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ctags-lang-julia - Random notes about tagging Julia source code with Universal-ctags

ctags ... --languages=+Julia ...
ctags ... --language-force=Julia ...
ctags ... --map-Julia=+.jl ...

This man page gathers random notes about tagging Julia source code.

using X
name kind role other noticeable fields
X module used N/A

using X: a, b

name kind role other noticeable fields
X module namespace N/A
a, b unknown used scope:module:X

import X

name kind role other noticeable fields
X module imported N/A

import X.a, Y.b

name kind role other noticeable fields
X, Y module namespace N/A
a unknown imported scope:module:X
b unknown imported scope:module:Y

import X: a, b

name kind role other noticeable fields
X module namespace N/A
a,b unknown imported scope:module:X


using X0

"output.tags" with "--options=NONE -o - --extras=+r --fields=+rzK input.jl"

X0      input.jl        /^using X0$/;"  kind:module     roles:used

--extras=+r (or --extras=+{reference}) option is needed for this tag, since it's a reference tag. This is because module X is not defined here. It is defined in another file. Enable roles: field with --fields=+r is for recording that the module is "used", i.e., loaded by using.


import X1.a, X2.b, X3

"output.tags" with "--options=NONE -o - --extras=+r --fields=+rzKZ input.jl"

X1      input.jl        /^import X1.a, X2.b, X3$/;"     kind:module     roles:namespace
X2      input.jl        /^import X1.a, X2.b, X3$/;"     kind:module     roles:namespace
X3      input.jl        /^import X1.a, X2.b, X3$/;"     kind:module     roles:imported
a       input.jl        /^import X1.a, X2.b, X3$/;"     kind:unknown    scope:module:X1 roles:imported
b       input.jl        /^import X1.a, X2.b, X3$/;"     kind:unknown    scope:module:X2 roles:imported

Why X1 and X2 have role "namespace", while X3 have role "imported"? It's because the symbol a in module X1, and b in module X2 are brought to the current scope, but X1 and X2 themselves are not. We use "namespace" role for such modules.

X3 is different. The symbol X3, together with all exported symbols in X3, is brought to current scope. For such modules, we use "imported" or "used" role depending whether they are loaded by import or using.

Also, notice that a and b have the "unknown" kind. This is because we cannot know whether it's a function, constant, or macro, etc.

ctags(1), ctags-client-tools(7)

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