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DYNOMITE(8) FreeBSD System Manager's Manual DYNOMITE(8)

dynomite - a generic dynamo implementation for different key/value storage engines.

dynomite --help
dynomite --version
dynomite [ -c conf-file]
dynomite [-?hVdDt] [-v verbosity-level] [-o output-file] [-c conf-file] [-s stats-port] [-a stats-addr] [-i stats-interval] [-p pid-file] [-m mbuf-size] [-M max-alloc-messages]

Dynomite is a thin, distributed Dynamo layer for different storage engines and protocols. Dynomite provides sharding and multi-data center replication. It has a shared nothing architecture with no single point of failure (SPOF) that delivers high availability (HA) even when a server, rack or entire data center goes offline.

Redis is currently the primary backend and protocol supported by Dynomite, while support for Memcached is partially implemented. Future versions of Dynomite will support additional backends.

Dynomite provides the following functionality:

Linear scalability
High availability (HA)
Shared nothing architecture with symmetric nodes
Multi-data center (DC) replication
Data replication and sharding
Support for any Redis client plus a specialized Dyno client for Java
Reduced connections to and lower connection overhead on backend storage engines via persistent connections
Observability via easily accessible statistics

-h, --help
Show help about dynomite and exit.
-V, --version
Show dynomite version and exit.
-t, --test-conf
Test configuration file for syntax errors and exit.
-g, --gossip
Enable gossip. (default: disable)
-d, --daemonize
Run dynomite as a daemon in the background.
-D, --describe-stats
Print statistics description and exit.
-v N--verbosity=N
Set logging level to N. (default: 5, min: 0, max: 11)
-o file--output=file
Set logging file to file.
-c file--conf-file=file
Set the configuration file to file.
-p file--pid-file=file
Set the pid file to file.
-m N--mbuf-size=N
Set mbuf chunk size to N bytes. (default: 16384)
-M N--max-msgx=N
Set the maximum number of messages to allocate to N. (default: 200000)
-x N--admin-operation=N
Set the size of admin operation to N. (default: 0)

memcached(8), redis-server(1)

Dynomite is developed by Netflix, Inc. Dynomite is currently developed by Netflix, Inc. and the open source community.
November 23, 2016 v0.5.9

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