]", instead of single scalar values. See the "DATA" section for an explanation.DATAThe data points for ohlc and ohlc-mixed graphs must be four tuples -- instead of the single scalar number the other GD::Graphs take. This would feed nicely into an ohlc-mixed graph:@data = ( ['1st', '2nd', '3rd'], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ [1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4] ], ); EXAMPLEThis example turns out like this: <https://voltar.org/PerlModules/ohlc_example.png>.NOTE: You do not need to use GD::Graph::mixed here. See GD::Graph::candlesticks for an example that doesn't use mixed. use strict; use warnings; use List::Util qw(min max); use GD::Graph::ohlc; use GD::Graph::mixed; my @msft = ( # open high low close ["2007/12/18", "34.6400", "35.0000", "34.2100", "34.7400"], ["2007/12/19", "34.6900", "35.1400", "34.3800", "34.7900"], ["2007/12/20", "35.2900", "35.7900", "35.0800", "35.5200"], ["2007/12/21", "35.9000", "36.0600", "35.7500", "36.0600"], ["2007/12/24", "36.1300", "36.7200", "36.0500", "36.5800"], ["2007/12/26", "36.4100", "36.6400", "36.2600", "36.6100"], ["2007/12/27", "36.3500", "36.5500", "35.9400", "35.9700"], ["2007/12/28", "36.1000", "36.2300", "35.6700", "36.1200"], ["2007/12/31", "35.9000", "35.9900", "35.5200", "35.6000"], ["2008/01/02", "35.7900", "35.9600", "35.0000", "35.2200"], ["2008/01/03", "35.2200", "35.6500", "34.8600", "35.3700"], ["2008/01/04", "35.1900", "35.2000", "34.0900", "34.3800"], ["2008/01/07", "34.5500", "34.8000", "34.2500", "34.6100"], ["2008/01/08", "34.7100", "34.7100", "33.4000", "33.4500"], ["2008/01/09", "33.3600", "34.5400", "33.3500", "34.4400"], ["2008/01/10", "34.3500", "34.5000", "33.7800", "34.3300"], ["2008/01/11", "34.1400", "34.2400", "33.7200", "33.9100"], ["2008/01/14", "34.4600", "34.5700", "34.0800", "34.3900"], ["2008/01/15", "34.0300", "34.3800", "34.0000", "34.0000"], ["2008/01/16", "33.4200", "33.6500", "32.5100", "33.2300"], ["2008/01/17", "33.5400", "33.8000", "32.9700", "33.1100"], ["2008/01/18", "33.1600", "34.0000", "32.9700", "33.0100"], ["2008/01/22", "31.5400", "32.5300", "31.5000", "31.9600"], ["2008/01/23", "31.4800", "32.0500", "31.0400", "31.9300"], ["2008/01/24", "32.3500", "33.3600", "32.1200", "33.2500"], ["2008/01/25", "34.9000", "35.0000", "32.8700", "32.9400"], ["2008/01/28", "33.0200", "33.1000", "32.4200", "32.7200"], ["2008/01/29", "32.8500", "32.8900", "32.3500", "32.6000"], ["2008/01/30", "32.5600", "32.8000", "32.0500", "32.2000"], ["2008/01/31", "31.9100", "32.7400", "31.7200", "32.6000"], ); my @all_points = map {@$_[1 .. 4]} @msft; my $min_point = min(@all_points); my $max_point = max(@all_points); my $graph = GD::Graph::mixed->new(800, 400); $graph->set( x_labels_vertical => 1, x_label => 'Trade Date', y_label => 'NASDAQ:MSFT', title => "Example OHLC", transparent => 0, dclrs => [qw(lgray blue)], types => [qw(lines ohlc)], y_min_value => $min_point-0.2, y_max_value => $max_point+0.2, y_number_format => '%0.2f', ) or warn $graph->error; my $data_ohlc = [ [ map {$_->[0]} @msft ], # date [ map {$_->[4]} @msft ], # close [ map {[@$_[1 .. 4]]} @msft ], # ohlc ]; my $gd = $graph->plot($data_ohlc) or die $graph->error; open my $dump, ">", "/tmp/ohlc_example.png" or die $!; print $dump $gd->png; close $dump; AUTHORPaul Miller "<jettero@cpan.org>"I am using this software in my own projects... If you find bugs, please please please let me know. Actually, let me know if you find it handy at all. Half the fun of releasing this stuff is knowing that people use it. If you see anything wrong with the callbacks, the docs, or anything: Definitely let me know! rt.cpan, irc, email, whatever. Just let me know. COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 2012 Paul MillerSEE ALSOperl(1), GD::Graph, GD::Graph::candlesticks, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OHLC>