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lightning-decode - Command for decoding an invoice string (low-level)

decode string

The decode RPC command checks and parses a bolt11 or bolt12 string (optionally prefixed by lightning: or LIGHTNING:) as specified by the BOLT 11 and BOLT 12 specifications. It may decode other formats in future.

On success, an object is returned, containing:

type (string): what kind of object it decoded to (one of "bolt12 offer", "bolt12 invoice", "bolt12 invoice_request", "bolt11 invoice")
valid (boolean): if this is false, you MUST not use the result except for diagnostics!

If type is "bolt12 offer", and valid is true:

offer_id (hex): the id of this offer (merkle hash of non-signature fields) (always 64 characters)
node_id (point32): x-only public key of the offering node
description (string): the description of the purpose of the offer
signature (bip340sig, optional): BIP-340 signature of the node_id on this offer
chains (array of hexs, optional): which blockchains this offer is for (missing implies bitcoin mainnet only):
the genesis blockhash (always 64 characters)

currency (string, optional): ISO 4217 code of the currency (missing implies Bitcoin) (always 3 characters)
minor_unit (u32, optional): the number of decimal places to apply to amount (if currency known)
amount (u64, optional): the amount in the currency adjusted by minor_unit, if any
amount_msat (msat, optional): the amount in bitcoin (if specified, and no currency)
send_invoice (boolean, optional): present if this is a send_invoice offer (always true)
refund_for (hex, optional): the payment_preimage of invoice this is a refund for (always 64 characters)
vendor (string, optional): the name of the vendor for this offer
features (hex, optional): the array of feature bits for this offer
absolute_expiry (u64, optional): UNIX timestamp of when this offer expires
paths (array of objects, optional): Paths to the destination:
blinding (pubkey): blinding factor for this path
path (array of objects): an individual path:
node_id (pubkey): node_id of the hop
enctlv (hex): encrypted TLV entry for this hop

quantity_min (u64, optional): the minimum quantity
quantity_max (u64, optional): the maximum quantity
recurrence (object, optional): how often to this offer should be used:
time_unit (u32): the BOLT12 time unit
period (u32): how many time_unit per payment period
time_unit_name (string, optional): the name of time_unit (if valid)
basetime (u64, optional): period starts at this UNIX timestamp
start_any_period (u64, optional): you can start at any period (only if basetime present)
limit (u32, optional): maximum period number for recurrence
paywindow (object, optional): when within a period will payment be accepted (default is prior and during the period):
seconds_before (u32): seconds prior to period start
seconds_after (u32): seconds after to period start
proportional_amount (boolean, optional): amount should be scaled if payed after period start (always true)

the following warnings are possible:
warning_offer_unknown_currency: The currency code is unknown (so no minor_unit)

If type is "bolt12 offer", and valid is false:

the following warnings are possible:
warning_offer_missing_description: No description

If type is "bolt12 invoice", and valid is true:

node_id (point32): x-only public key of the offering node
signature (bip340sig): BIP-340 signature of the node_id on this offer
amount_msat (msat): the amount in bitcoin
description (string): the description of the purpose of the offer
created_at (u64): the UNIX timestamp of invoice creation
payment_hash (hex): the hash of the payment_preimage (always 64 characters)
relative_expiry (u32): the number of seconds after created_at when this expires
min_final_cltv_expiry (u32): the number of blocks required by destination
offer_id (hex, optional): the id of this offer (merkle hash of non-signature fields) (always 64 characters)
chain (hex, optional): which blockchain this invoice is for (missing implies bitcoin mainnet only) (always 64 characters)
send_invoice (boolean, optional): present if this offer was a send_invoice offer (always true)
refund_for (hex, optional): the payment_preimage of invoice this is a refund for (always 64 characters)
vendor (string, optional): the name of the vendor for this offer
features (hex, optional): the array of feature bits for this offer
paths (array of objects, optional): Paths to the destination:
blinding (pubkey): blinding factor for this path
path (array of objects): an individual path:
node_id (pubkey): node_id of the hop
enctlv (hex): encrypted TLV entry for this hop

quantity (u64, optional): the quantity ordered
recurrence_counter (u32, optional): the 0-based counter for a recurring payment
recurrence_start (u32, optional): the optional start period for a recurring payment
recurrence_basetime (u32, optional): the UNIX timestamp of the first recurrence period start
payer_key (point32, optional): the transient key which identifies the payer
payer_info (hex, optional): the payer-provided blob to derive payer_key
fallbacks (array of objects, optional): onchain addresses:
version (u8): Segwit address version
hex (hex): Raw encoded segwit address
address (string, optional): bech32 segwit address

refund_signature (bip340sig, optional): the payer key signature to get a refund

If type is "bolt12 invoice", and valid is false:

fallbacks (array of objects, optional):
the following warnings are possible:
warning_invoice_fallbacks_version_invalid: version is > 16

the following warnings are possible:
warning_invoice_missing_amount: *amount_msat missing
warning_invoice_missing_description: No description
warning_invoice_missing_blinded_payinfo: Has paths without payinfo
warning_invoice_invalid_blinded_payinfo: Does not have exactly one payinfo for each of paths
warning_invoice_missing_recurrence_basetime: Has recurrence_counter without recurrence_basetime
warning_invoice_missing_created_at: Missing created_at
warning_invoice_missing_payment_hash: Missing payment_hash
warning_invoice_refund_signature_missing_payer_key: Missing payer_key for refund_signature
warning_invoice_refund_signature_invalid: refund_signature incorrect
warning_invoice_refund_missing_signature: No refund_signature

If type is "bolt12 invoice_request", and valid is true:

offer_id (hex): the id of the offer this is requesting (merkle hash of non-signature fields) (always 64 characters)
payer_key (point32): the transient key which identifies the payer
chain (hex, optional): which blockchain this invoice_request is for (missing implies bitcoin mainnet only) (always 64 characters)
amount_msat (msat, optional): the amount in bitcoin
features (hex, optional): the array of feature bits for this offer
quantity (u64, optional): the quantity ordered
recurrence_counter (u32, optional): the 0-based counter for a recurring payment
recurrence_start (u32, optional): the optional start period for a recurring payment
payer_info (hex, optional): the payer-provided blob to derive payer_key
recurrence_signature (bip340sig, optional): the payer key signature

If type is "bolt12 invoice_request", and valid is false:

the following warnings are possible:
warning_invoice_request_missing_offer_id: No offer_id
warning_invoice_request_missing_payer_key: No payer_key
warning_invoice_request_missing_recurrence_signature: No recurrence_signature
warning_invoice_request_invalid_recurrence_signature: recurrence_signature incorrect

If type is "bolt11 invoice", and valid is true:

currency (string): the BIP173 name for the currency
created_at (u64): the UNIX-style timestamp of the invoice
expiry (u64): the number of seconds this is valid after timestamp
payee (pubkey): the public key of the recipient
payment_hash (hex): the hash of the payment_preimage (always 64 characters)
signature (signature): signature of the payee on this invoice
min_final_cltv_expiry (u32): the minimum CLTV delay for the final node
amount_msat (msat, optional): Amount the invoice asked for
description (string, optional): the description of the purpose of the purchase
description_hash (hex, optional): the hash of the description, in place of description (always 64 characters)
payment_secret (hex, optional): the secret to hand to the payee node (always 64 characters)
features (hex, optional): the features bitmap for this invoice
fallbacks (array of objects, optional): onchain addresses:
type (string): the address type (if known) (one of "P2PKH", "P2SH", "P2WPKH", "P2WSH")
hex (hex): Raw encoded address
addr (string, optional): the address in appropriate format for type

routes (array of arrays, optional): Route hints to the payee:
hops in the route:
pubkey (pubkey): the public key of the node
short_channel_id (short_channel_id): a channel to the next peer
fee_base_msat (u32): the base fee for payments
fee_proportional_millionths (u32): the parts-per-million fee for payments
cltv_expiry_delta (u32): the CLTV delta across this hop

extra (array of objects, optional): Any extra fields we didn't know how to parse:
tag (string): The bech32 letter which identifies this field (always 1 characters)
data (string): The bech32 data for this field

Rusty Russell <> is mainly responsible.

lightning-pay(7), lightning-offer(7), lightning-offerout(7), lightning-fetchinvoice(7), lightning-sendinvoice(7)

BOLT #11 (

BOLT #12 (

Main web site:

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