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FreeBSD Games Manual |
openra - An Open Source modernization of the early 2D Command & Conquer
- Debug.PerfText=False
- Display average FPS and tick/render times
- Debug.PerfGraph=False
- Display a graph with various profiling traces
- Debug.Samples=25
- Numer of samples to average over when calculating tick and render
- Debug.CheckVersion=True
- Check whether a newer version is available online.
- Debug.SendSystemInformation=True
- Allow the collection of anonymous data such as Operating System, .NET
runtime, OpenGL version and language settings.
- Debug.SystemInformationVersionPrompt=0
- Version of sysinfo that the player last opted in or out of.
- Debug.UUID=44a54abe-6b7b-430e-983a-2428d20a4487
- Sysinfo anonymous user identifier.
- Debug.DisplayDeveloperSettings=False
- Enable hidden developer settings in the Advanced settings tab.
- Debug.BotDebug=False
- Display bot debug messages in the game chat.
- Debug.LuaDebug=False
- Display Lua debug messages in the game chat.
- Debug.EnableDebugCommandsInReplays=False
- Enable the chat field during replays to allow use of console
- Debug.LongTickThresholdMs=1
- Amount of time required for triggering perf.log output.
- Debug.SyncCheckUnsyncedCode=False
- Throw an exception if the world sync hash changes while evaluating user
- Debug.SyncCheckBotModuleCode=False
- Throw an exception if the world sync hash changes while evaluating
- Game.AuthProfile=player.oraid
- Filename of the authentication profile to use.
- Game.IntroductionPromptVersion=0
- Version of introduction prompt that the player last viewed.
- Graphics.Mode=PseudoFullscreen
- This can be set to Windowed, Fullscreen or PseudoFullscreen.
- Graphics.VSync=True
- Enable VSync.
- Graphics.FullscreenSize=0,0
- Screen resolution in fullscreen mode.
- Graphics.WindowedSize=1024,768
- Screen resolution in windowed mode.
- Graphics.CapFramerate=False
- Add a frame rate limiter.
- Graphics.MaxFramerate=60
- At which frames per second to cap the framerate.
- Graphics.DisableWindowsRenderThread=True
- Disable separate OpenGL render thread on Windows operating systems.
- Graphics.DisableGLDebugMessageCallback=False
- Disable the OpenGL debug message callback feature.
- Graphics.DisableHardwareCursors=False
- Disable operating-system provided cursor rendering.
- Graphics.VideoDisplay=0
- Display index to use in a multi-monitor fullscreen setup.
- Graphics.GLProfile=Modern
- Preferred OpenGL profile to use. Modern: OpenGL Core Profile 3.2 or
greater. Embedded: OpenGL ES 3.0 or greater. Legacy: OpenGL 2.1 with
framebuffer_object extension.
- Launch.Connect=
- Connect to the following server given as IP:PORT on startup.
- Launch.URI=
- Connect to the unified resource identifier openra://IP:PORT on
- Launch.Replay=
- Automatically start playing the given replay file.
- Launch.Benchmark=
- Dump performance data into cpu.csv and render.csv in the logs folder with
the given prefix.
- Launch.Map=
- Automatically start playing the given map.
- Player.Name=Commander
- Sets the player nickname.
- Server.Name=OpenRAGame
- Sets the server name.
- Server.ListenPort=1234
- Sets the internal port.
- Server.AdvertiseOnline=True
- Reports the game to the master server list.
- Server.Password=
- Locks the game with a password.
- Server.DiscoverNatDevices=False
- Allow users to enable NAT discovery for external IP detection and
automatic port forwarding.
- Server.NatDiscoveryTimeout=1000
- Time in milliseconds to search for UPnP enabled NAT devices.
- Server.Map=
- Starts the game with a default map. Input as hash that can be obtained by
the utility.
- Server.Ban=
- Takes a comma separated list of IP addresses that are not allowed to
- Server.RequireAuthentication=False
- For dedicated servers only, allow anonymous clients to join.
- Server.ProfileIDWhitelist=
- For dedicated servers only, if non-empty, only allow authenticated players
with these profile IDs to join.
- Server.ProfileIDBlacklist=
- For dedicated servers only, if non-empty, always reject players with these
user IDs from joining.
- Server.EnableSingleplayer=False
- For dedicated servers only, controls whether a game can be started with
just one human player in the lobby.
- Server.QueryMapRepository=True
- Query map information from the Resource Center if they are not available
- Server.EnableSyncReports=False
- Enable client-side report generation to help debug desync errors.
- Server.TimestampFormat=yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
- Sets the timestamp format. Defaults to the ISO 8601 standard.
- Server.ShareAnonymizedIPs=True
- Allow clients to see anonymised IPs for other clients.
- Server.EnableGeoIP=True
- Allow clients to see the country of other clients.
Settings are stored in the ~/.openra user folder.
Known issues are tracked at http://bugs.openra.net
Copyright 2007-2020 The OpenRA Developers (see AUTHORS) This manual is part of
OpenRA, which is free software. It is GNU GPL v3 licensed. See COPYING for
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