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VPS v2: Getting Started: With Your VPS

bullet Introduction

Your new Virtual Private Server has been designed to act and feel as close to a dedicated UNIX server as possible. This Getting Started guide is intended to help new VPS administrators learn and perform the basic tasks required to get a new VPS up and running.

Because of the similarity between the VPS and a dedicated UNIX server, an administrator who is already familiar with UNIX or Linux may already know the commands and procedures discussed in this section. We do, however, also take the time to discuss a few important security practices which would be worth reviewing. It is a good idea to go through the basic steps discussed in this guide for every new VPS, no matter how familiar you are with Virtual Private Servers, or UNIX.

Connecting to your Virtual Private Server

In this section, we discuss the various methods for accessing your new Virtual Private Server, including Shell, FTP, and Web access. We will also discuss usage of the iManager Control Panel tool.

Getting your Web site up and Running

This section is a discussion of the steps required to move an existing Web site from another server to your new Virtual Private Server, including preparing your site to be moved, configuring your server, and getting the new location running.

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