| |
- M_CIRCLE(3) - Agar-Math circle structure
- M_COLOR(3) - Agar-Math color structure
- M_COMPLEX(3) - Agar-Math complex number
- M_GEOMETRY(3) - Agar-Math geometrical structures
- M_LINE(3) - Agar-Math line segment / half-line structure
- M_MATRIX(3) - Agar-Math matrix-related functions
- M_MATVIEW(3) - Agar-Math matrix viewer widget
- M_PLANE(3) - Agar-Math plane structure
- M_PLOTTER(3) - Agar-Math plotting widget
- M_POINT_SET(3) - Agar-Math point set structures
- M_POLYGON(3) - Agar-Math polygon structure
- M_QUATERNION(3) - Agar-Math quaternion
- M_REAL(3) - Agar-Math real number operations
- M_RECTANGLE(3) - Agar-Math rectangle structure
- M_SPHERE(3) - Agar-Math sphere structure
- M_STRING(3) - Agar-Math extensions to AG_Printf
- M_TRIANGLE(3) - Agar-Math triangle structure
- M_VECTOR(3) - Agar-Math vector-related functions
- m17n_object(3m17n) - Allocate a managed object.
- m17n_object_ref(3m17n) - Increment the reference count of a managed object.
- m17n_object_unref(3m17n) - Decrement the reference count of a managed object.
- m17n_status(3m17n) - Report which part of the m17n library is initialized.
- m17n-config(1) - Print compile/link options of the m17n library
- m17n-db(1) - Print information about the m17n database
- M5602(4) - webcamd driver for ALi m5602 USB cameras
- M920X(4) - webcamd driver for m920x DVB-T
- MAC(4) - Mandatory Access Control
- MAC(9) - TrustedBSD Mandatory Access Control framework
- Mac::FileSpec::Unixish(3)
- Mac::PropertyList(3) - work with Mac plists at a low level
- Mac::PropertyList::ReadBinary(3) - read binary property list files
- Mac::PropertyList::WriteBinary(3) - pack data into a Mac "binary property list"
- MAC_BIBA(4) - Biba data integrity policy
- MAC_BSDEXTENDED(4) - file system firewall policy
- MAC_FREE(3) - free MAC label
- MAC_GET(3) - get the label of a file, socket, socket peer or process
- MAC_IFOFF(4) - interface silencing policy
- MAC_IS_PRESENT(3) - report whether the running system has MAC support
- MAC_LOMAC(4) - Low-watermark Mandatory Access Control data integrity policy
- MAC_MLS(4) - Multi-Level Security confidentiality policy
- MAC_NONE(4) - null MAC policy module
- MAC_NTPD(4) - policy allowing ntpd to run as non-root user
- MAC_PARTITION(4) - process partition policy
- MAC_PORTACL(4) - network port access control policy
- MAC_PRIORITY(4) - policy for scheduling privileges of non-root users
- MAC_SEEOTHERUIDS(4) - simple policy controlling whether users see other users
- MAC_SET(3) - set the MAC label for a file or process
- MAC_STUB(4) - MAC policy stub module
- MAC_TEST(4) - MAC framework testing policy
- MAC_TEXT(3) - convert MAC label to/from text representation
- Macbinary(3) - Decodes Macbinary files
- MACCHANGER(1) - MAC Changer
- mach32info(1) - read out configuration information of a Mach32
- MACH-CMD(3) - debugging processes and core files
- MACH-FILE(3) - machine-independent access to exectuable files and running processes
- MACH-MAP(3) - machine-independent access to address spaces and register sets
- MACH-STACK(3) - stack traces
- MACH-SWAP(3) - machine-independent access to byte-ordered data
- MACH-SYMBOL(3) - symbol table access functions
- MACLABEL(7) - Mandatory Access Control label format
- MACOF(8) - flood a switched LAN with random MAC addresses
- MAC-PIX(1) - convert Apple MacPaint bitmap into pix(5) or bw(5) raster image
- M-ACR(4) - ACR/NEMA medical image format (MedCon)
- MacroMol(3) - Perl module for macromolecules
- MACTIME(1) - Create an ASCII time line of file activity
- MACUSERS(1) - List the users connecting via AFP
- macutil(1) - Message Authentication Code utility
- MAC-VENDOR(5) - Ethernet vendor file for arp-scan
- MAD(3) - Mifare Application Directory (MAD) Manipulation Functions
- MADPLAY(1) - decode and play MPEG audio stream(s)
- MADVISE(2) - give advice about use of memory
- MAFFT(1) - Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
- MAGIC(1) - VLSI layout editor
- MAGIC(5) - file command's magic pattern file
- MAGICFILTER(5) - format of printer description files.
- magicfilter(8) - automatic configurable printer filter
- Magick++-Config(1) - get information about the installed version of Magick++
- MAGICKCORE-CONFIG(1) - get information about the installed version of ImageMagick
- MagickWand-Config(1) - get information about the installed version of the Magick Wand
- MAGICRESCUE(1) - Scans a block device and extracts known file types by looking at magic bytes.
- MAGICSORT(1) - Categorize files by their file(1) magic
- MAGREP(1) - search messages matching a pattern
- Mail::Address::MobileJp(3) - mobile email address in Japan
- Mail::Audit(3) - library for creating easy mail filters
- Mail::Audit::KillDups(3) - Mail::Audit plugin for duplicate suppression
- Mail::Audit::MailInternet(3) - a Mail::Internet-based Mail::Audit object
- Mail::Audit::MAPS(3) - Mail::Audit plugin for RBL checking
- Mail::Audit::MimeEntity(3) - a Mail::Internet-based Mail::Audit object
- Mail::Audit::Util::Tempdir(3) - self-cleaning fork-respecting tempdirs
- Mail::Audit::Vacation(3) - perform vacation autoresponding
- Mail::AuthenticationResults(3) - Object Oriented Authentication-Results Headers
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::FoldableHeader(3) - Class for modelling a foldable header string
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header(3) - Class modelling the Entire Authentication Results Header set
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::AuthServID(3) - Class modelling the AuthServID part of the Authentication Results Headerr
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Base(3) - Base class for modelling parts of the Authentication Results Header
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Comment(3) - Class modelling Comment parts of the Authentication Results Header
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Entry(3) - Class modelling Main Entry parts of the Authentication Results Header
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Group(3) - Class modelling Groups of Authentication Results Header parts
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::SubEntry(3) - Class modelling Sub Entry parts of the Authentication Results Header
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Header::Version(3) - Class modelling the AuthServID part of the Authentication Results Header
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Parser(3) - Class for parsing Authentication Results Headers
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token(3) - Base class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token::Assignment(3) - Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as assignments
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token::Comment(3) - Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as comments
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token::QuotedString(3) - Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as quoted strings
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token::Separator(3) - Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as separators
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token::Space(3) - Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as spaces
- Mail::AuthenticationResults::Token::String(3) - Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as strings
- Mail::Box(3) - manage a mailbox, a folder with messages
- Mail::Box::Collection(3) - a collection of subfolders
- Mail::Box::Dir(3) - handle folders with a file per message.
- Mail::Box::Dir::Message(3) - one message in a directory organized folder
- Mail::Box::FastScalar(3) - fast alternative to IO::Scalar
- Mail::Box::File(3) - handle file-based folders
- Mail::Box::File::Message(3) - one message in a Mbox folder
- Mail::Box::Identity(3) - represents an unopened folder
- Mail::Box::IMAP4(3) - handle IMAP4 folders as client
- Mail::Box::IMAP4::Head(3) - header fields related IMAP interface
- Mail::Box::IMAP4::Message(3) - one message on a IMAP4 server
- Mail::Box::IMAP4::SSL(3) - handle IMAP4 folders with SSL
- Mail::Box::IMAP4s(3) - handle IMAP4 folders as client, with ssl connection
- Mail::Box::Locker(3) - manage the locking of mail folders
- Mail::Box::Locker::DotLock(3) - lock a folder with a separate file
- Mail::Box::Locker::FcntlLock(3) - lock a folder using File::FcntlLock
- Mail::Box::Locker::Flock(3) - lock a folder using kernel file-locking
- Mail::Box::Locker::Multi(3) - lock a folder in all ways which work
- Mail::Box::Locker::Mutt(3) - lock a folder using mutt_dotlock
- Mail::Box::Locker::NFS(3) - lock a folder with a separate file, NFS-safe
- Mail::Box::Locker::POSIX(3) - lock a folder using kernel file-locking
- Mail::Box::Maildir(3) - handle Maildir folders
- Mail::Box::Maildir::Message(3) - one message in a Maildir folder
- Mail::Box::Manage::User(3) - manage the folders of a user
- Mail::Box::Manager(3) - manage a set of folders
- Mail::Box::Mbox(3) - handle folders in Mbox format
- Mail::Box::Mbox::Message(3) - one message in a Mbox folder
- Mail::Box::Message(3) - manage one message within a mail-folder
- Mail::Box::Message::Destructed(3) - a destructed message
- Mail::Box::MH(3) - handle MH folders
- Mail::Box::MH::Index(3) - keep index files for messages.
- Mail::Box::MH::Labels(3) - maintain MH message related labels
- Mail::Box::MH::Message(3) - one message in an MH-folder
- Mail::Box::Net(3) - handle folders which are stored remote.
- Mail::Box::Net::Message(3) - one message from a distant folder
- Mail::Box::Parser(3) - reading and writing messages
- Mail::Box::Parser::C(3) - Parsing folders for MailBox with C routines
- Mail::Box::Parser::Perl(3) - reading messages from file using Perl
- Mail::Box::POP3(3) - handle POP3 folders as client
- Mail::Box::POP3::Message(3) - one message on a POP3 server
- Mail::Box::POP3s(3) - handle secure POP3 folders as client
- Mail::Box::Search(3) - select messages within a mail box
- Mail::Box::Search::Grep(3) - select messages within a mail box like grep does
- Mail::Box::Search::SpamAssassin(3) - select spam messages with Mail::SpamAssassin
- Mail::Box::Thread::Manager(3) - maintain threads within a set of folders
- Mail::Box::Thread::Node(3) - one node in a message thread
- Mail::Box::Tie(3) - access an existing message-folder as an array or hash
- Mail::Box::Tie::ARRAY(3) - access an existing message folder as array
- Mail::Box::Tie::HASH(3) - access an existing message folder as a hash
- Mail::Box-Cookbook(3) - Examples how to use Mail::Box
- Mail::Box-Index(3) - list of all extended documentation
- Mail::Box-Overview(3) - objects used by Mail::Box
- Mail::Cap(3) - understand mailcap files
- Mail::DeliveryStatus::BounceParser(3) - Perl extension to analyze bounce messages
- Mail::DKIM(3) - Signs/verifies Internet mail with DKIM/DomainKey signatures
- Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::Base(3) - base class for DKIM "algorithms"
- Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::dk_rsa_sha1(3) - Base algorithm class
- Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::rsa_sha1(3) - rsa sha1 algorithm class
- Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::rsa_sha256(3) - rsa sha256 algorithm class
- Mail::DKIM::ARC::MessageSignature(3) - Subclass of Mail::DKIM::Signature which represents a ARC-Message-Signature header
- Mail::DKIM::ARC::Seal(3) - represents a ARC-Seal header
- Mail::DKIM::ARC::Signer(3) - generates a DKIM signature for a message
- Mail::DKIM::ARC::Verifier(3) - verifies an ARC-Sealed message
- Mail::DKIM::AuthorDomainPolicy(3) - represents an Author Domain Signing Practices (ADSP) record
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::Base(3) - base class for canonicalization methods
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::dk_nofws(3) - nofws canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::dk_simple(3) - dk simple canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::DkCommon(3) - dk common canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::DkimCommon(3) - common canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::nowsp(3) - nowsp canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::relaxed(3) - common canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::seal(3) - arc seal canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::simple(3) - simple canonicalization
- Mail::DKIM::Common(3) - Common class for Mail::DKIM
- Mail::DKIM::DkimPolicy(3) - represents a DKIM Sender Signing Practices record
- Mail::DKIM::DkPolicy(3) - represents a DomainKeys Sender Signing Policy record
- Mail::DKIM::DkSignature(3) - represents a DomainKeys-Signature header
- Mail::DKIM::DNS(3) - performs DNS queries for Mail::DKIM
- Mail::DKIM::Key(3) - Represents a DKIM Key
- Mail::DKIM::KeyValueList(3) - Represents a Key/Value list
- Mail::DKIM::MessageParser(3) - Signs/verifies Internet mail with DKIM/DomainKey signatures
- Mail::DKIM::Policy(3) - abstract base class for originator "signing" policies
- Mail::DKIM::PrivateKey(3) - a private key loaded in memory for DKIM signing
- Mail::DKIM::PublicKey(3) - Represents a DKIM key
- Mail::DKIM::Signature(3) - represents a DKIM-Signature header
- Mail::DKIM::Signer(3) - generates a DKIM signature for a message
- Mail::DKIM::SignerPolicy(3) - determines signing parameters for a message
- Mail::DKIM::TextWrap(3) - text wrapping module written for use with DKIM
- Mail::DKIM::Verifier(3) - verifies a DKIM-signed message
- Mail::DMARC(3) - Perl implementation of DMARC
- Mail::DMARC::Base(3) - DMARC utility functions
- Mail::DMARC::HTTP(3) - view stored reports via HTTP
- Mail::DMARC::Policy(3) - a DMARC policy in object format
- Mail::DMARC::PurePerl(3) - Pure Perl implementation of DMARC
- Mail::DMARC::Report(3) - A DMARC report interface
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate(3) - aggregate report object
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Metadata(3) - metadata section of aggregate report
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record(3) - record section of aggregate report
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Auth_Results(3) - auth_results section of a DMARC aggregate record
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Auth_Results::DKIM(3) - auth_results/dkim section of a DMARC aggregate record
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Auth_Results::SPF(3) - auth_results/spf section of a DMARC aggregate record
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Identifiers(3) - identifiers section of a DMARC aggregate record
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Row(3) - row section of a DMARC aggregate record
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Aggregate::Record::Row::Policy_Evaluated(3) - row/policy_evaluated section of a DMARC aggregate record
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Receive(3) - process incoming DMARC reports
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Send(3) - report sending dispatch class
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Send::HTTP(3) - utility methods to send reports by HTTP
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Send::SMTP(3) - utility methods for sending reports via SMTP
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Store(3) - persistent storage broker for reports
- Mail::DMARC::Report::Store::SQL(3) - store and retrieve reports from a SQL RDBMS
- Mail::DMARC::Report::URI(3) - a DMARC report URI
- Mail::DMARC::Result(3) - an aggregate report result object
- Mail::DMARC::Result::Reason(3) - policy override reason
- Mail::DomainKeys(3) - A perl implementation of DomainKeys
- Mail::Field(3) - base-class for manipulation of mail header fields
- Mail::Field::AddrList(3) - object representation of e-mail address lists
- Mail::Field::Date(3) - a date header field
- Mail::Field::Generic(3) - implementation for inspecific fields
- Mail::Folder::Emaul(3) - An Emaul folder interface for Mail::Folder.
- Mail::Folder::NNTP(3) - An NNTP folder interface for Mail::Folder.
- Mail::GnuPG(3) - Process email with GPG.
- Mail::Graph(3) - draw graphical stats for mails/spams
- Mail::Header(3) - manipulate MIME headers
- Mail::Identity(3) - an e-mail role
- Mail::IMAPClient(3) - An IMAP Client API
- Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure(3) - parse fetched results
- Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure::Parse(3) - used internally by Mail::IMAPClient::BodyStructure
- Mail::IMAPClient::MessageSet(3) - ranges of message sequence numbers
- Mail::IMAPClient::Thread(3) - used internally by Mail::IMAPClient->thread
- Mail::IMAPTalk(3) - IMAP client interface with lots of features
- Mail::Internet(3) - manipulate email messages
- Mail::ListDetector(3) - Perl extension for detecting mailing list messages
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::AutoShare(3) - AutoShare message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Base(3) - base class for mailing list detectors
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::CommuniGate(3) - CommuniGate message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::CommuniGatePro(3) - CommuniGate Pro message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Ecartis(3) - Ecartis message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Ezmlm(3) - Ezmlm message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Fml(3) - FML message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::GoogleGroups(3) - Google Groups message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::LetterRip(3) - LetterRip message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Listar(3) - Listar message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Listbox(3) - Listbox message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Listserv(3) - Listserv message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::ListSTAR(3) - ListSTAR message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Lyris(3) - Lyris message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Mailman(3) - Mailman message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Majordomo(3) - Majordomo message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Onelist(3) - ONElist message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::RFC2369(3) - RFC2369 message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::RFC2919(3) - RFC2919 message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Smartlist(3) - Smartlist message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::Detector::Yahoogroups(3) - Yahoo! Groups message detector
- Mail::ListDetector::List(3) - an object representing a mailing list
- Mail::LMLM(3) - List of Mailing Lists Manager
- Mail::LMLM::Object(3)
- Mail::LMLM::Render(3) - rendering backend for LMLM
- Mail::LMLM::Render::HTML(3) - backend for rendering HTML.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Base(3) - the base class for the mailing list types.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Egroups(3) - mailing list type for YahooGroups.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Ezmlm(3) - mailing list type for ezmlm-based mailing lists.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::GoogleGroups(3) - mailing list type for Google groups mailing lists.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Listar(3) - mailing list type for Listar-based mailing lists.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Listserv(3) - mailing list type for listserv.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Mailman(3) - mailing list type for Mailman-based mailing lists.
- Mail::LMLM::Types::Majordomo(3) - mailing list type for Majordomo-based mailing lists.
- Mail::Mailer(3) - send simple emails
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser(3) - A fast and simple mbox folder reader
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::Cache(3) - A cache-based mbox folder reader
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::Config(3) - An internal configuration class
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::Grep(3) - A GNU grep-based mbox folder reader
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::MetaInfo(3) - A cache for folder metadata
- Mail::Mbox::MessageParser::Perl(3) - A Perl-based mbox folder reader
- Mail::Message(3) - general message object
- Mail::Message::Body(3) - the data of a body in a message
- Mail::Message::Body::Construct(3) - adds functionality to Mail::Message::Body
- Mail::Message::Body::Delayed(3) - body of a Mail::Message but not read yet.
- Mail::Message::Body::Encode(3) - organize general message encodings
- Mail::Message::Body::File(3) - body of a message temporarily stored in a file
- Mail::Message::Body::Lines(3) - body of a Mail::Message stored as array of lines
- Mail::Message::Body::Multipart(3) - body of a message with attachments
- Mail::Message::Body::Nested(3) - body of a message which contains a message
- Mail::Message::Body::String(3) - body of a Mail::Message stored as single string
- Mail::Message::Construct(3) - extends the functionality of a Mail::Message
- Mail::Message::Construct::Bounce(3) - bounce a Mail::Message
- Mail::Message::Construct::Build(3) - building a Mail::Message from components
- Mail::Message::Construct::Forward(3) - forwarding a Mail::Message
- Mail::Message::Construct::Read(3) - read a Mail::Message from a file handle
- Mail::Message::Construct::Rebuild(3) - modify a Mail::Message
- Mail::Message::Construct::Reply(3) - reply to a Mail::Message
- Mail::Message::Construct::Text(3) - capture a Mail::Message as text
- Mail::Message::Convert(3) - conversions between message types
- Mail::Message::Convert::EmailSimple(3) - translate Mail::Message to Email::Simple vv
- Mail::Message::Convert::Html(3) - Format messages in HTML
- Mail::Message::Convert::HtmlFormatPS(3) - Convert HTML into PostScript
- Mail::Message::Convert::HtmlFormatText(3) - Convert HTML into Text
- Mail::Message::Convert::MailInternet(3) - translate Mail::Message to Mail::Internet vv
- Mail::Message::Convert::MimeEntity(3) - translate Mail::Message to MIME::Entity vv
- Mail::Message::Convert::TextAutoformat(3) - Reformat plain text messages
- Mail::Message::Dummy(3) - a placeholder for a missing messages
- Mail::Message::Field(3) - one line of a message header
- Mail::Message::Field::Address(3) - One e-mail address
- Mail::Message::Field::Addresses(3) - Fields with e-mail addresses
- Mail::Message::Field::AddrGroup(3) - A group of Mail::Message::Field::Address objects
- Mail::Message::Field::Attribute(3) - one attribute of a full field
- Mail::Message::Field::AuthResults(3) - message header field authentication result
- Mail::Message::Field::Date(3) - message header field with uris
- Mail::Message::Field::DKIM(3) - message header field for dkim signatures
- Mail::Message::Field::Fast(3) - one line of a message header
- Mail::Message::Field::Flex(3) - one line of a message header
- Mail::Message::Field::Full(3) - construct one smart line in a message header
- Mail::Message::Field::Structured(3) - one line of a structured message header
- Mail::Message::Field::Unstructured(3) - smart unstructured field
- Mail::Message::Field::URIs(3) - message header field with uris
- Mail::Message::Head(3) - the header of one message
- Mail::Message::Head::Complete(3) - the header of one message
- Mail::Message::Head::Delayed(3) - a not-read header of a Mail::Message
- Mail::Message::Head::FieldGroup(3) - a sub set of fields in a header
- Mail::Message::Head::ListGroup(3) - mailinglist related header fields
- Mail::Message::Head::Partial(3) - subset of header information of a message
- Mail::Message::Head::ResentGroup(3) - header fields tracking message delivery
- Mail::Message::Head::SpamGroup(3) - spam fighting related header fields
- Mail::Message::Head::Subset(3) - subset of header information of a message
- Mail::Message::Part(3) - a part of a message, but a message by itself
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailHeader(3) - fake Mail::Header
- Mail::Message::Replace::MailInternet(3) - fake Mail::Internet
- Mail::Message::TransferEnc(3) - message transfer encoder/decoder
- Mail::Message::TransferEnc::Base64(3) - encode/decode base64 message bodies
- Mail::Message::TransferEnc::Binary(3) - encode/decode binary message bodies
- Mail::Message::TransferEnc::EightBit(3) - encode/decode 8bit message bodies
- Mail::Message::TransferEnc::QuotedPrint(3) - handle quoted-printable message bodies
- Mail::Message::TransferEnc::SevenBit(3) - encode/decode 7bit message bodies
- Mail::Message::Wrapper::SpamAssassin(3) - Connect a Mail::Message with Mail::SpamAssassin
- Mail::OpenDKIM(3) - Provides an interface to libOpenDKIM
- Mail::OpenDKIM::DKIM(3) - Provides an interface to libOpenDKIM
- Mail::OpenDKIM::PrivateKey(3) - Load in a private key for use with the Mail::OpenDKIM package
- Mail::OpenDKIM::Signature(3) - maintains a DKIM signature for a message
- Mail::OpenDKIM::Signer(3) - generates a DKIM signature for a message
- Mail::OpenRelay::Simple(3) - check if a mail server runs as an open relay.
- Mail::POP3Client(3) - Perl 5 module to talk to a POP3 (RFC1939) server
- Mail::Procmail(3) - Procmail-like facility for creating easy mail filters.
- Mail::Reporter(3) - base-class and error reporter for Mail::Box
- Mail::SendEasy(3) - Send plain/html e-mails through SMTP servers (platform independent). Supports SMTP authentication and attachments.
- Mail::SendEasy::AUTH(3) - Handles the authentication response.
- Mail::SendEasy::SMTP(3) - Handles the communication with the SMTP server without dependencies.
- Mail::Sender::CType::Ext(3) - (DEPRECATED) Alter how we find the MIME type of a file.
- Mail::Sender::CType::Win32(3) - (DEPRECATED) Alter how we find the MIME type of a file.
- Mail::Sendmail(3) - Simple platform independent mailer
- Mail::Server::IMAP4(3) - IMAP4 server implementation (not completed)
- Mail::Server::IMAP4::Fetch(3) - message info for IMAP protocol speed-up
- Mail::Server::IMAP4::List(3) - folder related IMAP4 answers
- Mail::Server::IMAP4::Search(3) - select messages within a IMAP folder (not completed)
- Mail::Server::IMAP4::User(3) - manage the folders of one user
- Mail::SpamAssassin(3) - Spam detector and markup engine
- Mail::SpamAssassin::AICache(3) - provide access to cached information for ArchiveIterator
- Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator(3) - find and process messages one at a time
- Mail::SpamAssassin::AsyncLoop(3) - scanner asynchronous event loop
- Mail::SpamAssassin::AutoWhitelist(3) - auto-whitelist handler for SpamAssassin
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Bayes(3) - support for learning classifiers
- Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore(3) - Storage Module for default Bayes classifier
- Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::BDB(3) - BerkeleyDB Bayesian Storage Module Implementation
- Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::MySQL(3) - MySQL Specific Bayesian Storage Module Implementation
- Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::PgSQL(3) - PostgreSQL Specific Bayesian Storage Module Implementation
- Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::Redis(3) - Redis Bayesian Storage Module Implementation
- Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::SQL(3) - SQL Bayesian Storage Module Implementation
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Client(3) - Client for spamd Protocol
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf(3) - SpamAssassin configuration file
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::LDAP(3) - load SpamAssassin scores from LDAP database
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::Parser(3) - parse SpamAssassin configuration
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::SQL(3) - load SpamAssassin scores from SQL database
- Mail::SpamAssassin::DnsResolver(3) - DNS resolution engine
- Mail::SpamAssassin::GeoDB(3) - unified interface for geoip modules
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger(3) - SpamAssassin logging module
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger::File(3) - log to file
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger::Stderr(3) - log to standard error
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger::Syslog(3) - log to syslog
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Message(3) - decode, render, and hold an RFC-2822 message
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Message::Metadata(3) - extract metadata from a message
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Message::Node(3) - decode, render, and make available MIME message parts
- Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgLearner(3) - per-message status (spam or not-spam)
- Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus(3) - per-message status (spam or not-spam)
- Mail::SpamAssassin::PersistentAddrList(3) - persistent address list base class
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin(3) - SpamAssassin plugin base class
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AccessDB(3) - check message against Access Database
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AntiVirus(3) - simple anti-virus tests
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AskDNS(3) - form a DNS query using tag values, and look up the DNSxL lists
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ASN(3) - SpamAssassin plugin to look up the Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the connecting IP address.
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AuthRes(3) - use Authentication-Results header fields
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AutoLearnThreshold(3) - threshold-based discriminator for Bayes auto-learning
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL(3) - Normalize scores via auto-whitelist
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Bayes(3) - determine spammishness using a Bayesian classifier
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::BodyRuleBaseExtractor(3) - extract "bases" from body ruleset
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Check(3) - primary message check functionality
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC(3) - perform DCC check of messages
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DecodeShortURLs(3) - Expand shortened URLs
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DKIM(3) - perform DKIM verification tests
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Dmarc(3) - check Dmarc policy
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DNSEval(3) - look up URLs against DNS blocklists
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Esp(3) - checks ESP abused accounts
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ExtractText(3) - extracts text from documenmts.
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::FreeMail(3) - check message headers/body for freemail-domains
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::FromNameSpoof(3) - perform various tests to detect spoof attempts using the From header name section
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::HashBL(3) - query hashed (and unhashed) DNS blocklists
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash(3) - perform hashcash verification tests
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEEval(3) - perform various tests against MIME structure and body
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader(3) - perform regexp tests against MIME headers
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::OLEVBMacro(3) - scan Office documents for evidence of OLE Macros or other exploits
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::OneLineBodyRuleType(3) - spamassassin body test plugin
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::PDFInfo(3) - PDFInfo Plugin for SpamAssassin
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Phishing(3) - check uris against phishing feed
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::PhishTag(3) - SpamAssassin plugin for redirecting links in incoming emails.
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor(3) - perform Pyzor check of messages
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2(3) - perform Razor check of messages
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::RelayCountry(3) - add message metadata indicating the country code of each relay
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags(3) - tags for SpamAssassin rules
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ResourceLimits(3) - Limit the memory and/or CPU of child spamd processes
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Reuse(3) - For reusing old rule hits during a mass-check
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Rule2XSBody(3) - speed up SpamAssassin by compiling regexps
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Shortcircuit(3) - short-circuit evaluation for certain rules
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SpamCop(3) - perform SpamCop reporting of messages
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF(3) - perform SPF verification tests
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Test(3) - test plugin
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TextCat(3) - TextCat language guesser
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TxRep(3) - Normalize scores with sender reputation records
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDetail(3) - test URIs using detailed URI information
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDNSBL(3) - look up URLs against DNS blocklists
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URILocalBL(3) - blacklist URIs using local information (ISP names, address lists, and country codes)
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::VBounce(3) - aid in rescuing genuine bounces
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::WhiteListSubject(3) - whitelist by Subject header
- Mail::SpamAssassin::PluginHandler(3) - SpamAssassin plugin handler
- Mail::SpamAssassin::RegistryBoundaries(3) - domain delegation rules
- Mail::SpamAssassin::SQLBasedAddrList(3) - SpamAssassin SQL Based Auto Whitelist
- Mail::SpamAssassin::SubProcBackChannel(3) - back-channel for communication between a master and multiple slave processes
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Timeout(3) - safe, reliable timeouts in perl
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Util(3) - utility functions
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::DependencyInfo(3) - spamassassin debugging helpers
- Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::Progress(3) - Progress bar support for SpamAssassin
- Mail::SPF(3) - An object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Framework
- Mail::SPF::Base(3) - Base class for Mail::SPF classes
- Mail::SPF::MacroString(3) - SPF record macro string class
- Mail::SPF::Mech(3) - SPF record mechanism base class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::A(3) - SPF record "a" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::All(3) - SPF record "all" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::Exists(3) - SPF record "exists" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::Include(3) - SPF record "include" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::IP4(3) - SPF record "ip4" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::IP6(3) - SPF record "ip6" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::MX(3) - SPF record "mx" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mech::PTR(3) - SPF record "ptr" mechanism class
- Mail::SPF::Mod(3) - SPF record modifier base class
- Mail::SPF::Mod::Exp(3) - SPF record "exp" modifier class
- Mail::SPF::Mod::Redirect(3) - SPF record "redirect" modifier class
- Mail::SPF::Record(3) - Abstract base class for SPF records
- Mail::SPF::Request(3) - SPF request class
- Mail::SPF::Result(3) - SPF result class
- Mail::SPF::SenderIPAddrMech(3) - Abstract base class for SPF record mechanisms that operate on the SMTP sender's IP address
- Mail::SPF::Server(3) - Server class for processing SPF requests
- Mail::SPF::Term(3) - SPF record term class
- Mail::SPF::Util(3) - Mail::SPF utility class
- Mail::SPF::v1::Record(3) - SPFv1 record class
- Mail::SPF::v2::Record(3) - Sender ID ("spf2.0") record class
- Mail::Spool(3) - Extensible Perl Mail Spooler
- Mail::Spool::Handle(3) - Mail Spool directory encapsulization
- Mail::Spool::Node(3) - Mail Spool inode encapsulization
- Mail::SRS(3) - Interface to Sender Rewriting Scheme
- Mail::SRS::Daemon(3) - modular daemon for Mail::SRS
- Mail::SRS::DB(3) - A MLDBM based Sender Rewriting Scheme
- Mail::SRS::Guarded(3) - A guarded Sender Rewriting Scheme (recommended)
- Mail::SRS::Reversible(3) - A fully reversible Sender Rewriting Scheme
- Mail::SRS::Shortcut(3) - A shortcutting Sender Rewriting Scheme
- Mail::Transport(3) - use Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs)
- Mail::Transport::Exim(3) - transmit messages using external Exim program
- Mail::Transport::IMAP4(3) - proxy to Mail::IMAPClient
- Mail::Transport::Mailx(3) - transmit messages using external mailx program
- Mail::Transport::POP3(3) - receive messages via POP3
- Mail::Transport::Qmail(3) - transmit messages using external Qmail program
- Mail::Transport::Receive(3) - receive messages
- Mail::Transport::Send(3) - send a message
- Mail::Transport::Sendmail(3) - transmit messages using external Sendmail program
- Mail::Transport::SMTP(3) - transmit messages without external program
- Mail::Util(3) - mail utility functions
- Mail::Verify(3) - Utility to verify an email address
- Mail::Webmail::Gmail(3) - An interface to Google's webmail service
- mail2sms(1) - reads a (MIME) mail and converts it to a short message.
- mail2sms(5) - reads a (MIME) mail and converts it to a short message.
- MAILAGENT(1) - an automatic mail-processing tool
- MAILBOT(1) - A MIME-aware autoresponder utility
- MAILCAP(4) - metamail capabilities file
- MAILCAP(5) - mail capabilities file
- MAILCROSS(1) - a cross-validation simulator for use with dbacl.
- MAILDIR(5) - E-mail directory
- maildir2mbox(1) - move mail from a maildir to an mbox
- MAILDIRACL(1) - manage access control lists
- MAILDIRKW(1) - set maildir message keywords
- MAILDIRMAKE(1) - create maildirs and maildir folders
- maildirqmtp(1) - send a maildir through QMTP
- MAILDIRQUOTA(7) - voluntary Maildir quotas
- maildirserial(1) - send a maildir through a client
- maildirsmtp(1) - send a maildir through SMTP
- MAILDIRWATCH(1) - wait for changes to a maildir
- MAILDROP(1) - mail delivery filter/agent
- MAILDROPEX(7) - maildrop filtering language examples
- MAILDROPFILTER(7) - maildrop's filtering language
- MAILDROPGDBM(7) - GDBM/DB support in maildrop
- MAILESTCTL(1) - control the mailest
- MAILESTD(8) - mailest daemon
- mailexec(1) - run program on messages in mbox file or maildir
- MAILFOOT(1) - a full-online-ordered-training simulator for use with dbacl.
- MAILHELP(1) - mailagent's commands
- MAILINSPECT(1) - sort an mbox by category and pipe emails to a command.
- MAILOCK(3) - manage mailbox lockfiles
- MAILPOST(8) - Feed an e-mail message into a newsgroup
- MAILQ(1) - print the mail queue
- MailScanner(8) - Virus/Spam Scanner for Sendmail, Exim and Postfix
- MAILSNARF(8) - sniff mail messages in Berkeley mbox format
- MAILSTAT(1) - shows mail-arrival statistics
- MAILSTATS(8) - display mail statistics
- mailsubj(1) - send a mail message with a subject line
- MAILSYNC(1) - Synchronize IMAP mailboxes
- MAILTO(1) - Simple mutlimedia mail sending program
- mailto.conf(5) - configuration file for cups email notifier
- MAILTOE(1) - a train-on-error simulator for use with dbacl.
- mailto-hebrew(1) - Run the mailto program to send Hebrew/English mail
- MAILTOOL(1) - Process mailboxes
- MailTools(3) - bundle of ancient email modules
- mailutil(1) - mail utility program
- MAILWRAPPER(8) - invoke appropriate MTA software based on configuration file
- MAILX(1) - send and receive Internet mail
- maim(1) - make image
- MainWindow(3) - Root widget of a widget tree
- MAIRIX(1) - index and search mail folders
- MAIRIXRC(5) - configuration file for mairix(1)
- make(1S) - maintain, update, and regenerate related programs and files
- MAKE.CONF(5) - system build information
- MAKE(nged) - Creates a
- Make::Functions(3) - Functions in Makefile macros
- Make::Rule(3) - a rule with prerequisites and recipe
- make_absolute_filename(3) - Makes an absolute filename from a path and relative filename. Allegro game programming library.
- MAKE_DATABASE_YAML(1) - make database definition from existing db.
- make_dparser(1)
- MAKE_ENCMAP(1) - create an XML representation from an Unicode mapping file
- MAKE_FIXTURE_YAML(1) - make fixture data from existing db.
- MAKE_MD5(8) - Generate MD5 checksums for given set of users.
- MAKE_METHOD(1) - Turn Perl code into an XML description for RPC::XML::Server
- MAKE_PNTS(nged) - Creates a "pnts" (i.e. point cloud) primitive by importing coordinate data (in ascii format) from a file.
- make_relative_filename(3) - Tries to make a relative filename from absolute path and filename. Allegro game programming library.
- MAKE_SERVICES(1) - generate GNUstep services info
- MAKE_SHA1(8) - Generate SHA1 checksums for given set of users.
- make_strings(1) - tool to build lists of localizable strings from Objective-C files
- make_trans_font(3) - Makes a font use transparency. Allegro game programming library.
- MAKE_VERSION(3) - Create a 32 bit integer from the Allegro version
- MAKE2BUILD(1) - frontend to Module::Build::Convert
- make2cook(1) - translate makefiles into cookbooks
- makeacol(3) - Converts RGBA colors into display dependent pixel formats. Allegro game programming library.
- makeacol32(3) - Converts an RGBA color into a 32-bit display pixel format. Allegro game programming library.
- MAKE-BASE(8) - Easy build of kernel and world
- MAKEBEAROFF(6) - generate a GNU Backgammon bearoff database
- MAKECAT(1) - Build an Interchange catalog from a template
- MAKECATALOG(1) - Make a catalog from labeled input images
- makecol(3) - Converts an RGB value into the current pixel format. Allegro game programming library.
- makecol_depth(3) - Converts an RGB value into the specified pixel format. Allegro game programming library.
- makecol15_dither(3) - Calculates a dithered 15 or 16-bit RGB value. Allegro game programming library.
- makecol8(3) - Converts an RGB value into a display dependent pixel format. Allegro game programming library.
- MAKECONTEXT(3) - modify and exchange user thread contexts
- MAKECONV(1) - Writes text files with Unicode properties data from ICU.
- makecr(1) - create circumscribing rectangles in an image
- MAKEDBZ(8) - Rebuild dbz files
- MAKEDEFS(6) - NetHack miscellaneous build-time functions
- MAKEDELTAISO(8) - create a deltaiso from two isos
- MAKEDELTARPM(8) - create a deltarpm from two rpms
- MAKEDEPEND(1) - create dependencies in makefiles
- MAKEDEV(3) - device number conversion
- makedic(1) - Utility program for generating your own "kanjidic" style dictionaries
- makeedict(1) - Utility program for generating your own "edict" style dictionaries
- MAKEFAQ.PY(1) - creates a FAQ HTML page or text file
- Makefile::AST(3) - AST for (GNU) makefiles
- Makefile::AST::Evaluator(3) - Evaluator and runtime for Makefile::AST instances
- Makefile::DOM(3) - Simple DOM parser for Makefiles
- Makefile::Parser(3) - A simple parser for Makefiles
- Makefile::Parser::GmakeDB(3) - GNU makefile parser using GNU make's database dump
- makefiles(4L) - users guide for compiling projects on different platforms
- MAKEFS(8) - create a file system image from a directory tree or a mtree manifest
- MAKEG(1) - make a debuggable executable
- MAKEGDBM(1) - Make a GDBM database from stdin
- MAKEHISTORY(8) - recreate the history file from the news spool.
- makehmmerdb(1) - build nhmmer database from a sequence file
- MAKEHYPER(6) - generate a GNU Backgammon Hypergammon position database
- MAKEIMAPACCESS(8) - Build IMAP server access file
- MAKEINDEX(1) - a general purpose, formatter-independent index processor
- MAKEIVS-NG(1) - generate a dummy IVS dump file with a specific WEP key
- MAKEJVF(1) - Make Japanese VF file from Japanese TeX TFM file
- MAKE-LINGUA-IDENTIFY-LANGUAGE(1) - creates language modules for Lingua::Identify
- MAKEMAP(8) - create database maps for sendmail
- MakeMethods(3) - Generate common types of methods
- MakeMethods::Attribute(3) - Declare generated subs with attribute syntax
- MakeMethods::Autoload(3) - Declare generated subs with AUTOLOAD
- MakeMethods::Basic(3) - Make really simple methods
- MakeMethods::Basic::Array(3) - Basic array methods
- MakeMethods::Basic::Global(3) - Basic shared methods
- MakeMethods::Basic::Hash(3) - Basic hash methods
- MakeMethods::Composite(3) - Make extensible compound methods
- MakeMethods::Composite::Array(3) - Basic array methods
- MakeMethods::Composite::Global(3) - Global data
- MakeMethods::Composite::Hash(3) - Composite hash methods
- MakeMethods::Composite::Inheritable(3) - Overridable data
- MakeMethods::Composite::Universal(3) - Composite Method Tricks
- MakeMethods::Docs::Catalog(3) - List of Makable Method Types
- MakeMethods::Docs::Changes(3) - History of Class::MakeMethods
- MakeMethods::Docs::Examples(3) - Sample Declarations and Usage
- MakeMethods::Docs::ReadMe(3) - About Class::MakeMethods
- MakeMethods::Docs::RelatedModules(3) - Survey of Class Builders
- MakeMethods::Docs::ToDo(3) - Ideas, problems, and suggestions
- MakeMethods::Emulator(3) - Demonstrate class-generator equivalency
- MakeMethods::Emulator::AccessorFast(3) - Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast
- MakeMethods::Emulator::accessors(3) - Emulate the accessors module
- MakeMethods::Emulator::Inheritable(3) - Emulate Class::Inheritable
- MakeMethods::Emulator::mcoder(3) - Emulate the mcoder module
- MakeMethods::Emulator::MethodMaker(3) - Emulate Class::MethodMaker
- MakeMethods::Emulator::Singleton(3) - Emulate Class::Singleton
- MakeMethods::Emulator::Struct(3) - Emulate Class::Struct
- MakeMethods::Evaled(3) - Make methods with simple string evals
- MakeMethods::Evaled::Hash(3) - Typical hash methods
- MakeMethods::Standard(3) - Make common object accessors
- MakeMethods::Standard::Array(3) - Methods for Array objects
- MakeMethods::Standard::Global(3) - Global data
- MakeMethods::Standard::Hash(3) - Standard hash methods
- MakeMethods::Standard::Inheritable(3) - Overridable data
- MakeMethods::Standard::Universal(3) - Generic Methods
- MakeMethods::Template(3) - Extensible code templates
- MakeMethods::Template::Array(3) - Methods for manipulating positional values in arrays
- MakeMethods::Template::Class(3) - Associate information with a package
- MakeMethods::Template::ClassInherit(3) - Overridable class data
- MakeMethods::Template::ClassName(3) - Access object's class
- MakeMethods::Template::ClassVar(3) - Static methods with subclass variation
- MakeMethods::Template::Flyweight(3) - Deprecated name for InsideOut
- MakeMethods::Template::Generic(3) - Templates for common meta-method types
- MakeMethods::Template::Global(3) - Method that are not instance-dependent
- MakeMethods::Template::Hash(3) - Method interfaces for hash-based objects
- MakeMethods::Template::Inheritable(3) - Overridable data
- MakeMethods::Template::InsideOut(3) - External data
- MakeMethods::Template::PackageVar(3) - Static methods with global variables
- MakeMethods::Template::Ref(3) - Universal copy and compare methods
- MakeMethods::Template::Scalar(3) - Methods for blessed scalars
- MakeMethods::Template::Static(3) - Deprecated name for Global
- MakeMethods::Template::Struct(3) - Deprecated name for Array
- MakeMethods::Template::StructBuiltin(3)
- MakeMethods::Template::Universal(3) - Meta-methods for any type of object
- MakeMethods::Utility::ArraySplicer(3) - Common array ops
- MakeMethods::Utility::DiskCache(3) - Optional Template feature
- MakeMethods::Utility::Inheritable(3) - "Inheritable" data
- MakeMethods::Utility::Ref(3) - Deep copying and comparison
- MakeMethods::Utility::TextBuilder(3) - Basic text substitutions
- MAKEMIME(1) - Create MIME-formatted messages
- MAKEMKVCON(1) - read video from DVD or Bluray disc and convert to mkv format
- MAKENDB(8) - update NSS_NDB databases
- MAKENOISE(1) - add noise to an image
- makepasswd(1) - generate and/or encrypt passwords
- MAKEPATCH(1) - create script to update a source tree
- MAKEPKG.CONF(5) - makepkg configuration file
- MAKEPKG(8) - package build utility
- MAKEPKG-TEMPLATE(1) - package build templating utility
- MAKEPP_FUNCTIONS(1) - our_product-$(VERSION) | gzip -9c > our_product-$(VERSION).tar.gz
- MAKEPP_TUTORIAL(1) - combobulate-$(VERSION) | gzip -9c > combobulate-$(VERSION).tar.gz rm -rf combobulate-$(VERSION) # # This target runs regression tests to make sure the program(s) are # doing what they are supposed to do. # $(phony test): $(PROGRAMS) noecho for testfile in *.test; do \ ./combobulate $$testfile | ./discombobulate - > junk_output; \ if cmp -s junk_output $$testfile; then \ echo passed $$testfile; \ else \ echo failed $$testfile; \ fi; \ done # # If "noecho" is the first word of the action, the action itself is not # printed before it is executed. In this case, printing the action # would merely clutter up the screen so it is very common to suppress # printing for such long commands. # # Note the use of the double dollar sign to pass a single dollar sign to # the shell. Note also the backslashes at the end of a line to indicate # that a shell command continues to the next line. #
- makepr(1) - create Primitive Rectangles in an image
- MAKEPROFILES(1) - make standard 2D profiles on an image
- MAKE-REPORT(1) - process a web log and produce a report
- makerules(4L) - system programmers guide for compiling projects on different platforms
- MAKESELF(1) - An utility to generate self-extractable archives.
- MAKESET(1) - build a Bioseq-set from Seq-entries
- MAKESIMPLE(1) - De-sugar GNU makefiles to its simplest form using the GmakeDB parser
- makeskel(1) - generate description file for
- MAKETEXT(1) - translate and make messages
- MAKEUSERDB(8) - create /usr/local/etc/userdb
- makeweb(1) - create user web directory
- MAKEWEIGHTS(6) - generate a GNU Backgammon binary weights file
- mako(1) - notification daemon for Wayland
- mako(5) - configuration file
- makoctl(1) - controls the
- MALO(4) - Marvell Libertas IEEE 802.11b/g wireless network driver
- mAM001(3) - Analog Input Module
- MAME(6) - Multi-purpose emulation framework
- MAN(nged) - View manual pages.
- man2html(1)
- MAN2MEDIAWIKI(1) - Generate MediaWiki articles from manual pages
- MAN2WEB(1) - convert man pages to html.
- MAN2WIKI(1) - Generate wikitext from manual pages
- ManaPlus(6) - ManaPlus: A 2D MMORPG client
- ManaPlusTest(6) - ManaPlusTest: test tool for manaplus
- ManberHash(3) - a Perl package to calculate Manber Hashes
- MANCK(1) - check manual pages
- MANCTL(8) - manipulating manual pages
- Mandelbrot(3) - filter that renders the Mandelbrot set.
- MANDOC(3) - mandoc macro compiler library
- MANDOC.DB(5) - manual page database
- MANDOC_CHAR(7) - mandoc special characters
- MANDOC_ESCAPE(3) - parse roff escape sequences
- MANDOC_HEADERS(3) - ordering of mandoc include files
- MANDOC_HTML(3) - internals of the mandoc HTML formatter
- MANDOC_MALLOC(3) - memory allocation function wrappers used in the mandoc library
- MANDOCD(8) - server process to format manual pages in batch mode
- Mango(3) - Pure-Perl non-blocking I/O MongoDB driver
- Mango::Auth(3) - Authentication
- Mango::Auth::SCRAM(3) - SCRAM-SHA-1 Authentication
- Mango::BSON(3) - BSON
- Mango::BSON::Binary(3) - Binary type
- Mango::BSON::Code(3) - Code type
- Mango::BSON::Document(3) - Document type
- Mango::BSON::Number(3) - Numerical types
- Mango::BSON::ObjectID(3) - Object ID type
- Mango::BSON::Time(3) - Datetime type
- Mango::BSON::Timestamp(3) - Timestamp type
- Mango::Bulk(3) - MongoDB bulk operations
- Mango::Collection(3) - MongoDB collection
- Mango::Cursor(3) - MongoDB cursor
- Mango::Cursor::Query(3) - MongoDB query cursor
- Mango::Database(3) - MongoDB database
- Mango::GridFS(3) - GridFS
- Mango::GridFS::Reader(3) - GridFS reader
- Mango::GridFS::Writer(3) - GridFS writer
- Mango::Protocol(3) - The MongoDB wire protocol
- mangohud(1) - enable MangoHud on any application
- M-ANLZ(4) - Analyze (SPM) medical image format (MedCon)
- MANSEARCH(3) - search manual page databases
- manual_gallery(1)
- MANVM(1) - format and display the on-line Java VM manual pages
- ManyParams(3) - module to test many params as one test
- MAP(7) - digitized map formats
- map_video_display(3) - the layer will be treated as a cursor layer and implies alpha blending. This may be updated out of the normal processing pipeline and as part of a raw input handler where other graphics functions might be unavailable.
- Map8(3) - Mapping table between 8-bit chars and Unicode
- mapdircmp(1) - Compare directory trees with mapdir(1)
- Maple3(3) - Get user information of Maple3-style BBS
- Maple3itoc(3) - Get user information of Maple3itoc-style BBS
- mapLn(3) - container for map points.
- mapLnArr(3) - container for MapLn objects.
- MAP-MBONE(8) - Multicast connection mapper
- MAPPER(1) - orienteering map drawing software
- mapsid(1) - Map between sensor names and sensor numbers
- maptolayer(1) - Utility to generate layers.config files
- MAPW(1) - map or unmap window
- MARADNS(8) - DNS server
- MARARC(5) - Format of the mararc zone file that MaraDNS uses
- MARBLES(6) - build figures out of colored marbles
- MARC::Batch(3) - Perl module for handling files of MARC::Record objects
- MARC::Charset(3) - convert MARC-8 encoded strings to UTF-8
- MARC::Charset::Code(3) - represents a MARC-8/UTF-8 mapping
- MARC::Charset::Compiler(3) - compile XML mapping rules from LoC
- MARC::Charset::Constants(3) - constants for MARC::Charset
- MARC::Charset::Table(3) - character mapping db
- MARC::Doc::Tutorial(3) - A documentation-only module for new users of MARC::Record
- MARC::Field(3) - Perl extension for handling MARC fields
- MARC::File(3) - Base class for files of MARC records
- MARC::File::Encode(3) - Encode wrapper for MARC::Record
- MARC::File::MicroLIF(3) - MicroLIF-specific file handling
- MARC::File::USMARC(3) - USMARC-specific file handling
- MARC::File::XML(3) - Work with MARC data encoded as XML
- MARC::Lint(3) - Perl extension for checking validity of MARC records
- MARC::Lint::CodeData(3)
- MARC::Record(3) - Perl extension for handling MARC records
- MARC2XML(1) - convert a MARC file to XML
- MARCDUMP(1) - MARC record dump utility
- MARCLINT(1) - MARC record linting utility
- MARCO(1) - The MATE Window Manager
- MARCO-MESSAGE(1) - A command to send messages to Marco.
- MARCO-THEME-VIEWER(1) - Marco Theme Previewer
- MARCO-WINDOW-DEMO(1) - demo of window features
- MARIABACKUP(1) - Backup tool
- mariadb_cancel(3)
- mariadb_connection(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_check(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_column_cmp_named(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_column_count(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_create_many_named(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_create_many_num(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_exists_named(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_exists_num(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_free(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_list_named(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_list_num(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_unpack(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_update_many_named(3)
- mariadb_dyncol_update_many_num(3)
- mariadb_get_infov(3)
- mariadb_reconnect(3)
- mariadb_rpl_close(3)
- mariadb_rpl_fetch(3)
- mariadb_rpl_get_optionsv(3)
- mariadb_rpl_open(3)
- mariadb_rpl_optionsv(3)
- mariadb_stmt_execute_direct(3)
- mariadb_stmt_fetch_fields(3)
- MARIADB-CONV(1) - character set conversion utility for MariaDB
- MARIADB-SERVICE-CONVERT(1) - generate a mariadb.service file based on the current mysql/mariadb settings
- Markapl(3) - Markup as Perl
- Markapl::Helpers(3) - Practical helper methods
- Markapl::Tags(3) - List of tags.
- MARKDOWN(1) - Convert Markdown syntax to (X)HTML
- MARKDOWN(7) - The Markdown text formatting syntax
- MARKETMODEL(1) - Example of Interst Rate Derivative Pricing
- Markup::Perl(3) - turn your CGI inside-out
- Marpa::Advanced::Algorithm(3) - The Marpa Algorithm
- Marpa::Advanced::Bibliography(3) - A Marpa Bibliography
- Marpa::Advanced::Implementation(3) - Marpa Implementation
- Marpa::Advanced::Models(3) - Other Input Models
- Marpa::Deprecated::Bocage(3) - DEPRECATED: Marpa's Bocage Data Structure
- Marpa::Deprecated::Evaluator(3) - a DEPRECATED Evaluator
- Marpa::Deprecated::Implementation(3) - DEPRECATED Obsoleted Marpa Implementation
- Marpa::Grammar(3) - Marpa Grammar Objects
- Marpa::HTML(3) - High-level HTML Parser
- Marpa::HTML::Support(3) - Marpa::HTML Support, and How to Report Bugs
- Marpa::Marpa(3) - Parse any Language You Can Describe in BNF
- Marpa::Parse_Terms(3) - Standard Parsing Terms used in the Marpa Documents
- Marpa::PP(3) - Pure Perl version of Marpa
- Marpa::PP::Advanced::Bibliography(3) - A Marpa Bibliography
- Marpa::PP::Advanced::Models(3) - Other Input Models
- Marpa::PP::Debug(3) - Marpa Grammar Debugging
- Marpa::PP::Grammar(3) - Marpa Grammar Objects
- Marpa::PP::Recognizer(3) - Marpa Recognizer Objects
- Marpa::PP::Rewrite(3) - How Marpa Rewrites Grammars
- Marpa::PP::Semantics(3) - How Marpa Evaluates Parses
- Marpa::PP::Semantics::Infinite(3) - How Marpa Deals with Infinite Cycles
- Marpa::PP::Semantics::Null(3) - How Marpa Evaluates Null Rules and Symbols
- Marpa::PP::Semantics::Order(3) - How Marpa Ranks Ambiguous Parses
- Marpa::PP::Support(3) - Marpa::PP Support, and How to Report Bugs
- Marpa::PP::Tracing(3) - Tracing Your Grammar
- Marpa::PP::Vocabulary(3) - Standard Parsing Terms as Used within Marpa
- Marpa::Recognizer(3) - Marpa Recognizer Objects
- Marpa::Semantics(3) - How Marpa Evaluates Parses
- Marpa::Support(3) - Marpa Support, and How to Report Bugs
- Marpa::Tracing(3) - Tracing Your Grammar
- Marpa::XS(3) - XS version of Marpa
- Marpa::XS::Advanced::Bibliography(3) - A Marpa Bibliography
- Marpa::XS::Advanced::Models(3) - Other Input Models
- Marpa::XS::Debug(3) - Debugging your Marpa grammar
- Marpa::XS::Grammar(3) - Marpa grammars
- Marpa::XS::Recognizer(3) - Marpa recognizers
- Marpa::XS::Rewrite(3) - How Marpa rewrites grammars
- Marpa::XS::Semantics(3) - How Marpa evaluates parses
- Marpa::XS::Semantics::Infinite(3) - How Marpa Deals with Infinite Cycles
- Marpa::XS::Semantics::Null(3) - How Marpa Evaluates Null Rules and Symbols
- Marpa::XS::Semantics::Order(3) - How Marpa ranks ambiguous parses
- Marpa::XS::Support(3) - Marpa::XS Support, and how to report bugs
- Marpa::XS::Tracing(3) - Tracing your Marpa grammar
- Marpa::XS::Vocabulary(3) - Standard parsing terms as used within Marpa
- MARS(4) - mars webcamd driver for USB cameras
- Marshal(3) - Marshaling of data structures.
- MASK_COLOR_8(3) - Constant representing the mask value in sprites. Allegro game programming library.
- masked_blit(3) - Copies a rectangle skipping pixels with the mask color. Allegro game programming library.
- masked_stretch_blit(3) - Scales a rectangular area skipping pixels with the mask color. Allegro game programming library.
- MASKTEST(1) - Find differences in wildcard matching between Samba's implementation and that of a remote server.
- MASON(1) - evaluate a mason template and output the result
- Mason::App(3) - Implementation of bin/mason
- Mason::CodeCache(3) - Result returned from Mason request
- Mason::Compilation(3) - Performs compilation of a single component
- Mason::Component::ClassMeta(3) - Meta-information about Mason component class
- Mason::Component::Import(3) - Extra component imports
- Mason::Component::Moose(3) - Moose policies and exports for Mason components
- Mason::Filters::Standard(3) - Standard filters
- Mason::Manual(3) - Index of Mason documentation
- Mason::Manual::Components(3) - The building blocks of Mason
- Mason::Manual::Cookbook(3) - Recipes for common Mason tasks
- Mason::Manual::FAQ(3) - Frequently asked questions about Mason
- Mason::Manual::Filters(3) - Content filters in Mason
- Mason::Manual::Intro(3) - Getting started with Mason
- Mason::Manual::Plugins(3) - Mason plugins
- Mason::Manual::RequestDispatch(3) - How request paths get mapped to page components
- Mason::Manual::Setup(3) - Setting up Mason
- Mason::Manual::Subclasses(3) - Creating custom subclasses of Mason's classes
- Mason::Manual::Syntax(3) - Mason component syntax reference
- Mason::Manual::Tutorial(3) - Mason tutorial (DEPRECATED - SEE POET)
- Mason::Manual::UpgradingFromMason1(3) - Summary of differences between Mason 1 and Mason 2
- Mason::Moose(3) - Mason Moose policies
- Mason::Moose::Role(3) - Mason Moose role policies
- Mason::Plugin::Defer(3) - Defer computing parts of output until the end of the request
- Mason::Plugin::DollarDot(3) - Allow $. as substitution for $self-> and in attribute names
- Mason::Plugin::LvalueAttributes(3) - Create lvalue accessors for all rw component attributes
- Mason::Plugin::TidyObjectFiles(3) - Tidy object files
- Mason::PluginBundle::Default(3) - Default plugins
- Mason::PluginRole(3) - Helper for defining Mason plugin roles
- Mason::Result(3) - Result returned from Mason request
- MasonX::Interp::WithCallbacks(3) - Mason callback support via Params::CallbackRequest.
- MasonX::Profiler(3) - Mason per-component profiler
- MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession(3) - Add a session to the Mason Request object
- MasonX::Request::WithMultiSession(3) - Multiple sub-sessions within one "parent" session
- MasonX::WebApp(3) - Works with Mason to do processing before Mason is invoked
- masqmail.aliases(5) - masqmail alias file format
- masqmail(8) - An offline Mail Transfer Agent
- MASSADMIN(1) - parallelizes system commands on mass remote servers.
- MASSCAN(8) - Fast scan of the Internet
- MASSXPERT(1) - massXpert mass spectrometry software package (binary files)
- MASSXPERT(7) - massXpert mass spectrometry software package (data files)
- MASTER(8) - Postfix master process
- MASTERBALL(6) - Masterball X widget
- MASTERGUARD(8) - Driver for Masterguard UPS equipment
- MAT_CLOSE(3) - Closes an open MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_CREATEVER(3) - Creates a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_GETDIR(3) - Returns a list of the variable names of a MATLAB MAT file given a MAT file structure
- MAT_GETFILENAME(3) - Returns the filename of a MATLAB MAT file given a MAT file structure.
- MAT_GETHEADER(3) - Returns the header of a MATLAB MAT file given a MAT file structure.
- MAT_GETLIBRARYVERSION(3) - Gets the version of the matio library.
- MAT_GETVERSION(3) - Returns the version of a MATLAB MAT file given a MAT file structure.
- MAT_OPEN(3) - Opens a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_REWIND(3) - Rewinds an open MAT file to the beginning.
- MAT_VARADDSTRUCTFIELD(3) - Adds a field to a structure array.
- MAT_VARCREATE(3) - Creates a MAT variable structure.
- MAT_VARCREATESTRUCT(3) - Creates a structure variable.
- MAT_VARDELETE(3) - Deletes a MAT variable from a file.
- MAT_VARFREE(3) - Frees a MAT variable structure.
- MAT_VARGETNUMBEROFFIELDS(3) - Gets the number of fields for a structure variable.
- MAT_VARGETSIZE(3) - Calculates the size of a MAT variable in bytes.
- MAT_VARGETSTRUCTFIELDNAMES(3) - Get the fieldnames of a structure variable.
- MAT_VARGETSTRUCTS(3) - Index a structure variable using slices of each dimension
- MAT_VARGETSTRUCTSLINEAR(3) - Linearly index a structure variable
- MAT_VARPRINT(3) - Prints the information of a MAT variable to stdout.
- MAT_VARREAD(3) - Reads the information and data for a specific variable in a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_VARREADINFO(3) - Reads the information for a specific variable in a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_VARREADNEXT(3) - Reads the information and data for the next variable in a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_VARREADNEXTINFO(3) - Reads the information for the next variable in a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_VARWRITE(3) - Writes a MATLAB variable to a MATLAB MAT file.
- MAT_VARWRITEAPPEND(3) - Writes/appends a MATLAB variable to an HDF5 format MATLAB MAT file.
- MATCD(4)
- MATCH(1L) - searches for patterns in files
- match::smart(3) - clone of smartmatch operator
- match_keys(3) - 1); local val = string.sub(v, stop + 1); print(key, val); endend
- MatchNames(3) - Smart matching for human names.
- matchup(1) - collect information on messages and deliveries
- MATE-ABOUT(1) - Learn more about MATE
- mate-about-me(1)
- mate-appearance-properties(1)
- mate-at-properties(1) - configure MATE Assistive Technologies
- mate-autogen(1)
- MATE-CALC(1) - (mate-calculator) - The MATE Desktop Environment Calculator
- MATE-CALC-CMD(1) - A console calculator for the MATE Desktop Environment.
- MATE-CHARPICK-APPLET(1) - Character Picker Applet for the MATE panel.
- mate-color-select(1) - Select a color from a palette or from screen
- mate-control-center(1) - Configure MATE settings
- MATE-CPUFREQ-SELECTOR(1) - A generic command line tool to change the cpu frequency.
- mate-default-applications-properties(1)
- MATE-DESKTOP-ITEM-EDIT(1) - A small tool to edit .desktop files.
- mate-dictionary(1) - Look up words on dictionaries
- mate-display-properties(1) - customize MATE display behavor
- mate-display-properties-install-systemwide(1) - customize MATE display behavor
- mate-doc-common(1)
- MATE-DRIVEMOUNT-APPLET(1) - Drive Mount Applet for the MATE panel.
- mate-font-viewer(1) - preview fonts
- MATE-GEYES-APPLET(1) - gEyes Applet for the MATE panel.
- mate-keybinding-properties(1)
- mate-keyboard-properties(1) - manage keyboard behaviour in MATE
- mate-mouse-properties(1)
- MATE-MULTILOAD-APPLET(1) - Multiload (cpu, load average, memory, net, swap) applet for the MATE panel.
- mate-network-properties(1) - configure MATE network proxy
- mate-notification-properties(1) - Set up the options for desktop notifications
- MATE-PANEL(1) - The Panel for the MATE Desktop Environment
- MATE-PANEL-TEST-APPLETS(1) - display and test installed applets
- MATE-POWER-BACKLIGHT-HELPER(1) - helper application for MATE's power management backlight control
- MATE-POWER-MANAGER(1) - MATE power manager userspace daemon
- MATE-POWER-PREFERENCES(1) - MATE power preferences GUI
- MATE-POWER-STATISTICS(1) - MATE power statistics GUI
- MATE-SCREENSAVER(1) - The MATE Desktop Screensaver and Locker
- mate-screensaver-command(1) - controls MATE screensaver
- MATE-SCREENSHOT(1) - capture the screen, a window, or an user-defined area and save the snapshot image to a file.
- mate-search-tool(1) - the MATE Search Tool
- MATE-SESSION(1) - Start the MATE Desktop Environment.
- MATE-SESSION-INHIB(1) - inhibit mate-session functionality
- MATE-SESSION-PROPERTIES(1) - Configure applications to start on login.
- MATE-SESSION-SAVE(1) - End or save the current MATE session
- MATE-SETTINGS-DAEMON(1) - Handles the MATE session settings
- mate-system-log(1) - the MATE System Log Viewer
- MATE-SYSTEM-MONITOR(1) - view and control processes
- MATE-TERMINAL(1) - manual page for MATE Terminal Emulator
- mate-thumbnail-font(1) - create font thumbnails
- mate-typing-monitor(1) - take a break from typing
- MATE-VOLUME-CONTROL(1) - The MATE Volume Control application
- MATE-VOLUME-CONTROL-APPLET(1) - The MATE Volume Control Applet
- MATEWEATHER(1) - Weather Applet for the MATE panel.
- mate-window-properties(1) - configure MATE window manager preferences
- MATE-WM(1) - Start the window manager configured by the user
- MATH(3M)
- Math::Algebra::Symbols(3)
- Math::Algebra::Symbols::Sum(3)
- Math::Algebra::Symbols::Term(3)
- Math::Base36(3) - Encoding and decoding of base36 strings
- Math::Base85(3) - Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924
- Math::BaseCalc(3) - Convert numbers between various bases
- Math::BigFloat(3) - Arbitrary size floating point math package
- Math::BigInt(3) - Arbitrary size integer/float math package
- Math::BigInt::Calc(3) - pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt
- Math::BigInt::FastCalc(3) - Math::BigInt::Calc with some XS for more speed
- Math::BigInt::GMP(3) - backend library for Math::BigInt etc. based on GMP
- Math::BigInt::Lib(3) - virtual parent class for Math::BigInt libraries
- Math::BigInt::Lite(3) - What Math::BigInts are before they become big
- Math::BigInt::LTM(3) - Use the libtommath library for Math::BigInt routines
- Math::BigInt::Pari(3) - a math backend library based on Math::Pari
- Math::BigRat(3) - Arbitrary big rational numbers
- Math::Cephes(3) - perl interface to the cephes math library
- Math::Cephes::Complex(3) - Perl interface to the cephes complex number routines
- Math::Cephes::Fraction(3) - Perl interface to the cephes math fraction routines
- Math::Cephes::Matrix(3) - Perl interface to the cephes matrix routines
- Math::Cephes::Polynomial(3) - Perl interface to the cephes math polynomial routines
- Math::Combinatorics(3) - Perform combinations and permutations on lists
- Math::Complex(3) - complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
- Math::ConvexHull(3) - Calculate convex hulls using Graham's scan (n*log(n))
- Math::Currency(3) - Exact Currency Math with Formatting and Rounding
- Math::Currency::de_DE(3) - de_DE Locale Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::en_GB(3) - en_GB Locale Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::en_US(3) - en_US Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::EUR(3) - EUR Currency Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::GBP(3) - GBP Currency Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::ja_JP(3) - ja_JP Locale Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::JPY(3) - JPY Currency Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Currency::USD(3) - USD Currency Module for Math::Currency
- Math::Derivative(3) - Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation
- Math::FFT(3) - Perl module to calculate Fast Fourier Transforms
- Math::Fleximal(3) - Integers with flexible representations.
- Math::Geometry::Planar::GPC::PolygonXS(3) - OO wrapper to gpc library (translated from Inline-based Math::Geometry::Planar::GPC::Polygon to XS)
- Math::Geometry::Planar::Offset(3) - Calculate offset polygons
- Math::Geometry::Voronoi(3) - compute Voronoi diagrams from sets of points
- Math::GMP(3) - High speed arbitrary size integer math
- Math::GSL(3) - Perl interface to the GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
- Math::GSL::BLAS(3) - Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
- Math::GSL::BSpline(3) - Functions for the computation of smoothing basis splines
- Math::GSL::CBLAS(3) - Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms based on C functions
- Math::GSL::CDF(3) - Cumulative Distribution Functions
- Math::GSL::Chebyshev(3) - Univariate Chebyshev Series Approximation
- Math::GSL::Combination(3) - Combinations
- Math::GSL::Complex(3) - Complex Numbers
- Math::GSL::Const(3) - Constants
- Math::GSL::Deriv(3) - Numerical Derivatives
- Math::GSL::DHT(3) - Discrete Hankel Transforms
- Math::GSL::Diff(3) - Numerical differentiation routines
- Math::GSL::Eigen(3) - Functions for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices
- Math::GSL::Errno(3) - Error Handling
- Math::GSL::FFT(3) - Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT)
- Math::GSL::Fit(3) - Least-squares functions for a general linear model with one- or two-parameter regression
- Math::GSL::Heapsort(3) - Functions for sorting data, both directly and indirectly (using an index)
- Math::GSL::Histogram(3) - Create and manipulate histograms of data
- Math::GSL::Histogram2D(3) - Create and manipulate histograms of data in 2 dimensions
- Math::GSL::IEEEUtils(3) - IEEE Utility Functions
- Math::GSL::Integration(3) - Routines for performing numerical integration (quadrature) of a function in one dimension
- Math::GSL::Interp(3) - Interpolation
- Math::GSL::Linalg(3) - Functions for solving linear systems
- Math::GSL::Machine(3) - Machine constants
- Math::GSL::Matrix(3) - Mathematical functions concerning Matrices
- Math::GSL::MatrixComplex(3) - Complex Matrices
- Math::GSL::Min(3) - 1-D Minimization
- Math::GSL::Monte(3) - Multidimensional Monte Carlo integration
- Math::GSL::Multifit(3) - Least-squares functions for a general linear model with multiple parameters
- Math::GSL::Multilarge(3) - Least-squares functions for a general linear model with multiple parameters
- Math::GSL::Multimin(3) - Routines for finding minima of arbitrary multidimensional functions
- Math::GSL::Multiroots(3) - Multidimensional root-finding
- Math::GSL::Multiset(3) - Multisets manipulation
- Math::GSL::NTuple(3) - Functions for creating and manipulating ntuples, sets of values
- Math::GSL::ODEIV(3) - functions for solving ordinary differential equation (ODE) initial value problems
- Math::GSL::Permutation(3) - functions for creating and manipulating permutations
- Math::GSL::Poly(3) - Solve and evaluate polynomials
- Math::GSL::PowInt(3) - Integer Power functions
- Math::GSL::QRNG(3) - Quasi-random number generators
- Math::GSL::Randist(3) - Probability Distributions
- Math::GSL::RNG(3) - Random Number Generators
- Math::GSL::Roots(3) - Find roots of arbitrary 1-D functions
- Math::GSL::Rstat(3) - Running Statistical functions
- Math::GSL::SF(3) - Special Functions
- Math::GSL::Siman(3) - Simulated Annealing
- Math::GSL::Sort(3) - Functions for sorting data
- Math::GSL::SparseMatrix(3) - Sparse Matrices
- Math::GSL::Spline(3) - Splines
- Math::GSL::Statistics(3) - Statistical functions
- Math::GSL::Sum(3) - Sum series with the Levin u-transform
- Math::GSL::Sys(3) - Misc Math Functions
- Math::GSL::Test(3) - Assertions and such
- Math::GSL::Vector(3) - Functions concerning vectors
- Math::GSL::VectorComplex(3) - Complex Vectors
- Math::GSL::Wavelet(3) - 1-D (Real) Wavelets
- Math::GSL::Wavelet2D(3) - 2-D Wavelets
- Math::Int128(3) - Manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl
- Math::Int128::die_on_overflow(3) - catch overflows when using Math::Int128
- Math::Int64(3) - Manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
- Math::Int64::die_on_overflow(3) - catch overflows when using Math::Int64
- Math::Int64::native_if_available(3) - Use the native Perl 64-bit integer implementation when available
- Math::Interpolate(3) - Interpolate the value Y from X using a list of (X, Y) pairs
- Math::Intersection::StraightLine(3) - Calculate intersection point for two lines
- Math::IntervalSearch(3) - Search where an element lies in a list of sorted elements
- Math::Matrix(3) - multiply and invert matrices
- Math::MatrixReal(3) - Matrix of Reals
- Math::Polygon(3) - Class for maintaining polygon data
- Math::Polygon::Calc(3) - Simple polygon calculations
- Math::Polygon::Clip(3) - frame a polygon in a square
- Math::Polygon::Convex(3) - Collection of convex algorithms
- Math::Polygon::Surface(3) - Polygon with exclusions
- Math::Polygon::Transform(3) - Polygon transformation
- Math::Polygon::Tree(3) - fast check if point is inside polygon
- Math::Polynomial::Solve(3) - Find the roots of polynomial equations.
- Math::Prime::Util(3) - Utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring
- Math::Prime::Util::ChaCha(3) - Pure Perl ChaCha20 CSPRNG
- Math::Prime::Util::ECAffinePoint(3) - Elliptic curve operations for affine points
- Math::Prime::Util::ECProjectivePoint(3) - Elliptic curve operations for projective points
- Math::Prime::Util::Entropy(3) - Get a good random seed
- Math::Prime::Util::GMP(3) - Utilities related to prime numbers and factoring, using GMP
- Math::Prime::Util::MemFree(3) - An auto-free object for Math::Prime::Util
- Math::Prime::Util::PP(3) - Pure Perl version of Math::Prime::Util
- Math::Prime::Util::PPFE(3) - PP front end for Math::Prime::Util
- Math::Prime::Util::PrimalityProving(3) - Primality proofs and certificates
- Math::Prime::Util::PrimeArray(3) - A tied array for primes
- Math::Prime::Util::PrimeIterator(3) - An object iterator for primes
- Math::Prime::Util::RandomPrimes(3) - Generate random primes
- Math::Prime::Util::ZetaBigFloat(3) - Perl Big Float versions of Riemann Zeta and R functions
- Math::Prime::XS(3) - Detect and calculate prime numbers with deterministic tests
- Math::ProvablePrime(3) - Generate a provable prime number, in pure Perl
- Math::Random::ISAAC(3) - Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
- Math::Random::ISAAC::PP(3) - Pure Perl port of the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
- Math::Random::ISAAC::XS(3) - C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
- Math::Random::MT::Auto(3) - Auto-seeded Mersenne Twister PRNGs
- Math::Random::MT::Auto::Range(3) - Range-valued PRNGs
- Math::Random::OO(3) - Consistent object-oriented interface for generating random numbers
- Math::Random::OO::Bootstrap(3) - Generate random numbers with bootstrap resampling from a non-parametric distribution
- Math::Random::OO::Normal(3) - Generates random numbers from the normal (Gaussian) distribution
- Math::Random::OO::Uniform(3) - Generates random numbers from the uniform distribution
- Math::Random::OO::UniformInt(3) - Generates random integers with uniform probability
- Math::Random::Secure(3) - Cryptographically-secure, cross-platform replacement for rand()
- Math::Random::Secure::RNG(3) - The underlying PRNG, as an object.
- Math::RandomOrg(3) - Retrieve random numbers and data from random.org.
- Math::Round::Var(3) - Variations on rounding.
- Math::RPN(3) - Perl extension for Reverse Polish Math Expression Evaluation
- Math::Sequence(3) - Perl extension dealing with mathematic sequences
- Math::Series(3) - Perl extension dealing with mathematic series
- Math::SigFigs(3) - do math with correct handling of significant figures
- Math::String(3) - Arbitrary sized integers having arbitrary charsets to calculate with key rooms
- Math::String::Charset(3) - A simple charset for Math::String objects.
- Math::String::Charset::Grouped(3) - A charset of simple charsets for Math::String objects.
- Math::String::Charset::Nested(3) - A charset for Math::String objects.
- Math::String::Sequence(3) - defines a sequence (range) of Math::String(s)
- Math::Symbolic(3) - Symbolic calculations
- Math::Symbolic::AuxFunctions(3) - Auxiliary functions for Math::Symbolic hierarchy
- Math::Symbolic::Base(3) - Base class for symbols in symbolic calculations
- Math::Symbolic::Compiler(3) - Compile Math::Symbolic trees to Perl code
- Math::Symbolic::Constant(3) - Constants in symbolic calculations
- Math::Symbolic::Custom(3) - Aggregate class for tree tests and transformations
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Base(3) - Base class for tree tests and transformations
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::CCompiler(3) - Compile Math::Symbolic trees to C
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Contains(3) - Find subtrees in Math::Symbolic expressions
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::DefaultDumpers(3) - Default Math::Symbolic output routines
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::DefaultMods(3) - Default Math::Symbolic transformations
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::DefaultTests(3) - Default Math::Symbolic tree tests
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::ErrorPropagation(3) - Calculate Gaussian Error Propagation
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::LaTeXDumper(3) - Math::Symbolic LaTeX output
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Pattern(3) - Pattern matching on Math::Symbolic trees
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Pattern::Export(3) - Export method to MS::Custom
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Simplification(3) - User defined simplification routines
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Transformation(3) - Transform Math::Symbolic trees
- Math::Symbolic::Custom::Transformation::Group(3) - Group of Transformations
- Math::Symbolic::Derivative(3) - Derive Math::Symbolic trees
- Math::Symbolic::ExportConstants(3) - Export constants used for Math::Symbolic
- Math::Symbolic::MiscAlgebra(3) - Miscellaneous algebra routines like det()
- Math::Symbolic::MiscCalculus(3) - Miscellaneous calculus routines (eg Taylor poly)
- Math::Symbolic::Operator(3) - Operators in symbolic calculations
- Math::Symbolic::Parser(3) - Parse strings into Math::Symbolic trees
- Math::Symbolic::Parser::Precompiled(3) - Precompiled Math::Symbolic Parser
- Math::Symbolic::Variable(3) - Variable in symbolic calculations
- Math::Symbolic::VectorCalculus(3) - Symbolically comp. grad, Jacobi matrices etc.
- Math::SymbolicX::BigNum(3) - Big number support for the Math::Symbolic parser
- Math::SymbolicX::Complex(3) - Complex number support for the Math::Symbolic parser
- Math::SymbolicX::Error(3) - Parser extension for dealing with numeric errors
- Math::SymbolicX::Inline(3) - Inlined Math::Symbolic functions
- Math::SymbolicX::NoSimplification(3) - Turn off Math::Symbolic simplification
- Math::SymbolicX::ParserExtensionFactory(3) - Generate parser extensions
- Math::SymbolicX::Statistics::Distributions(3) - Statistical Distributions
- Math::Trig(3) - trigonometric functions
- Math::UInt64(3) - Manipulate 64 bit unsigned integers from Perl
- Math::Utils(3) - Useful mathematical functions not in Perl.
- Math::Vec(3) - Object-Oriented Vector Math Methods in Perl
- MATH2OOGL(1gv) - convert Mathematica grphics object to OOGL format
- mathfunc(n) - Mathematical functions for Tcl expressions
- mathi.h(3) - Complex numbers math library
- MathML::Entities(3) - Convert XHTML+MathML Named Entities to Numeric Character References
- MATHOMATIC(1) - a computer algebra system
- mathop(n) - Mathematical operators as Tcl commands
- mathr.h(3) - Real numbers math library
- MATLAB(1) - A guide for MATLAB users.
- MATPICK(nged) - Selects which matrix in the illuminated path should be edited.
- MATRIX_f(3) - Floating point matrix structure. Allegro game programming library.
- matrix_mul(3) - Multiplies two matrices. Allegro game programming library.
- matrix_to_quat(3) - Constructs a quaternion from a rotation matrix. Allegro game programming library.
- MatrixOps(3)
- mattrib(1)
- MAUTIL(1) - Mono.Addins Setup Utility
- MAWK(1) - pattern scanning and text processing language
- max_current_image_order(3)
- MAX44009(4) - driver for MAX44009 Ambient Light Sensor
- MAXIMA(1) - Common Lisp version of MACSYMA symbolic mathematics package released under the GNU Public License
- MaxMind::DB::Common(3) - Code shared by the MaxMind DB reader and writer modules
- MaxMind::DB::Metadata(3) - A class for metadata related to a MaxMind DB database
- MaxMind::DB::Reader(3) - Read MaxMind DB files and look up IP addresses
- MaxMind::DB::Reader::XS(3) - Fast XS implementation of MaxMind DB reader
- MaxMind::DB::Writer(3) - Create MaxMind DB database files
- MaxMind::DB::Writer::Tree(3) - Tree representing a MaxMind DB database in memory - then write it to a file
- Maypole::Application(3) - Universal Maypole Frontend
- Maypole::CLI(3) - Command line interface to Maypole for testing and debugging
- Maypole::Config(3) - Maypole Configuration Class
- Maypole::Constants(3) - Maypole predefined constants
- Maypole::Headers(3) - Convenience wrapper around HTTP::Headers
- Maypole::HTTPD(3) - Stand alone HTTPD for running Maypole Applications
- Maypole::HTTPD::Frontend(3) - Maypole driver class for Maypole::HTTPD
- Maypole::Manual(3) - The Maypole Manual
- Maypole::Manual::About(3) - Introduction to Maypole
- Maypole::Manual::Beer(3) - The Beer Database, Twice
- Maypole::Manual::BuySpy(3) - The Maypole iBuySpy Portal
- Maypole::Manual::Cookbook(3) - Maypole Cookbook
- Maypole::Manual::Flox(3) - Flox: A Free Social Networking Site
- Maypole::Manual::Inheritance(3) - structure of a Maypole application
- Maypole::Manual::Install(3) - installing Maypole
- Maypole::Manual::Model(3) - Maypole Model Classes
- Maypole::Manual::Plugins(3) - the Maypole Plugin API
- Maypole::Manual::StandardTemplates(3) - Maypole's Standard Templates and Actions
- Maypole::Manual::View(3) - Maypole View Classes
- Maypole::Manual::Workflow(3) - Maypole's Request Workflow
- Maypole::Model::Base(3) - Base class for model classes
- Maypole::Model::CDBI(3) - Model class based on Class::DBI
- Maypole::Model::CDBI::AsForm(3) - Produce HTML form elements for database columns
- Maypole::Model::CDBI::Base(3) - Model base class based on Class::DBI
- Maypole::Model::CDBI::DFV(3) - Class::DBI::DFV model for Maypole.
- Maypole::Model::CDBI::FromCGI(3) - Validate form input and populate Model objects
- Maypole::Model::CDBI::Plain(3) - Class::DBI model without ::Loader
- Maypole::Session(3) - Session related functionality for maypole
- Maypole::View::Base(3) - Base class for view classes
- Maypole::View::TT(3) - A Template Toolkit view class for Maypole
- maze3d(6) - A 3D maze.
- mb2txt(1) - fcitx table related tools
- mbadblocks(1)
- MBCHAIN(9) - set of functions to build an mbuf chain from various data types
- MBDYN(1)
- MBEXAMINE(8) - Cyrus IMAP documentation
- MBLAZE(7) - introduction to the mblaze message system
- MBLAZE-PROFILE(5) - configuration of the mblaze message system
- MBLD(1)
- MBLEN(3) - get number of bytes in a character
- mbmon(1) - MotherBoard Monitor
- mbox(5) - Format for mail message storage.
- MBOXGREP(1) - displays email messages matching a pattern
- MboxParser(3) - read-only access to UNIX-mailboxes
- MboxParser::Base(3) - base clase for all other classes
- MboxParser::Mail(3) - Provide mail-objects and methods upon
- MboxParser::Mail::Body(3) - rudimentary mail-body object
- MboxParser::Mail::Convertable(3) - convert mail for sending etc.
- MBPATH(8) - Cyrus IMAP documentation
- MBRLEN(3) - get number of bytes in a character (restartable)
- MBRTOWC(3) - convert a character to a wide-character code (restartable)
- MBSINIT(3) - determine conversion object status
- MBSRTOWCS(3) - convert a character string to a wide-character string (restartable)
- MBSTOWCS(3) - convert a character string to a wide-character string
- MBSTREAM(1) - Serialize/deserialize files in the XBSTREAM format
- mbsync(1) - synchronize IMAP4 and Maildir mailboxes
- MBTOOL(8) - Cyrus IMAP documentation
- MBTOWC(3) - convert a character to a wide-character code
- MBUF(9) - memory management in the kernel IPC subsystem
- MBUF_TAGS(9) - a framework for generic packet attributes
- mbuffer(1) - measuring buffer
- MBX2MBOX(1) - Converts Outlook .mbx and .dbx files into standard RFC822 mail files.
- MCABBER(1) - a simple Jabber (XMPP) console client
- MCAST(3PVM) - Multicasts the data in the active message buffer to a set of tasks.
- McBain(3) - Framework for building portable, auto-validating and self-documenting APIs
- McBain::Directly(3) - Use a McBain API directly from Perl code.
- McBain::WithPSGI(3) - Load a McBain API as a RESTful PSGI web service
- MCBAIN2POD(1) - Generate a POD file for a McBain API
- MCD(4)
- MCE(3) - Many-Core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities
- MCE::Candy(3) - Sugar methods and output iterators
- MCE::Channel(3) - Queue-like and two-way communication capability
- MCE::Channel::Mutex(3) - Channel for producer(s) and many consumers
- MCE::Channel::MutexFast(3) - Fast channel for producer(s) and many consumers
- MCE::Channel::Simple(3) - Channel tuned for one producer and one consumer
- MCE::Channel::SimpleFast(3) - Fast channel tuned for one producer and one consumer
- MCE::Channel::Threads(3) - Channel for producer(s) and many consumers
- MCE::Channel::ThreadsFast(3) - Fast channel for producer(s) and many consumers
- MCE::Child(3) - A threads-like parallelization module compatible with Perl 5.8
- MCE::Core(3) - Documentation describing the core MCE API
- MCE::Core::Input::Generator(3) - Sequence of numbers (for task_id > 0)
- MCE::Core::Input::Handle(3) - File path and Scalar reference input reader
- MCE::Core::Input::Iterator(3) - Iterator reader
- MCE::Core::Input::Request(3) - Array reference and Glob reference input reader
- MCE::Core::Input::Sequence(3) - Sequence of numbers (for task_id == 0)
- MCE::Core::Manager(3) - Core methods for the manager process
- MCE::Core::Validation(3) - Core validation methods for Many-Core Engine
- MCE::Core::Worker(3) - Core methods for the worker process
- MCE::Examples(3) - Various examples and demonstrations
- MCE::Flow(3) - Parallel flow model for building creative applications
- MCE::Grep(3) - Parallel grep model similar to the native grep function
- MCE::Hobo(3) - A threads-like parallelization module
- MCE::Loop(3) - MCE model for building parallel loops
- MCE::Map(3) - Parallel map model similar to the native map function
- MCE::Mutex(3) - Locking for Many-Core Engine
- MCE::Mutex::Channel(3) - Mutex locking via a pipe or socket
- MCE::Mutex::Channel2(3) - Provides two mutexes using a single channel
- MCE::Mutex::Flock(3) - Mutex locking via Fcntl
- MCE::Queue(3) - Hybrid (normal and priority) queues
- MCE::Relay(3) - Extends Many-Core Engine with relay capabilities
- MCE::Shared(3) - MCE extension for sharing data supporting threads and processes
- MCE::Shared::Array(3) - Array helper class
- MCE::Shared::Base(3) - Base package for helper classes
- MCE::Shared::Cache(3) - A hybrid LRU-plain cache helper class
- MCE::Shared::Condvar(3) - Condvar helper class
- MCE::Shared::Handle(3) - Handle helper class
- MCE::Shared::Hash(3) - Hash helper class
- MCE::Shared::Minidb(3) - A pure-Perl in-memory data store
- MCE::Shared::Ordhash(3) - An ordered hash class featuring tombstone deletion
- MCE::Shared::Queue(3) - Hybrid-queue helper class
- MCE::Shared::Scalar(3) - Scalar helper class
- MCE::Shared::Sequence(3) - Sequence helper class
- MCE::Shared::Server(3) - Server/Object packages for MCE::Shared
- MCE::Signal(3) - Temporary directory creation/cleanup and signal handling
- MCE::Step(3) - Parallel step model for building creative steps
- MCE::Stream(3) - Parallel stream model for chaining multiple maps and greps
- MCE::Subs(3) - Exports functions mapped directly to MCE methods
- MCE::Util(3) - Utility functions
- MCEDIT(1) - Internal file editor of GNU Midnight Commander.
- MCELOG(8) - Decode kernel machine check log on x86 machines
- mchar_decode(3m17n) - Decode a code-point.
- mchar_define_charset(3m17n) - Define a charset.
- mchar_define_property(3m17n) - Define a character property.
- mchar_encode(3m17n) - Encode a character code.
- mchar_get_prop(3m17n) - Get the value of a character property.
- mchar_get_prop_table(3m17n) - Get the char-table for a character property.
- mchar_list_charset(3m17n) - List symbols representing charsets.
- mchar_map_charset(3m17n) - Call a function for all the characters in a specified charset.
- mchar_put_prop(3m17n) - Set the value of a character property.
- mchar_resolve_charset(3m17n) - Resolve charset name.
- MCHARS_ALLOC(3) - character table for mandoc
- mchartable(3m17n) - Create a new chartable.
- mchartable_lookup(3m17n) - Return the assigned value of a character in a chartable.
- mchartable_map(3m17n) - Call a function for characters in a chartable.
- mchartable_max_char(3m17n) - Return the maximum character whose value is set in a chartabe.
- mchartable_min_char(3m17n) - Return the minimum character whose value is set in a chartabe.
- mchartable_range(3m17n) - Search for characters that have non-default value.
- mchartable_set(3m17n) - Assign a value to a character in a chartable.
- mchartable_set_range(3m17n) - Assign a value to the characters in the specified range.
- MCJOIN(1) - tiny multicast testing tool
- MCKEY(1) - RDMA CM multicast setup and simple data transfer test.
- mclasserase(1)
- mCM001(3) - AC Current Monitor
- MCOLOR(7) - color and reverse video macro
- MCOM(1) - compose, reply, forward, bounce, send messages
- mconnect(1) - connects to a remote SMTP server.
- mconv_buffer_converter(3m17n) - Create a code converter bound to a buffer.
- mconv_decode(3m17n) - Decode a byte sequence into an M-text.
- mconv_decode_buffer(3m17n) - Decode a buffer area based on a coding system.
- mconv_decode_stream(3m17n) - Decode a stream input based on a coding system.
- mconv_define_coding(3m17n) - Define a coding system.
- mconv_encode(3m17n) - Encode an M-text into a byte sequence.
- mconv_encode_buffer(3m17n) - Encode an M-text into a buffer area.
- mconv_encode_range(3m17n) - Encode a part of an M-text.
- mconv_encode_stream(3m17n) - Encode an M-text to write to a stream.
- mconv_free_converter(3m17n) - Free a code converter.
- mconv_getc(3m17n) - Read a character via a code converter.
- mconv_gets(3m17n) - Read a line using a code converter.
- mconv_list_codings(3m17n) - List symbols representing coding systems.
- mconv_putc(3m17n) - Write a character via a code converter.
- mconv_rebind_buffer(3m17n) - Bind a buffer to a code converter.
- mconv_rebind_stream(3m17n) - Bind a stream to a code converter.
- mconv_reset_converter(3m17n) - Reset a code converter.
- mconv_resolve_coding(3m17n) - Resolve coding system name.
- mconv_stream_converter(3m17n) - Create a code converter bound to a stream.
- mconv_ungetc(3m17n) - Push a character back to a code converter.
- MCOOKIE(1) - generate magic cookies for xauth
- MCRON(1) - manual page for mcron 1.2.1
- MCRYPT(1) - encrypt or decrypt files
- MCRYPT(3) - encryption/decryption library
- mcs(1) - Turbo C# Compiler
- MC-TOOL(1) - manipulate Mission Control accounts from the command line
- MCUT(1) - Quantize colors in an image using the median cut algorithm
- MCVIEW(1) - Internal file viewer of GNU Midnight Commander.
- MC-WAIT-FOR-NAME(1) - run until a D-Bus name appears on the session bus
- mcwm(1) - MC's Window Manager for X11.
- mcxtrace(1) - Compiler of the McXrace X-ray trace simulation package
- MD(4) - memory disk
- md2(n) - Message digest "md2"
- MD2HTML(1) - convert Markdown to HTML
- md3serial(1) - view or change serial number on MicroDesign discs.
- MD5(9) - message digest routines
- md5(n) - Message digest "md5"
- md5_otp(n) - Message digest "md5_otp"
- md5crypt(n) - Password hashing based on "md5"
- MD5DEEP(1) - Compute and compare MD5 message digests
- MD5SUM(1) - compute and check MD5 message digest
- mda2psf(1) - extract the font from a dump of the IBM PC MDA ROM
- mdassembler(1) - Compile documentation for use in monodoc browser
- mdatabase_define(3m17n) - Define a data of the m17n database.
- mdatabase_find(3m17n) - Look for a data in the database.
- mdatabase_list(3m17n) - Return a data list of the m17n database.
- mdatabase_load(3m17n) - Load a data from the database.
- mdatabase_tag(3m17n) - Get tags of a data.
- MDB_COPY(1) - LMDB environment copy tool
- MDB_DUMP(1) - LMDB environment export tool
- MDB_LOAD(1) - LMDB environment import tool
- MDB_STAT(1) - LMDB environment status tool
- MDB2REC(1) - mdb to rec converter
- mdb-array(1)
- mdbCharsetList(5) - List of character set definitions
- mdbCodingList(5) - List of coding system definitions
- mdb-count(1)
- mdbDir(5) - List of data in a database directory.
- mdb-export(1)
- mdbFLT(5) - Font Layout Table
- mdbFontEncoding(5) - Font Encoding
- mdbFontset(5) - Fontset
- mdbFontSize(5) - Font Size
- mdbGeneral(5) - General Format
- mdb-header(1) - types.h and dumptypes.[ch]
- mdb-hexdump(1)
- mdbIM(5) - Input Method
- mdb-import(1)
- mdb-json(1)
- mdb-parsecsv(1)
- mdb-prop(1)
- mdb-queries(1)
- mdb-schema(1)
- mdb-sql(1)
- mdb-tables(1)
- mdbTutorialIM(5) - Tutorial of input method
- mdb-ver(1)
- MDBX_CHK(1) - MDBX checking tool
- MDBX_COPY(1) - MDBX environment copy tool
- MDBX_DROP(1) - MDBX database delete tool
- MDBX_DUMP(1) - MDBX environment export tool
- MDBX_LOAD(1) - MDBX environment import tool
- MDBX_STAT(1) - MDBX environment status tool
- MDC2_INIT(3) - MDC2 hash function
- MDC2_INIT(3ossl) - MDC2 hash function
- MDCACHED(1) - A high-performance cache daemon (Bullet Cache)
- MDCHAIN(9) - set of functions to dissect an mbuf chain to various data types
- MDCONFIG(8) - create and control memory disks
- mdconvert(1) - Maildir mailbox UID storage scheme converter
- mdebug_dump_all_symbols(3m17n) - Dump all symbol names.
- mdebug_dump_chartab(3m17n) - Dump a chartable.
- mdebug_dump_face(3m17n) - Dump a face.
- mdebug_dump_flt(3m17n) - Dump a Font Layout Table.
- mdebug_dump_font(3m17n) - Dump a font.
- mdebug_dump_fontset(3m17n) - Dump a fontset.
- mdebug_dump_im(3m17n) - Dump an input method.
- mdebug_dump_mtext(3m17n) - Dump an M-text.
- mdebug_dump_plist(3m17n) - Dump a property list.
- mdebug_dump_symbol(3m17n) - Dump a symbol.
- mdebug_hook(3m17n) - Hook function called on an error.
- mdel(1)
- MDELIVER(1) - deliver messages or import mbox file
- mdeltree(1)
- mDestroy(3) - destroy a mutex.
- MDF2ISO(1) - mdf to iso / cue / toc image converter
- MDFIND(1) - Run Spotlight searches against an SMB server
- mDI001(3) - Digital Input Module
- MDIG(1) - DNS pipelined lookup utility
- MDIGEST(1L) - calculate a message digest
- MDIO(4) - IEEE 802.3 Management Data Input/Output interface
- MDIRS(1) - list maildir folders, recursively
- MDLMol(3) - MDL molfile reader/writer
- MDMFS(8)
- MD-MX-CTRL(8) - Control mimedefang-multiplexor
- MDNSCTL(8) - control the Multicast Domain Server daemon
- mdnsd(8) - Multicast DNS/DNS-SD daemon
- mDNSResponder(8) - Multicast and Unicast DNS daemon
- mdoc(5) - Mono Documentation XML Format
- mdoc-assemble(1) - Compile documentation for use in
- mdoc-export-html(1) - Convert
- mdoc-export-msxdoc(1) - Convert
- mdoc-update(1)
- mdoc-validate(1) - Validate XML documents against a schema
- MDOM::Assignment(3) - DOM Assignment Node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Command(3) - DOM Command Node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Directive(3) - DOM Directive Node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Document::Gmake(3) - Represents a GNU makefile for Makefile::DOM
- MDOM::Dumper(3) - Dumping of MDOM trees
- MDOM::Element(3) - The abstract Element class, a base for all source objects
- MDOM::Node(3) - Abstract MDOM Node class, an Element that can contain other Elements
- MDOM::Rule(3) - DOM Rule Abstract Node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Rule::Simple(3) - DOM simple rule node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Rule::StaticPattern(3) - DOM static pattern rule node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Token(3) - A single token of Makefile source code
- MDOM::Token::Bare(3) - A Bare Token node for Makefile DOM
- MDOM::Token::Comment(3) - A comment in Makefile source code
- MDOM::Token::Interpolation(3) - A Interpolation Token node for Makefile DOM
- MDOM::Token::Modifier(3) - A Modifier Token node for Makefile DOM
- MDOM::Token::Separator(3) - Makefile separators like colons and leading tabs
- MDOM::Token::Whitespace(3) - Tokens representing ordinary white space
- MDOM::Unknown(3) - DOM Unknown Node for Makefiles
- MDOM::Util(3) - Utilities methods for Makefile::DOM
- MDP(1) - A command-line based markdown presentation tool
- mdraw_clear_cache(3m17n) - clear cached information.
- mdraw_coordinates_position(3m17n) - Return the character position nearest to the coordinates.
- mdraw_default_line_break(3m17n) - Calculate a line breaking position.
- mdraw_glyph_info(3m17n) - Compute information about a glyph.
- mdraw_glyph_list(3m17n) - Compute information about glyph sequence.
- mdraw_image_text(3m17n) - Draw an M-text on a window as an image.
- mdraw_per_char_extents(3m17n) - Obtain per character dimension information.
- mdraw_text(3m17n) - Draw an M-text on a window.
- mdraw_text_extents(3m17n) - Compute text pixel width.
- mdraw_text_items(3m17n) - Draw one or more textitems.
- mdraw_text_per_char_extents(3m17n) - Compute the text dimensions of each character of M-text.
- mdraw_text_with_control(3m17n) - Draw an M-text on a window with fine control.
- mdsum(1) - compute file digests using any supported algorithms.
- mdu(1)
- mdvalidator(1) - Validate XML Documents against the ECMA Documentation Schema
- MEASUREPERL(1) - count lines, packages, subs and complexity of Perl files.
- MEASUREPERL-CHECKSTYLE(1) - count lines, packages, subs and complexity of Perl files.
- MEATCLIENT(8) - Manually confirm that a node has been removed from the cluster
- MECAB(1) - manual page for mecab of 0.98pre1
- M-ECAT(4) - CTI ECAT 6/7 medical image format (MedCon)
- MECH(5) - GSS-API Mechanism and QOP files
- MECH-DUMP(1) - Dumps information about a web page
- MEDCON(1) - MedCon conversion of medical image formats
- MEDCON(3) - MedCon C project for conversion of medical images
- Media::Type::Simple(3) - MIME Types and their file extensions
- MediaWiki::API(3) - Provides a Perl interface to the MediaWiki API (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API)
- MEDUSA(1) - Parallel Network Login Auditor
- MEEK-CLIENT(1) - The meek client transport plugin
- MEEK-SERVER(1) - The meek server transport plugin
- megaco(3) - Main API of the Megaco application
- megaco_codec_meas(3) - This module implements a simple megaco codec measurement tool.
- megaco_codec_mstone1(3) - This module implements a simple megaco codec-based performance tool.
- megaco_codec_mstone2(3) - This module implements a simple megaco codec-based performance tool.
- megaco_codec_transform(3) - Megaco message transformation utility.
- megaco_edist_compress(3) - Megaco erlang dist compress behaviour.
- megaco_encoder(3) - Megaco encoder behaviour.
- megaco_flex_scanner(3) - Interface module to the flex scanner linked in driver.
- megaco_tcp(3) - Interface module to TPKT transport protocol for Megaco/H.248.
- megaco_transport(3) - Megaco transport behaviour.
- megaco_udp(3) - Interface module to UDP transport protocol for Megaco/H.248.
- megaco_user(3) - Callback module for users of the Megaco application
- MEGACOPY(1) - Upload/download entire directories to/from your Mega.nz account
- MEGADF(1) - Show total available, used, or free space in the cloud
- MEGADL(1) - download exported files and directories from Mega.nz
- MEGAGET(1) - download files from your Mega.nz account
- MEGALS(1) - List files stored in the cloud
- MEGAMKDIR(1) - Create remote folder under your Mega.nz account
- MEGAPUT(1) - upload files to your Mega.nz account
- MEGARC(5) - Configuration file for megatools
- MEGAREG(1) - Register new Mega.nz account
- MEGARM(1) - Remove files and folders from your Mega.nz account
- MEGATOOLS(7) - Mega.nz command line tools
- MEH(1) - simple, minimalist, super fast image viewer
- MEINPROC5(1) - KDE translator for XML
- MELD(1) - Visual diff and merge tool for the GNOME Desktop
- MELT(1) - author, play, and encode multitrack audio/video compositions
- MEM(4) - memory files
- mem_d(3) - AA-lib memory driver.
- MEMARRFILL(3) - fill an array with the value of its first element
- MEMASLAP(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHE_TABLE(5) - Postfix memcache client configuration
- MEMCACHED(1) - high-performance memory object caching system
- Memcached::libmemcached::API(3) - Private volitile module
- Memcached::libmemcached::constants(3) - document list of constants defined by libmemcached
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_analyze(3) - Analyze server information
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_auto(3) - Manipulate counters
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_behavior(3) - Manipulate behavior
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_callback(3) - Get and set a callback
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_create(3)
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_delete(3) - Delete a key
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_dump(3) - get a list of keys found on memcached servers
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_flush(3) - wipe contents of memcached servers
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_flush_buffers(3) - Flush buffers and send buffered commands
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_generate_hash_value(3) - Hash a key value
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_get(3) - Get a value
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_memory_allocators(3) - Manage memory allocator functions
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_pool(3) - Manage pools
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_quit(3) - Disconnect from all servers
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_result_st(3) - Work with memcached_result_st
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_sasl(3) - SASL support
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_server_st(3) - Manage server list
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_servers(3) - Manage server list
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_set(3) - Store value on server
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_stats(3) - Get memcached statistics
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_strerror(3) - Get error string
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_user_data(3) - Manage user specific data
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_verbosity(3) - Modifiy verbosity of servers
- Memcached::libmemcached::memcached_version(3) - Get library version
- MEMCACHED_ADD(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_ADD_BY_KEY(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_ANALYZE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_APPEND(3) - Appending to or Prepending to data on the server
- MEMCACHED_APPEND_BY_KEY(3) - Appending to or Prepending to data on the server
- MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_GET(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_SET(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_GET(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_CALLBACK_SET(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_CAS(3) - Working with data on the server in an atomic fashion
- MEMCACHED_CAS_BY_KEY(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_CLONE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_CREATE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_DECREMENT(3) - Incrementing and Decrementing Values
- MEMCACHED_DECREMENT_WITH_INITIAL(3) - Incrementing and Decrementing Values
- MEMCACHED_DELETE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_DELETE_BY_KEY(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_DESTROY_SASL_AUTH_DATA(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_DUMP(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_EXIST(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_EXIST_BY_KEY(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_FETCH(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_FETCH_EXECUTE(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_FETCH_RESULT(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_FLUSH_BUFFERS(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_FREE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_GENERATE_HASH(3) - Generating hash values directly
- MEMCACHED_GENERATE_HASH_VALUE(3) - Generating hash values directly
- MEMCACHED_GET(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_GET_BY_KEY(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_GET_MEMORY_ALLOCATORS(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_GET_SASL_CALLBACKS(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_GET_USER_DATA(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_INCREMENT(3) - Incrementing and Decrementing Values
- MEMCACHED_INCREMENT_WITH_INITIAL(3) - Incrementing and Decrementing Values
- MEMCACHED_LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_LIB_VERSION(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_MGET(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_MGET_BY_KEY(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_MGET_EXECUTE(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_MGET_EXECUTE_BY_KEY(3) - Retrieving data from the server
- MEMCACHED_POOL(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_BEHAVIOR_GET(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_BEHAVIOR_SET(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_CREATE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_DESTROY(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_FETCH(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_POP(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_PUSH(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_RELEASE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_POOL_ST(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_PREPEND(3) - Appending to or Prepending to data on the server
- MEMCACHED_PREPEND_BY_KEY(3) - Appending to or Prepending to data on the server
- MEMCACHED_QUIT(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_REPLACE(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_REPLACE_BY_KEY(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_SASL_SET_AUTH_DATA(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_ADD(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_COUNT(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_CURSOR(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_LIST(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_LIST_APPEND(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_LIST_COUNT(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_LIST_FREE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVER_PUSH(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SERVERS_PARSE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SET(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_SET_BY_KEY(3) - Storing and Replacing Data
- MEMCACHED_SET_MEMORY_ALLOCATORS(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SET_SASL_CALLBACKS(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_SET_USER_DATA(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_STAT(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_STAT_EXECUTE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_STAT_GET_KEYS(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_STAT_GET_VALUE(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_STAT_SERVERNAME(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_STRERROR(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_TOUCH(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_TOUCH_BY_KEY(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_VERBOSITY(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCACHED_VERSION(3) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCAPABLE(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCAT(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCCHR(9) - locate the complement of a byte in byte string
- MEMCCPY(3) - copy string until character found
- memchan(n) - Create and manipulate memory channels
- MEMCHR(3) - locate byte in byte string
- MEMCONTROL(8) - control system cache behaviour with respect to memory
- MEMCP(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMCPY(3) - copy byte string
- MEMDEL(3) - remove bytes from beginning of memory block
- MEMDRAW(3) - drawing routines for memory-resident images
- MEMDUMP(1) - memory dumper
- MEMERROR(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMEXIST(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMFILL(3) - fill memory area with pattern
- MEMFLUSH(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMGUARD(9) - memory allocator for debugging purposes
- MemInfo(3) - query the total free and used physical memory
- MEMINS(3) - insert bytes at beginning of memory block
- MEMISORT(3) - insert new element into sorted array
- MEMLAYER(3) - windows of memory-resident images
- MEMMEM(3) - locate a byte substring in a byte string
- MEMMOVE(3) - copy byte string
- Memoize(3) - Make functions faster by trading space for time
- Memoize::AnyDBM_File(3) - glue to provide EXISTS for AnyDBM_File for Storable use
- Memoize::Expire(3) - Plug-in module for automatic expiration of memoized values
- Memoize::ExpireFile(3) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
- Memoize::ExpireLRU(3) - Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration
- Memoize::ExpireTest(3) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
- Memoize::NDBM_File(3) - glue to provide EXISTS for NDBM_File for Storable use
- Memoize::SDBM_File(3) - glue to provide EXISTS for SDBM_File for Storable use
- Memoize::Storable(3) - store Memoized data in Storable database
- MEMOja(3) - testdir files: - file: testfile.txt likes: - hel+options - FlavorClassName module: MyApp
- MEMORY(3TIFF) - memory management-related functions for use with
- memory(n) - Control Tcl memory debugging capabilities
- MemoryProfiling(3)
- MEMOVERLAP(3) - check whether two memory blocks overlap
- MEMPARSE(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMPING(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMRCHR(3) - find last occurence of a character within another memory block
- MEMREV(3) - reverse an array in place
- MEMRM(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMRMEM(3) - find last occurence of memory block within another memory block
- memscroller(6) - scrolls a dump of its own RAM across the screen
- MEMSET(3) - write a byte to byte string
- MEMSHUFFLE(3) - make an array be in random order
- MEMSLAP(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- MEMSTAT(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- memsup(3) - A Memory Supervisor Process
- MEMSWAP(3) - swap the contents of two memory blocks
- memtester(8) - stress test to find memory subsystem faults.
- MEMTOUCH(1) - libmemcached Documentation
- MENDEX(1) - Japanese index processor
- menger(6) - 3D menger gasket fractal.
- MENHIR(1) - parser generator for OCaml
- menu(3X) - curses extension for programming menus
- MENU.4TH(8) - FreeBSD dynamic menu boot module
- menu(n) - Create and manipulate menu widgets
- Menu::Item(3) - Base class for Menu items
- menu_attributes(3X) - color and attribute control for menus
- menu_cursor(3X) - position a menu's cursor
- menu_driver(3X) - command-processing loop of the menu system
- menu_format(3X) - set and get menu sizes
- menu_hook(3X) - set hooks for automatic invocation by applications
- menu_items(3X) - make and break connections between items and menus
- menu_mark(3X) - get and set the menu mark string
- menu_new(3X) - create and destroy menus
- menu_opts(3X) - set and get menu options
- menu_pattern(3X) - set and get a menu's pattern buffer
- MENU_PLAYER(3) - Stores GUI data internally used by Allegro.
- menu_post(3X) - write or erase menus from associated subwindows
- menu_requestname(3X) - handle printable menu request names
- menu_spacing(3X) - set and get spacing between menu items.
- menu_userptr(3X) - associate application data with a menu item
- menu_win(3X) - make and break menu window and subwindow associations
- Menubutton(3) - Create and manipulate Menubutton widgets
- menubutton(n) - Create and manipulate menubutton widgets
- MENULIBRE(1) - advanced fd.o compliant menu editor
- menulibre-menu-validate(1) - display GMenu debug output
- MENUSETS.4TH(8) - FreeBSD dynamic submenu boot module
- Menustrip(3) - Another menubar with help menu support, etc
- MerchantCommerce(3)
- merge_fonts(3) - Merges two fonts into one font. Allegro game programming library.
- MERGE_UNICHARSETS(1) - Simple tool to merge two or more unicharsets.
- MERGEACTIVE(8CN) - bulk addition of newsgroups, merging in other site's active file
- MERGECAP(1) - Merges two or more capture files into one
- MERGECHAN(1) - merge channels from several RLE files into a single output stream
- MERGELIB(1) - merge one library into another
- MERGELOG(1) - a fast tool to merge http log files by date
- MERGELOGS(1) - merge and consolidate web server logs
- MERGEMASTER(8) - merge configuration files, et al during an upgrade
- MERGESOLV(1) - merge multiple files in solv format into a single one
- MERITOUS(6) - an action adventure dungeon-crawl game
- merl(3) - Metaprogramming in Erlang.
- merl_transform(3) - Parse transform for merl.
- MESG_PORT(3) - generic message ports
- mesgd(8) - message send protocol daemon
- mesh_shader(3)
- MESON(1) - a high productivity build system
- MESS(6) - Multi Emulator Super System
- mess822(3) - parse a mail message header in RFC 822 format
- mess822_addr(3) - extract addresses from an RFC 822 field
- mess822_date(3) - print a timestamp in RFC 822 format
- mess822_fold(3) - wrap lines in an RFC 822 field
- mess822_quote(3) - encode mail addresses in an RFC 822 field
- mess822_token(3) - tokenize an RFC 822 field
- mess822_when(3) - extract a timestamp from an RFC 822 field
- message(n) - Create and manipulate message widgets
- MESSAGE_GROUP(1) - Send a message to a myspace group
- message_target(3)
- MESSAGES(1L) - quick count of messages in mailbox or folder
- Messenger(3) - Let Your Code Talk to You
- META(5) - [File that specifies metainformation of OCaml packages]
- Meta::Builder(3) - Tools for creating Meta objects to track custom metrics.
- Meta::Builder::Base(3) - Base class for Meta::Builder Meta Objects.
- Meta::Builder::Util(3) - Utility functions for Meta::Builder
- metaballs(6) - draws 2D metaballs
- Metabase::Client::Simple(3) - a client that submits to Metabase servers
- Metabase::Fact(3) - base class for Metabase Facts
- Metabase::Fact::Hash(3) - fact subtype for simple hashes
- Metabase::Fact::String(3) - fact subtype for simple strings
- Metabase::Report(3) - a base class for collections of Metabase facts
- Metabase::Resource(3) - factory class for Metabase resource descriptors
- Metabase::Resource::cpan(3) - class for Metabase resources
- Metabase::Resource::cpan::distfile(3) - class for Metabase resources
- Metabase::Resource::metabase(3) - class for Metabase resources
- Metabase::Resource::metabase::fact(3) - class for Metabase facts
- Metabase::Resource::metabase::user(3) - class for Metabase user profiles
- Metabase::Resource::perl(3) - class for Metabase resources under the perl scheme
- Metabase::User::EmailAddress(3) - Metabase fact for user email address
- Metabase::User::FullName(3) - Metabase fact for user full name
- Metabase::User::Profile(3) - Metabase report class for user-related facts
- Metabase::User::Secret(3) - Metabase fact for user shared authentication secret
- METABASE-PROFILE(1) - create a metabase profile
- metacam(1) - extract EXIF information from digital camera files
- METACITY(1) - minimal GTK3 Window Manager
- METACITY-MESSAGE(1) - a command to send a message to Metacity
- METACITY-THEME-VIEWER(1) - view metacity themes
- MetaCPAN::Client(3) - A comprehensive, DWIM-featured client to the MetaCPAN API
- MetaCPAN::Client::Author(3) - An Author data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Cover(3) - A Cover data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Distribution(3) - A Distribution data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::DownloadURL(3) - A Download URL data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Favorite(3) - A Favorite data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::File(3) - A File data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Mirror(3) - A Mirror data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Module(3) - A Module data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Package(3) - A package data object (02packages.details entry)
- MetaCPAN::Client::Permission(3) - A Permission data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Pod(3) - A Pod object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Rating(3) - A Rating data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Release(3) - A Release data object
- MetaCPAN::Client::Request(3) - Object used for making requests to MetaCPAN
- MetaCPAN::Client::ResultSet(3) - A Result Set
- MetaCPAN::Client::Role::Entity(3) - A role for MetaCPAN entities
- MetaCPAN::Client::Role::HasUA(3) - Role for supporting user-agent attribute
- MetaCPAN::Client::Scroll(3) - A MetaCPAN::Client scroller
- MetaCPAN::Client::Types(3) - type checking helper class
- Metadata::Base(3) - base class for metadata
- Metadata::HTTP(3) - metadata class for HTTP log records
- Metadata::IAFA(3) - IAFA Template metadata class
- Metadata::SOIF(3) - SOIF object metadata class
- METAFLAC(1) - program to list, add, remove, or edit metadata in one or more FLAC files.
- METAFY(1) - Change the metasyntactic words in your text
- METALINK_CHECKSUM_T(3) - The structure that holds a hash value of an entire resource.
- METALINK_CHUNK_CHECKSUM_T(3) - The structure that holds piece hashes for a resource.
- METALINK_DELETE(3) - Free the allocated resources for metalink_t structure.
- METALINK_FILE_T(3) - The structure that holds information of a single file.
- METALINK_PARSE_FILE(3) - Parse Metalink file and create metalink_t object.
- METALINK_PARSE_UPDATE(3) - Parse Metalink file and create metalink_t object.
- METALINK_PIECE_HASH_T(3) - The structure that holds hash value of a piece.
- METALINK_RESOURCE_T(3) - The structure that holds an URL of a resource and its metadata.
- METALINK_T(3) - Metalink top level structure.
- metalog.conf(5) - configuration file for metalog
- metalog(8) - an alternative syslog daemon
- METAMAIL(1) - infrastructure for mailcap-based multimedia mail handling
- METAPIXEL(1) - generator for photomosaics
- METAR(1) - demo METAR utility for FlightGear
- METAR(3) - Process aviation weather reports in the METAR format.
- metasend(1) - Crude interface for sending non-text mail
- METASYS(8) - Driver for Meta System UPS equipment
- METAZONE(1) - convert BIND configuration to/from a DNS zone
- METAZONE(5) - BIND configuration in a DNS zone
- Meteo(1) - forecast application with OWM API
- METEOR(4) - video capture driver interface
- Method::Alias(3) - Create method aliases (and do it safely)
- Method::Generate::Constructor::Role::StrictConstructor(3) - a role to make Moo constructors strict.
- Method::Signatures(3) - method and function declarations with signatures and no source filter
- Method::Signatures::Modifiers(3) - use Method::Signatures from within MooseX::Declare
- Method::Signatures::Simple(3) - Basic method declarations with signatures, without source filters
- Metrics::Any(3) - abstract collection of monitoring metrics
- Metrics::Any::Adapter(3) - set the "Metrics::Any" adapter for the program
- Metrics::Any::Adapter::File(3) - write metrics to a file
- Metrics::Any::Adapter::Null(3) - a metrics reporting adapter which does nothing
- Metrics::Any::Adapter::Stderr(3) - write metrics to "STDERR"
- Metrics::Any::Adapter::Tee(3) - send metrics to multiple adapters
- Metrics::Any::Adapter::Test(3) - a metrics reporting adapter for unit testing
- Metrics::Any::AdapterBase::Stored(3) - a base class for metrics adapters which store values
- Metrics::Any::Collector(3) - module-side of the monitoring metrics reporting API
- MEWENCODE(1) - MIME encoder/decoder
- MEWEST(1) - register messages into an index for Hyper Estraier
- MEWL(1) - Message scanner for Mew 4 or later
- MEW-MAILEST(1) - mailest wrapper programs for Mew
- MEW-PINENTRY(1) - simple pinentry for gpg-agent
- MEXPORT(1) - export messages as mbox file
- mexSLOAD(1) - a mex-functions for loading biomedical signal data into Octave or Matlab.
- mface(3m17n) - Create a new face.
- mface_copy(3m17n) - Make a copy of a face.
- mface_equal(3m17n) - Compare faces.
- mface_from_font(3m17n) - Make a face from a font.
- mface_get_hook(3m17n) - Get the hook function of a face.
- mface_get_prop(3m17n) - Get the value of a face property.
- mface_merge(3m17n) - Merge faces.
- mface_put_hook(3m17n) - Set a hook function to a face.
- mface_put_prop(3m17n) - Set a value of a face property.
- mface_update(3m17n) - Update a face.
- MFB(3) - model frame buffer interface
- MFBCAP(5) - graphics terminal capability data base
- mfhdf(3) - GR Chunking Routines
- MFI(4) - LSI MegaRAID SAS driver
- MFIUTIL(8) - Utility for managing LSI MegaRAID SAS controllers
- MFLAG(1) - manipulate maildir message flags
- MFLOW(1) - reflow format=flowed plain text messages
- mflt_coverage(3m17n) - Return a coverage of a FLT.
- mflt_find(3m17n) - Find an FLT suitable for the specified character and font.
- mflt_get(3m17n) - Return an FLT object that has a specified name.
- mflt_name(3m17n) - Return the name of an FLT.
- mflt_run(3m17n) - Layout characters with an FLT.
- mfont(3m17n) - Create a new font.
- mfont_check(3m17n) - Check the usability of a font.
- mfont_close(3m17n) - Close a font.
- mfont_copy(3m17n) - Make a copy of a font.
- mfont_encapsulate(3m17n) - Encapusulate a font.
- mfont_find(3m17n) - Find a font.
- mfont_from_name(3m17n) - Create a new font from fontname.
- mfont_get_prop(3m17n) - Get a property value of a font.
- mfont_list(3m17n) - Get a list of fonts.
- mfont_list_family_names(3m17n) - Get a list of font famiy names.
- mfont_match_p(3m17n) - Check is a font matches with a font spec.
- mfont_name(3m17n) - Create a fontname from a font.
- mfont_open(3m17n) - Open a font.
- mfont_parse_name(3m17n) - Create a font by parsing a fontname.
- mfont_put_prop(3m17n) - Put a property value to a font.
- mfont_resize_ratio(3m17n) - Get resize information of a font.
- mfont_selection_priority(3m17n) - Return the font selection priority.
- mfont_set_encoding(3m17n) - Set encoding of a font.
- mfont_set_selection_priority(3m17n) - Set the font selection priority.
- mfont_unparse_name(3m17n) - Create a fontname from a font.
- mfontset(3m17n) - Return a fontset.
- mfontset_copy(3m17n) - Make a copy of a fontset.
- mfontset_lookup(3m17n) - Lookup a fontset.
- mfontset_modify_entry(3m17n) - Modify the contents of a fontset.
- mfontset_name(3m17n) - Return the name of a fontset.
- mframe(3m17n) - Create a new frame.
- mframe_get_prop(3m17n) - Return property value of frame.
- mfsarchive(1)
- MFSCGISERV(8) - simple HTTP/CGI server for Lizard File System monitoring
- mfschunkserver.cfg(5) - main configuration file for
- mfschunkserver(8) - start, restart or stop Moose File System chunkserver process
- mfschunktool(8) - checks chunk integrity offline
- mfscli(1) - CGI in TXT mode
- mfscsstatsdump(8) - dump usage data from chunkserver stats file in csv or png format
- mfsdiagtools(1)
- mfseattr(1)
- mfsexports.cfg(5) - MooseFS access control for
- mfsgoal(1)
- MFSGOALS.CFG(5) - replication goals configuration file
- mfshdd.cfg(5) - list of MooseFS storage directories for
- mfsmaster.cfg(5) - main configuration file for
- mfsmaster(8) - start, restart or stop Moose File System master process
- mfsmetadirinfo(8) - uses MooseFS metadata to calculate precise directory information (similar to mfsdirinfo)
- mfsmetadump(8) - dump MooseFS metadata info in human readable format
- mfsmetalogger.cfg(5) - configuration file for
- mfsmetalogger(8) - start, restart or stop Moose File System metalogger process
- mfsmetarestore(8) - doesn't exist in this version of MooseFS
- MFSMOUNT(1) - mount Lizard File System
- MFSMOUNT.CFG(5) - configuration file for the mfsmount command
- mfsmount(8) - mount Moose File System
- mfsnetdump(8) - dump network traffic as mfs packets
- mfsquota(1)
- MFSRESTOREMASTER(8) - a networking, distributed, highly available file system
- mfsscadmin(1)
- mfssclass(1)
- mfssnapshots(1)
- mfsstatsdump(8) - dump usage data from master stats file in csv or png format
- mfstools(1) - perform
- mfstopology.cfg(5) - MooseFS network topology definitions
- mfstrashtime(1)
- MFT(1) - translate Metafont or MetaPost code to TeX code for prettyprinting
- MFTRACE(1) - convert METAFONT format fonts into Type1 outline fonts
- MFTRAINING(1) - feature training for Tesseract
- mga(4x) - Matrox video driver
- MGB(4) - Microchip LAN743x PCIe Gigabit Ethernet driver
- MGBA(6) - Game Boy Advance emulator
- MGBA-QT(6) - Game Boy Advance emulator
- MGDIFF(1) - Motif-based graphical file difference browser
- MGE(4) - Marvell Gigabit Ethernet device driver
- MGED(1) - multi-display interactive combinatorial solid geometry editor
- MGENMID(1) - generate a Message-ID
- MGE-SHUT(8) - Driver for SHUT Protocol UPS equipment
- mgetty(8) - smart modem getty
- mgettydefs(4) - speed and terminal settings used by mgetty
- MGEUPSD(8) - this produce a huge output. Since trace_file stay opened all time to its remove you must kill mgeupsd before.
- MGE-UTALK(8) - Driver for MGE UPS SYSTEMS UTalk protocol equipment
- M-GIF(4) - GIF87a and annimated GIF89a format (MedCon)
- mgnokiidev(8) - links /dev/gnokii to a virtual modem
- MGP(1) - MagicPoint -- an X11 based presentation tool
- MGP2PS(1) - generate PostScript file from MagicPoint file
- MGPEMBED(1) - generate an embedded MagicPoint file
- MGPNET(1) - MagicPoint Netserver (provide MagicPoint presentation over the net)
- MHA-DBEDIT(1) - make database edits to a MHonArc archive
- MHA-DBRECOVER(1) - rebuild a MHonArc archive database
- MHA-DECODE(1) - Decode MIME messages
- MH-ALIAS(5) - format of nmh email-address alias files
- MHBUILD(1) - translate MIME composition drafts for nmh messages
- MH-CHART(1) - Chart of MH Commands
- MH-CHART(7) - chart of all nmh commands and their options
- mhddfs(1) - The driver combines a several mount points into the single one.
- MHDR(1) - print message headers
- MH-DRAFT(5) - draft folder facility for nmh message system
- MH-DRAFT(7) - draft folder facility for mmh
- MHFIXMSG(1) - nmh's MIME-email rewriter with various transformations
- MH-FOLDERS(5) - storage format used by nmh message system
- MH-FORMAT(5) - formatting language for nmh message system
- MHICAL(1) - nmh's manipulator of iCalendar event requests
- MHL(1) - produce formatted listings of nmh messages
- MHLIST(1) - list information about nmh MIME messages
- MHLOGIN(1) - nmh login to external (OAuth) services
- MHMAIL(1) - send or read mail non-interactively with nmh
- MH-MAIL(5) - message format for nmh message system
- MH-MIME(7) - overview of nmh MIME message composition and display
- MH-MKSTEMP(1) - create a temporary file
- MHN(1) - display/list/store nmh MIME messages
- MHONARC(1) - convert mail/news messages to HTML
- MHOOK(1) - MH receive-mail hooks
- MHPARAM(1) - print nmh profile and context components
- MHPATH(1) - print full pathnames of nmh messages and folders
- MHPGP(1) - verify and decrypt a message with gnupg
- MH-PROFILE(5) - user customization for nmh message handler
- MH-SEQUENCE(5) - sequence specification for nmh message system
- MH-SEQUENCE(7) - sequence specification for mh message system
- MHSHOW(1) - display nmh MIME messages
- MHSIGN(1) - sign or encrypt a message with gnupg
- MHSTORE(1) - store contents of nmh MIME messages into files
- MH-TAILOR(5) - mail transport configuration for nmh message handler
- MHTML(7) - macros for formatting HTML
- MHTPASSWD(8) - manipulate HTTP-server password files
- MHTTP(3) - this library provides reasonably low level access to the HTTP protocol, for perl. This does not replace LWP (what possibly could :-) but is a cut for speed. It also supports all of HTTP 1.0, so you have GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, and DELETE. Some support of HTTP 1.1 is available - sepcifically Transfer-Encoding = chunked and the Keep-Alive extensions.
- mhwaveedit(1) - A simple and fast GTK2 sound editor
- MHZ(8) - calulate processor clock rate
- MI_SWITCH(9) - switch to another thread context
- MIB2C(1) - C header file
- MIB2C.CONF(5) - How to write mib2c.conf files to do ANYTHING based on MIB input.
- mib2c-update(1) - script to merge custom code into updated mib2c code
- micro_httpd(8) - really small HTTP server
- micro_inetd(1) - simple network service spawner
- micro_proxy(8) - really small HTTP/HTTPS proxy
- MICRODOWELL(8) - Driver for Microdowell Enterprise UPS series
- MICROSEQ(9) - ppbus microsequencer developer's guide
- MICROSOL-APC(8) - Driver for APC Back-UPS BR UPS equipment
- MICROTIME(9) - get the current time
- MICROUPTIME(9) - get the time elapsed since boot
- MID3CP(1) - copy ID3 tags
- MID3ICONV(1) - convert ID3 tag encodings
- MID3V2(1) - audio tag editor similar to 'id3v2'
- MIDGSMOOTH(1) - send MIDG-formatted GPS data to a FlightGear instance
- MIDI(3) - Stores MIDI data. Allegro game programming library.
- MIDI::Event(3) - MIDI events
- MIDI::Filespec(3)
- MIDI::Opus(3)
- MIDI::Score(3) - MIDI scores
- MIDI::Simple(3) - procedural/OOP interface for MIDI composition
- MIDI::Track(3)
- midi_loop_start(3) - Loop start and end points, set by play_looped_midi(). Allegro game programming library.
- midi_msg_callback(3) - Hook functions allowing you to intercept MIDI player events. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_out(3) - Streams a block of MIDI commands into the player. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_pause(3) - Pauses the MIDI player. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_pos(3) - Stores the current position in the MIDI file. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_recorder(3) - Hook notifying you when new MIDI data becomes available. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_resume(3) - Resumes playback of a paused MIDI file. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_seek(3) - Seeks to the given midi_pos in the current MIDI file. Allegro game programming library.
- midi_time(3) - The current position in the MIDI file, in seconds. Allegro game programming library.
- MIDI2LY(1) - manual page for midi2ly (LilyPond) 2.23.6
- MIDI2XML(1) - midi2xml converts your MIDI files to XML format
- MIDICAT(1) - send to or receive from MIDI ports
- MIFARE_APPLICATION(3) - Mifare Applications Manipulation Functions
- MIFARE_CLASSIC(3) - Mifare Classic Manipulation Functions
- MIFARE_DESFIRE(3) - Mifare DESFire Manipulation Functions
- MIFARE_DESFIRE_AID(3) - Mifare DESFire AID Manipulation Functions
- MIFARE_DESFIRE_KEY(3) - Mifare DESFire keys Manipulation Functions
- MIFARE_ULTRALIGHT(3) - Mifare UltraLight Manipulation Functions
- MIFF(4) - Magick Image File Format
- mifluz-config(1) - print configuration information for the mifluz library.
- mifluzdict(1)
- mifluzdump(1)
- mifluzload(1)
- mifluzsearch(1) - search the content of an inverted index.
- MIGRATE_SCHEMA(1) - Utility to migrate a schema from one version to another
- MIGRATION_GUIDE(7ossl) - OpenSSL migration guide
- MIIBUS(4) - IEEE 802.3 Media Independent Interface network bus
- MIKTEX-BIBTEX(1) - make a bibliography for LaTeX
- MIKTEX-DVICOPY(1) - produce modified copy of DVI file
- MIKTEX-DVIPS(1) - convert a DVI file to PostScript
- MIKTEX-GFTODVI(1) - make proof sheets from generic font files
- MIKTEX-LUATEX(1) - an extended version of pdfTeX using Lua as an embedded scripting language
- MIKTEX-MF(1) - METAFONT, a language for font and logo design
- MIKTEX-MPOST(1) - MetaPost, a system for creating graphics
- MIKTEX-PDFTEX(1) - DVI/PDF output from TeX
- MIKTEX-TEX(1) - text formatting and typesetting
- MIKTEX-XETEX(1) - Unicode-based TeX engine
- MILLE(6) - play Mille Bornes
- MILLER(1) - like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV and tabular JSON.
- Milter(3) - Interface to sendmail's Mail Filter API
- MILTER-CALLBACK(8) - sendmail milter using sender verification.
- milter-greylist(8) - grey listing filter for sendmail
- MILTER-MANAGER(1) - an effective anti-spam and anti-virus solution with milters
- MILTER-MANAGER-LOG-ANALYZER(1) - log analyzer for milter-manager
- MILTER-PERFORMANCE-CHECK(1) - MTA performance check program
- MILTER-REGEX(8) - sendmail milter plugin for regular expression filtering
- MILTER-STATISTICS-REPORT(1) - milter process statistics reporter
- miltertest(8) - milter unit test utility
- MILTER-TEST-CLIENT(1) - milter side milter protocol implemented program
- MILTER-TEST-SERVER(1) - MTA side milter protocol implemented program
- mime.convs(5) - mime type conversion file for cups (deprecated)
- MIME::AltWords(3) - properly deal with RFC-1522 encoded words
- MIME::AltWords0(3) - copy of MIME::Words (not for direct use)
- MIME::Base32(3) - Base32 encoder and decoder
- MIME::Base64(3) - Encoding and decoding of base64 strings
- MIME::Base64::URLSafe(3) - Perl version of Python's URL-safe base64 codec
- MIME::Body(3) - the body of a MIME message
- MIME::Charset(3) - Charset Information for MIME
- MIME::Decoder(3) - an object for decoding the body part of a MIME stream
- MIME::Decoder::Base64(3) - encode/decode a "base64" stream
- MIME::Decoder::Binary(3) - perform no encoding/decoding
- MIME::Decoder::BinHex(3) - decode a "binhex" stream
- MIME::Decoder::Gzip64(3) - decode a "base64" gzip stream
- MIME::Decoder::NBit(3) - encode/decode a "7bit" or "8bit" stream
- MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint(3) - encode/decode a "quoted-printable" stream
- MIME::Decoder::UU(3) - decode a "uuencoded" stream
- MIME::EcoEncode(3) - MIME Encoding (Economical)
- MIME::EcoEncode::Fold(3) - folding multi-byte string
- MIME::EcoEncode::Param(3) - RFC 2231 Encode/Decode
- MIME::Entity(3) - class for parsed-and-decoded MIME message
- MIME::Field::ContDisp(3) - a "Content-disposition" field
- MIME::Field::ConTraEnc(3) - a "Content-transfer-encoding" field
- MIME::Field::ContType(3) - a "Content-type" field
- MIME::Field::ParamVal(3) - subclass of Mail::Field, for structured MIME fields
- MIME::Head(3) - MIME message header (a subclass of Mail::Header)
- MIME::Lite(3) - low-calorie MIME generator
- MIME::Lite::TT(3) - TT enabled MIME::Lite wrapper
- MIME::Lite::TT::HTML(3) - Create html mail with MIME::Lite and TT
- MIME::Parser(3) - experimental class for parsing MIME streams
- MIME::Parser::Filer(3) - manage file-output of the parser
- MIME::Parser::Reader(3) - a line-oriented reader for a MIME::Parser
- MIME::Parser::Results(3) - results of the last entity parsed
- MIME::QuotedPrint(3) - Encoding and decoding of quoted-printable strings
- MIME::Tools(3) - modules for parsing (and creating!) MIME entities
- MIME::Type(3) - description of one MIME type
- MIME::Types(3) - Definition of MIME types
- MIME::WordDecoder(3) - decode RFC 2047 encoded words to a local representation
- MIME::Words(3) - deal with RFC 2047 encoded words
- MIME-CONSTRUCT(1) - construct and optionally mail MIME messages
- MIMEDEFANG(8) - Sendmail MIME mail filter
- MIMEDEFANG-FILTER(5) - Configuration file for MIMEDefang mail filter.
- MIMEDEFANG-MULTIPLEXOR(8) - Process pool controller for mail filters.
- MIMEDEFANG-NOTIFY(7) - Conventions used by
- MIMEDEFANG-PROTOCOL(7) - Conventions used by
- MIMEOPEN(1) - Open files by mimetype
- MIMETYPE(1) - Determine file type
- MIN12XXW(1) - Convert pbmraw streams to Minolta PagePro 12xxW languages
- MINC(1) - incorporate new messages
- MINCORE(2) - determine residency of memory pages
- MindForger(1) - easily view, navigate and manage your knowledge and/or Markdown files.
- mined(1) - powerful text editor with extensive Unicode and CJK support
- MINERD(1) - CPU miner for Bitcoin and Litecoin
- minetest(6) - Multiplayer infinite-world block sandbox
- MINETESTMAPPER(6) - generate an overview image of a Minetest map
- minetestserver(6) - Minetest server
- MINHERIT(2) - control the inheritance of pages
- mini_httpd(8) - small HTTP server
- mini_httpd-htpasswd(1) - manipulate HTTP-server password files
- mini_sendmail(8) - accept email on behalf of real sendmail
- MINICOM(1) - friendly serial communication program
- MINICPAN(1) - uses CPAN::Mini to create or update a local mirror
- minidlna.conf(5)
- minidlnad(8) - MiniDLNA DLNA/UPnP-AV Server
- MINIFIG(1) - display large characters made up of ordinary screen characters
- MINIFLUX(1) - Minimalist and opinionated feed reader
- MINIGZIP(1) - minimal implementation of the 'gzip' compression tool
- Minilla(3) - CPAN module authoring tool
- Minilla::CLI::Build(3) - Build dist directory
- Minilla::CLI::Clean(3) - Clean up directory
- Minilla::CLI::Dist(3) - Make tar ball distribution
- Minilla::CLI::Help(3) - Help me!
- Minilla::CLI::Install(3) - Install the dist to system
- Minilla::CLI::Migrate(3) - Migrate existed distribution repo
- Minilla::CLI::New(3) - Generate new module skeleton
- Minilla::CLI::Release(3) - Release the module to CPAN!
- Minilla::CLI::Run(3) - Run Arbitrary Commands
- Minilla::CLI::Test(3) - Run test cases
- Minilla::Profile::Base(3) - It's new $module
- Minilla::Tutorial(3) - Tutorial document for Minilla
- minimap2(1) - mapping and alignment between collections of DNA sequences
- Minion(3) - Job queue
- Minion::Backend(3) - Backend base class
- Minion::Backend::Pg(3) - PostgreSQL backend
- Minion::Command::minion(3) - Minion command
- Minion::Command::minion::job(3) - Minion job command
- Minion::Command::minion::worker(3) - Minion worker command
- Minion::Guide(3) - An introduction to Minion
- Minion::Iterator(3) - Minion iterator
- MINIPRO(1) - programs various chips using the Minipro TL866XX series of programmers.
- MINIQUARK(1) - a minimal web server for retrieving files
- MINIRSYSLOGD(8) - highly efficient, minimalistic, remote-only syslog receiver.
- MINISIGN(1) - A dead simple tool to sign files and verify signatures.
- minissdpd(8) - daemon keeping track of UPnP devices up
- MINISTAT(1) - statistics utility
- miniunzip(1) - uncompress and examine ZIP archives
- MINIUPNPC(3) - UPnP client library
- MINIUPNPD(8) - UPnP Internet Gateway Device Daemon
- minizip(1) - create ZIP archives
- minput_close_im(3m17n) - Close an input method.
- minput_config_command(3m17n) - Configure the key sequence of an input method command.
- minput_config_file(3m17n) - Get the name of per-user customization file.
- minput_config_variable(3m17n) - Configure the value of an input method variable.
- minput_create_ic(3m17n) - Create an input context.
- minput_destroy_ic(3m17n) - Destroy an input context.
- minput_event_to_key(3m17n) - Convert an event to an input key.
- minput_filter(3m17n) - Filter an input key.
- minput_get_command(3m17n) - Get information about input method command(s).
- minput_get_description(3m17n) - Get description text of an input method.
- minput_get_title_icon(3m17n) - Get title and icon filename of an input method.
- minput_get_variable(3m17n) - Get information about input method variable(s).
- minput_lookup(3m17n) - Look up a text produced in the input context.
- minput_open_im(3m17n) - Open an input method.
- minput_reset_ic(3m17n) - Reset an input context.
- minput_save_config(3m17n) - Save configurations in per-user customization file.
- minput_set_spot(3m17n) - Set the spot of the input context.
- minput_toggle(3m17n) - Toggle input method.
- M-INTF(4) - InterFile 3.3 medical image format (MedCon)
- M-INW(4) - RUG INW1.0 medical image format (MedCon)
- MIO_OPEN(3) - sndio interface to MIDI streams
- MIREDO.CONF(5) - configuration for Miredo
- MIREDO(8) - Teredo IPv6 tunneling for Unix
- MIREDO-CHECKCONF(8) - Miredo configuration file syntax checking tool
- MIREDO-SERVER.CONF(5) - configuration for miredo-server
- MIREDO-SERVER(8) - Teredo server for Unix
- MIRFACE(nged) - Modifies an ARB shape by mirroring the indicated face along the selected
- MIRROR(1L) - mirror packages on remote sites
- mirrorblob(6) - Draws a wobbly blob that distorts the image behind it.
- miscellaneous(1)
- miscellaneous_graphical(1)
- MISCOM(6) - defend cities from missile attack (curses game)
- MISPIPE(1) - pipe two commands, returning the exit status of the first
- MISSING(LINK) - Missing Link X widget
- MISSION-CONTROL-5(8) - Telepathy account manager/chanel dispatcher
- mitem_current(3X) - set and get current_menu_item
- mitem_name(3X) - get menu item name and description fields
- mitem_new(3X) - create and destroy menu items
- mitem_opts(3X) - set and get menu item options
- mitem_userptr(3X) - associate application data with a menu item
- mitem_value(3X) - set and get menu item values
- mitem_visible(3X) - check visibility of a menu item
- MIXAL(1) - a load-and-go MIX assembler
- MIXER(8) - set/display soundcard mixer values
- MIXERTUI(8) - Audio Mixer TUI
- Mixin::Event::Dispatch(3) - mixin methods for simple event/message dispatch framework
- Mixin::Event::Dispatch::Bus(3) - a message bus
- Mixin::Event::Dispatch::Event(3) - an event object
- Mixin::Event::Dispatch::Methods(3) - importer class for applying Mixin::Event::Dispatch methods without inheritance
- Mixin::Linewise(3) - write your linewise code for handles; this does the rest
- Mixin::Linewise::Readers(3) - get linewise readers for strings and filenames
- Mixin::Linewise::Writers(3) - get linewise writers for strings and filenames
- mixin::with(3) - declaring a mix-in class
- MixinFactory(3) - Class Factory with Selection of Mixins
- MixinFactory::Changes(3) - Revision history for Class::MixinFactory.
- MixinFactory::Factory(3) - Class Factory with Selection of Mixins
- MixinFactory::HasAFactory(3) - Delegates to a Factory
- MixinFactory::InsideOutAttr(3) - Method maker for inside out data
- MixinFactory::NEXT(3) - Superclass method redispatch for mixins
- MixinFactory::ReadMe(3) - About the Mixin Class Factory
- mjoytest(3) - test the svgalib joystick package in graphics mode
- MK_CMDS(1) - error table compiler
- MK9660(1) - create an ISO-9660 CD image
- MK-AMD-MAP(8) - create database maps for Amd
- MKBINDIC(1) - Convert a text-form dictionary into a binary-form dictionary
- MKBINGRAM(1) - make binary N-gram from ARPA N-gram file
- MKBINHMM(1) - convert HMM definition file in HTK ascii format to Julius binary format
- MKBINHMMLIST(1) - convert HMMList file into binary format
- mkbitmap(1) - transform images into bitmaps with scaling and filtering
- MKBL4(8) - Process IPv4 SOCKS blacklist file
- MKBUF(3PVM) - Creates a new message buffer.
- MKC_CHECK_COMPILER(1) - checks for C and C++ compiler type.
- MKC_CHECK_CUSTOM(1) - run user's custom checks.
- MKC_CHECK_DECL(1) - checks for define, variable, function, type, member or function prototype.
- MKC_CHECK_FUNCLIB(1) - detects presense of function in a library.
- MKC_CHECK_HEADER(1) - detects presense of header file.
- MKC_CHECK_PROG(1) - detects presense of header file.
- MKC_CHECK_SIZEOF(1) - detects a sizeof(type).
- MKC_COMPILER_SETTINGS(1) - generates initial settings for C/C++ compiler
- MKC_INSTALL(1) - install binaries
- MKCACHE(1) - produce .cache files for GoFish
- mkcat(8) - create a new GNATS category
- MKCMAKE(1) - wrapper for bmake using mk-configure's Mk files and sys.mk
- MKCOMPOSECACHE(8) - create a cache file for a compose file explicitly
- MKCONFIGURE(1) - Compile BSDBuild configure scripts
- MK-CONFIGURE(7) - lightweight replacement for GNU autotools
- MKD_CALLBACKS(3) - functions that modify link targets
- MKD_FUNCTIONS(3) - access and process Markdown documents.
- MKD_LINE(3) - do Markdown translation of small items
- MKD2HTML(1) - convert a markdown document into (X)HTML
- MKD2LATEX(1) - convert a markdown document into LaTex
- MKD2MAN(1) - convert a markdown document into an mdoc manual page
- MKDEP(1) - construct Makefile dependency list
- MKD-EXTENSIONS(7) - Extensions to the Markdown text formatting syntax
- MKDFA.PL(1) - grammar compiler
- MKDHPARAMS(8) - create DH parameter file
- MKDIC(1) - Tool for creating a user dictionary
- MKDIR(2) - make a directory file
- MKDIRHIER(1) - makes a directory hierarchy
- MKDoc::XML(3) - The MKDoc XML Toolkit
- MKDoc::XML::Decode(3) - Expands XML entities
- MKDoc::XML::Dumper(3) - Same as Data::Dumper, but with XML
- MKDoc::XML::Encode(3) - Encodes XML entities
- MKDoc::XML::Stripper(3) - Remove unwanted XML / XHTML tags and attributes
- MKDoc::XML::Tagger(3) - Adds XML markup to XML / XHTML content.
- MKDoc::XML::Token(3) - XML Token Object
- MKDoc::XML::Tokenizer(3) - Tokenize XML the REX way
- MKDoc::XML::TreeBuilder(3) - Builds a parsed tree from XML data
- MKDoc::XML::TreePrinter(3) - Builds XML data from a parsed tree
- MKDTDSKEL(1) - DTD generator using XML::DT
- MKDTSKEL(1) - Perl code skeleton generator to process XML files with XML::DT
- mke2fs.conf(5) - Configuration file for mke2fs
- MKE2FS(8) - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
- mkepmlist(1) - make an epm list file from a directory.
- MKEXFATFS(8) - create an exFAT file system
- MKFIFO(1) - make FIFOs (named pipes)
- MKFIFO(2) - make a fifo file
- MKFILTERS(1) - generate a minimal firewall ruleset for ipfilter
- MKFONTDIR(1) - create an index of X font files in a directory
- MKFONTSCALE(1) - create an index of scalable font files for X
- MKFS.CPM(1) - make a CP/M file system
- MKFS(8) - build a Linux filesystem
- MKGSHMM(1) - convert monophone HMM to GS HMM for Julius
- MKHISTORY(8CN) - rebuild news history file
- mkhtmlindex(1) - generate index files for HTML man pages
- MKID(1) - build an identifier database
- MKIFY(1) - BSDBuild auto-bundling script
- MKILL(1) - Kills slow queries
- MKIMAPDCERT(8) - create a test SSL certificate for IMAP over SSL
- mkindex(1) - script to process LaTeX index and glossary files
- MKISOFS(8) - create an hybrid ISO-9660/JOLIET/HFS/UDF filesystem-image with optional Rock Ridge attributes.
- MKLOST+FOUND(8) - create a lost+found directory on a mounted Linux second extended file system
- MKLTFS(8) - Format a tape in the drive to LTFS format
- mkmanifest(1)
- MKMAPFILE(1) - create Unicode mapfiles
- MKNETID(8) - generate netid map data
- MKNMZ(1) - an indexer of Namazu
- MKNMZ-WWWOFFLE(1) - wwwoffle cache indexer for namazu2
- MKNOD(1) - make block or character special files
- MKNOD(1M) - build special file
- MKNOD(2) - make a special file node
- Mknod(3) - Perl extension for the mknod(2) call
- MKNOD(8) - build special file
- MKNTFS(8) - create an NTFS file system
- MKOBEXCARD(1) - Format Palm Pilot address from stdin or command line
- MKOBEXDATE(1) - Format Palm Pilot date from stdin or command line
- MKOBEXMEMO(1) - Format Palm Pilot memo from stdin or command line
- MKOBEXPDB(1) - Format Palm Pilot database files as OBEX object
- MKOBEXTEL(1) - Format Nokia telephone number from stdin or command line
- MKOBEXTODO(1) - Format Palm Pilot todo item from stdin or command line
- MKOCTFILE(1) - Compile dynamic-load modules for GNU Octave
- MKPASSWD(1) - generate new password, optionally apply it to a user
- MKPOP3DCERT(8) - create a test SSL certificate for POP3 over SSL
- MKPREVIEW(1) - scale an image down to an arbitrary size
- MKPROBE(1) - script file used to generate a Data Probe or Part 21 file reader executable for an EXPRESS schema.
- MKRC(1) - bless files into a dotfile managed by rcm
- mkromdic(1)
- MKROMDIC() - To compile romaji-kana conversion table
- MKSARY(1) - manual page for mksary 1.0.2
- MKSH(1) - MirBSD Korn shell
- MKSNAP_FFS(8) - take a file system snapshot
- MKSQUASHFS(1) - tool to create and append to squashfs filesystems
- MKSS(1) - calculate average spectrum for spectral subtraction
- MKSTR(1) - create an error message file by massaging C source
- MKSWAP(8) - set up a Linux swap area
- MKTEMP(1) - create a temporary file or directory
- MKTEMP(3) - make temporary file name (unique)
- MKTEXLSR(1) - create ls-R databases
- MKTEXMF(1) - create a Metafont source file
- MKTEXPK(1) - create a PK file for a font
- MKTEXTFM(1) - create a TFM file for a font
- MKTHUMBS(1) - script to create thumbnails from an ogg video file
- MKTUNES(23) - manual page for mktunes.pl 1.00
- MKV(1) - create and optionally remove a really temporary directory
- MKVEXTRACT(1) - extract tracks from Matroska(TM) files into other files
- MKVINFO(1) - Print information about elements in Matroska(TM) files
- MKVMERGE(1) - Merge multimedia streams into a Matroska(TM) file
- MKVPROPEDIT(1) - Modify properties of existing Matroska(TM) files without a complete remux
- MKWINPEIMG(1) - Make a customized bootable image of Windows PE
- MKXMLTYPE(1) - Make XML analysis using XML::DT
- MKZFTREE(1) - Create a zisofs/RockRidge compressed file tree
- ML1(1) - ML/I macro processor
- ML-ANTLR(1) - an LL(k) parser generator for Standard ML
- ML-BUILD(1) - command-line build tool for SML/NJ programs
- ML-BURG(1) - a tree parser generator for Standard ML
- MLCC(1) - simple configurator for mlterm
- MLCLIENT(1) - client for mlterm
- MLD(4) - Multicast Listener Discovery Protocol
- MLD6QUERY(8) - send multicast listener query
- MLEAK(1) - locates memory leaks in an mpatrol log file
- MLESS(1) - conveniently read messages in less(1)
- MLIR-TBLGEN(1) - Description to C++ Code for MLIR
- ML-LEX(1) - a scanner generator for *Standard ML*.
- ML-MAKEDEPEND(1) - makefile dependency generator for SML/NJ programs
- mlmmj-bounce(1) - bounce handling utility for mlmmj
- mlmmj-list(1) - list people / subscribers associated with a list
- mlmmj-maintd(1) - maintenance for mlmmj maintained lists
- mlmmj-make-ml(1) - create a mailing list for mlmmj
- mlmmj-process(1) - process mail for an mlmmj managed mailinglist
- mlmmj-receive(1) - receive mails for an mlmmj managed mailinglist
- mlmmj-send(1) - send mail to a mailinglist or similar
- mlmmj-sub(1) - subscribe address to a mailinglist run by mlmmj
- mlmmj-unsub(1) - unsubscribe address from a mailinglist run by mlmmj
- mlnlffigen(1) - glue-code generator for use with the new "NLFFI" foreign function interface for Standard ML and MLton
- ML-NLFFIGEN(1) - foreign function glue-code generator for Standard ML
- mlocale_get_prop(3m17n) - Get the value of a locale property.
- mlocale_set(3m17n) - Set the current locale.
- mLock(3) - lock a mutex.
- MLOCKALL(2) - lock (unlock) the address space of a process
- MLTERM(1) - Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator on X
- mlton(1) - whole-program compiler for the Standard ML (SML) programming language
- ML-ULEX(1) - a Unicode-compatible lexical analyser generator for Standard ML
- MLVPN(1) - MultiLink Virtual Public Network aggregator
- MLVPN.CONF(5) - MLVPN configuration
- MLX(4) - Mylex DAC-family RAID driver
- MLX4EN(4) - Mellanox ConnectX-3 10GbE/40GbE network adapter driver
- MLX4IB(4) - Mellanox ConnectX-3 10GbE/40GbE network adapter driver
- MLX5EN(4) - NVIDIA Mellanox ConnectX-4/5/6 [Dx/Ex/Lx] based 200Gb, 100Gb, 50Gb, 40Gb, 25Gb and 10Gb ethernet adapter driver
- MLX5IB(4) - Mellanox ConnectX-4 and ConnectX-4 LX based 100Gb, 50Gb, 40Gb, 25Gb and 10Gb network adapter driver
- mlx5io(4) - IOCTL interface to manage Connect-X 4/5/6 Mellanox network adapters
- mlx5tool(8) - Utility for managing Connect-X 4/5/6 Mellanox network adapters
- MLXCONTROL(8) - Mylex DAC-family RAID management utility
- MLY(4) - Mylex AcceleRAID/eXtremeRAID family driver
- ML-YACC(1) - an LALR(1) parser generator
- MM(1L) - mirror master
- MM2GV(1) - Matrix Market-DOT converters
- MMAFM(1) - creates AFM font metrics for multiple master fonts
- MMagic(3) - Guess file type
- MMAKE(1) - generate a Java Makefile
- MMAN(8) - (Advanced proxy server designed to increase privacy and remove unwanted content)
- MMAP(2) - allocate memory, or map files or devices into memory
- mmap_private(3) - memory map a file for reading and writing
- mmap_read(3) - memory map a file for reading
- mmap_readat(3) - memory map a file for reading
- mmap_shared(3) - memory map a file for reading and writing
- mmap_unmap(3) - unmap an existing memory mapping
- MMC(1) - Configure MMC storage devices from userspace.
- MMCAT(1) - Output the contents of a partition to stdout
- MM-COMMON-PREPARE(1) - Prepare a C++ binding module to use mm-common
- MM-CONFIG(1) - OSSP mm library configuration/build utility
- MMCSD(4) - MMC and SD memory card driver
- mmd(1)
- mmdblookup(1) - a utility to look up an IP address in a MaxMind DB file
- MMDBRESOLVE(1) - Read IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and print their IP geolocation information.
- mmdf(5) - Multi-channel Memorandum Distribution Facility mailbox format
- MMENCODE(1) - Translate to and from mail-oriented encoding formats
- mmex(1) - Money Manager Ex
- MMH(1) - initialize the mmh environment
- MMIME(1) - create MIME messages
- mmk_m2(1)
- MMKDIR(1) - create new maildir folders
- MMLS(1) - Display the partition layout of a volume system (partition tables)
- mmove(1)
- MMPFB(1) - creates single-master fonts from multiple master fonts
- MMROFF(1) - reference preprocessor
- mmsrip(1) - MMS Ripper
- MMSTAT(1) - Display details about the volume system (partition tables)
- MMV(1) - move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns
- mnesia(3) - A distributed telecommunications DBMS
- mnesia_frag_hash(3) - Defines mnesia_frag_hash callback behavior
- mnesia_registry(3) - Dump support for registries in erl_interface.
- MNG(5) - Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) format
- Mo::build(3)
- Mo::builder(3)
- Mo::chain(3)
- Mo::coerce(3)
- Mo::default(3)
- Mo::Design(3)
- Mo::exports(3)
- Mo::Features(3)
- Mo::Golf(3)
- Mo::Hacking(3)
- Mo::import(3)
- Mo::importer(3)
- Mo::Inline(3)
- Mo::is(3)
- Mo::Moose(3)
- Mo::Mouse(3)
- Mo::option(3)
- Mo::required(3)
- Mo::xs(3)
- Mobile::UserAgent(3) - mobile user agent string parsing class
- Mobile::UserAgentFactory(3) - Instantiates and caches Mobile::UserAgent objects.
- MOC(1) - Console audio player
- Mock::MonkeyPatch(3) - Monkey patching with test mocking in mind
- Mock::Quick(3) - Quickly mock objects and classes, even temporarily replace them, side-effect free.
- Mock::Quick::Class(3) - Class mocking for Mock::Quick
- Mock::Quick::Method(3) - Simple method wrapper
- Mock::Quick::Object(3) - Object mocking for Mock::Quick
- Mock::Quick::Object::Control(3) - Control a mocked object after creation
- Mock::Quick::Util(3) - Uitls for Mock::Quick.
- mocked(3) - use mocked libraries in unit tests
- mod_alias(3) - URL aliasing.
- mod_auth(3) - User authentication using text files, Dets, or Mnesia database.
- mod_auth_tkt(3) - apache ticket authentication module
- MOD_CC(4) - Modular congestion control
- MOD_CC(9) - Modular Congestion Control
- mod_esi(3) - Erlang Server Interface
- mod_mono(8) - apache module that enables ASP.NET pages. Works together with mod-mono-server.exe
- mod_security(3) - Security Audit and Trailing Functionality
- MOD2HTML(1) - Generates HTML view of messages to be moderated
- mod2opus(1)
- MOD-ACTIVE(8) - Batch processing of newsgroups creation and removal commands
- MODBUS_CLOSE(3) - close a Modbus connection
- MODBUS_CONNECT(3) - establish a Modbus connection
- MODBUS_FLUSH(3) - flush non-transmitted data
- MODBUS_FREE(3) - free a libmodbus context
- MODBUS_GET_BYTE_FROM(3) - get the value from many bits
- MODBUS_GET_BYTE_TIME(3) - get timeout between bytes
- MODBUS_GET_FLOAT(3) - get a float value from 2 registers
- MODBUS_GET_FLOAT_ABC(3) - get a float value from 2 registers in ABCD byte order
- MODBUS_GET_FLOAT_BAD(3) - get a float value from 2 registers in BADC byte order
- MODBUS_GET_FLOAT_CDA(3) - get a float value from 2 registers in CDAB byte order
- MODBUS_GET_FLOAT_DCB(3) - get a float value from 2 registers in DCBA byte order
- MODBUS_GET_HEADER_LE(3) - retrieve the current header length
- MODBUS_GET_RESPONSE_(3) - get timeout for response
- MODBUS_GET_SLAVE(3) - get slave number in the context
- MODBUS_GET_SOCKET(3) - get the current socket of the context
- MODBUS_MAPPING_FREE(3) - free a modbus_mapping_t structure
- MODBUS_MAPPING_NEW(3) - allocate four arrays of bits and registers
- MODBUS_MAPPING_NEW_S(3) - allocate four arrays of bits and registers accessible from their starting addresses
- MODBUS_MASK_WRITE_RE(3) - mask a single register
- MODBUS_NEW_RTU(3) - create a libmodbus context for RTU
- MODBUS_NEW_TCP(3) - create a libmodbus context for TCP/IPv4
- MODBUS_NEW_TCP_PI(3) - create a libmodbus context for TCP Protocol Independent
- MODBUS_READ_BITS(3) - read many bits
- MODBUS_READ_INPUT_BI(3) - read many input bits
- MODBUS_READ_INPUT_RE(3) - read many input registers
- MODBUS_READ_REGISTER(3) - read many registers
- MODBUS_RECEIVE(3) - receive an indication request
- MODBUS_RECEIVE_CONFI(3) - receive a confirmation request
- MODBUS_REPLY(3) - send a reponse to the received request
- MODBUS_REPLY_EXCEPTI(3) - send an exception reponse
- MODBUS_REPORT_SLAVE_(3) - returns a description of the controller
- MODBUS_RTU_GET_RTS(3) - get the current RTS mode in RTU
- MODBUS_RTU_GET_RTS_D(3) - get the current RTS delay in RTU
- MODBUS_RTU_GET_SERIA(3) - get the current serial mode
- MODBUS_RTU_SET_CUSTO(3) - set a function to be used for custom RTS implementation
- MODBUS_RTU_SET_RTS(3) - set the RTS mode in RTU
- MODBUS_RTU_SET_RTS_D(3) - set the RTS delay in RTU
- MODBUS_RTU_SET_SERIA(3) - set the serial mode
- MODBUS_SEND_RAW_REQU(3) - send a raw request
- MODBUS_SET_BITS_FROM(3) - set many bits from a single byte value
- MODBUS_SET_BYTE_TIME(3) - set timeout between bytes
- MODBUS_SET_DEBUG(3) - set debug flag of the context
- MODBUS_SET_ERROR_REC(3) - set the error recovery mode
- MODBUS_SET_FLOAT(3) - set a float value from 2 registers
- MODBUS_SET_FLOAT_ABC(3) - set a float value in 2 registers using ABCD byte order
- MODBUS_SET_FLOAT_BAD(3) - set a float value in 2 registers using BADC byte order
- MODBUS_SET_FLOAT_CDA(3) - set a float value in 2 registers using CDAB byte order
- MODBUS_SET_FLOAT_DCB(3) - set a float value in 2 registers using DCBA byte order
- MODBUS_SET_RESPONSE_(3) - set timeout for response
- MODBUS_SET_SLAVE(3) - set slave number in the context
- MODBUS_SET_SOCKET(3) - set socket of the context
- MODBUS_STRERROR(3) - return the error message
- MODBUS_TCP_ACCEPT(3) - accept a new connection on a TCP Modbus socket (IPv4)
- MODBUS_TCP_LISTEN(3) - create and listen a TCP Modbus socket (IPv4)
- MODBUS_TCP_PI_ACCEPT(3) - accept a new connection on a TCP PI Modbus socket (IPv6)
- MODBUS_TCP_PI_LISTEN(3) - create and listen a TCP PI Modbus socket (IPv6)
- MODBUS_WRITE_AND_REA(3) - write and read many registers in a single transaction
- MODBUS_WRITE_BIT(3) - write a single bit
- MODBUS_WRITE_BITS(3) - write many bits
- MODBUS_WRITE_REGISTE(3) - write a single register
- MODE2(1) - shows the pulse/space length of infrared signals
- mode3(8) - set a vesa mode.
- MODEMTEST(1) - Tool to examining your modem through Perl's Device::SerialPort
- MODERATORS(5) - Submission addresses for moderated groups
- Modern::Perl(3) - enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one import
- MODESETTING(4) - video driver for framebuffer device
- ModeString(3) - conversion file stat(2) mode to/from string representation.
- MODF(3) - extract signed integral and fractional values from floating-point number
- MODFIND(2) - returns the modid of a kernel module
- MODHEX(1) - convert data to/from modhex encoding
- modiinfo - determines information about a Mac OS disk image
- MODLOGAN(1) - a modular log file analyzer
- MODNEXT(2) - return the modid of the next kernel module
- ModPerl::Code(3) - Perl Interface for $class Constants
- ModPerl::Config(3) - Functions to retrieve mod_perl specific env information.
- ModPerl::CScan(3) - scan C language files for easily recognized constructs.
- ModPerl::VersionUtil(3) - Makes it easier to investigate your mod_perl version.
- modplug123(1) - a commandline music mod player using libmodplug (ALSA)
- MODSTAT(2) - get status of kernel module
- Module::AutoInstall(3) - Automatic install of dependencies via CPAN
- Module::Build(3) - Build and install Perl modules
- Module::Build::API(3) - API Reference for Module Authors
- Module::Build::Authoring(3) - Authoring Module::Build modules
- Module::Build::Base(3) - Default methods for Module::Build
- Module::Build::Bundling(3) - How to bundle Module::Build with a distribution
- Module::Build::Compat(3) - Compatibility with ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- Module::Build::ConfigData(3) - Configuration for Module::Build
- Module::Build::Convert(3) - Makefile.PL to Build.PL converter
- Module::Build::Cookbook(3) - Examples of Module::Build Usage
- Module::Build::Kwalitee(3) - Module::Build subclass with prepackaged tests
- Module::Build::Notes(3) - Create persistent distribution configuration modules
- Module::Build::Platform::aix(3) - Builder class for AIX platform
- Module::Build::Platform::cygwin(3) - Builder class for Cygwin platform
- Module::Build::Platform::darwin(3) - Builder class for Mac OS X platform
- Module::Build::Platform::Default(3) - Stub class for unknown platforms
- Module::Build::Platform::MacOS(3) - Builder class for MacOS platforms
- Module::Build::Platform::os2(3) - Builder class for OS/2 platform
- Module::Build::Platform::Unix(3) - Builder class for Unix platforms
- Module::Build::Platform::VMS(3) - Builder class for VMS platforms
- Module::Build::Platform::VOS(3) - Builder class for VOS platforms
- Module::Build::Platform::Windows(3) - Builder class for Windows platforms
- Module::Build::Pluggable(3) - Module::Build meets plugins
- Module::Build::Pluggable::Base(3) - Base object for plugins
- Module::Build::Pluggable::GithubMeta(3) - A Module::Build extension to include GitHub meta information in META.yml
- Module::Build::Pluggable::ReadmeMarkdownFromPod(3) - Make README.mkdn from POD.
- Module::Build::Pluggable::Repository(3) - set repository information automatically
- Module::Build::PPMMaker(3) - Perl Package Manager file creation
- Module::Build::SDL(3) - Module::Build subclass for building SDL apps/games [not stable yet]
- Module::Build::Tiny(3) - A tiny replacement for Module::Build
- Module::Build::Using::PkgConfig(3) - extend "Module::Build" to more easily use platform libraries provided by pkg-config
- Module::Build::WithXSpp(3) - XS++ enhanced flavour of Module::Build
- Module::Build::XSUtil(3) - A Module::Build class for building XS modules
- Module::CheckDeps(3) - Very simple dependencies checker for Perl code
- Module::CheckVersion(3) - Check module (e.g. check latest version) with CPAN (or equivalent repo)
- Module::CheckVersion::cpan(3) - Handler for cpan
- Module::Collect(3) - Collect sub-modules in directories
- Module::Collect::Package(3) - package abstract class for Module::Collect
- Module::Compile(3)
- Module::Compile::Opt(3)
- Module::CoreList(3) - what modules shipped with versions of perl
- Module::CoreList::Utils(3) - what utilities shipped with versions of perl
- Module::CPANfile(3) - Parse cpanfile
- Module::CPANTS::Analyse(3) - Generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee(3) - Interface to Kwalitee generators
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::BrokenInstaller(3) - Check for broken Module::Install
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::CpantsErrors(3) - Check for CPANTS testing errors
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Distname(3) - Proper Distname layout
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Distros(3) - Information retrieved from the various Linux and other distributions
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Files(3) - Check for various files
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::FindModules(3) - Find modules provided by a dist
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::License(3) - Checks if there is a license
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Manifest(3) - Check MANIFEST
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::MetaYML(3) - Checks data available in META.yml
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::NeedsCompiler(3) - Checks if the module needs a (probably C) compiler
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Pod(3) - Check Pod
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Prereq(3) - Checks listed prerequisites
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Repackageable(3) - Checks for various signs that make a module packageable
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Signature(3) - dist has a valid signature
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Uses(3) - Checks which modules are used
- Module::CPANTS::Kwalitee::Version(3) - check versions
- Module::Dependency(3) - Collection of modules for examining dependencies between parents and children, like Perl files
- Module::Dependency::Grapher(3) - creates visual dependency charts and accessible text versions
- Module::Dependency::Indexer(3) - creates the databases used by the dependency mapping module
- Module::Dependency::Info(3) - retrieve dependency information for scripts and modules
- Module::Depends(3) - identify the dependencies of a distribution
- Module::Depends::Intrusive(3) - intrusive discovery of distribution dependencies.
- Module::Extract(3) - Base class for working with Perl distributions
- Module::Extract::Use(3) - Discover the modules a module explicitly uses
- Module::ExtractUse(3) - Find out what modules are used
- Module::ExtractUse::Grammar(3) - 2021 by Thomas Klausner.
- Module::Functions(3) - Get function list from package.
- Module::Implementation(3) - Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a module
- Module::Info::File(3) - retrieve module information from a file
- Module::Inspector(3) - An integrated API for inspecting Perl distributions
- Module::Install(3) - Standalone, extensible Perl module installer
- Module::Install::Admin(3) - Author-side manager for Module::Install
- Module::Install::Admin::Include(3) - include methods for Module::Install
- Module::Install::Admin::Manifest(3)
- Module::Install::Admin::PMC(3) - Author Support for Perl Compilation (.pmc)
- Module::Install::API(3) - Command Reference for Module::Install
- Module::Install::AuthorRequires(3) - declare author-only dependencies
- Module::Install::AuthorTests(3) - designate tests only run by module authors
- Module::Install::Base(3) - Base class for Module::Install extensions
- Module::Install::Bundle(3) - Bundle distributions along with your distribution
- Module::Install::Can(3) - Utility functions for capability detection
- Module::Install::Catalyst(3) - Module::Install extension for Catalyst
- Module::Install::Compiler(3) - Commands for interacting with the C compiler
- Module::Install::Deprecated(3) - Warnings and help for deprecated commands
- Module::Install::External(3) - Specify dependencies on external non-Perl things
- Module::Install::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions for Module::Install
- Module::Install::Makefile(3) - Extension Rules for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- Module::Install::PAR(3) - Module::Install Support for PAR::Dist packages
- Module::Install::Philosophy(3) - The concepts behind Module::Install
- Module::Install::PMC(3) - Support for Perl Compilation (.pmc)
- Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod(3) - A Module::Install extension to automatically convert POD to a README
- Module::Install::Repository(3) - Automatically sets repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkout
- Module::Install::Share(3) - Install non-code files for use during run-time
- Module::Install::Template(3) - Treat module source code as a template
- Module::Install::TestBase(3) - Module::Install Support for Test::Base
- Module::Install::With(3) - find environnement for Module::Install
- Module::Install::XSUtil(3) - Utility functions for XS modules
- Module::Installed::Tiny(3) - Check if a module is installed, with as little code as possible
- Module::List(3) - module `directory' listing
- Module::Load(3) - runtime require of both modules and files
- Module::Load::Conditional(3) - Looking up module information / loading at runtime
- Module::Load::Util(3) - Some utility routines related to module loading
- Module::Loaded(3) - mark modules as loaded or unloaded
- Module::Loader(3) - finding and loading modules in a given namespace
- Module::Manifest(3) - Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file
- Module::Math::Depends(3) - Convenience object for manipulating module dependencies
- Module::Metadata(3) - Gather package and POD information from perl module files
- Module::Optimize(3)
- Module::Path(3) - get the full path to a locally installed module
- Module::Plan::Base(3) - Base class for Module::Plan classes
- Module::Plan::Lite(3) - Lite installation scripts for third-party modules
- Module::Pluggable::Object(3) - automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
- Module::Reader(3) - Read the source of a module like perl does
- Module::Recursive::Require(3) - This class require module recursively.
- Module::Refresh(3) - Refresh %INC files when updated on disk
- Module::Release(3) - Automate software releases
- Module::Release::Kwalitee(3) - Play the CPANTS game
- Module::Release::MANIFEST(3) - Check Perl's MANIFEST to ensure you've updated it
- Module::Release::MetaCPAN(3) - Interact with MetaCPAN
- Module::Release::PAUSE(3) - Interact with the Perl Authors Upload Server (PAUSE)
- Module::Release::Prereq(3) - Check pre-requisites list in build file
- Module::Release::SVN(3) - Use Subversion with Module::Release
- Module::Release::WebUpload::Mojo(3) - Upload through the PAUSE web interface
- Module::Reload(3) - Reload %INC files when updated on disk
- Module::Runtime(3) - runtime module handling
- Module::Runtime::Conflicts(3) - Provide information on conflicts for Module::Runtime
- Module::ScanDeps(3) - Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
- Module::Setup(3) - a simple module maker "yet another Module::Start(?:er)?"
- Module::Setup::Devel(3) - for --devel option
- Module::Setup::Flavor(3) - Module::Setup Flavor
- Module::Setup::Flavor::CatalystStarter(3)
- Module::Setup::Flavor::CodeRepos(3)
- Module::Setup::Flavor::Default(3)
- Module::Setup::Flavor::GitHub(3)
- Module::Setup::Flavor::PBP(3)
- Module::Setup::Flavor::SelectVC(3)
- Module::Setup::Flavor::XS(3)
- Module::Setup::Helper(3) - build in your application helper support
- Module::Setup::Plugin(3) - Module::Setup Plugin
- Module::Setup::Plugin::Helper(3) - Module::Setup::Helper support plugin
- Module::Setup::Plugin::VC::Git(3) - Git plugin
- Module::Setup::Test::Flavor(3) - Test for flavor
- Module::Setup::Test::Utils(3) - Test utils
- Module::Signature(3) - Module signature file manipulation
- Module::Starter(3) - a simple starter kit for any module
- Module::Starter::App(3) - the code behind the command line program
- Module::Starter::BuilderSet(3) - determine builder metadata
- Module::Starter::PBP(3) - Create a module as recommended in "Perl Best Practices"
- Module::Starter::Plugin(3)
- Module::Starter::Plugin::DirStore(3)
- Module::Starter::Plugin::InlineStore(3)
- Module::Starter::Plugin::ModuleStore(3)
- Module::Starter::Plugin::Template(3) - module starter with templates
- Module::Starter::Plugin::TT2(3) - TT2 templates for Module::Starter::Template
- Module::Starter::Simple(3) - a simple, comprehensive Module::Starter plugin
- Module::Used(3) - Find modules loaded by Perl code without running it.
- Module::Util(3) - Module name tools and transformations
- Module::Version(3) - Get module versions
- Module::Version::App(3) - Application implementation for Module::Version
- Module::Versions(3) - Handle versions of loaded modules with flexible result interface
- Module::Versions::Report(3)
- MODULE_DEPEND(9) - set kernel module dependencies
- MODULE_INFO(1) - find information about modules
- MODULE_PNP_INFO(9) - register plug and play information for device matching
- MODULE_VERSION(9) - set kernel module version
- MODULEDTMFREPEATER.CONF(5) - Configuration file for the SvxLink server DTMF Repeater module
- MODULEECHOLINK.CONF(5) - Configuration file for the SvxLink server EchoLink module
- MODULEFILE(4) - files containing Tcl code for the Modules package
- MODULEFRN.CONF(5) - Configuration file for the SvxLink server Free Radio Network (FRN) module
- MODULEHELP.CONF(5) - Configuration file for the SvxLink server Help module
- MODULEMD-VALIDATOR(1) - manual page for modulemd-validator 2.13.0
- MODULEPARROT.CONF(5) - Configuration file for the SvxLink server Parrot module
- MODULEPROPAGATIONMONITOR.CONF(5) - Configuration file for the SvxLink server PropagationMonitor module
- MODULESELCALLENC.CONF(5) - Configuration file for the SvxLink server SelCallEnc module
- MODULE-SETUP(1) - create a skeleton module
- MODULE-STARTER(1) - creates a skeleton module distribution
- MODULES-USED(1) - List modules used by a set of Perl source files without running them.
- MODULETCLVOICEMAIL.CONF(5) - Configuration file for the SvxLink server TclVoiceMail module
- MODULETRX.CONF(5) - Configuration file for the SvxLink transceiver control module
- MODULI(5) - Diffie-Hellman moduli
- moebius(6) - Escher's Moebuis Strip II, with ants.
- moebiusgears(6) - draw a moebius strip of interlocking gears.
- MOGADM(1) - MogileFS admin tool
- MOGAUTOMOUNT(1) - automatically discover and mount MogileFS disks
- MOGGSPLIT(1) - split Ogg logical streams
- MogileFS::Checksum(3) - Checksums handling for MogileFS
- MogileFS::Class(3)
- MogileFS::Client(3) - Client library for the MogileFS distributed file system.
- MogileFS::DevFID(3) - represents a FID on a device
- MogileFS::Device(3)
- MogileFS::Domain(3)
- MogileFS::Factory(3)
- MogileFS::FID(3) - represents a unique, immutable version of a file
- MogileFS::Host(3)
- MogileFS::IOStatWatcher(3)
- MogileFS::Network(3) - Network awareness and extensions for MogileFS::Server
- MogileFS::Overview(3)
- MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy(3) - base class for file replication policies
- MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy::MultipleDevices(3)
- MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy::MultipleHosts(3)
- MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy::MultipleNetworks(3)
- MogileFS::ReplicationPolicy::Union(3)
- MogileFS::Server(3) - MogileFS (distributed filesystem) server
- MogileFS::Store(3) - data storage provider. base class.
- MogileFS::Store::MySQL(3) - MySQL data storage for MogileFS
- MogileFS::Store::Postgres(3) - PostgreSQL data storage for MogileFS
- MogileFS::Store::SQLite(3) - For-testing-only not-for-production SQLite storage for MogileFS
- MogileFS::Utils(3) - Command line utilities for the MogileFS distributed file system.
- MogileFS::Worker::Query(3)
- MogileFS::Worker::Replicate(3)
- MOGTOOL(1) - $ mogtool extract --bigfile thedirkey . $ mogtool extract --bigfile --asfile thedirkey thefile.tgz $ mogtool extract --bigfile thedevkey /dev/hda4 $ mogtool delete thekey $ mogtool locate --noverify thekey $ mogtool locate --bigfile thekey $ mogtool list $ mogtool listkey key
- MOHAWK(8) - HTTP server, based on libevent2
- MOINMOINCLI(1) - edit existing MoinMoin wiki pages from a command line
- moire(6) - draw circular interference patterns
- moire2(6) - circular interference patterns.
- MOJO(1) - The Mojolicious command system
- Mojo::Asset(3) - HTTP content storage base class
- Mojo::Asset::File(3) - File storage for HTTP content
- Mojo::Asset::Memory(3) - In-memory storage for HTTP content
- Mojo::Base(3) - Minimal base class for Mojo projects
- Mojo::ByteStream(3) - ByteStream
- Mojo::Cache(3) - Naive in-memory cache
- Mojo::Collection(3) - Collection
- Mojo::Content(3) - HTTP content base class
- Mojo::Content::MultiPart(3) - HTTP multipart content
- Mojo::Content::Single(3) - HTTP content
- Mojo::Cookie(3) - HTTP cookie base class
- Mojo::Cookie::Request(3) - HTTP request cookie
- Mojo::Cookie::Response(3) - HTTP response cookie
- Mojo::Date(3) - HTTP date
- Mojo::DOM(3) - Minimalistic HTML/XML DOM parser with CSS selectors
- Mojo::DOM::CSS(3) - CSS selector engine
- Mojo::DOM::HTML(3) - HTML/XML engine
- Mojo::DynamicMethods(3) - Fast dynamic method dispatch
- Mojo::EventEmitter(3) - Event emitter base class
- Mojo::Exception(3) - Exception base class
- Mojo::File(3) - File system paths
- Mojo::Headers(3) - HTTP headers
- Mojo::HelloWorld(3) - Hello World!
- Mojo::Home(3) - Home sweet home
- Mojo::IOLoop(3) - Minimalistic event loop
- Mojo::IOLoop::Client(3) - Non-blocking TCP/IP and UNIX domain socket client
- Mojo::IOLoop::Delay(3) - (DISCOURAGED) Promises/A+ and flow-control helpers
- Mojo::IOLoop::ForkCall(3) - (DEPRECATED) run blocking functions asynchronously by forking
- Mojo::IOLoop::Server(3) - Non-blocking TCP and UNIX domain socket server
- Mojo::IOLoop::Stream(3) - Non-blocking I/O stream
- Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess(3) - Subprocesses
- Mojo::IOLoop::TLS(3) - Non-blocking TLS handshake
- Mojo::JSON(3) - Minimalistic JSON
- Mojo::JSON::Pointer(3) - JSON Pointers
- Mojo::Loader(3) - Load all kinds of things
- Mojo::Log(3) - Simple logger
- Mojo::Message(3) - HTTP message base class
- Mojo::Message::Request(3) - HTTP request
- Mojo::Message::Response(3) - HTTP response
- Mojo::Parameters(3) - Parameters
- Mojo::Path(3) - Path
- Mojo::Pg(3) - Mojolicious ♥ PostgreSQL
- Mojo::Pg::Database(3) - Database
- Mojo::Pg::Migrations(3) - Migrations
- Mojo::Pg::PubSub(3) - Publish/Subscribe
- Mojo::Pg::Results(3) - Results
- Mojo::Pg::Transaction(3) - Transaction
- Mojo::Promise(3) - Promises/A+
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client(3) - Mojo::IOLoop based RabbitMQ client
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client::Channel(3) - handles all channel related methods
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client::Consumer(3) - simple Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client based consumer
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client::LocalQueue(3) - Callback queue
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client::Method(3) - it's a generic class for all AMQP method calls
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client::Method::Publish(3) - single class to do all of AMQP Publish method magic
- Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client::Publisher(3) - simple Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client based publisher
- Mojo::Reactor(3) - Low-level event reactor base class
- Mojo::Reactor::EV(3) - Low-level event reactor with libev support
- Mojo::Reactor::Poll(3) - Low-level event reactor with poll support
- Mojo::Server(3) - HTTP/WebSocket server base class
- Mojo::Server::CGI(3) - CGI server
- Mojo::Server::Daemon(3) - Non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket server
- Mojo::Server::FastCGI(3) - FastCGI Server
- Mojo::Server::Hypnotoad(3) - A production web serv...ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!
- Mojo::Server::Morbo(3) - Tonight at 11...DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
- Mojo::Server::Morbo::Backend(3) - Morbo backend base class
- Mojo::Server::Morbo::Backend::Poll(3) - Morbo default backend
- Mojo::Server::Prefork(3) - Pre-forking non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket server
- Mojo::Server::PSGI(3) - PSGI server
- Mojo::Template(3) - Perl-ish templates
- Mojo::Transaction(3) - Transaction base class
- Mojo::Transaction::HTTP(3) - HTTP transaction
- Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket(3) - WebSocket transaction
- Mojo::Upload(3) - Upload
- Mojo::URL(3) - Uniform Resource Locator
- Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar(3) - Cookie jar for HTTP user agents
- Mojo::UserAgent::Proxy(3) - User agent proxy manager
- Mojo::UserAgent::Server(3) - Application server
- Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor(3) - User agent transactor
- Mojo::Util(3) - Portable utility functions
- Mojo::WebSocket(3) - The WebSocket protocol
- Mojo::Weixin(3) - A Weixin Client Framework base on Mojolicious
- Mojolicious(3) - Real-time web framework
- Mojolicious::Command(3) - Command base class
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::cpanify(3) - CPAN-ify command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate(3) - Generator command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::app(3) - App generator command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::dockerfile(3) - Dockerfile generator command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::lite_app(3) - Lite app generator command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::makefile(3) - Makefile generator command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::plugin(3) - Plugin generator command
- Mojolicious::Command::Author::inflate(3) - Inflate command
- Mojolicious::Command::cgi(3) - CGI command
- Mojolicious::Command::daemon(3) - Daemon command
- Mojolicious::Command::eval(3) - Eval command
- Mojolicious::Command::fastcgi(3) - FastCGI Command
- Mojolicious::Command::get(3) - Get command
- Mojolicious::Command::prefork(3) - Pre-fork command
- Mojolicious::Command::psgi(3) - PSGI command
- Mojolicious::Command::routes(3) - Routes command
- Mojolicious::Command::version(3) - Version command
- Mojolicious::Commands(3) - Command line interface
- Mojolicious::Controller(3) - Controller base class
- Mojolicious::Guides(3) - The Mojolicious Guide to the Galaxy
- Mojolicious::Guides::Contributing(3) - Contributing to Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook(3) - Cooking with Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Guides::FAQ(3) - Frequently Asked Questions
- Mojolicious::Guides::Growing(3) - Growing Mojolicious applications
- Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering(3) - Rendering content
- Mojolicious::Guides::Routing(3) - Routing requests
- Mojolicious::Guides::Testing(3) - Web Application Testing Made Easy
- Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial(3) - Get started with Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Lite(3) - Micro real-time web framework
- Mojolicious::Plugin(3) - Plugin base class
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Authentication(3) - A plugin to make authentication a bit easier
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Config(3) - Perl-ish configuration plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Database(3) - "proper" handling of DBI based connections in Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers(3) - Default helpers plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::EPLRenderer(3) - Embedded Perl Lite renderer plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::EPRenderer(3) - Embedded Perl renderer plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::ForkCall(3) - (DEPRECATED) run blocking code asynchronously in Mojolicious applications by forking
- Mojolicious::Plugin::HamlRenderer(3) - Load HAML renderer
- Mojolicious::Plugin::HeaderCondition(3) - Header condition plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::JSONConfig(3) - JSON configuration plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Mail(3) - Mojolicious Plugin for send mail
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion(3) - Minion job queue plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Minion::Admin(3) - Admin UI
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Mongodb(3) - Use MongoDB in Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::Mount(3) - Application mount plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::NotYAMLConfig(3) - Not quite YAML configuration plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::NYTProf(3) - Auto handling of Devel::NYTProf in your Mojolicious app
- Mojolicious::Plugin::SetUserGroup(3) - Mojolicious plugin to set unprivileged credentials
- Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers(3) - Tag helpers plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::TtRenderer(3) - Template Renderer Plugin for Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::TtRenderer::Engine(3) - Template Toolkit renderer for Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::XslateRenderer(3) - Text::Xslate plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugin::YamlConfig(3) - YAML Configuration Plugin
- Mojolicious::Plugins(3) - Plugin manager
- Mojolicious::Renderer(3) - Generate dynamic content
- Mojolicious::Routes(3) - Always find your destination with routes
- Mojolicious::Routes::Match(3) - Find routes
- Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern(3) - Route pattern
- Mojolicious::Routes::Route(3) - Route
- Mojolicious::Sessions(3) - Session manager based on signed cookies
- Mojolicious::Static(3) - Serve static files
- Mojolicious::Types(3) - MIME types
- Mojolicious::Validator(3) - Validate values
- Mojolicious::Validator::Validation(3) - Perform validations
- MojoMojo(3) - A Wiki with a tree
- MojoMojo::Controller::Admin(3) - Site Administration
- MojoMojo::Controller::Attachment(3) - Attachment controller
- MojoMojo::Controller::Comment(3) - MojoMojo Comment controller
- MojoMojo::Controller::Export(3) - Export / Import related controller
- MojoMojo::Controller::Gallery(3) - Page gallery.
- MojoMojo::Controller::Image(3) - Image controller
- MojoMojo::Controller::Journal(3) - Journaling for MojoMojo?
- MojoMojo::Controller::JSON(3) - Various functions that return JSON data.
- MojoMojo::Controller::Jsrpc(3) - Various JSRPC functions.
- MojoMojo::Controller::Page(3) - Page controller
- MojoMojo::Controller::PageAdmin(3) - MojoMojo Page Administration
- MojoMojo::Controller::Root(3) - Controller to run before all others
- MojoMojo::Controller::Tag(3) - Tags controller
- MojoMojo::Controller::User(3) - Login/User Management Controller
- MojoMojo::Declaw(3) - Cleans HTML as well as CSS of scripting and other executable contents, and neutralises XSS attacks. Derived from HTML::Defang version 1.01.
- MojoMojo::Extension(3)
- MojoMojo::Extensions::Counter(3)
- MojoMojo::Formatter(3) - Base class for all formatters
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Amazon(3) - Include Amazon objects on your page.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Comment(3) - Include comments on your page.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::CPANHyperlink(3) - automatically hyperlink CPAN modules when using the syntax {{cpan Some::Module}}
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Defang(3) - Scrub user HTML and XSS
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Dir(3) - format local directory as XHTML
- MojoMojo::Formatter::DocBook(3) - format part of content as DocBook
- MojoMojo::Formatter::DocBook::Colorize(3) - syntax-highlight docbook
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Emote(3) - MSN Smileys in your text.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::File(3) - format file as XHTML
- MojoMojo::Formatter::File::DocBook(3) - format Docbook in xhtml
- MojoMojo::Formatter::File::Image(3) - Image formatter
- MojoMojo::Formatter::File::Pod(3) - format Pod File in xhtml
- MojoMojo::Formatter::File::Text(3) - format Pod File in xhtml
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Gist(3) - Embed Gist script
- MojoMojo::Formatter::GoogleCalendar(3) - Embed Google Calendar
- MojoMojo::Formatter::GoogleSearch(3) - Linked Google Search Engine by writing {{google:<search kind> <keyword>}}
- MojoMojo::Formatter::IDLink(3) - Linked {{id:<service name> <word>}}
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Include(3) - Include files in your content.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::IRCLog(3) - format part of content as an IRC log
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Main(3) - MojoMojo's main formatter, dispatching between Textile and MultiMarkdown
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Markdown(3) - MultiMarkdown formatting for your content. MultiMarkdown is an extension of Markdown, adding support for tables, footnotes, bibliography, automatic cross-references, glossaries, appendices, definition lists, math syntax, anchor and image attributes, and document metadata.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Pod(3) - format part of content as POD
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Redirect(3) - Handles {{redirect /path}}
- MojoMojo::Formatter::RSS(3) - Include RSS feeds on your page.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::SyntaxHighlight(3) - syntax highlighting for code blocks
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Text(3) - format plain text as xhtml
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Textile(3) - Texile+SmartyPants formatting for your content
- MojoMojo::Formatter::TOC(3) - generate table of contents
- MojoMojo::Formatter::Wiki(3) - Handle interpage linking.
- MojoMojo::Formatter::WikipediaLink(3) - Linked Wikipedia by writing {{wikipedia:<lang> <word>}}
- MojoMojo::Formatter::YouTube(3) - Embed YouTube player
- MojoMojo::I18N(3) - support for language localization
- MojoMojo::Installation(3) - Installation instructions for MojoMojo
- MojoMojo::Model::DBIC(3) - DBIC::Schema Catalyst model
- MojoMojo::Model::Search(3) - support for searching pages
- MojoMojo::Model::Themes(3) - support for Thematic styles
- MojoMojo::Prefs(3) - info on MojoMojo configurable preferences
- MojoMojo::Schema(3) - DBIC Schema
- MojoMojo::Schema::Base::Result(3) - base class for Result classes
- MojoMojo::Schema::Base::ResultSet(3) - base class for ResultSet classes
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Attachment(3) - store attachments
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Comment(3) - store comments
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Content(3) - Versioned page content
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Entry(3) - store journal entries
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Journal(3) - store journals
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Link(3) - Links among pages
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Page(3) - store pages
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::PageVersion(3) - Versioned page metadata
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::PathPermissions(3) - store path permissions
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Person(3) - store user info
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Photo(3) - store photos
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Preference(3) - store preferences
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Role(3) - store user roles
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::RoleMember(3) - store members of roles
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::RolePrivilege(3) - store role privileges
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::Tag(3) - store page tags
- MojoMojo::Schema::Result::WantedPage(3) - store pages that are wanted
- MojoMojo::Schema::ResultSet::Attachment(3) - resulset methods on attachments
- MojoMojo::Schema::ResultSet::Content(3) - resultset methods on content
- MojoMojo::Schema::ResultSet::Page(3) - resultset methods on pages
- MojoMojo::Schema::ResultSet::Person(3) - resultset methods on users
- MojoMojo::Schema::ResultSet::Role(3) - resultset methods on roles
- MojoMojo::Schema::ResultSet::Tag(3) - resultset methods on tags
- MojoMojo::View::Email(3)
- MojoMojo::View::JSON(3) - Catalyst View
- MojoMojo::View::TT(3) - Template Toolkit views for MojoMojo
- MojoMojo::WordDiff(3) - generate inline word-based HTML diffs
- MOJOMOJO_CGI(1) - Catalyst CGI
- MOJOMOJO_CREATE(1) - Create a new Catalyst Component
- MOJOMOJO_FASTCGI(1) - Catalyst FastCGI
- MOJOMOJO_FASTCGI_MANAGE(1) - script to start/stop/restart mojomojo fastcgi instance
- MOJOMOJO_SERVER(1) - Catalyst Test Server
- MOJOMOJO_SPAWN_DB(1) - hash plain text passwords
- MOJOMOJO_TEST(1) - Catalyst Test
- MOJOMOJO_UPDATE_DB(1) - DBIC versioning
- MojoX::Log::Dispatch::Simple(3) - Simple Log::Dispatch replacement of Mojo::Log
- MojoX::Log::Report(3) - divert log messages into Log::Report
- MojoX::MIME::Types(3) - MIME Types for Mojolicious
- MojoX::Renderer::Haml(3) - Mojolicious renderer for HAML templates.
- MojoX::Renderer::Xslate(3) - Text::Xslate renderer for Mojo
- MOK(1) - an awk for molecules
- MOLD(1) - a modern linker
- molecule(6) - draws 3D molecular structures
- molrender(1) - The molrender program reads a molecule from an input file and can render it in a variety of ways.
- Mon::Protocol(3) - Methods for parsing / dumping a protocol block
- Mon::SNMP(3) - decode SNMP trap
- MONCONTROL(3) - control execution profile
- MongoDB::BSON::Binary(3) - (DEPRECATED) MongoDB binary type
- MongoDB::BSON::Regexp(3) - (DEPRECATED) Regular expression type
- MongoDB::BulkWrite(3) - MongoDB bulk write interface
- MongoDB::BulkWriteResult(3) - MongoDB bulk write result document
- MongoDB::BulkWriteView(3) - Bulk write operations against a query document
- MongoDB::ChangeStream(3) - A stream providing update information for collections.
- MongoDB::ClientSession(3) - MongoDB session and transaction management
- MongoDB::Code(3) - (DEPRECATED) JavaScript code type
- MongoDB::Collection(3) - A MongoDB Collection
- MongoDB::CommandResult(3) - MongoDB generic command result document
- MongoDB::Cursor(3) - A lazy cursor for Mongo query results
- MongoDB::Database(3) - A MongoDB Database
- MongoDB::DataTypes(3) - Using MongoDB data types with Perl
- MongoDB::DBRef(3) - (DEPRECATED) A MongoDB database reference type
- MongoDB::DeleteResult(3) - MongoDB deletion result object
- MongoDB::Error(3) - MongoDB Driver Error classes
- MongoDB::Examples(3) - Some examples of MongoDB syntax
- MongoDB::GridFSBucket(3) - A file storage abstraction
- MongoDB::GridFSBucket::DownloadStream(3) - File handle abstraction for downloading
- MongoDB::GridFSBucket::UploadStream(3) - File handle abstraction for uploading
- MongoDB::IndexView(3) - Index management for a collection
- MongoDB::InsertManyResult(3) - MongoDB single insert result object
- MongoDB::InsertOneResult(3) - MongoDB single insert result object
- MongoDB::MongoClient(3) - A connection to a MongoDB server or multi-server deployment
- MongoDB::Monitoring(3) - Internal event monitoring API for instrumentation
- MongoDB::OID(3) - (DEPRECATED) A Mongo Object ID
- MongoDB::QueryResult(3) - An iterator for Mongo query results
- MongoDB::QueryResult::Filtered(3) - An iterator for Mongo query results with client-side filtering
- MongoDB::ReadConcern(3) - Encapsulate and validate a read concern
- MongoDB::ReadPreference(3) - Encapsulate and validate read preferences
- MongoDB::Timestamp(3) - (DEPRECATED) Replication timestamp type
- MongoDB::Tutorial(3) - Getting started with MongoDB
- MongoDB::UnacknowledgedResult(3) - MongoDB unacknowledged result object
- MongoDB::UpdateResult(3) - MongoDB update result object
- MongoDB::Upgrading(3) - Deprecations and behavior changes from v1 to v2
- MongoDB::Upgrading::v1(3) - Deprecations and behavior changes from v0 to v1
- MongoDB::WriteConcern(3) - Encapsulate and validate a write concern
- Mongoose(3) - MongoDB document to Moose object mapper
- Mongoose::Class(3) - sugary Mongoose-oriented replacement for Moose
- Mongoose::Cookbook(3) - recipes, recipes
- Mongoose::Cursor(3) - a Mongoose wrapper for MongoDB::Cursor
- Mongoose::Document(3) - a Mongoose document role
- Mongoose::EmbeddedDocument(3) - role for embedded documents
- Mongoose::Engine(3) - serialization for MongoDB driver
- Mongoose::File(3) - container for MongoDB::GridFSBucket files
- Mongoose::Intro(3) - an introduction
- Mongoose::Join(3) - simple class relationship resolver
- Mongoose::Meta::AttributeTraits(3) - Mongoose related attribute traits
- Mongoose::Role::Collapser(3)
- Mongoose::Role::Engine(3)
- Mongoose::Role::Expander(3)
- Mongoose::Role::Naming(3)
- moniker(3)
- MONIT(1) - utility for monitoring services on a Unix system
- Monitor::Simple(3) - Simple monitoring of applications and services
- Monitor::Simple::Config(3) - See documentation in Monitor::Simple
- Monitor::Simple::Log(3) - See documentation in Monitor::Simple
- Monitor::Simple::Notifier(3) - See documentation in Monitor::Simple
- Monitor::Simple::Output(3) - See documentation in Monitor::Simple
- Monitor::Simple::UserAgent(3) - See documentation in Monitor::Simple
- Monitor::Simple::Utils(3) - See documentation in Monitor::Simple
- MONITORD(8) - monitor system services for accidental termination
- Monitoring::Livestatus(3) - Perl API for check_mk livestatus to access runtime data from Nagios and Icinga
- Monitoring::Livestatus::INET(3) - connector with tcp sockets
- Monitoring::Livestatus::UNIX(3) - connector with unix sockets
- Monitoring::Plugin(3) - A family of perl modules to streamline writing Naemon, Nagios, Icinga or Shinken (and compatible) plugins.
- Monitoring::Plugin::Config(3) - read nagios plugin .ini style config files
- Monitoring::Plugin::ExitResult(3) - Helper class for returning both output and return codes when testing.
- Monitoring::Plugin::Functions(3) - functions to simplify the creation of Nagios plugins
- Monitoring::Plugin::Getopt(3) - OO perl module providing standardised argument processing for Nagios plugins
- Monitoring::Plugin::Performance(3) - class for handling Monitoring::Plugin performance data.
- Monitoring::Plugin::Range(3) - class for handling Monitoring::Plugin range data.
- Monitoring::Plugin::Threshold(3) - class for handling Monitoring::Plugin thresholds.
- monitorix.conf(5) - Configuration file for Monitorix.
- monitorix(8) - a lightweight system monitoring tool
- MONKEYSPHERE(1) - Monkeysphere client user interface
- MONKEYSPHERE(7) - ssh and TLS authentication framework using OpenPGP Web of Trust
- MONKEYSPHERE-AUTHENTICATION(8) - Monkeysphere authentication admin tool.
- MONKEYSPHERE-HOST(8) - Monkeysphere host key administration tool.
- MONMAPTOOL(8) - ceph monitor cluster map manipulation tool
- Mono(cccheck) - Perform static code contracts verification for CLR assemblies.
- Mono(ccrewrite) - Rewrite CLR assemblies for runtime code contract verification.
- Mono(cert2spc) - Transform multiple X.509 certificates to a Software Publisher Certificate
- Mono(certmgr) - Mono Certificate Manager (CLI version)
- Mono(cert-sync) - Mono Certificate Store Sync Tool
- Mono(chktrust) - Check the trust of a PE executable.
- Mono(crlupdate) - Mono Certficate Revocation List Downloader and Updater
- Mono(gacutil) - Global Assembly Cache management utility.
- Mono(httpcfg) - Mono Certificate Management for HttpListener
- Mono(lc) - Mono License Compiler
- Mono(macpack) - Macintosh OS X Packager for managed gui assemblies
- Mono(MakeCert) - Create X.509 certificates for test purposes
- Mono(mconfig) - Utility for modifying .NET configuration files
- Mono(mdb2ppdb) - Convert Mono's debug file format (MDB) to Portable Program Database (PPDB) file formatn
- Mono(mkbundle) - Creates a bundled executable.
- Mono(mono) - Mono's ECMA-CLI native code generator (Just-in-Time and Ahead-of-Time)
- Mono(mono-api-info) - Expose IL structure of CLR assemblies as XML.
- Mono(mono-config) - Mono runtime file format configuration
- Mono(mono-configuration-crypto) - Mono configuration utility to manage encryption keys and encrypt/decrypt config file sections
- Mono(mono-service) - Mono ServiceProcess host
- Mono(mono-xmltool) - Mono XML validation and transformation tool.
- Mono(MozRoots) - Download and import trusted root certificates from Mozilla's LXR into Mono's certificate store
- Mono(permview) - Viewer for declarative security permission sets inside assemblies.
- Mono(resgen) - Mono/CLI Resource Generator
- Mono(secutil) - Extract X.509 certificates and strongnames from assemblies.
- Mono(setreg) - Change settings for public key cryptography
- Mono(sgen) - Mono XML Serializer GENerator
- Mono(signcode) - Digitally sign an PE executable using an X.509 certificate.
- Mono(sn) - Digitally sign/verify/compare strongnames on CLR assemblies.
- Monoceros(3) - PSGI/Plack server with event driven connection manager, preforking workers
- mono-cil-strip(1)
- monodocer(1) - ECMA Documentation Format Support
- monodocs2html(1) - Translate Monodoc XML to HTML
- monop(1) - Mono Class Outline Viewer
- mono-profilers(1) - Mono's bundled profiler modules
- mono-shlib-cop(1) - Shared Library Usage Checker
- mono-symbolicate(1) - Mono Symbolicate Tool
- MONS(1) - POSIX Shell script to quickly manage 2-monitors display.
- montage(1) - create a composite image by combining several separate images. The images are tiled on the composite image optionally adorned with a border, frame, image name, and more.
- MOO(1) - Marco's Object Oriented calculator
- Moo(3) - Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
- Moo::Role(3) - Minimal Object Orientation support for Roles
- moon-buggy(6) - drive some car across the moon
- MOONLIGHT(1) - Open source implementation of NVIDIA's GameStream
- MoonPhase(3) - Information about the phase of the Moon
- Moos(3) - Moo s{imple,peedy,ingle}
- Moos::Role(3) - Simple roles for Moos.
- Moose::Autobox(3) - Autoboxed wrappers for Native Perl datatypes
- Moose::Autobox::Array(3) - the Array role
- Moose::Autobox::Code(3) - the Code role
- Moose::Autobox::Defined(3) - the Defined role
- Moose::Autobox::Hash(3) - the Hash role
- Moose::Autobox::Indexed(3) - the Indexed role
- Moose::Autobox::Item(3) - the Item role
- Moose::Autobox::List(3) - the List role
- Moose::Autobox::Number(3) - the Number role
- Moose::Autobox::Ref(3) - the Ref role
- Moose::Autobox::Scalar(3) - the Scalar role
- Moose::Autobox::String(3) - the String role
- Moose::Autobox::Undef(3) - the Undef role
- Moose::Autobox::Value(3) - the Value role
- Moose::Cookbook(3) - How to cook a Moose
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::BankAccount_MethodModifiersAndSubclassing(3) - Demonstrates the use of method modifiers in a subclass
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::BinaryTree_AttributeFeatures(3) - Demonstrates various attribute features including lazy, predicates, weak refs, and more
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::BinaryTree_BuilderAndLazyBuild(3) - Builder methods and lazy_build
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Company_Subtypes(3) - Demonstrates the use of subtypes and how to model classes related to companies, people, employees, etc.
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::DateTime_ExtendingNonMooseParent(3) - Extending a non-Moose parent class
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Document_AugmentAndInner(3) - The augment modifier, which turns normal method overriding "inside-out"
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Genome_OverloadingSubtypesAndCoercion(3) - Operator overloading, subtypes, and coercion
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::HTTP_SubtypesAndCoercion(3) - Demonstrates subtypes and coercion use HTTP-related classes (Request, Protocol, etc.)
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Immutable(3) - Making Moose fast by making your class immutable
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Person_BUILDARGSAndBUILD(3) - Using BUILDARGS and BUILD to hook into object construction
- Moose::Cookbook::Basics::Point_AttributesAndSubclassing(3) - Point and Point3D classes, showing basic attributes and subclassing.
- Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Debugging_BaseClassRole(3) - Providing a role for the base object class
- Moose::Cookbook::Extending::ExtensionOverview(3) - Moose extension overview
- Moose::Cookbook::Extending::Mooseish_MooseSugar(3) - Acting like Moose.pm and providing sugar Moose-style
- Moose::Cookbook::Legacy::Debugging_BaseClassReplacement(3) - Providing an alternate base object class
- Moose::Cookbook::Legacy::Labeled_AttributeMetaclass(3) - A meta-attribute, attributes with labels
- Moose::Cookbook::Legacy::Table_ClassMetaclass(3) - Adding a "table" attribute to the metaclass
- Moose::Cookbook::Meta::GlobRef_InstanceMetaclass(3) - Creating a glob reference meta-instance class
- Moose::Cookbook::Meta::Labeled_AttributeTrait(3) - Labels implemented via attribute traits
- Moose::Cookbook::Meta::PrivateOrPublic_MethodMetaclass(3) - A method metaclass for marking methods public or private
- Moose::Cookbook::Meta::Table_MetaclassTrait(3) - Adding a "table" attribute as a metaclass trait
- Moose::Cookbook::Meta::WhyMeta(3) - Welcome to the meta world (Why Go Meta?)
- Moose::Cookbook::Roles::ApplicationToInstance(3) - Applying a role to an object instance
- Moose::Cookbook::Roles::Comparable_CodeReuse(3) - Using roles for code reuse
- Moose::Cookbook::Roles::Restartable_AdvancedComposition(3) - Advanced Role Composition - method exclusion and aliasing
- Moose::Cookbook::Snack::Keywords(3) - Restricted "keywords" in Moose
- Moose::Cookbook::Snack::Types(3) - Snippets of code for using Types and Type Constraints
- Moose::Cookbook::Style(3) - Expanded into Moose::Manual::BestPractices, so go read that
- Moose::Deprecated(3) - Manages deprecation warnings for Moose
- Moose::Exception(3) - Superclass for Moose internal exceptions
- Moose::Exporter(3) - make an import() and unimport() just like Moose.pm
- Moose::Intro(3) - Expanded into Moose::Manual, so go read that
- Moose::Manual(3) - What is Moose, and how do I use it?
- Moose::Manual::Attributes(3) - Object attributes with Moose
- Moose::Manual::BestPractices(3) - Get the most out of Moose
- Moose::Manual::Classes(3) - Making your classes use Moose (and subclassing)
- Moose::Manual::Concepts(3) - Moose OO concepts
- Moose::Manual::Construction(3) - Object construction (and destruction) with Moose
- Moose::Manual::Contributing(3) - How to get involved in Moose
- Moose::Manual::Delegation(3) - Attribute delegation
- Moose::Manual::Delta(3) - Important Changes in Moose
- Moose::Manual::Exceptions(3) - Moose's exceptions
- Moose::Manual::Exceptions::Manifest(3) - Moose's Exception Types
- Moose::Manual::FAQ(3) - Frequently asked questions about Moose
- Moose::Manual::MethodModifiers(3) - Moose's method modifiers
- Moose::Manual::MooseX(3) - Recommended Moose extensions
- Moose::Manual::MOP(3) - The Moose (and Class::MOP) meta API
- Moose::Manual::Resources(3) - Links to various tutorials, videos, blogs, presentations, interviews, etc...
- Moose::Manual::Roles(3) - Roles, an alternative to deep hierarchies and base classes
- Moose::Manual::Support(3) - Policies regarding support, releases, and compatibility.
- Moose::Manual::Types(3) - Moose's type system
- Moose::Manual::Unsweetened(3) - Moose idioms in plain old Perl 5 without the sugar
- Moose::Meta::Attribute(3) - The Moose attribute metaclass
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Chained(3) - DEPRECATED
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native(3) - Delegate to native Perl types
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait(3) - Shared role for native delegation traits
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Array(3) - Helper trait for ArrayRef attributes
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Bool(3) - Helper trait for Bool attributes
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Code(3) - Helper trait for CodeRef attributes
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Counter(3) - Helper trait for Int attributes which represent counters
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Hash(3) - Helper trait for HashRef attributes
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Number(3) - Helper trait for Num attributes
- Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::String(3) - Helper trait for Str attributes
- Moose::Meta::Class(3) - The Moose metaclass
- Moose::Meta::Class::Immutable::Trait(3) - Implements immutability for metaclass objects
- Moose::Meta::Instance(3) - The Moose Instance metaclass
- Moose::Meta::Method(3) - A Moose Method metaclass
- Moose::Meta::Method::Accessor(3) - A Moose Method metaclass for accessors
- Moose::Meta::Method::Augmented(3) - A Moose Method metaclass for augmented methods
- Moose::Meta::Method::Constructor(3) - Method Meta Object for constructors
- Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation(3) - A Moose Method metaclass for delegation methods
- Moose::Meta::Method::Destructor(3) - Method Meta Object for destructors
- Moose::Meta::Method::Meta(3) - A Moose Method metaclass for "meta" methods
- Moose::Meta::Method::Overridden(3) - A Moose Method metaclass for overridden methods
- Moose::Meta::Mixin::AttributeCore(3) - Core attributes shared by attribute metaclasses
- Moose::Meta::Object::Trait(3) - Some overrides for Class::MOP::Object functionality
- Moose::Meta::Role(3) - The Moose Role metaclass
- Moose::Meta::Role::Application(3) - A base class for role application
- Moose::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation(3) - Combine two or more roles
- Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToClass(3) - Compose a role into a class
- Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToInstance(3) - Compose a role into an instance
- Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToRole(3) - Compose a role into another role
- Moose::Meta::Role::Attribute(3) - The Moose attribute metaclass for Roles
- Moose::Meta::Role::Composite(3) - An object to represent the set of roles
- Moose::Meta::Role::Method(3) - A Moose Method metaclass for Roles
- Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Conflicting(3) - A Moose metaclass for conflicting methods in Roles
- Moose::Meta::Role::Method::Required(3) - A Moose metaclass for required methods in Roles
- Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion(3) - The Moose Type Coercion metaclass
- Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion::Union(3) - The Moose Type Coercion metaclass for Unions
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint(3) - The Moose Type Constraint metaclass
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Class(3) - Class/TypeConstraint parallel hierarchy
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::DuckType(3) - Type constraint for duck typing
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Enum(3) - Type constraint for enumerated values.
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable(3) - Type constraints which can take a parameter (ArrayRef)
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterized(3) - Type constraints with a bound parameter (ArrayRef[Int])
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Registry(3) - registry for type constraints
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Role(3) - Role/TypeConstraint parallel hierarchy
- Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Union(3) - A union of Moose type constraints
- Moose::Object(3) - The base object for Moose
- Moose::Policy(3) - Moose-mounted police
- Moose::Policy::FollowPBP(3) - Follow the recomendations in Perl Best Practices
- Moose::Policy::JavaAccessors(3) - BeCause EveryOne Loves CamelCase
- Moose::Policy::SingleInheritence(3) - Why would you ever need more than one?
- Moose::Spec::Role(3) - Formal spec for Role behavior
- Moose::Test(3) - A Test Runner for the Moose test suite
- Moose::Test::Case(3) - An abstraction of a Moose Test script
- Moose::Unsweetened(3) - Moved to Moose::Manual::Unsweetened, so go read that
- Moose::Util(3) - Utilities for working with Moose classes
- Moose::Util::MetaRole(3) - Apply roles to any metaclass, as well as the object base class
- Moose::Util::TypeConstraints(3) - Type constraint system for Moose
- Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::Builtins(3)
- MooseX::Adopt::Class::Accessor::Fast(3) - Hijack Class::Accessor::Fast in %INC;
- MooseX::Aliases(3) - easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moose
- MooseX::Aliases::Meta::Trait::Attribute(3) - attribute metaclass trait for MooseX::Aliases
- MooseX::Aliases::Meta::Trait::Method(3) - method metaclass trait for MooseX::Aliases
- MooseX::App(3) - Write user-friendly command line apps with even less suffering
- MooseX::App::Cmd(3) - Mashes up MooseX::Getopt and App::Cmd
- MooseX::App::Cmd::Command(3) - Base class for MooseX::Getopt based App::Cmd::Commands
- MooseX::App::Command(3) - Load command class metaclasses
- MooseX::App::Message::Block(3) - Message block
- MooseX::App::Message::Envelope(3) - Message presented to the user
- MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Attribute::Option(3) - Meta attribute role for options
- MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Class::Base(3) - Meta class role for application base class
- MooseX::App::Meta::Role::Class::Documentation(3) - Meta class role for command classes
- MooseX::App::ParsedArgv(3) - Parses @ARGV
- MooseX::App::ParsedArgv::Element(3) - Parsed logical element from @ARGV
- MooseX::App::ParsedArgv::Value(3) - Parsed value from @ARGV
- MooseX::App::Plugin::BashCompletion(3) - Bash completion for your MooseX::App applications
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Color(3) - Colorful output for your MooseX::App applications
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Config(3) - Config files your MooseX::App applications
- MooseX::App::Plugin::ConfigHome(3) - Config files in users home directory
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Depends(3) - Adds dependent options
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Man(3) - Adds a command to display the full manual
- MooseX::App::Plugin::MutexGroup(3) - Adds mutually exclusive options
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Term(3) - Allows one to specify options/parameters via terminal prompts
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Typo(3) - Handle typos in command names
- MooseX::App::Plugin::Version(3) - Adds a command to display the version and license of your application
- MooseX::App::Role(3) - Define attributes in a role
- MooseX::App::Simple(3) - Single command applications
- MooseX::App::Tutorial(3) - getting started with MooseX::App
- MooseX::App::Utils(3) - Utility functions
- MooseX::App::WritingPlugins(3) - Writing plugins for MooseX::App
- MooseX::ArrayRef(3) - blessed arrayrefs with Moose
- MooseX::Async(3) - The Orphanange of Asynchronous Love Children
- MooseX::Async::Meta::Class(3) - A Class Metaclass for MooseX::Async
- MooseX::Async::Meta::Method::State(3) - A Method Metaclass for MooseX::Async
- MooseX::Attribute::Chained(3) - Attribute that returns the instance to allow for chaining
- MooseX::Attribute::ChainedClone(3) - Attribute that returns a cloned instance
- MooseX::Attribute::ENV(3) - Set default of an attribute to a value from %ENV
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers(3) - (DEPRECATED) Extend your attribute interfaces
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Bool(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Array(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Bag(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Hash(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::ImmutableHash(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::List(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Counter(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Meta::Method::Curried(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Meta::Method::Provided(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Array(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Bag(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Bool(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Counter(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Hash(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::ImmutableHash(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::List(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::String(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Number(3) - 2);
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::String(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Base(3) - base role for helpers
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Bool(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection(3) - Base class for all collection type helpers
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::Array(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::Bag(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::Hash(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::ImmutableHash(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::List(3)
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Counter(3) - 1);
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Number(3) - 2);
- MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::String(3)
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts(3) - Shorthand for common attribute options
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts::Trait::Attribute(3) - Shortcuts attribute trait proper
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts::Trait::Attribute::HasAnonBuilder(3) - Attributes, etc, common to both the role-attribute and attribute traits
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts::Trait::Method::Builder(3) - Trait for inline builder method metaclasses
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts::Trait::Method::HasDefinitionContext(3) - Trait for method metaclasses that have definition contexts
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts::Trait::Role::Attribute(3) - Role attribute trait to create builder method
- MooseX::AttributeShortcuts::Trait::Role::Method::Builder(3) - Trait for inline builder method metaclasses
- MooseX::AuthorizedMethods(3) - Syntax sugar for authorized methods
- MooseX::ChainedAccessors(3) - DEPRECATED
- MooseX::ChainedAccessors::Accessor(3) - DEPRECATED
- MooseX::ClassAttribute(3) - Declare class attributes Moose-style
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Meta::Role::Attribute(3) - An attribute metaclass for class attributes in roles
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Application(3) - A trait that supports role application for roles with class attributes
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Application::ToClass(3) - A trait that supports applying class attributes to classes
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Application::ToRole(3) - A trait that supports applying class attributes to roles
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Attribute(3) - A trait for class attributes
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Class(3) - A trait for classes with class attributes
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Mixin::HasClassAttributes(3) - A mixin trait for things which have class attributes
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Role(3) - A trait for roles with class attributes
- MooseX::ClassAttribute::Trait::Role::Composite(3) - A trait that supports applying multiple roles at once
- MooseX::Clone(3) - Fine-grained cloning support for Moose objects.
- MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::Clone(3) - The attribute trait for deeply cloning attributes
- MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::Copy(3) - Simple copying of arrays and hashes for MooseX::Clone
- MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::NoClone(3) - A trait for attributes that should not be copied while cloning
- MooseX::Clone::Meta::Attribute::Trait::StorableClone(3) - The attribute trait for deeply cloning attributes using Storable
- MooseX::CompileTime::Traits(3) - Allow compile time traits for classes/roles
- MooseX::ConfigFromFile(3) - An abstract Moose role for setting attributes from a configfile
- MooseX::CoverableModifiers(3) - Make Moose method modifiers Devel::Cover friendly
- MooseX::Daemonize(3) - Role for daemonizing your Moose based application
- MooseX::Daemonize::Core(3) - A Role with the core daemonization features
- MooseX::Daemonize::Pid(3) - PID management for MooseX::Daemonize
- MooseX::Daemonize::Pid::File(3) - PID file management for MooseX::Daemonize
- MooseX::Daemonize::WithPidFile(3) - A Role with the core daemonization and pidfile management
- MooseX::Declare(3) - (DEPRECATED) Declarative syntax for Moose
- MooseX::Declare::Context(3) - Per-keyword declaration context
- MooseX::Declare::Context::Namespaced(3) - Namespaced context
- MooseX::Declare::Context::Parameterized(3) - context for parsing optionally parameterized statements
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::EmptyBlockIfMissing(3) - Handle missing blocks after keywords
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Extending(3) - Extending with superclasses
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::InnerSyntaxHandling(3) - Keywords inside blocks
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::Class(3) - Class declarations
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::Clean(3) - Explicit namespace cleanups
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::Method(3) - Handle method declarations
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::MethodModifier(3) - Handle method modifier declarations
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::Namespace(3) - Declare outer namespace
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::Role(3) - Role declarations
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::Keyword::With(3) - Apply roles within a class- or role-body
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::KeywordHandling(3) - Basic keyword functionality
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::MethodDeclaration(3) - Handles method declarations
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::MooseSetup(3) - Common Moose namespaces declarations
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::NamespaceHandling(3) - Handle namespaced blocks
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::OptionHandling(3) - Option parser dispatching
- MooseX::Declare::Syntax::RoleApplication(3) - Handle user specified roles
- MooseX::Declare::Util(3) - Common declarative utility functions
- MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast(3) - Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes
- MooseX::FollowPBP(3) - Name your accessors get_foo() and set_foo()
- MooseX::FollowPBP::Role::Attribute(3)
- MooseX::Getopt(3) - A Moose role for processing command line options
- MooseX::Getopt::Basic(3) - MooseX::Getopt::Basic - role to implement the Getopt::Long functionality
- MooseX::Getopt::Dashes(3) - convert underscores in attribute names to dashes
- MooseX::Getopt::GLD(3) - A Moose role for processing command line options with Getopt::Long::Descriptive
- MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute(3) - Optional meta attribute for custom option names
- MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::NoGetopt(3) - Optional meta attribute for ignoring parameters
- MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait(3) - Optional meta attribute trait for custom option names
- MooseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait::NoGetopt(3) - Optional meta attribute trait for ignoring parameters
- MooseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap(3) - Storage for the option to type mappings
- MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv(3) - MooseX::Getopt::ProcessedArgv - Class containing the results of process_argv
- MooseX::Getopt::Strict(3) - only make options for attributes with the Getopt metaclass
- MooseX::Has::Options(3) - Succinct options for Moose
- MooseX::Has::Options::Handler::Accessors(3) - Option shortcuts for ro/rw/bare
- MooseX::Has::Options::Handler::NativeTypes(3) - Option shortcuts for native types
- MooseX::Has::Options::Handler::NoInit(3) - Option shortcut for prohibiting init_arg
- MooseX::Has::Sugar(3) - Sugar Syntax for moose 'has' fields
- MooseX::Has::Sugar::Minimal(3) - Less Sugary Syntax for moose 'has' fields
- MooseX::Has::Sugar::Saccharin(3) - Experimental sweetness
- MooseX::HasDefaults(3) - default "is" to "ro" or "rw" for all attributes
- MooseX::InsideOut(3) - inside-out objects with Moose
- MooseX::InsideOut::Role::Meta::Instance(3)
- MooseX::IOC(3) - Moose attributes with IOC integration
- MooseX::IOC::Meta::Attribute(3)
- MooseX::LazyRequire(3) - Required attributes which fail only when trying to use them
- MooseX::LazyRequire::Meta::Attribute::Trait::LazyRequire(3) - Attribute trait to make getters fail on unset attributes
- MooseX::ListAttributes(3)
- MooseX::Lists(3) - treat arrays and hashes as lists
- MooseX::Log::Log4perl(3) - A Logging Role for Moose based on Log::Log4perl
- MooseX::MarkAsMethods(3) - Mark overload code symbols as methods
- MooseX::Meta::Method::Authorized(3) - Authorization in method calls
- MooseX::Meta::Method::Authorized::CheckRoles(3) - Check roles of the user
- MooseX::Meta::Method::Transactional(3) - Transactional methods trait
- MooseX::Meta::Role::Strict(3) - Ensure we use strict role application.
- MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::ForceCoercion(3) - Force coercion when validating type constraints
- MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::Mooish(3) - Translate Moo-style constraints to Moose-style
- MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::Structured(3) - Structured type constraints
- MooseX::MetaDescription(3) - A framework for adding additional metadata to Moose classes
- MooseX::MetaDescription::Description(3) - A base class for Meta Descriptions
- MooseX::MetaDescription::Meta::Attribute(3) - Custom attribute metaclass for meta-descriptions
- MooseX::MetaDescription::Meta::Class(3) - Custom class metaclass for meta-descriptions
- MooseX::MetaDescription::Meta::Trait(3) - Custom class meta-trait for meta-descriptions
- MooseX::Method::Signatures(3) - (DEPRECATED) Method declarations with type constraints and no source filter
- MooseX::Method::Signatures::Meta::Method(3) - (DEPRECATED) Provides the metaclass for methods with signatures
- MooseX::Method::Signatures::Types(3) - (DEPRECATED) Provides common MooseX::Types used by MooseX::Method::Signatures
- MooseX::MethodAttributes(3) - Code attribute introspection
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Inheritable(3) - inheritable code attribute introspection
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role(3) - code attribute introspection
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::AttrContainer(3) - capture code attributes in the class' metaclass
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::AttrContainer::Inheritable(3) - capture code attributes in the automatically initialized metaclass instance
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Class(3) - metaclass role for storing code attributes
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Map(3) - generic role for storing code attributes used by classes and roles with attributes
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Method(3) - metamethod role allowing code attribute introspection
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Method::MaybeWrapped(3) - proxy attributes of wrapped methods if their metaclass supports it
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Method::Wrapped(3) - wrapped metamethod role allowing code attribute introspection
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Role(3) - metarole role for storing code attributes
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Role::Application(3) - generic role for applying a role with method attributes to something
- MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role::Meta::Role::Application::Summation(3) - Role applied to the class responsible for role summation which ensures method attributes propagate from the roles being summed onto the combined role.
- MooseX::MultiInitArg(3) - Attributes with aliases for constructor arguments.
- MooseX::MultiInitArg::Attribute(3) - A custom attribute metaclass to add multiple init arguments to your attributes.
- MooseX::MultiInitArg::Trait(3) - A composable role to add multiple init arguments to your attributes.
- MooseX::MultiMethods(3) - Multi Method Dispatch based on Moose type constraints
- MooseX::MultiMethods::Meta::Method(3)
- MooseX::MungeHas(3) - munge your "has" (works with Moo, Moose and Mouse)
- MooseX::NonMoose(3) - easy subclassing of non-Moose classes
- MooseX::NonMoose::InsideOut(3) - easy subclassing of non-Moose non-hashref classes
- MooseX::NonMoose::Meta::Role::Class(3) - metaclass trait for MooseX::NonMoose
- MooseX::NonMoose::Meta::Role::Constructor(3) - constructor method trait for MooseX::NonMoose
- MooseX::Object::Pluggable(3) - Make your classes pluggable
- MooseX::OneArgNew(3) - teach ->new to accept single, non-hashref arguments
- MooseX::Params::Validate(3) - an extension of Params::Validate using Moose's types
- MooseX::Params::Validate::Exception::ValidationFailedForTypeConstraint(3) - Exception thrown when a type constraint check fails
- MooseX::POE(3) - The Illicit Love Child of Moose and POE
- MooseX::POE::Aliased(3) - A sane alias attribute for your MooseX::POE objects.
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Method::State(3) - Dont look into this, its boring
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Role(3) - Pay no attention to this.
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Trait(3) - There be dragons here.
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Trait::Class(3) - No achmed inside
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Trait::Instance(3) - A Instance Metaclass for MooseX::POE
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Trait::Object(3) - The base class role for MooseX::POE
- MooseX::POE::Meta::Trait::SweetArgs(3) - Yes, its a trap... i mean trait
- MooseX::POE::Role(3) - Eventful roles
- MooseX::POE::SweetArgs(3) - sugar around MooseX::POE event arguments
- MooseX::RelatedClassRoles(3) - Apply roles to a class related to yours
- MooseX::Role::Loggable(3) - Extensive, yet simple, logging role using Log::Dispatchouli
- MooseX::Role::Matcher(3) - generic object matching based on attributes and methods
- MooseX::Role::Parameterised(3) - Moose roles with composition parameters
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized(3) - Moose roles with composition parameters
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Extending(3) - extending MooseX::Role::Parameterized roles
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Meta::Role::Parameterized(3) - metaclass for parameterized roles
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Meta::Trait::Parameterizable(3) - trait for parameterizable roles
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Meta::Trait::Parameterized(3) - trait for parameterized roles
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Parameters(3) - base class for parameters
- MooseX::Role::Parameterized::Tutorial(3) - why and how
- MooseX::Role::Reactive(3)
- MooseX::Role::Strict(3) - use strict 'roles'
- MooseX::Runnable(3) - Tag a class as a runnable application
- MooseX::Runnable::Invocation::Plugin::Debug(3) - print debugging information
- MooseX::Runnable::Invocation::Scheme::MooseX::Getopt(3) - run MX::Getopt classes
- MooseX::Runnable::Run(3) - Run a MooseX::Runnable class as an application
- MooseX::Runnable::Util::ArgParser(3) - parse @ARGV for "mx-run"
- MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor(3) - Name your accessors foo() and set_foo()
- MooseX::SemiAffordanceAccessor::Role::Attribute(3) - This meta trait is applied to attributes in order to change writer names
- MooseX::SetOnce(3) - write-once, read-many attributes for Moose
- MooseX::SimpleConfig(3) - A Moose role for setting attributes from a simple configuration file
- MooseX::Singleton(3) - Turn your Moose class into a singleton
- MooseX::Singleton::Role::Meta::Class(3) - Metaclass role for MooseX::Singleton
- MooseX::Singleton::Role::Meta::Instance(3) - Instance metaclass role for MooseX::Singleton
- MooseX::Singleton::Role::Meta::Method::Constructor(3) - Constructor method role for MooseX::Singleton
- MooseX::Singleton::Role::Object(3) - Object class role for MooseX::Singleton
- MooseX::Storage(3) - A serialization framework for Moose classes
- MooseX::Storage::Base::WithChecksum(3) - A more secure serialization role
- MooseX::Storage::Basic(3) - The simplest level of serialization
- MooseX::Storage::Deferred(3) - A role for indecisive programmers
- MooseX::Storage::Engine(3) - The meta-engine to handle collapsing and expanding objects
- MooseX::Storage::Engine::IO::AtomicFile(3) - The actual atomic file storage mechanism.
- MooseX::Storage::Engine::IO::File(3) - The actual file storage mechanism.
- MooseX::Storage::Engine::Trait::DisableCycleDetection(3) - A custom trait to bypass cycle detection
- MooseX::Storage::Engine::Trait::OnlyWhenBuilt(3) - An engine trait to bypass serialization
- MooseX::Storage::Format::JSON(3) - A JSON serialization role
- MooseX::Storage::Format::Storable(3) - A Storable serialization role
- MooseX::Storage::Format::YAML(3) - A YAML serialization role
- MooseX::Storage::IO::AtomicFile(3) - An Atomic File I/O role
- MooseX::Storage::IO::File(3) - A basic File I/O role
- MooseX::Storage::IO::StorableFile(3) - An Storable File I/O role
- MooseX::Storage::Meta::Attribute::DoNotSerialize(3) - A custom meta-attribute to bypass serialization
- MooseX::Storage::Meta::Attribute::Trait::DoNotSerialize(3) - A custom meta-attribute-trait to bypass serialization
- MooseX::Storage::Traits::DisableCycleDetection(3) - A custom trait to bypass cycle detection
- MooseX::Storage::Traits::OnlyWhenBuilt(3) - A custom trait to bypass serialization
- MooseX::Storage::Util(3) - A MooseX::Storage Swiss Army chainsaw
- MooseX::StrictConstructor(3) - Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
- MooseX::StrictConstructor::Trait::Class(3) - A role to make immutable constructors strict
- MooseX::StrictConstructor::Trait::Method::Constructor(3) - A role to make immutable constructors strict
- MooseX::TraitFor::Meta::Class::BetterAnonClassNames(3) - Metaclass trait to *attempt* to demystify generated anonymous class names
- MooseX::TraitFor::Meta::TypeConstraint::Mooish(3) - Handle Moo-style constraints
- MooseX::Traits(3) - Automatically apply roles at object creation time
- MooseX::Traits::Attribute::Chained(3) - DEPRECATED
- MooseX::Traits::Pluggable(3) - trait loading and resolution for Moose
- MooseX::Traits::Util(3)
- MooseX::TransactionalMethods(3) - Syntax sugar for transactional methods
- MooseX::Types(3) - Organise your Moose types in libraries
- MooseX::Types::Base(3) - Type library base class
- MooseX::Types::CheckedUtilExports(3) - Wrap Moose::Util::TypeConstraints to be safer for MooseX::Types
- MooseX::Types::Combine(3) - Combine type libraries for exporting
- MooseX::Types::Common(3) - A library of commonly used type constraints
- MooseX::Types::Common::Numeric(3) - Commonly used numeric types
- MooseX::Types::Common::String(3) - Commonly used string types
- MooseX::Types::DateTime(3) - DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
- MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained(3) - DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
- MooseX::Types::DateTime::MoreCoercions(3) - Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime
- MooseX::Types::DateTime::MySQL(3) - Joins MooseX::Types::DateTime and DateTime::Format::MySQL
- MooseX::Types::DateTimeX(3) - Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained
- MooseX::Types::ISO8601(3) - ISO8601 date and duration string type constraints and coercions for Moose
- MooseX::Types::JSON(3) - JSON datatype for Moose
- MooseX::Types::LoadableClass(3) - ClassName type constraint with coercion to load the class.
- MooseX::Types::Moose(3) - Type exports that match the types shipped with Moose
- MooseX::Types::Path::Class(3) - A Path::Class type library for Moose
- MooseX::Types::Path::Tiny(3) - Path::Tiny types and coercions for Moose
- MooseX::Types::Perl(3) - Moose types that check against Perl syntax
- MooseX::Types::PortNumber(3) - Port number type for moose classes by The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
- MooseX::Types::Set::Object(3) - Set::Object type with coercions and stuff.
- MooseX::Types::Signal(3) - a type to represent valid UNIX or Perl signals
- MooseX::Types::Stringlike(3) - Moose type constraints for strings or string-like objects
- MooseX::Types::Structured(3) - Structured Type Constraints for Moose
- MooseX::Types::TypeDecorator(3) - Wraps Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint objects with added features
- MooseX::Types::UndefinedType(3) - a fallback type for when a type cannot be found
- MooseX::Types::URI(3) - URI related types and coercions for Moose
- MooseX::Types::Util(3) - Common utility functions for the distribution
- MooseX::Types::VariantTable(3) - Type constraint based variant table
- MooseX::Types::VariantTable::Declare(3) - Declarative sugar for MooseX::Types::VariantTable based methods.
- MooseX::Types::Wrapper(3) - Wrap exports from a library
- MooseX::Util(3) - Moose::Util extensions
- MooseX::Util::Meta::Class(3) - A helper metaclass
- MooX::Aliases(3) - easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moo
- MooX::Attribute::ENV(3) - Allow Moo attributes to get their values from %ENV
- MooX::Cmd(3) - Giving an easy Moo style way to make command organized CLI apps
- MooX::Cmd::Role(3) - MooX cli app commands do this
- MooX::Cmd::Role::AbbrevCmds(3) - Text::Abbrev support role for MooX::Cmd
- MooX::Cmd::Role::ConfigFromFile(3) - MooX::ConfigFromFile support role for MooX::Cmd
- MooX::Cmd::Tester(3) - MooX cli app commands tester
- MooX::ConfigFromFile(3) - Moo eXtension for initializing objects from config file
- MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role(3) - Moo eXtension for initializing objects from config file
- MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role::HashMergeLoaded(3) - allows better merge strategies for multiple config files
- MooX::ConfigFromFile::Role::SortedByFilename(3) - allows filename based sort algorithm for multiple config files
- MooX::File::ConfigDir(3) - Moo eXtension for File::ConfigDir
- MooX::HandlesVia(3) - NativeTrait-like behavior for Moo.
- MooX::late(3) - easily translate Moose code to Moo
- MooX::Locale::Passthrough(3) - provide API used in translator modules without translating
- MooX::Options(3) - Explicit Options eXtension for Object Class
- MooX::Options::Descriptive(3) - This method extend Getopt::Long::Descriptive to change the usage method
- MooX::Options::Descriptive::Usage(3) - Usage class
- MooX::Options::Manual::Man(3) - More documentation for the man option
- MooX::Options::Manual::MooXCmd(3) - Manage your tools with MooX::Cmd
- MooX::Options::Manual::NamespaceClean(3) - Use namespace::clean with MooX::Options
- MooX::Options::Role(3) - role that is apply to your object
- MooX::Role::Parameterized(3) - roles with composition parameters
- MooX::Role::Parameterized::Proxy(3)
- MooX::Role::Parameterized::With(3) - dsl to apply roles with composition parameters
- MooX::Singleton(3) - turn your Moo class into singleton
- MooX::StrictConstructor(3) - Make your Moo-based object constructors blow up on unknown attributes.
- MooX::Thunking(3) - Allow Moo attributes to be "thunked"
- MooX::Traits(3) - automatically apply roles at object creation time
- MooX::Traits::Util(3) - non-role alternative to MooX::Traits
- MooX::Types::MooseLike(3) - some Moosish types and a type builder
- MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base(3) - A set of basic Moose-like types for Moo
- MooX::Types::MooseLike::Numeric(3) - Moo types for numbers
- MooX::TypeTiny(3) - Optimized type checks for Moo + Type::Tiny
- MOPA.OUT(1) - Create MOP image from a a.out file
- Mopac(3) - MOPAC 6 input file reader/writer
- MOPCHK(1) - MOP Check Utility
- MOPD(8) - MOP Loader Daemon
- MOPPROBE(1) - MOP Probe Utility
- MOPRC(8) - MOP Remote console requestor
- MOPTRACE(1) - MOP Trace Utility
- MORBO(1) - Morbo HTTP and WebSocket development server
- mord(1)
- MoreLabels(3) - Extra labeled libraries.
- MOREUTILS-TS(1) - timestamp input
- MORIA(6) - a dungeon game
- MORK(1) - a program for dumping Mozilla URL history files
- MORLA(1) - editor and browser of RDF document 0.16.1
- morph3d(6) - 3d morphing objects.
- MORPHEDIT(1) - set up line segment correspondences between pix(5) images
- MORPHY(7WN) - discussion of WordNet's morphological processing
- MORSE(6) - reformat input as morse code
- MOS(4) - Moschip MCS7730/MCS7830/MCS7832 USB Ethernet driver
- MOSH(1) - client-side helper for mosh
- MOSH_CONFIG(1) - tool to show configuration for mosh
- MOSQUITTO.CONF(5) - the configuration file for mosquitto
- MOSQUITTO(8) - an MQTT broker
- MOSQUITTO_CTRL(1) - a tool for initialising/configuring a Mosquitto broker instance
- MOSQUITTO_CTRL_DYNSE(1) - mosquitto_ctrl module for controlling the Mosquitto Dynamic Security plugin.
- MOSQUITTO_PASSWD(1) - manage password files for mosquitto
- MOSQUITTO_PUB(1) - an MQTT version 5/3.1.1/3.1 client for publishing simple messages
- MOSQUITTO_RR(1) - an MQTT version 5/3.1.1 client for request/response messaging
- MOSQUITTO_SUB(1) - an MQTT version 5/3.1.1/3.1 client for subscribing to topics
- MOSQUITTO-TLS(7) - Configure SSL/TLS support for Mosquitto
- MOTD(5) - file containing message(s) of the day
- MOTION(1) - Detect motion using a video4linux device or network camera
- MOTSOGNIR(8) - a simple, fast gopher server with CGI and PHP support
- motv(1) - a Motif program for watching TV
- MOUNT(2) - mount or dismount a file system
- MOUNT_CD9660(8) - mount an ISO-9660 file system
- MOUNT_FUSEFS(8) - mount a Fuse file system daemon
- mount_image(1) - Mount a disk image
- MOUNT_MSDOSFS(8) - mount an MS-DOS file system
- MOUNT_NFS(8) - mount NFS file systems
- MOUNT_NULLFS(8) - mount a loopback file system sub-tree; demonstrate the use of a null file system layer
- MOUNT_SMBFS(8) - mount a shared resource from an SMB file server
- MOUNT_UDF(8) - mount a UDF file system
- MOUNT_UNIONFS(8) - mount union file systems
- mountain(6) - random 3D plots that look vaguely mountainous.
- MOUNTPOINT(1) - see if a directory is a mountpoint
- MOUSE(4) - mouse and pointing device drivers
- MOUSE(4x) - Xorg mouse input driver
- Mouse::Exporter(3) - make an import() and unimport() just like Mouse.pm
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute(3) - The Mouse attribute metaclass
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Array(3) - Shortcut for ArrayRef trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Bool(3) - Shortcut for Bool trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Code(3) - Shortcut for CodeRef trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Counter(3) - Shortcut for Counter trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Hash(3) - Shortcut for HashRef trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::Number(3) - Shortcut for Number trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::String(3) - Shortcut for Str trait
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute::Native(3) - Extend your attribute interfaces
- Mouse::Meta::Class(3) - The Mouse class metaclass
- Mouse::Meta::Method(3) - A Mouse Method metaclass
- Mouse::Meta::Method::Accessor(3) - A Mouse method generator for accessors
- Mouse::Meta::Method::Constructor(3) - A Mouse method generator for constructors
- Mouse::Meta::Method::Delegation(3) - A Mouse method generator for delegation methods
- Mouse::Meta::Method::Destructor(3) - A Mouse method generator for destructors
- Mouse::Meta::Module(3) - The common base class of Mouse::Meta::Class and Mouse::Meta::Role
- Mouse::Meta::Role(3) - The Mouse Role metaclass
- Mouse::Meta::Role::Application(3) - The Mouse role application class
- Mouse::Meta::Role::Composite(3) - An object to represent the set of roles
- Mouse::Meta::Role::Method(3) - A Mouse Method metaclass for Roles
- Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint(3) - The Mouse Type Constraint metaclass
- Mouse::Object(3) - The base object for Mouse classes
- Mouse::PurePerl(3) - A Mouse guts in pure Perl
- Mouse::Role(3) - The Mouse Role
- Mouse::Spec(3) - To what extent Mouse is compatible with Moose
- Mouse::Tiny(3) - Mouse in a single file
- Mouse::TypeRegistry(3) - (DEPRECATED)
- Mouse::Util(3) - Utilities for working with Mouse classes
- Mouse::Util::MetaRole(3) - Apply roles to any metaclass, as well as the object base class
- Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints(3) - Type constraint system for Mouse
- Mouse::XS(3) - A Mouse guts in XS
- mouse_callback(3) - User specified mouse callback. Allegro game programming library.
- mouse_close(3) - explicitly close a mouse
- mouse_getposition_6d(3) - provide an interface to 3d mice
- mouse_getx(3) - query the mouse state
- mouse_init(3) - specifically initialize a mouse
- mouse_needs_poll(3) - Tells if the mouse driver requires polling. Allegro game programming library.
- mouse_on_screen(3) - Tells you whether the mouse pointer is currently on screen. Allegro game programming library.
- mouse_seteventhandler(3) - set a mouse event handler
- mouse_setposition(3) - set the current mouse position
- mouse_setscale(3) - sets a mouse scale factor
- mouse_setwrap(3) - set what happens at the mouse boundaries
- mouse_setxrange(3) - define the boundaries for the mouse cursor
- mouse_sprite(3) - Global variable with the mouse sprite and focus point. Allegro game programming library.
- mouse_update(3) - updates the mouse state
- mouse_waitforupdate(3) - wait for an mouse update
- MOUSED(8) - pass mouse data to the console driver
- MOUSESCROLLSIZE(3) - compute mouse scroll increment
- mousetest(6) - tests the svgalib mouse driver
- MouseX::App::Cmd(3) - Mashes up MouseX::Getopt and App::Cmd
- MouseX::App::Cmd::Command(3) - Base class for MouseX::Getopt based App::Cmd::Commands
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers(3) - Extend your attribute interfaces
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Base(3) - Base class for attribute helpers
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Bool(3)
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Array(3)
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Bag(3)
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Hash(3)
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::ImmutableHash(3)
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::List(3)
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Counter(3) - 1);
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::Number(3) - 2);
- MouseX::AttributeHelpers::String(3)
- MouseX::ConfigFromFile(3) - An abstract Mouse role for setting attributes from a configfile
- MouseX::Foreign(3) - Extends non-Mouse classes as well as Mouse classes
- MouseX::Foreign::Meta::Role::Class(3) - The MouseX::Foreign meta class role
- MouseX::Foreign::Meta::Role::Method::Constructor(3) - The MouseX::Foreign meta method constructor role
- MouseX::Foreign::Meta::Role::Method::Destructor(3) - The MouseX::Foreign meta method destructor role
- MouseX::Getopt(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Basic(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Dashes(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::GLD(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::NoGetopt(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait::NoGetopt(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap(3)
- MouseX::Getopt::Strict(3)
- MouseX::NativeTraits(3) - Extend your attribute interfaces for Mouse
- MouseX::NativeTraits::ArrayRef(3) - Helper trait for ArrayRef attributes
- MouseX::NativeTraits::Bool(3) - Helper trait for Bool attributes
- MouseX::NativeTraits::CodeRef(3) - Helper trait for CodeRef attributes
- MouseX::NativeTraits::Counter(3) - Helper trait for counter attributes
- MouseX::NativeTraits::HashRef(3) - Helper trait for HashRef attributes
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider(3) - The common base class for method providers
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::ArrayRef(3) - Provides methods for ArrayRef
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::Bool(3) - Provides methods for Bool
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::CodeRef(3) - Provides methods for CodeRef
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::Counter(3) - Provides methods for Counter
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::HashRef(3) - Provides methods for HashRef
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::Num(3) - Provides methods for Num
- MouseX::NativeTraits::MethodProvider::Str(3) - Provides methods for Str
- MouseX::NativeTraits::Num(3) - Helper trait for Num attributes
- MouseX::NativeTraits::Str(3) - Helper trait for Str attributes
- MouseX::NonMoose(3) - MouseX::Foreign plus drop-in compatibility with Any::Moose
- MouseX::StrictConstructor(3) - Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
- MouseX::Traits(3) - automatically apply roles at object creation time
- MouseX::Types(3) - Organize your Mouse types in libraries
- MouseX::Types::Moose(3) - MouseX::Types::Mouse plus drop-in compatibility with Any::Moose
- MouseX::Types::Mouse(3) - Types shipped with Mouse
- MouseX::Types::Path::Class(3) - A Path::Class type library for Mouse
- MovableType(3) - light-weight MovableType client
- MOVE(7) - position a cursor
- move_cursor(3)
- move_image(3)
- move3d_model(3)
- MOVEBYTES(3) - moves data
- MOVEMUSIC(1) - move audio tracks to the correct directories
- movescu(1) - DICOM retrieve (C-MOVE) SCU
- moz2po.py(1) - Convert Mozilla .dtd and .properties files to Gettext PO localization files.
- Mozilla::CA(3) - Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format
- Mozilla::PublicSuffix(3) - Get a domain name's public suffix via the Mozilla Public Suffix List
- mozlang2po.py(1) - Convert Mozilla .lang files to Gettext PO localization files.
- MOZO(1) - MATE Menu Editor
- mozplugger(7) - a multimedia plugin for UNIX Web browsers that supports the mozilla npapi
- mp2enc(1) - Simple MPEG-1 layer-II audio encoder
- MP3::Archive(3) - Parse filenames in a music archive
- MP3::Archive::Config(3) - Configuration handling for MP3::Archive
- MP3::Archive::Format(3) - Helper class for MP3::Archive
- MP3::Find(3) - Search and sort MP3 files based on their ID3 tags
- MP3::Find::Base(3) - Base class for MP3::Find backends
- MP3::Find::DB(3) - SQLite database backend to MP3::Find
- MP3::Find::Filesystem(3) - File::Find-based backend to MP3::Find
- MP3::ID3v1Tag(3) - Edit ID3v1 Tags from an Audio MPEG Layer 3.
- MP3::L10N(3) - base class for Apache::MP3 interface localization
- MP3::Playlist(3) - Manage directories of MP3 files with sorting and persistent playlists
- MP3::Resample(3) - Downsample MP3/FLAC/Shorten files during streaming
- MP3::Sorted(3) - Generate sorted streamable directories of MP3 files
- MP3::Tag::CDDB_File(3) - Module for parsing CDDB files.
- MP3::Tag::Cue(3) - Module for parsing .cue files.
- MP3::Tag::ID3v2_Data(3) - get_frame() data format and supported frames
- MP3::Tag::ImageExifTool(3) - extract size info from image files via Image::ExifTool.
- MP3::Tag::ImageSize(3) - extract size info from image files via Image::Size.
- MP3::Tag::Inf(3) - Module for parsing .inf files associated with music tracks.
- MP3::Tag::LastResort(3) - Module for using other fields to fill autoinfo fields.
- MP3::Tag::ParseData(3) - Module for parsing arbitrary data associated with music files.
- MP3::Tag::Utils(3) - Assorted utilities for manipulating MP3 files via MP3::Tag.
- MP3-ARCHIVE-TOOLS(1) - tools to maintain an archive of mp3 files
- mp3blaster(1) - An interactive text-console based mp3 player.
- MP3C(1) - convert audio-cds to mp3
- MP3CD(1) - Burns normalized audio CDs from lists of MP3s/WAVs/Oggs/FLACs
- MP3CK(1) - MPEG stream consistency check
- MP3DB(1) - Frontend for creating and updating a database for MP3::Find::DB
- MP3FIND(1) - Find MP3 files based on their ID3 tags or info
- MP3FS(1) - mounts and transcodes FLACs to MP3s on the fly
- MP3ID(1) - displays/edits id3 metadata (id3v1 and id3v2) in mp3 files
- mp3info(1) - MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 tag editor
- MP3INFO2(1) - get/set MP3 tags; uses MP3::Tag to get default values.
- MP3LINT(1) - checks directories of audio files for problems
- MP3LINTRC(5) - configuration file for mp3lint
- MP3LINTSKIP(1) - writes .mp3lintskip files from mp3lint output
- MP3LINTSUM(1) - Summarise mp3lint messages
- MP3PLOT(1) - creates a plot of the bitrate distribution of MP3 files
- MP3SPLT(1) - utility for mp3, ogg vorbis and native flac splitting without decoding
- mp3unicode(1) - Convert MP3 tags to Unicode
- MP3WRAP(1) - MP3WRAP - wrapped by me.mp3"). This can be done using config file (see below), just adding the line "EXT=my ext.mp3" into it. Note that your custom extension must contain MP3WRAP string anywhere, otherwise program will add it by itself.
- MP4ART(1) - manual page for mp4art - MP4v2 2.0.0
- MP4Box(1) - GPAC command-line media packager
- MP4FILE(1) - manual page for mp4file - MP4v2 2.0.0
- MP4SUBTITLE(1) - manual page for mp4subtitle - MP4v2 2.0.0
- MP4TRACK(1) - manual page for mp4track - MP4v2 2.0.0
- MPACK(1) - pack a file in MIME format
- MPAGE(Local) - print multiple pages per sheet on PostScript printer
- mpartition(1)
- MPATH(1) - display the full path to a perl module (installed locally)
- MPATROL(1) - runs programs using the mpatrol library
- MPB(1) - compute eigenmodes with MPB using multiple processes
- MPB-DATA(1) - transformations of HDF5 files output by MPB
- mpck(1)
- MPD5(8) - netgraph multi-link PPP daemon
- mpdas(1) - Music Player Daemon AudioScrobbler
- MPD-DUMP-RATINGS(1) - dump mpd ratings & filter them
- MPD-DYNAMIC(1) - a dynamic playlist for mpd
- MPD-RATE(1) - rate your songs for mpd-dynamic
- mpdscribble(1) - A Music Player Daemon (MPD) client which submits information about tracks being played to a scrobbler (e.g. last.fm).
- MPE_Add_RGB_color(4) - Adds a color to the colormap given its RGB values
- MPE_CaptureFile(4) - Sets the base filename used to capture output from updates
- MPE_Close_graphics(4) - Closes an X11 graphics device
- MPE_Comm_global_rank(4) - Returns the rank in MPI_COMM_WORLD for a given (communicator,rank) pair
- MPE_Decomp1d(4) - Compute a balanced decomposition of a 1-D array
- MPE_Describe_comm_event(4) - Describe the attributes of an event with byte informational data in a specified MPI_Comm and on the thread that the function is invoked.
- MPE_Describe_comm_state(4) - Describe attributes of a state with byte informational data in a specified MPI_Comm and on the thread that the function is invoked.
- MPE_Describe_event(4) - Describe the attributes of an event without byte informational data in MPI_COMM_WORLD.
- MPE_Describe_info_event(4) - Describe the attributes of an event with byte informational data in MPI_COMM_WORLD.
- MPE_Describe_info_state(4) - Describe attributes of a state with byte informational data in MPI_COMM_WORLD.
- MPE_Describe_state(4) - Describe the attributes of a state without byte informational data in MPI_COMM_WORLD.
- MPE_Draw_circle(4) - Draws a circle
- MPE_Draw_line(4) - Draws a line on an X11 display
- MPE_Draw_logic(4) - Sets logical operation for laying down new pixels
- MPE_Draw_point(4) - Draws a point on an X Windows display
- MPE_Draw_points(4) - Draws points on an X Windows display
- MPE_Draw_string(4) - Draw a text string
- MPE_Errors_call_debugger(4) - On an error, print a message and (attempt) to start the specified debugger on the program
- MPE_Fill_circle(4) - Fills a circle
- MPE_Fill_rectangle(4) - Draws a filled rectangle on an X11 display
- MPE_Finish_log(4) - Send log to master, who writes it out
- MPE_Get_mouse_press(4) - Waits for mouse button press
- MPE_GetHostName(4) - Parameters: + name : character pointer - nlen : integer
- MPE_GetTags(4) - Returns tags that can be used in communication with a communicator
- MPE_Iget_mouse_press(4) - Checks for mouse button press
- MPE_Init_log(4) - Initialize the logging of events.
- MPE_Initialized_logging(4) - Indicate whether MPE_Init_log() or MPE_Finish_log() have been called.
- MPE_IO_Stdout_to_file(4) - Re-direct stdout to a file
- MPE_Line_thickness(4) - Sets thickness of lines
- MPE_Log_bare_event(4) - Logs a bare event in MPI_COMM_WORLD.
- MPE_Log_comm_event(4) - Log an event in a specified MPI_Comm. (on the calling thread where the event takes place)
- MPE_Log_comm_receive(4) - log the receive event of a message within a specified MPI_Comm (on the calling thread where receive event takes place)
- MPE_Log_comm_send(4) - Log the send event of a message within a specified MPI_Comm (on the calling thread where the send event takes place).
- MPE_Log_event(4) - Log an event in MPI_COMM_WORLD.
- MPE_Log_get_event_number(4) - Get an unused event number.
- MPE_Log_get_solo_eventID(4) - Get a single event number to be used to define EVENT drawable through MPE_Describe_event().
- MPE_Log_get_state_eventIDs(4) - Get a pair of event numbers to be used to define STATE drawable through MPE_Describe_state().
- MPE_Log_info_event(4) - Logs an infomational event in MPI_COMM_WORLD.
- MPE_Log_merged_logfilename(4) - return the immutable name of the merged final logfile.
- MPE_Log_pack(4) - pack the informational data into the byte buffer to be stored in a infomational event. The routine will byteswap the data if it is invoked on a small endian machine.
- MPE_Log_receive(4) - log the receive event of a message within MPI_COMM_WORLD. (on the calling thread where send event takes place)
- MPE_Log_send(4) - Log the send event of a message within MPI_COMM_WORLD. (on the calling thread where send event takes place)
- MPE_Log_sync_clocks(4) - synchronize or recalibrate all MPI clocks to minimize the effect of time drift. It is like a longer version of MPI_Comm_barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
- MPE_Make_color_array(4) - Makes an array of color indices
- MPE_Num_colors(4) - Gets the number of available colors
- MPE_Open_graphics(4) - (collectively) opens an X Windows display
- MPE_ReturnTags(4) - Returns tags allocated with MPE_GetTags.
- MPE_Seq_begin(4) - Begins a sequential section of code.
- MPE_Seq_end(4) - Ends a sequential section of code.
- MPE_Signals_call_debugger(4) - Process-killing signals invoke the MPE error handler
- MPE_Start_log(4) - Start the logging of events.
- MPE_Stop_log(4) - Stop the logging of events
- MPE_TagsEnd(4) - Returns the private keyval.
- MPE_Update(4) - Updates an X11 display
- MPEDIT(1) - edits a text file at a specific line number in a new window
- MPEG::ID3v2Tag(3) - Parses and creates ID3v2 Tags for MPEG audio files.
- MPEG_ENCODE(1) - encodes MPEG-1 bitstreams
- MPEG_PLAY(1) - plays mpeg-1 encoded bitstreams using X11
- MPEG_STAT(1) - analyzes MPEG-1 encoded bitstreams
- mpeg2dec(1) - extract MPEG video streams from a multiplexed stream.
- mpeg2enc(1) - MPEG-1/2 encoder
- mpexpr(TCL) - Evaluate an expression with multiple precision math
- MPFR(3) - perl interface to the MPFR (floating point) library.
- mpg123(1) - play audio MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
- MPG321(1) - the Linux Open Sound System;
- mpgtx(1) - manipulate mpeg files
- MPI_Abort(3) - Terminates MPI execution environment
- MPI_Accumulate(3) - Accumulate data into the target process using remote memory access
- MPI_Add_error_class(3) - Add an MPI error class to the known classes
- MPI_Add_error_code(3) - Add an MPI error code to an MPI error class
- MPI_Add_error_string(3) - Associates an error string with an MPI error code or class
- MPI_Address(3) - Gets the address of a location in memory
- MPI_Aint_add(3) - Returns the sum of base and disp
- MPI_Aint_diff(3) - Returns the difference between addr1 and addr2
- MPI_Allgather(3) - Gathers data from all tasks and distribute the combined data to all tasks
- MPI_Allgatherv(3) - Gathers data from all tasks and deliver the combined data to all tasks
- MPI_Alloc_mem(3) - Allocate memory for message passing and RMA
- MPI_Allreduce(3) - Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes
- MPI_Alltoall(3) - Sends data from all to all processes
- MPI_Alltoallv(3) - Sends data from all to all processes; each process may send a different amount of data and provide displacements for the input and output data.
- MPI_Alltoallw(3) - Generalized all-to-all communication allowing different datatypes, counts, and displacements for each partner
- MPI_Attr_delete(3) - Deletes an attribute value associated with a key on a communicator
- MPI_Attr_get(3) - Retrieves attribute value by key
- MPI_Attr_put(3) - Stores attribute value associated with a key
- MPI_Barrier(3) - Blocks until all processes in the communicator have reached this routine.
- MPI_Bcast(3) - Broadcasts a message from the process with rank "root" to all other processes of the communicator
- MPI_Bsend(3) - Basic send with user-provided buffering
- MPI_Bsend_init(3) - Builds a handle for a buffered send
- MPI_Buffer_attach(3) - Attaches a user-provided buffer for sending
- MPI_Buffer_detach(3) - Removes an existing buffer (for use in MPI_Bsend etc)
- MPI_Cancel(3) - Cancels a communication request
- MPI_Cart_coords(3) - Determines process coords in cartesian topology given rank in group
- MPI_Cart_create(3) - Makes a new communicator to which topology information has been attached
- MPI_Cart_get(3) - Retrieves Cartesian topology information associated with a communicator
- MPI_Cart_map(3) - Maps process to Cartesian topology information
- MPI_Cart_rank(3) - Determines process rank in communicator given Cartesian location
- MPI_Cart_shift(3) - Returns the shifted source and destination ranks, given a shift direction and amount
- MPI_Cart_sub(3) - Partitions a communicator into subgroups which form lower-dimensional cartesian subgrids
- MPI_Cartdim_get(3) - Retrieves Cartesian topology information associated with a communicator
- MPI_Close_port(3) - close port
- MPI_Comm_accept(3) - Accept a request to form a new intercommunicator
- MPI_Comm_accept(3OpenMPI) - Establishes communication with a client.
- MPI_Comm_call_errhandler(3) - Call the error handler installed on a communicator
- MPI_Comm_compare(3) - Compares two communicators
- MPI_Comm_connect(3) - Make a request to form a new intercommunicator
- MPI_Comm_create(3) - Creates a new communicator
- MPI_Comm_create_errhandler(3) - Create a communicator error handler
- MPI_Comm_create_group(3) - Creates a new communicator
- MPI_Comm_create_keyval(3) - Create a new attribute key
- MPI_Comm_delete_attr(3) - Deletes an attribute value associated with a key on a communicator
- MPI_Comm_disconnect(3) - Disconnect from a communicator
- MPI_Comm_dup(3) - Duplicates an existing communicator with all its cached information
- MPI_Comm_dup_with_info(3) - Duplicates an existing communicator with all its cached information
- MPI_Comm_f2c(3) - Translates a C handle into a Fortran handle, or vice versa.
- MPI_Comm_free(3) - Marks the communicator object for deallocation
- MPI_Comm_free_keyval(3) - Frees an attribute key for communicators
- MPI_Comm_get_attr(3) - Retrieves attribute value by key
- MPI_Comm_get_errhandler(3) - Get the error handler attached to a communicator
- MPI_Comm_get_info(3) - Returns a new info object containing the hints of the communicator associated with comm. The current setting of all hints actually used by the system related to this communicator is returned in info_used. If no such hints exist, a handle to a newly created info object is returned that contains no key/value pair. The user is responsible for freeing info_used via MPI_INFO_FREE.
- MPI_Comm_get_name(3) - Return the print name from the communicator
- MPI_Comm_get_parent(3) - Return the parent communicator for this process
- MPI_Comm_group(3) - Accesses the group associated with given communicator
- MPI_Comm_idup(3) - nonblocking communicator duplication
- MPI_Comm_join(3) - Create a communicator by joining two processes connected by a socket.
- MPI_Comm_rank(3) - Determines the rank of the calling process in the communicator
- MPI_Comm_remote_group(3) - Accesses the remote group associated with the given inter-communicator
- MPI_Comm_remote_size(3) - Determines the size of the remote group associated with an inter-communictor
- MPI_Comm_set_attr(3) - Stores attribute value associated with a key
- MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(3) - Set the error handler for a communicator
- MPI_Comm_set_info(3) - Set new values for the hints of the communicator associated with comm. The call is collective on the group of comm. The info object may be different on each process, but any info entries that an implementation requires to be the same on all processes must appear with the same value in each process' info object.
- MPI_Comm_set_name(3) - Sets the print name for a communicator
- MPI_Comm_size(3) - Determines the size of the group associated with a communicator
- MPI_Comm_spawn(3) - Spawn up to maxprocs instances of a single MPI application
- MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple(3) - short description
- MPI_Comm_split(3) - Creates new communicators based on colors and keys
- MPI_Comm_split_type(3) - Creates new communicators based on split types and keys
- MPI_Comm_test_inter(3) - Tests to see if a comm is an inter-communicator
- MPI_Compare_and_swap(3) - Perform one-sided atomic compare-and-swap.
- MPI_Dims_create(3) - Creates a division of processors in a cartesian grid
- MPI_Dist_graph_create(3) - MPI_DIST_GRAPH_CREATE returns a handle to a new communicator to which the distributed graph topology information is attached.
- MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent(3) - returns a handle to a new communicator to which the distributed graph topology information is attached.
- MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors(3) - Provides adjacency information for a distributed graph topology.
- MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count(3) - Provides adjacency information for a distributed graph topology.
- MPI_Errhandler_create(3) - Creates an MPI-style errorhandler
- MPI_Errhandler_free(3) - Frees an MPI-style errorhandler
- MPI_Errhandler_get(3) - Gets the error handler for a communicator
- MPI_Errhandler_set(3) - Sets the error handler for a communicator
- MPI_Error_class(3) - Converts an error code into an error class
- MPI_Error_string(3) - Return a string for a given error code
- MPI_Exscan(3) - Computes the exclusive scan (partial reductions) of data on a collection of processes
- MPI_Fetch_and_op(3) - Perform one-sided read-modify-write.
- MPI_File_c2f(3) - Translates a C file handle to a Fortran file handle
- MPI_File_call_errhandler(3) - Call the error handler installed on a file
- MPI_File_close(3) - Closes a file
- MPI_File_create_errhandler(3) - Create a file error handler
- MPI_File_delete(3) - Deletes a file
- MPI_File_f2c(3) - Translates a Fortran file handle to a C file handle
- MPI_File_get_amode(3) - Returns the file access mode
- MPI_File_get_atomicity(3) - Returns the atomicity mode
- MPI_File_get_byte_offset(3) - Returns the absolute byte position in the file corresponding to "offset" etypes relative to the current view
- MPI_File_get_errhandler(3) - Get the error handler attached to a file
- MPI_File_get_group(3) - Returns the group of processes that opened the file
- MPI_File_get_info(3) - Returns the hints for a file that are actually being used by MPI
- MPI_File_get_position(3) - Returns the current position of the individual file pointer in etype units relative to the current view
- MPI_File_get_position_shared(3) - Returns the current position of the shared file pointer in etype units relative to the current view
- MPI_File_get_size(3) - Returns the file size
- MPI_File_get_type_extent(3) - Returns the extent of datatype in the file
- MPI_File_get_view(3) - Returns the file view
- MPI_File_iread(3) - Nonblocking read using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_iread_all(3) - Nonblocking collective read using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_iread_at(3) - Nonblocking read using explicit offset
- MPI_File_iread_at_all(3) - Nonblocking collective read using explicit offset
- MPI_File_iread_shared(3) - Nonblocking read using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_iwrite(3) - Nonblocking write using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_iwrite_all(3) - Nonblocking collective write using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_iwrite_at(3) - Nonblocking write using explicit offset
- MPI_File_iwrite_at_all(3) - Nonblocking collective write using explicit offset
- MPI_File_iwrite_shared(3) - Nonblocking write using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_open(3) - Opens a file
- MPI_File_preallocate(3) - Preallocates storage space for a file
- MPI_File_read(3) - Read using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_read_all(3) - Collective read using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_read_all_begin(3) - Begin a split collective read using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_read_all_end(3) - Complete a split collective read using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_read_at(3) - Read using explicit offset
- MPI_File_read_at_all(3) - Collective read using explicit offset
- MPI_File_read_at_all_begin(3) - Begin a split collective read using explicit offset
- MPI_File_read_at_all_end(3) - Complete a split collective read using explicit offset
- MPI_File_read_ordered(3) - Collective read using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_read_ordered_begin(3) - Begin a split collective read using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_read_ordered_end(3) - Complete a split collective read using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_read_shared(3) - Read using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_seek(3) - Updates the individual file pointer
- MPI_File_seek_shared(3) - Updates the shared file pointer
- MPI_File_set_atomicity(3) - Sets the atomicity mode
- MPI_File_set_errhandler(3) - Set the error handler for an MPI file
- MPI_File_set_info(3) - Sets new values for the hints associated with a file
- MPI_File_set_size(3) - Sets the file size
- MPI_File_set_view(3) - Sets the file view
- MPI_File_sync(3) - Causes all previous writes to be transferred to the storage device
- MPI_File_write(3) - Write using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_write_all(3) - Collective write using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_write_all_begin(3) - Begin a split collective write using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_write_all_end(3) - Complete a split collective write using individual file pointer
- MPI_File_write_at(3) - Write using explicit offset
- MPI_File_write_at_all(3) - Collective write using explicit offset
- MPI_File_write_at_all_begin(3) - Begin a split collective write using explicit offset
- MPI_File_write_at_all_end(3) - Complete a split collective write using explicit offset
- MPI_File_write_ordered(3) - Collective write using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_write_ordered_begin(3) - Begin a split collective write using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_write_ordered_end(3) - Complete a split collective write using shared file pointer
- MPI_File_write_shared(3) - Write using shared file pointer
- MPI_Finalize(3) - Terminates MPI execution environment
- MPI_Finalized(3) - Indicates whether
- MPI_Free_mem(3) - Free memory allocated with MPI_Alloc_mem
- MPI_Gather(3) - Gathers together values from a group of processes
- MPI_Gatherv(3) - Gathers into specified locations from all processes in a group
- MPI_Get(3) - Get data from a memory window on a remote process
- MPI_Get_accumulate(3) - Perform an atomic, one-sided read-and-accumulate operation.
- MPI_Get_address(3) - Get the address of a location in memory
- MPI_Get_count(3) - Gets the number of "top level" elements
- MPI_Get_elements(3) - Returns the number of basic elements in a datatype
- MPI_Get_elements_x(3) - Returns the number of basic elements in a datatype
- MPI_Get_library_version(3) - Return the version number of MPI library
- MPI_Get_processor_name(3) - Gets the name of the processor
- MPI_Get_version(3) - Return the version number of MPI
- MPI_Graph_create(3) - Makes a new communicator to which topology information has been attached
- MPI_Graph_get(3) - Retrieves graph topology information associated with a communicator
- MPI_Graph_map(3) - Maps process to graph topology information
- MPI_Graph_neighbors(3) - Returns the neighbors of a node associated with a graph topology
- MPI_Graph_neighbors_count(3) - Returns the number of neighbors of a node associated with a graph topology
- MPI_Graphdims_get(3) - Retrieves graph topology information associated with a communicator
- MPI_Grequest_complete(3) - Notify MPI that a user-defined request is complete
- MPI_Grequest_start(3) - Create and return a user-defined request
- MPI_Group_compare(3) - Compares two groups
- MPI_Group_difference(3) - Makes a group from the difference of two groups
- MPI_Group_excl(3) - Produces a group by reordering an existing group and taking only unlisted members
- MPI_Group_free(3) - Frees a group
- MPI_Group_incl(3) - Produces a group by reordering an existing group and taking only listed members
- MPI_Group_intersection(3) - Produces a group as the intersection of two existing groups
- MPI_Group_range_excl(3) - Produces a group by excluding ranges of processes from an existing group
- MPI_Group_range_incl(3) - Creates a new group from ranges of ranks in an existing group
- MPI_Group_rank(3) - Returns the rank of this process in the given group
- MPI_Group_size(3) - Returns the size of a group
- MPI_Group_translate_ranks(3) - Translates the ranks of processes in one group to those in another group
- MPI_Group_union(3) - Produces a group by combining two groups
- MPI_Iallgather(3) - Gathers data from all tasks and distribute the combined data to all tasks in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Iallgatherv(3) - Gathers data from all tasks and deliver the combined data to all tasks in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Iallreduce(3) - Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Ialltoall(3) - Sends data from all to all processes in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Ialltoallv(3) - Sends data from all to all processes in a nonblocking way; each process may send a different amount of data and provide displacements for the input and output data.
- MPI_Ialltoallw(3) - Nonblocking generalized all-to-all communication allowing different datatypes, counts, and displacements for each partner
- MPI_Ibarrier(3) - Notifies the process that it has reached the barrier and returns immediately
- MPI_Ibcast(3) - Broadcasts a message from the process with rank "root" to all other processes of the communicator in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Ibsend(3) - Starts a nonblocking buffered send
- MPI_Iexscan(3) - Computes the exclusive scan (partial reductions) of data on a collection of processes in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Igather(3) - Gathers together values from a group of processes in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Igatherv(3) - Gathers into specified locations from all processes in a group in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Improbe(3) - Nonblocking matched probe.
- MPI_Imrecv(3) - Nonblocking receive of message matched by MPI_Mprobe or MPI_Improbe.
- MPI_Ineighbor_allgather(3) - Nonblocking version of MPI_Neighbor_allgather.
- MPI_Ineighbor_allgatherv(3) - Nonblocking version of MPI_Neighbor_allgatherv.
- MPI_Ineighbor_alltoall(3) - Nonblocking version of MPI_Neighbor_alltoall.
- MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv(3) - Nonblocking version of MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv.
- MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallw(3) - Nonblocking version of MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw.
- MPI_Info_create(3) - Creates a new info object
- MPI_Info_delete(3) - Deletes a (key,value) pair from info
- MPI_Info_dup(3) - Returns a duplicate of the info object
- MPI_INFO_ENV(3) - Static MPI_Info object containing info about the application
- MPI_Info_free(3) - Frees an info object
- MPI_Info_get(3) - Retrieves the value associated with a key
- MPI_Info_get_nkeys(3) - Returns the number of currently defined keys in info
- MPI_Info_get_nthkey(3) - Returns the nth defined key in info
- MPI_Info_get_valuelen(3) - Retrieves the length of the value associated with a key
- MPI_Info_set(3) - Adds a (key,value) pair to info
- MPI_Init(3) - Initialize the MPI execution environment
- MPI_Init_thread(3) - Initialize the MPI execution environment
- MPI_Initialized(3) - Indicates whether
- MPI_Intercomm_create(3) - Creates an intercommuncator from two intracommunicators
- MPI_Intercomm_merge(3) - Creates an intracommuncator from an intercommunicator
- MPI_Iprobe(3) - Nonblocking test for a message
- MPI_Irecv(3) - Begins a nonblocking receive
- MPI_Ireduce(3) - Reduces values on all processes to a single value in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Ireduce_scatter(3) - Combines values and scatters the results in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Ireduce_scatter_block(3) - Combines values and scatters the results in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Irsend(3) - Starts a nonblocking ready send
- MPI_Is_thread_main(3) - Returns a flag indicating whether this thread called
- MPI_Iscan(3) - Computes the scan (partial reductions) of data on a collection of processes in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Iscatter(3) - Sends data from one process to all other processes in a communicator in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Iscatterv(3) - Scatters a buffer in parts to all processes in a communicator in a nonblocking way
- MPI_Isend(3) - Begins a nonblocking send
- MPI_Issend(3) - Starts a nonblocking synchronous send
- MPI_Keyval_create(3) - Greates a new attribute key
- MPI_Keyval_free(3) - Frees an attribute key for communicators
- MPI_Lookup_name(3) - Lookup a port given a service name
- MPI_Mprobe(3) - Blocking matched probe.
- MPI_Mrecv(3) - Blocking receive of message matched by MPI_Mprobe or MPI_Improbe.
- MPI_Neighbor_allgather(3) - In this function, each process i gathers data items from each process j if an edge (j,i) exists in the topology graph, and each process i sends the same data items to all processes j where an edge (i,j) exists. The send buffer is sent to each neighboring process and the l-th block in the receive buffer is received from the l-th neighbor.
- MPI_Neighbor_allgatherv(3) - The vector variant of MPI_Neighbor_allgather.
- MPI_Neighbor_alltoall(3) - In this function, each process i receives data items from each process j if an edge (j,i) exists in the topology graph or Cartesian topology. Similarly, each process i sends data items to all processes j where an edge (i,j) exists. This call is more general than MPI_NEIGHBOR_ALLGATHER in that different data items can be sent to each neighbor. The k-th block in send buffer is sent to the k-th neighboring process and the l-th block in the receive buffer is received from the l-th neighbor.
- MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv(3) - The vector variant of MPI_Neighbor_alltoall allows sending/receiving different numbers of elements to and from each neighbor.
- MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw(3) - Like MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv but it allows one to send and receive with different types to and from each neighbor.
- MPI_Op_commutative(3) - Query of commutativity of reduction operation.
- MPI_Op_commute(3) - Queries an MPI reduction operation for its commutativity.
- MPI_Op_create(3) - Creates a user-defined combination function handle
- MPI_Op_free(3) - Frees a user-defined combination function handle
- MPI_Open_port(3) - Establish an address that can be used to establish connections between groups of MPI processes
- MPI_Pack(3) - Packs a datatype into contiguous memory
- MPI_Pack_external(3) - Packs a datatype into contiguous memory, using the external32 format
- MPI_Pack_external_size(3) - Returns the upper bound on the amount of space needed to pack a message using MPI_Pack_external.
- MPI_Pack_size(3) - Returns the upper bound on the amount of space needed to pack a message
- MPI_Pcontrol(3) - Controls profiling
- MPI_Probe(3) - Blocking test for a message
- MPI_Publish_name(3) - Publish a service name for use with MPI_Comm_connect
- MPI_Put(3) - Put data into a memory window on a remote process
- MPI_Query_thread(3) - Return the level of thread support provided by the MPI library
- MPI_Raccumulate(3) - Accumulate data into the target process using remote memory access and return a request handle for the operation.
- MPI_Recv(3) - Blocking receive for a message
- MPI_Recv_init(3) - Create a persistent request for a receive
- MPI_Reduce(3) - Reduces values on all processes to a single value
- MPI_Reduce_local(3) - Applies a reduction operator to local arguments.
- MPI_Reduce_scatter(3) - Combines values and scatters the results
- MPI_Reduce_scatter_block(3) - Combines values and scatters the results
- MPI_Register_datarep(3) - Register functions for user-defined data representations
- MPI_Request_free(3) - Frees a communication request object
- MPI_Request_get_status(3) - Nondestructive test for the completion of a Request
- MPI_Rget(3) - Get data from a memory window on a remote process
- MPI_Rget_accumulate(3) - Perform an atomic, one-sided read-and-accumulate operation and return a request handle for the operation.
- MPI_Rput(3) - Put data into a memory window on a remote process and return a request handle for the operation.
- MPI_Rsend(3) - Blocking ready send
- MPI_Rsend_init(3) - Creates a persistent request for a ready send
- MPI_Scan(3) - Computes the scan (partial reductions) of data on a collection of processes
- MPI_Scatter(3) - Sends data from one process to all other processes in a communicator
- MPI_Scatterv(3) - Scatters a buffer in parts to all processes in a communicator
- MPI_Send(3) - Performs a blocking send
- MPI_Send_init(3) - Create a persistent request for a standard send
- MPI_Sendrecv(3) - Sends and receives a message
- MPI_Sendrecv_replace(3) - Sends and receives using a single buffer
- MPI_Sizeof(3) - Returns the size, in bytes, of the given type
- MPI_Ssend(3) - Blocking synchronous send
- MPI_Ssend_init(3) - Creates a persistent request for a synchronous send
- MPI_Start(3) - Initiates a communication with a persistent request handle
- MPI_Startall(3) - Starts a collection of persistent requests
- MPI_Status_f2c(3) - Translates a C status into a Fortran status, or vice versa.
- MPI_Status_set_cancelled(3) - Sets the cancelled state associated with a Status object
- MPI_Status_set_elements(3) - Set the number of elements in a status
- MPI_Status_set_elements_x(3) - Set the number of elements in a status
- MPI_T_category_changed(3) - Get the timestamp indicating the last change to the categories
- MPI_T_category_get_categories(3) - Get sub-categories in a category
- MPI_T_category_get_cvars(3) - Get control variables in a category
- MPI_T_category_get_index(3) - Get the index of a category
- MPI_T_category_get_info(3) - Get the information about a category
- MPI_T_category_get_num(3) - Get the number of categories
- MPI_T_category_get_pvars(3) - Get performance variables in a category
- MPI_T_cvar_get_index(3) - Get the index of a control variable
- MPI_T_cvar_get_info(3) - Get the information about a control variable
- MPI_T_cvar_get_num(3) - Get the number of control variables
- MPI_T_cvar_handle_alloc(3) - Allocate a handle for a control variable
- MPI_T_cvar_handle_free(3) - Free an existing handle for a control variable
- MPI_T_cvar_read(3) - Read the value of a control variable
- MPI_T_cvar_write(3) - Write a control variable
- MPI_T_enum_get_info(3) - Get the information about an enumeration
- MPI_T_enum_get_item(3) - Get the information about an item in an enumeration
- MPI_T_finalize(3) - Finalize the MPI tool information interface
- MPI_T_init_thread(3) - Initialize the MPI_T execution environment
- MPI_T_pvar_get_index(3) - Get the index of a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_get_info(3) - Get the inforamtion about a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_get_num(3) - Get the number of performance variables
- MPI_T_pvar_handle_alloc(3) - Allocate a handle for a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_handle_free(3) - Free an existing handle for a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_read(3) - Read the value of a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_readreset(3) - Read the value of a performance variable and then reset it
- MPI_T_pvar_reset(3) - Reset a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_session_create(3) - Create a new session for accessing performance variables
- MPI_T_pvar_session_free(3) - Free an existing performance variable session
- MPI_T_pvar_start(3) - Start a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_stop(3) - Stop a performance variable
- MPI_T_pvar_write(3) - Write a performance variable
- MPI_Test(3) - Tests for the completion of a request
- MPI_Test_cancelled(3) - Tests to see if a request was cancelled
- MPI_Testall(3) - Tests for the completion of all previously initiated requests
- MPI_Testany(3) - Tests for completion of any previdously initiated requests
- MPI_Testsome(3) - Tests for some given requests to complete
- MPI_Topo_test(3) - Determines the type of topology (if any) associated with a communicator
- MPI_Type_commit(3) - Commits the datatype
- MPI_Type_contiguous(3) - Creates a contiguous datatype
- MPI_Type_create_darray(3) - Create a datatype representing a distributed array
- MPI_Type_create_f90_complex(3) - Returns a bounded MPI complex datatype
- MPI_Type_create_f90_integer(3) - Returns a bounded MPI integer datatype
- MPI_Type_create_f90_real(3) - Returns a bounded MPI real datatype
- MPI_Type_create_hindexed(3) - Create a datatype for an indexed datatype with displacements in bytes
- MPI_Type_create_hindexed_block(3) - Create an hindexed datatype with constant-sized blocks
- MPI_Type_create_hvector(3) - Create a datatype with a constant stride given in bytes
- MPI_Type_create_indexed_block(3) - Create an indexed datatype with constant-sized blocks
- MPI_Type_create_keyval(3) - Create an attribute keyval for MPI datatypes
- MPI_Type_create_resized(3) - Create a datatype with a new lower bound and extent from an existing datatype
- MPI_Type_create_struct(3) - Create an MPI datatype from a general set of datatypes, displacements, and block sizes
- MPI_Type_create_subarray(3) - Create a datatype for a subarray of a regular, multidimensional array
- MPI_Type_delete_attr(3) - Deletes an attribute value associated with a key on a datatype
- MPI_Type_dup(3) - Duplicate a datatype
- MPI_Type_extent(3) - Returns the extent of a datatype
- MPI_Type_free(3) - Frees the datatype
- MPI_Type_free_keyval(3) - Frees an attribute key for datatypes
- MPI_Type_get_attr(3) - Retrieves attribute value by key
- MPI_Type_get_contents(3) - get type contents
- MPI_Type_get_envelope(3) - get type envelope
- MPI_Type_get_extent(3) - Get the lower bound and extent for a Datatype
- MPI_Type_get_extent_x(3) - Get the lower bound and extent as MPI_Count values for a Datatype
- MPI_Type_get_name(3) - Get the print name for a datatype
- MPI_Type_get_true_extent(3) - Get the true lower bound and extent for a datatype
- MPI_Type_get_true_extent_x(3) - Get the true lower bound and extent as MPI_Count values for a datatype
- MPI_Type_hindexed(3) - Creates an indexed datatype with offsets in bytes
- MPI_Type_hvector(3) - type_hvector
- MPI_Type_indexed(3) - Creates an indexed datatype
- MPI_Type_lb(3) - Returns the lower-bound of a datatype
- MPI_Type_match_size(3) - Find an MPI datatype matching a specified size
- MPI_Type_set_attr(3) - Stores attribute value associated with a key
- MPI_Type_set_name(3) - set datatype name
- MPI_Type_size(3) - Return the number of bytes occupied by entries in the datatype
- MPI_Type_size_x(3) - Return the number of bytes occupied by entries in the datatype
- MPI_Type_struct(3) - Creates a struct datatype
- MPI_Type_ub(3) - Returns the upper bound of a datatype
- MPI_Type_vector(3) - Creates a vector (strided) datatype
- MPI_Unpack(3) - Unpack a buffer according to a datatype into contiguous memory
- MPI_Unpack_external(3) - Unpack a buffer (packed with MPI_Pack_external) according to a datatype into contiguous memory
- MPI_Unpublish_name(3) - Unpublish a service name published with MPI_Publish_name
- MPI_Wait(3) - Waits for an MPI request to complete
- MPI_Waitall(3) - Waits for all given MPI Requests to complete
- MPI_Waitany(3) - Waits for any specified MPI Request to complete
- MPI_Waitsome(3) - Waits for some given MPI Requests to complete
- MPI_Win_allocate(3) - Create and allocate an MPI Window object for one-sided communication.
- MPI_Win_allocate_shared(3) - Create an MPI Window object for one-sided communication and shared memory access, and allocate memory at each process.
- MPI_Win_attach(3) - Attach memory to a dynamic window.
- MPI_Win_call_errhandler(3) - Call the error handler installed on a window object
- MPI_Win_complete(3) - Completes an RMA operations begun after an MPI_Win_start.
- MPI_Win_create(3) - Create an MPI Window object for one-sided communication
- MPI_Win_create_dynamic(3) - Create an MPI Window object for one-sided communication. This window allows memory to be dynamically exposed and un-exposed for RMA operations.
- MPI_Win_create_errhandler(3) - Create an error handler for use with MPI window objects
- MPI_Win_create_keyval(3) - Create an attribute keyval for MPI window objects
- MPI_Win_delete_attr(3) - Deletes an attribute value associated with a key on a datatype
- MPI_Win_detach(3) - Detach memory from a dynamic window
- MPI_Win_fence(3) - Perform an MPI fence synchronization on a MPI window
- MPI_Win_flush(3) - Complete all outstanding RMA operations at the given target.
- MPI_Win_flush_all(3) - Complete all outstanding RMA operations at all targets
- MPI_Win_flush_local(3) - Complete locally all outstanding RMA operations at the given target
- MPI_Win_flush_local_all(3) - Complete locally all outstanding RMA operations at all targets
- MPI_Win_free(3) - Free an MPI RMA window
- MPI_Win_free_keyval(3) - Frees an attribute key for MPI RMA windows
- MPI_Win_get_attr(3) - Get attribute cached on an MPI window object
- MPI_Win_get_errhandler(3) - Get the error handler for the MPI RMA window
- MPI_Win_get_group(3) - Get the MPI Group of the window object
- MPI_Win_get_info(3) - Returns a new info object containing the hints of the window associated with win.
- MPI_Win_get_name(3) - Get the print name associated with the MPI RMA window
- MPI_Win_lock(3) - Begin an RMA access epoch at the target process.
- MPI_Win_lock_all(3) - Begin an RMA access epoch at all processes on the given window.
- MPI_Win_post(3) - Start an RMA exposure epoch
- MPI_Win_set_attr(3) - Stores attribute value associated with a key
- MPI_Win_set_errhandler(3) - Set window error handler
- MPI_Win_set_info(3) - Set new values for the hints of the window associated with win.
- MPI_Win_set_name(3) - Set the print name for an MPI RMA window
- MPI_Win_shared_query(3) - Query the size and base pointer for a patch of a shared memory window.
- MPI_Win_start(3) - Start an RMA access epoch for MPI
- MPI_Win_sync(3) - Synchronize public and private copies of the given window.
- MPI_Win_test(3) - Test whether an RMA exposure epoch has completed
- MPI_Win_unlock(3) - Completes an RMA access epoch at the target process
- MPI_Win_unlock_all(3) - Completes an RMA access epoch at all processes on the given window.
- MPI_Win_wait(3) - Completes an RMA exposure epoch begun with MPI_Win_post
- MPI_Wtick(3) - Returns the resolution of MPI_Wtime
- MPI_Wtime(3) - Returns an elapsed time on the calling processor
- mpic++(1)
- mpicc(1) - Compiles and links MPI programs written in C
- MPICK(1) - advanced message filter
- MPICTURES(7) - picture inclusion macros
- mpicxx(1) - Compiles and links MPI programs written in C++
- mpiexec(1) - Run an MPI program
- mpif77(1) - Compiles and links MPI programs written in Fortran 77
- mpifort(1) - Compiles and links MPI programs written in Fortran 90
- MPING(8) - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to multiple network hosts in a round-robbin fashion. Mping support both IPv4 and IPv6 adresses at the same time.
- MPIRUN(1) - Execute serial and parallel jobs in Open MPI. oshrun, shmemrun - Execute serial and parallel jobs in Open SHMEM.
- MPIX_Barrier_init(3) - Builds a handle for a collective communication or neighborhood collective communication
- MPIX_Comm_agree(3) - Performs agreement operation on comm
- MPIX_Comm_create_group(3) - Creates a new communicator
- MPIX_Comm_failure_ack(3) - Acknowledge the current group of failed processes
- MPIX_Comm_failure_get_acked(3) - Get the group of acknowledged failures.
- MPIX_Comm_group_failed(3) - Accesses the group associated with given communicator
- MPIX_Comm_idup(3) - nonblocking communicator duplication
- MPIX_Comm_reenable_anysource(3) - Re-enable the ability to post receives using MPI_ANY_SOURCE on the communicator
- MPIX_Comm_remote_group_failed(3) - Accesses the group associated with given communicator
- MPIX_Comm_revoke(3) - Prevent a communicator from being used in the future
- MPIX_Comm_shrink(3) - Creates a new communitor from an existing communicator while excluding failed processes
- MPIX_Comm_split_type(3) - Creates new communicators based on split types and keys
- MPIX_Compare_and_swap(3) - Accumulate one element of type datatype from the origin buffer (origin_addr) to the buffer at offset target_disp, in the target window specied by target_rank and win, using the operation op and return in the result buffer result_addr the content of the target buffer before the accumulation.
- MPIx_CUDA_SUPPORT(3) - Returns 1 if there is CUDA aware support and 0 if there is not.
- MPIX_Fetch_and_op(3) - Accumulate one element of type datatype from the origin buffer (origin_addr) to the buffer at offset target_disp, in the target window specied by target_rank and win, using the operation op and return in the result buffer result_addr the content of the target buffer before the accumulation.
- MPIX_Get_accumulate(3) - Accumulate data into the target process using remote memory access
- MPIX_GPU_query_support(3) - Returns the type of GPU supported
- MPIX_Iallgather(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Iallgatherv(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Iallreduce(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ialltoall(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ialltoallv(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ialltoallw(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ibarrier(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ibcast(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Iexscan(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Igather(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Igatherv(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Improbe(3) - Nonblocking matched probe.
- MPIX_Imrecv(3) - Nonblocking receive of message matched by MPIX_Mprobe or MPIX_Improbe.
- MPIX_Ineighbor_allgather(3) - Nonblocking version of MPIX_Neighbor_allgather.
- MPIX_Ineighbor_allgatherv(3) - Nonblocking version of MPIX_Neighbor_allgatherv.
- MPIX_Ineighbor_alltoall(3) - Nonblocking version of MPIX_Neighbor_alltoall.
- MPIX_Ineighbor_alltoallv(3) - Nonblocking version of MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv.
- MPIX_Ineighbor_alltoallw(3) - Nonblocking version of MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallw.
- MPIX_Ireduce(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ireduce_scatter(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Ireduce_scatter_block(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Iscan(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Iscatter(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Iscatterv(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Mprobe(3) - Blocking matched probe.
- MPIX_Mrecv(3) - Blocking receive of message matched by MPIX_Mprobe or MPIX_Improbe.
- MPIX_Neighbor_allgather(3) - In this function, each process i gathers data items from each process j if an edge (j,i) exists in the topology graph, and each process i sends the same data items to all processes j where an edge (i,j) exists. The send buffer is sent to each neighboring process and the l-th block in the receive buffer is received from the l-th neighbor.
- MPIX_Neighbor_allgatherv(3) - The vector variant of MPIX_Neighbor_allgather.
- MPIX_Neighbor_alltoall(3) - In this function, each process i receives data items from each process j if an edge (j,i) exists in the topology graph or Cartesian topology. Similarly, each process i sends data items to all processes j where an edge (i,j) exists. This call is more general than MPI_NEIGHBOR_ALLGATHER in that different data items can be sent to each neighbor. The k-th block in send buffer is sent to the k-th neighboring process and the l-th block in the receive buffer is received from the l-th neighbor.
- MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv(3) - The vector variant of MPIX_Neighbor_alltoall allows sending/receiving different numbers of elements to and from each neighbor.
- MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallw(3) - Like MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv but it allows one to send and receive with different types to and from each neighbor.
- MPIX_Raccumulate(3) - Accumulate data into the target process using remote memory access
- MPIX_Rget(3) - Get data from a memory window on a remote process
- MPIX_Rget_accumulate(3) - Accumulate data into the target process using remote memory access
- MPIX_Rput(3) - Put data into a memory window on a remote process
- MPIX_T_category_changed(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_category_get_categories(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_category_get_cvars(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_category_get_info(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_category_get_num(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_category_get_pvars(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_cvar_get_info(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_cvar_get_num(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_cvar_handle_alloc(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_cvar_handle_free(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_cvar_read(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_cvar_write(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_enum_get_info(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_enum_get_item(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_finalize(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_init_thread(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_get_info(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_get_num(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_handle_alloc(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_handle_free(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_read(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_readreset(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_reset(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_session_create(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_session_free(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_start(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_stop(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_T_pvar_write(3) - XXX description here
- MPIX_Type_create_hindexed_block(3) - Create an hindexed datatype with constant-sized blocks
- MPIX_Win_allocate(3) - Create and allocate an MPI Window object for one-sided communication
- MPIX_Win_allocate_shared(3) - Create an MPI Window object for one-sided communication and allocate memory at each process.
- MPIX_Win_attach(3) - Attach memory to a dynamic window
- MPIX_Win_create_dynamic(3) - Create an MPI Window object for one-sided communication
- MPIX_Win_detach(3) - Detach memory from a dynamic window
- MPIX_Win_flush(3) - Comple all outstanding RMA operations at the given target
- MPIX_Win_flush_all(3) - Comple all outstanding RMA operations at all targets
- MPIX_Win_flush_local(3) - Comple locally all outstanding RMA operations at the given target
- MPIX_Win_flush_local_all(3) - Comple locally all outstanding RMA operations at all targets
- MPIX_Win_lock_all(3) - Begin an RMA access epoch at all processes on the given window.
- MPIX_Win_shared_query(3) - Query the size and base pointer for a patch of a shared memory window
- MPIX_Win_sync(3) - Synchronize public and private copies of the given window
- MPIX_Win_unlock_all(3) - Completes an RMA access epoch all processes on the given window
- mplist(3m17n) - Create a property list object.
- mplist_add(3m17n) - Add a property at the end of a property list.
- mplist_copy(3m17n) - Copy a property list.
- mplist_deserialize(3m17n) - Generate a property list by deserializing an M-text.
- mplist_find_by_key(3m17n) - Find a property of a specific key in a property list.
- mplist_find_by_value(3m17n) - Find a property of a specific value in a property list.
- mplist_get(3m17n) - Get the value of a property in a property list.
- mplist_get_func(3m17n) - Get the value (function pointer) of a property in a property list.
- mplist_key(3m17n) - Return the key of the first property in a property list.
- mplist_length(3m17n) - Return the length of a property list.
- mplist_next(3m17n) - Return the next sublist of a property list.
- mplist_pop(3m17n) - Remove a property at the beginning of a property list.
- mplist_push(3m17n) - Add a property at the beginning of a property list.
- mplist_put(3m17n) - Set the value of a property in a property list.
- mplist_put_func(3m17n) - Set the value (function pointer) of a property in a property list.
- mplist_set(3m17n) - Set the first property in a property list.
- mplist_value(3m17n) - Return the value of the first property in a property list.
- MPM(1) - MiKTeX package manager
- MPOOL(3) - shared memory buffer pool
- MPOP(1) - A POP3 client
- MPOPD(1) - A minimal POP3 server
- mpqc(1) - The Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry program (MPQC) computes the properties of molecules from first principles.
- MPQC::CartesianIterCCA(3)
- mpqcrun(1) - The mpqcrun program simplifies running MPQC.
- MPR(4) - LSI Fusion-MPT 3/3.5 IT/IR 12Gb/s Serial Attached SCSI/SATA/PCIe driver
- MPROF(1) - displays profiling information produced by the mpatrol library
- mprof-report(1) - report generator for Mono's log profiler
- MPROTECT(2) - control the protection of pages
- MPS(4) - LSI Fusion-MPT 2 IT/IR 6Gb/s Serial Attached SCSI/SATA driver
- MPSOLVE(1) - A multiprecision polynomial rootfinder
- MPSUTIL(8) - Utility for managing LSI Fusion-MPT 2/3 controllers
- MPSYM(1) - locates missing symbolic information in an mpatrol log file
- MPT(4) - LSI Fusion-MPT SCSI/Fibre Channel driver
- MPTABLE(1) - display MP configuration table
- MPTRACE(1) - displays tracing information produced by the mpatrol library
- MPTUTIL(8) - Utility for managing LSI Fusion-MPT controllers
- MPV(1) - a media player
- MPVPAPER(1) - video wallpaper player using mpv for wlroots
- mpxstats(8) - Multiplexing Monitor Statistics daemon
- MQ_CLOSE(2) - close a message queue (REALTIME)
- MQ_GETATTR(2) - get message queue attributes (REALTIME)
- MQ_NOTIFY(2) - notify process that a message is available (REALTIME)
- MQ_OPEN(2) - open a message queue (REALTIME)
- MQ_RECEIVE(2) - receive a message from message queue (REALTIME)
- MQ_SEND(2) - send a message to message queue (REALTIME)
- MQ_SETATTR(2) - set message queue attributes (REALTIME)
- MQHASH(1) - Simple secure password generator
- MQTT(7) - MQ Telemetry Transport
- MQUEUEFS(5) - POSIX message queue file system
- MR::IProto(3) - iproto network protocol client
- MR::IProto::Cluster(3) - cluster of servers
- MR::IProto::Cluster::Server(3) - server
- MR::IProto::Connection(3) - base communication class
- MR::IProto::Connection::Async(3) - async communication
- MR::IProto::Connection::Sync(3) - sync communication
- MR::IProto::Error(3) - iproto error
- MR::IProto::Message(3) - iproto message
- MR::IProto::NoResponse(3) - no response
- MR::IProto::Request(3) - request message
- MR::IProto::Response(3) - response message
- MR::IProto::Role::Debuggable(3)
- MR::IProto::Server(3)
- MR::IProto::Server::Connection(3)
- MR::SilverBox(3)
- MR::Tarantool::Box(3) - A driver for an efficient Tarantool/Box NoSQL in-memory storage.
- MR::Tarantool::Box::Singleton(3) - A singleton wrapper for MR::Tarantool::Box.
- MR800(4) - webcamd driver for AverMedia MR 800
- MR97310A(4) - mr97310a webcamd driver for USB cameras
- mrboom(6) - 8 player Bomberman
- mrd(1)
- MRECVL(3) - receives a message
- MRED(1) - compatibility executable for GRacket
- MREFILE(1) - move or copy messages between maildir folders
- mren(1)
- MRINFO(8) - displays configuration info from a multicast router
- MrmCloseHierarchy(3)
- MrmFetchBitmapLiteral(3)
- MrmFetchColorLiteral(3)
- MrmFetchIconLiteral(3)
- MrmFetchLiteral(3)
- MrmFetchSetValues(3)
- MrmFetchWidget(3)
- MrmFetchWidgetOverride(3)
- MrmInitialize(3)
- MrmOpenHierarchy(3)
- MrmOpenHierarchyFromBuffer(3)
- MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay(3)
- MrmRegisterClass(3)
- MrmRegisterNames(3)
- MrmRegisterNamesInHierarchy(3)
- MRO::Compat(3) - mro::* interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5
- MRO::Define(3) - Define your own method resolution order
- MROONGA(1) - Mroonga Documentation
- MROT(nged) - Rotates the view using model
- MROUTED(8) - IP multicast routing daemon
- mRS001(3) - Rotation Sensor
- MRSAS(4) - LSI MegaRAID 6Gb/s and 12Gb/s SAS+SATA RAID controller driver
- MRTG(1) - What is MRTG ?
- MRTG::Parse(3)
- MRTG-CONTRIB(1) - Contribution Guidelines for MRTG
- MRTG-FAQ(1) - How to get help if you have problems with MRTG
- MRTG-FORUM(1) - Interactive Help for MRTG users
- MRTG-IPV6(1) - IPv6 support in MRTG
- MRTGLIB(1) - Library for MRTG and support scripts
- MRTG-LOGFILE(1) - description of the mrtg-2 logfile format
- MRTG-MIBHELP(1) - A Table of some interesting OIDs
- MRTG-NT-GUIDE(1) - The MRTG 2.17.4 Windows Installation Guide
- MRTG-NW-GUIDE(1) - MRTG for NetWare
- MRTG-PING-PROBE(1) - a round trip time and packet loss probe for MRTG
- MRTG-REFERENCE(1) - MRTG 2.17.4 configuration reference
- MRTG-RRD(1) - How to use RRDtool with MRTG
- MRTG-SQUID(1) - using mrtg to monitor Squid
- MRTG-UNIX-GUIDE(1) - The MRTG 2.17.4 Linux/Unix Installation Guide
- MRTG-WEBSERVER(1) - hints for web server configuration
- mrxvt(1) - A tabbed VT102 terminal emulator for X Window System
- MS_PRINT(1) - post-processing tool for Massif
- ms_transform(3) - A parse transformation that translates fun syntax into match specifications.
- msacc(3) - Convenience functions for microstate accounting
- msbuild(1)
- MSCAN(1) - generate one-line message summaries
- MSCGEN(1) - Message Sequence Chart Renderer
- MSCOMPRESS(1) - compress data using LZ77 algorithm
- MSCORE(1) - MuseScore 3 (3.6.1 unstable) sheet music editor
- msd-datetime-mechanism(1) - set system time via D-Bus
- MSDL(1) - Media Stream DownLoader
- msd-locate-pointer(1) - create ripples around mouse pointer
- MSDOSFS(5) - MS-DOS file system
- MSED(1) - manipulate message headers
- MSEND(3) - sends a message
- MSENDL(3) - sends a message
- MSEQ(1) - manipulate message sequences
- mservdetect(1) - Helper for masqmail in combination with masqdialer
- MSEXPAND(1) - decompress data compressed using mscompress(1) or COMPRESS.EXE
- MSG_GET( )
- MSGATTRIB(1) - attribute matching and manipulation on message catalog
- MsgBox(3) - create and manipulate a message dialog
- MSGCACHE(8) - Cache client messages for later pickup by xymonfetch
- MSGCAT(1) - combines several message catalogs
- msgcat(n) - Tcl message catalog
- MSGCHK(1) - nmh's check for incoming email
- MSGCMP(1) - compare message catalog and template
- MSGCOMM(1) - match two message catalogs
- MSGCONV(1) - character set conversion for message catalog
- MSGCONVERT(1) - Convert Outlook .msg files to mbox format
- MSGCTL(2) - message control operations
- MSGEN(1) - create English message catalog
- MSGEXEC(1) - process translations of message catalog
- MSGFILTER(1) - edit translations of message catalog
- MSGFMT(1) - compile message catalog to binary format
- MSGFORMAT(1) - messages database compiler for PGetText
- MSGGET(2) - get message queue
- MSGGREP(1) - pattern matching on message catalog
- MSGHACK(1) - alter PO files in ways
- MSGINIT(1) - initialize a message catalog
- MSGMERGE(1) - merge message catalog and template
- msgno(3m) - manage error codes and associated messages across separate libraries
- MSGRCV(2) - receive a message from a message queue
- MSGS(1) - system messages and junk mail program
- MSGSNARF(8) - sniff chat messages
- MSGSND(2) - send a message to a message queue
- MSGUNFMT(1) - uncompile message catalog from binary format
- MSGUNIQ(1) - unify duplicate translations in message catalog
- MSGUNTYPOT(1p) - update PO files when a typo is fixed in POT file
- mshortname(1)
- MSHOW(1) - render messages and extract MIME parts
- mshowfat(1)
- msiecfexport - exports items stored in a MSIE Cache File (index.dat)
- msiecfinfo - determines information about a MSIE Cache File (index.dat)
- MSIEXEC(1) - Wine MSI Installer
- MSK(4) - Marvell/SysKonnect Yukon II Gigabit Ethernet adapter driver
- MSKANJI(5) - Shift-JIS (MS Kanji) encoding for Japanese text
- msktutil(1) - fetches and manages kerberos keytabs in an Active Directory environment
- MSLEEP(3) - waits until deadline expires
- MSMTP(1) - An SMTP client
- MSMTPD(1) - A minimal SMTP server
- MSORT(1) - sort records in complex ways
- mspdebug(1) - debugging tool for MSP430 MCUs
- MSQL2MYSQL(1) - convert mSQL programs for use with MySQL
- MSTARCHIVE(1) - manual page for mstarchive NAME
- MSTAT(3PVM) - Returns the status of a host in the virtual machine.
- MST-Bench(1) - Maximum Sustainable Throughput Benchmark
- MSTFWMANAGER(1) - manual page for mstfwmanager 1.0, mstflint 4.14.0, built on Mar 3 2020, 14:02:20. Git SHA Hash: N/A
- MSTFWRESET(1) - manual page for mstfwreset 1.0.0, mstflint 4.14.0, built on Mar 03 2020, 14:01:10. Git SHA Hash: N/A
- MSTMCRA(1) - manual page for mstmcra Mellanox Configuration Registers Access tool
- MSTMREAD(1) - manual page for mstmread <device> <addr>
- MSTMTSERVER(1) - Listen to specify port (default is 23108).
- MSTMWRITE(1) - manual page for mstmwrite <device> <addr> <value>
- MSTPRIVHOST(1) - manual page for mstprivhost 1.0.0, mstflint 4.14.0, built on Mar 03 2020, 14:01:10. Git SHA Hash: N/A
- MSXLINT(1) - detects incorrectly formatted notes lines in a MusiXTeX source file.
- msymbol(3m17n) - Get a symbol.
- msymbol_as_managing_key(3m17n) - Create a managing key.
- msymbol_exist(3m17n) - Search for a symbol that has a specified name.
- msymbol_get(3m17n) - Get the value of a symbol property.
- msymbol_get_func(3m17n) - Get the value (function pointer) of a symbol property.
- msymbol_is_managing_key(3m17n) - Check if a symbol is a managing key.
- msymbol_name(3m17n) - Get symbol name.
- msymbol_put(3m17n) - Set the value of a symbol property.
- msymbol_put_func(3m17n) - Set the value (function pointer) of a symbol property.
- MSYNC(2) - synchronize a mapped region
- MTASC(1) - ActionScript 2 to Flash (SWF) compiler
- MTBATCH(1) - Sends SMS in batch mode
- MTBL(7) - immutable sorted string library
- MTBL_CRC32C(3) - calculate CRC32C checksum
- MTBL_DUMP(1) - print key-value entries from an MTBL file
- MTBL_FILESET(3) - automatic multiple MTBL data file merger
- MTBL_FIXED(3) - Fixed-width encoding and decoding of 32 and 64 bit integers
- MTBL_INFO(1) - display information about an MTBL file
- MTBL_ITER(3) - iterate over a sequence of key-value pairs
- MTBL_MERGE(1) - merge MTBL data from multiple input files into a single output file
- MTBL_MERGER(3) - merge multiple MTBL data sources into a single output
- MTBL_METADATA(3) - get MTBL file metadata
- MTBL_READER(3) - read an MTBL file
- MTBL_SORTER(3) - sort a sequence of unordered key-value pairs
- MTBL_SOURCE(3) - obtain key-value entries from a data source
- MTBL_VARINT(3) - Variable-width encoding and decoding of 32 and 64 bit integers
- MTBL_VERIFY(1) - verify integrity of an MTBL file's data and index blocks
- MTBL_WRITER(3) - create an MTBL file
- MTEST(8) - test multicast socket operations
- M-text(3m17n) - M-text objects and API for them.
- mtext_attach_property(3m17n) - Attach a text property to an M-text.
- mtext_case_compare(3m17n) - Compare specified regions of two M-texts ignoring cases.
- mtext_casecmp(3m17n) - Compare two M-texts ignoring cases.
- mtext_cat(3m17n) - Append an M-text to another.
- mtext_cat_char(3m17n) - Append a character to an M-text.
- mtext_character(3m17n) - Search a character in an M-text.
- mtext_chr(3m17n) - Return the position of the first occurrence of a character in an M-text.
- mtext_cmp(3m17n) - Compare two M-texts character-by-character.
- mtext_coll(3m17n) - Compare two M-texts using the current locale.
- mtext_compare(3m17n) - Compare specified regions of two M-texts.
- mtext_copy(3m17n) - Copy characters in the specified range into an M-text.
- mtext_cpy(3m17n) - Copy an M-text to another.
- mtext_cspn(3m17n) - Search an M-text for the complement of a set of characters.
- mtext_data(3m17n) - Get information about the text data in M-text.
- mtext_del(3m17n) - Delete characters in the specified range destructively.
- mtext_deserialize(3m17n) - Deserialize text properties in an M-text.
- mtext_detach_property(3m17n) - Detach a text property from an M-text.
- mtext_dup(3m17n) - Create a copy of an M-text.
- mtext_duplicate(3m17n) - Create a new M-text from a part of an existing M-text.
- mtext_from_data(3m17n) - Allocate a new M-text with specified data.
- mtext_ftime(3m17n) - Format date and time.
- mtext_get_prop(3m17n) - Get the value of the topmost text property.
- mtext_get_prop_keys(3m17n) - Get a list of text property keys at a position of an M-text.
- mtext_get_prop_values(3m17n) - Get multiple values of a text property.
- mtext_get_properties(3m17n) - Get multiple text properties.
- mtext_get_property(3m17n) - Get the topmost text property.
- mtext_getenv(3m17n) - Get an environment variable.
- mtext_ins(3m17n) - Insert an M-text into another M-text.
- mtext_ins_char(3m17n) - Insert a character into an M-text.
- mtext_insert(3m17n) - Insert sub-text of an M-text into another M-text.
- mtext_len(3m17n) - Number of characters in M-text.
- mtext_line_break(3m17n) - Find a linebreak postion of an M-text.
- mtext_lowercase(3m17n) - Lowercase an M-text.
- mtext_ncasecmp(3m17n) - Compare initial parts of two M-texts ignoring cases.
- mtext_ncat(3m17n) - Append a part of an M-text to another.
- mtext_ncmp(3m17n) - Compare initial parts of two M-texts character-by-character.
- mtext_ncpy(3m17n) - Copy the first some characters in an M-text to another.
- mtext_pbrk(3m17n) - Search an M-text for any of a set of characters.
- mtext_pop_prop(3m17n) - Pop a text property.
- mtext_prop_range(3m17n) - Find the range where the value of a text property is the same.
- mtext_property(3m17n) - Create a text property.
- mtext_property_end(3m17n) - Return the end position of a text property.
- mtext_property_key(3m17n) - Return the key of a text property.
- mtext_property_mtext(3m17n) - Return the M-text of a text property.
- mtext_property_start(3m17n) - Return the start position of a text property.
- mtext_property_value(3m17n) - Return the value of a text property.
- mtext_push_prop(3m17n) - Push a text property.
- mtext_push_property(3m17n) - Push a text property onto an M-text.
- mtext_put_prop(3m17n) - Set a text property.
- mtext_put_prop_values(3m17n) - Set multiple text properties with the same key.
- mtext_putenv(3m17n) - Change or add an environment variable.
- mtext_rchr(3m17n) - Return the position of the last occurrence of a character in an M-text.
- mtext_ref_char(3m17n) - Return the character at the specified position in an M-text.
- mtext_replace(3m17n) - Replace sub-text of M-text with another.
- mtext_search(3m17n) - Locate an M-text in a specific range of another.
- mtext_serialize(3m17n) - Serialize text properties in an M-text.
- mtext_set_char(3m17n) - Store a character into an M-text.
- mtext_spn(3m17n) - Search an M-text for a set of characters.
- mtext_text(3m17n) - Locate an M-text in another.
- mtext_titlecase(3m17n) - Titlecase an M-text.
- mtext_tok(3m17n) - Look for a token in an M-text.
- mtext_uppercase(3m17n) - Uppercase an M-text.
- MTHELP(1) - MiKTeX help utility
- MTHREAD(1) - arrange messages into discussions
- MTIO(4) - FreeBSD magtape interface
- MTM(1) - a micro-terminal multiplexer
- mtools(1)
- mtools(5)
- mtoolstest(1)
- MTOP(1) - Shows top mysql threads
- MTPAINT(1) - A pixel based painting program
- MTR(8) - a network diagnostic tool
- MTRACE(8) - print multicast path from a source to a receiver
- MTREE(5) - format of mtree dir hierarchy files
- MTREE(8) - map a directory hierarchy
- MTR-PACKET(8) - send and receive network probes
- mtt(1) - teletext browser for X11 and console.
- MTX(1) - control SCSI media changer devices
- MTX_POOL(9) - mutex pool routines
- mtxorbd(1) - Control a matrix orbital lcd screen
- mtype(1)
- MU(FIND) - find e-mail messages in the
- MU(QUERY) - a language for finding messages in
- MU-BOOKMARKS(5) - file with bookmarks (shortcuts) for mu search expressions
- MU-EASY(1) - a quick introduction to mu
- MUFFIN(1) - Clutter based compositing GTK2 Window Manager
- MUFFIN-MESSAGE(1) - a command to send a message to Muffin
- MUFFIN-THEME-VIEWER(1) - view muffin themes
- MUFFIN-WINDOW-DEMO(1) - demo of window features
- MUGE(4) - Microchip LAN78xx USB Gigabit Ethernet driver
- MU-INDEX(1) - index e-mail messages stored in Maildirs
- MU-INFO(1) - show information about the mu database
- MU-INIT(1) - initialize the mu message database
- MULDIV(3) - high-precision multiplication and division
- multi-aterm(0.1) - a tabbed VT102 terminal emulator for X-Window
- MULTIBYTE(3) - multibyte and wide character manipulation functions
- Multibyte::Big5(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for Big-5
- Multibyte::Big5Plus(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for Big-5 Plus
- Multibyte::Bytes(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for bytes encoding scheme
- Multibyte::EUC(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for simple EUC encodings
- Multibyte::EUC_JP(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for EUC-JP
- Multibyte::EUC_TW(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for EUC-TW
- Multibyte::GB18030(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for GB18030
- Multibyte::GBK(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for GBK
- Multibyte::Grapheme(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for Default Grapheme Clusters in Unicode
- Multibyte::Johab(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for Johab
- Multibyte::ShiftJIS(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for Shift-JIS
- Multibyte::UHC(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for UHC
- Multibyte::Unicode(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for Unicode (Perl's internal format)
- Multibyte::UTF16BE(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for UTF-16BE
- Multibyte::UTF16LE(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for UTF-16LE
- Multibyte::UTF32BE(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for UTF-32BE
- Multibyte::UTF32LE(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for UTF-32LE
- Multibyte::UTF8(3) - internally used by String::Multibyte for UTF-8
- MULTICAST(4) - Multicast Routing
- Multicat(1) - Multicast equivalent of Netcat
- MulticurveBootstrapping(1) - Example of using QuantLib
- MultiDaemon(3) - multi DNSBL prioritization
- multidimensional(3) - disables multidimensional array emulation
- MULTIDIMINTEGRAL(1) - Example of Multi-dimensional Numerical Integration
- MultiDispatch(3) - Callback dispatch for session events.
- MULTIDUMP(1) - run multiple rtpdumps simultaneously
- MultiKey(3) - hashes whose keys can be multiple
- multilog(8) - reads a sequence of lines from stdin and appends selected lines to any number of logs.
- MultiMail(1) - offline mail reader for Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, SOUP and OPX packets
- MULTIMARKDOWN(1) - Convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
- multipipe(1) - supervise an pipeline of commands
- MULTIPLAY(1) - run multiple rtpplays simultaneously
- Multiplex::CMD(3) - Multiplexed Fork Client
- multitail(1) - watch output sent to a file
- MultiType(3) - Perl Objects as Hash, Array, Scalar, Code and Glob at the same time.
- multiwatch(1) - forks and watches multiple instances of a program in the same environment
- MULTIXTERM(1) - drive multiple xterms separately or together
- MUMBLE(1) - a low-latency, high quality voice chat program
- munch(6) - munching squares
- MUNGE(1) - MUNGE credential encoder
- MUNGE(7) - MUNGE overview
- MUNGE_CTX(3) - MUNGE context functions
- MUNGE_ENUM(3) - MUNGE enumeration functions
- MUNGED(8) - MUNGE daemon
- MUNGEKEY(8) - MUNGE key management utility
- Munger(1) - Text Processing Lisp
- MUNIN.CONF(5) - Munin configuration file
- MUNIN(8) - Munin manpage hub
- Munin::Common::Config(3) - Abstract base class for common config code.
- Munin::Common::Daemon(3) - utilities for daemons.
- Munin::Common::Defaults(3) - Default values defined by installation scripts.
- Munin::Common::Timeout(3) - Run code with a timeout. May nest.
- Munin::Common::TLS(3) - Abstract base class implementing the STARTTLS protocol
- Munin::Common::TLSClient(3) - Implements the client side of the STARTTLS protocol
- Munin::Common::TLSServer(3) - Implements the server side of the STARTTLS protocol
- Munin::Master::Config(3) - Holds the master configuration.
- Munin::Master::Group(3) - Holds information on host groups.
- Munin::Master::GroupRepository(3) - FIX
- Munin::Master::Host(3) - Holds information on hosts we are interested in collecting data from.
- Munin::Master::HTMLOld(3) - A program to draw html-pages on an Munin installation
- Munin::Master::LimitsOld(3) - Abstract base class for workers.
- Munin::Master::Logger(3) - Munin master's old logging routines
- Munin::Master::Node(3) - Provides easy access to the munin node
- Munin::Master::ProcessManager(3) - Manager for parallel execution of Workers.
- Munin::Master::Update(3) - Contacts Munin Nodes, gathers data from their service data sources, and stores this information in RRD files.
- Munin::Master::UpdateWorker(3) - FIX
- Munin::Master::Utils(3) - Exports a lot of utility functions.
- Munin::Master::Worker(3) - Abstract base class for workers.
- Munin::Node::Config(3) - Singleton node configuration container. Reads configuration files.
- Munin::Node::Configure::Debug(3) - Prints a debug message in the standard munin-node-configure format.
- Munin::Node::Configure::History(3) - Filtering plugins based on the version of Munin they were first distributed with.
- Munin::Node::Configure::HostEnumeration(3) - Takes a list of hosts, and returns the corresponding IPs in dotted-quad form.
- Munin::Node::Configure::Plugin(3) - Class representing a plugin, along with its installed and suggested services.
- Munin::Node::Configure::PluginList(3) - Loading and listing a collection of plugins
- Munin::Node::Logger(3) - The logger for munin node.
- Munin::Node::OS(3) - OS related utility methods for the Munin node.
- Munin::Node::Server(3) - This module implements a Net::Server server for the munin node.
- Munin::Node::Service(3) - Methods related to handling of Munin services
- Munin::Node::Session(3) - Stores the state for the session between a node and a master.
- Munin::Node::SNMPConfig(3) - Subroutines providing munin-node-configure's SNMP scanning capabilities.
- Munin::Node::SpoolReader(3) - Reading side of the spool functionality
- Munin::Node::SpoolWriter(3) - Writing side of the spool functionality
- Munin::Node::Utils(3) - Various utility functions
- Munin::Plugin(3) - Utility functions for Perl Munin plugins.
- Munin::Plugin::Pgsql(3) - Base module for PostgreSQL plugins for Munin
- Munin::Plugin::SNMP(3) - Net::SNMP subclass for Munin plugins
- MUNIN-CRON(8) - A program to batch other Munin master programs
- MUNINDOC(1) - Munin documentation
- MUNIN-GRAPH(8) - generate graphs from RRD files
- MUNIN-HTML(8) - A program to generate html-pages in an Munin installation
- MUNIN-LIMITS(8) - A program to check for any off-limit values
- MUNIN-NODE(1) - A daemon to gather information in cooperation with the main Munin program
- MUNIN-NODE.CONF(5) - Munin-node configuration file
- MUNIN-NODE-CONFIGURE(1) - View and modify which plugins are enabled.
- MUNIN-RUN(1) - A program to run Munin plugins from the command line
- MUNIN-UPDATE(8) - A program to gather data from machines running munin-node
- mUnlock(3) - unlock a mutex.
- MUNMAP(2) - remove a mapping
- MUNPACK(1) - unpack messages in MIME or split-uuencode format
- MUPDATETEST(1) - Cyrus IMAP documentation
- MUPDF(1) - MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer written in portable C
- MUPEN64PLUS(6) - console front‐end for the Mupen64Plus N64 emulator
- Mupen64Plus-Qt(6) - a customizable launcher for Mupen64Plus
- murmurd(1) - VoIP server.
- MURPHI2C(1) - translate a Murphi model to C for simulation
- MURPHI2MURPHI(1) - preprocessor for Murphi models
- MURPHI2UCLID(1) - translate a Murphi model to Uclid5
- MURPHI2XML(1) - Print the abstract syntax tree of a parsed Murphi model
- MUSE(1) - MIDI/Audio Sequencer
- MU-SERVER(1) - the mu backend for the mu4e e-mail client
- Music::Audioscrobbler::MPD(3) - Module providing routines to submit songs to last.fm from MPD.
- Music::Audioscrobbler::Submit(3) - Module providing routines to submit songs to last.fm using 1.2 protocol.
- MusicBrainz::DiscID(3) - Perl interface for the MusicBrainz libdiscid library
- MUSICPD(1) - MPD documentation
- MUSICPD.CONF(5) - musicpd.conf documentation
- MUSICXML2LY(1) - manual page for musicxml2ly (LilyPond) 2.23.6
- MUSTACHE(1) - Mustache processor
- MUSTACHE(5) - Logic-less templates.
- MUTAGEN-INSPECT(1) - view Mutagen-supported audio tags
- MUTAGEN-PONY(1) - scan a collection of MP3 files
- MUTEX(9) - kernel synchronization primitives
- MUTOOL(1) - all purpose tool for dealing with PDF files
- MUTT(1) - The Mutt Mail User Agent
- MUTT_LDAP_QUERY(1) - Query LDAP server for Mutt mail-reader
- mutt_pgpring(1) - Mutt key ring dumper
- MUTT_VC_QUERY(1) - vCard query utility for mutt
- MUTTER(1) - Clutter based compositing GTK2 Window Manager
- MUTTPRINT(1) - pretty printing of mails with Mutt
- muttrc(5) - Configuration file for the Mutt Mail User Agent
- MV(nged) - Changes the name of
- MVALL(nged) - Changes the name of
- MVDIC(1) - Tool for renaming a user dictionary
- MVDIR(1) - move a directory
- MVERSION(1) - Program for querying Perl module versions
- MVS(1) - A command line Mediawiki client
- MVS(4) - Marvell Serial ATA Host Controller driver
- MVXATTR(1) - Recursively rename extended attributes
- MWHOIS(1) - client for the whois directory service
- MWHOIS.CONF(5) - alternative WHOIS servers list for mwhois client
- MWL(4) - Marvell 88W8363 IEEE 802.11n wireless network driver
- MWLFW(4) - Firmware Module for Marvell 88W8363 Wireless driver
- MWM(1x) - The M*tif Window Manager
- Mwm(3) - Communicate with the Motif(tm) window manager.
- MWMRC(5x) - The M*tif Window Manager configuration file
- MWRANK(1) - determines the rank of an elliptic curve E over Q by 2-descent and generating points for E(Q) modulo torsion
- MX(4)
- MX25L(4) - driver for SpiFlash(tm) compatible non-volatile storage devices
- mxformat(1) - Text data set conversion/merging tool of the McXtrace X-ray trace simulation package
- MXGE(4) - Myricom Myri10GE 10 Gigabit Ethernet adapter driver
- MX-RUN(1) - script to run MooseX::Runnable classes
- MY(4) - Myson Technology Ethernet PCI driver
- my(n) - invoke any method of current object
- MY_PRINT_DEFAULTS(1) - display options from option files
- MY_SAFE_PROCESS(1) - Utility program that encapsulates process creation, monitoring and bulletproof process cleanup
- MyBackground(1) - align to the right of the screen
- mybashburn(1) - it can burn data cds/dvds and create mp3/ogg/flac.
- MYC(1) - a simple calculator
- mydns.conf(5)
- mydns(8) - SQL-based Internet name daemon.
- mydnscheck(8) - Check zone data for consistency and syntax.
- mydns-conf(8) - Sets up a MyDNS service
- mydnsexport(8) - Output zone data in various foreign file formats
- mydnsimport(8) - Import zone data from external sources.
- mydnsptrconvert(8) - Convert pre-0.9.12 PTR table format to in-addr.arpa zones.
- MyFrame(1) - Buttons - TitleSpacer.
- MYISAM_FTDUMP(1) - display full-text index information
- MYISAMCHK(1) - MyISAM table-maintenance utility
- MYISAMLOG(1) - display MyISAM log file contents
- MYISAMPACK(1) - generate compressed, read-only MyISAM tables
- MYMETA-CPANFILE(1) - Dump cpanfile out of (MY)META files
- MYRESCUE(8) - Harddisc Rescue
- MySQL::Diff(3) - Generates a database upgrade instruction set
- MySQL::Diff::Database(3) - Database Definition Class
- MySQL::Diff::Table(3) - Table Definition Class
- MySQL::Diff::Utils(3) - Supporting functions for MySQL:Diff
- mysql_affected_rows(3)
- mysql_autocommit(3)
- mysql_change_user(3)
- MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST(1) - test client API
- mysql_close(3)
- mysql_commit(3)
- MYSQL_CONFIG(1) - get compile options for compiling clients
- MYSQL_CONFIG_EDITOR(1) - configure authentication information for connecting to MySQL server
- MYSQL_CONVERT_TAB(1) - convert tables to use a given storage engine
- mysql_data_seek(3)
- mysql_errno(3)
- mysql_error(3)
- mysql_fetch_field(3)
- mysql_fetch_field_direct(3)
- mysql_fetch_fields(3)
- mysql_fetch_lengths(3)
- mysql_fetch_row(3)
- mysql_field_count(3)
- mysql_field_seek(3)
- mysql_field_tell(3)
- MYSQL_FIND_ROWS - extract SQL statements from files
- MYSQL_FIX_EXTENSI(1) - normalize table file name extensions
- mysql_free_result(3)
- mysql_get_character_set_info(3)
- mysql_get_client_info(3)
- mysql_get_client_version(3)
- mysql_get_host_info(3)
- mysql_get_proto_info(3)
- mysql_get_server_info(3)
- mysql_get_server_version(3)
- mysql_get_socket(3)
- mysql_get_ssl_cipher(3)
- mysql_hex_string(3)
- mysql_info(3)
- mysql_init(3)
- MYSQL_INSTALL_DB(1) - initialize MariaDB data directory
- mysql_kill(3)
- mysql_more_results(3)
- mysql_next_result(3)
- mysql_num_fields(3)
- mysql_num_rows(3)
- mysql_options(3)
- mysql_options4(3)
- mysql_optionsv(3)
- mysql_ping(3)
- MYSQL_PLUGIN(1) - configure MariaDB server plugins
- mysql_query(3)
- mysql_read_query_result(3)
- mysql_real_connect(3)
- mysql_real_escape_string(3)
- mysql_real_query(3)
- mysql_refresh(3)
- mysql_reset_connection(3)
- mysql_rollback(3)
- mysql_row_seek(3)
- mysql_row_tell(3)
- MYSQL_SECURE_INST(1) - improve MariaDB installation security
- mysql_select_db(3)
- mysql_send_query(3)
- mysql_server_end(3)
- mysql_server_init(3)
- mysql_session_track_get_first(3)
- mysql_session_track_get_next(3)
- mysql_set_character_set(3)
- mysql_set_server_option(3)
- MYSQL_SETPERMISSI(1) - interactively set permissions in grant tables
- MYSQL_SHAPE(1) - CPU cores and memory for VM shapes; CPU cores, memory and storage for non-VM (or bare metal) shapes. For a description of shapes, see
- mysql_shutdown(3)
- mysql_sqlstate(3)
- MYSQL_SSL_RSA_SETUP(1) - create SSL/RSA files
- mysql_ssl_set(3)
- mysql_stat(3)
- mysql_stmt_affected_rows(3)
- mysql_stmt_attr_get(3)
- mysql_stmt_attr_set(3)
- mysql_stmt_bind_param(3)
- mysql_stmt_bind_result(3)
- mysql_stmt_close(3)
- mysql_stmt_data_seek(3)
- mysql_stmt_errno(3)
- mysql_stmt_error(3)
- mysql_stmt_execute(3)
- mysql_stmt_fetch(3)
- mysql_stmt_fetch_column(3)
- mysql_stmt_field_count(3)
- mysql_stmt_free_result(3)
- mysql_stmt_init(3)
- mysql_stmt_insert_id(3)
- mysql_stmt_more_results(3)
- mysql_stmt_next_result(3)
- mysql_stmt_num_rows(3)
- mysql_stmt_param_count(3)
- mysql_stmt_param_metadata(3)
- mysql_stmt_prepare(3)
- mysql_stmt_reset(3)
- mysql_stmt_result_metadata(3)
- mysql_stmt_row_seek(3)
- mysql_stmt_row_tell(3)
- mysql_stmt_send_long_data(3)
- mysql_stmt_sqlstate(3)
- mysql_stmt_store_result(3)
- mysql_stmt_warning_count(3)
- mysql_store_result(3)
- MYSQL_TABLE(5) - Postfix MySQL client configuration
- mysql_thread_end(3)
- mysql_thread_id(3)
- mysql_thread_init(3)
- MYSQL_TZINFO_TO_S(1) - load the time zone tables
- MYSQL_UPGRADE(1) - check tables for MariaDB upgrade
- mysql_use_result(3)
- MYSQL_WAITPID(1) - kill process and wait for its termination
- mysql_warning_count(3)
- MYSQL_ZAP(1) - kill processes that match a pattern
- MYSQLACCESS(1) - client for checking access privileges
- MYSQLADMIN(1) - client for administering a MariaDB server
- MYSQLBACKUP(1) - creates MySQL backups on a periodic basis
- MYSQLBINLOG(1) - utility for processing binary log files
- MYSQLBUG(1) - generate bug report
- MYSQLCHECK(1) - a table maintenance program
- MYSQLD(8) - the MariaDB server
- MYSQLD_MULTI(1) - manage multiple MariaDB servers
- MYSQLD_SAFE(1) - MariaDB server startup script
- MYSQLD_SAFE_HELPER(1) - helper script
- MYSQLDIFF(1) - compare MySQL database schemas
- MYSQLDUMP(1) - a database backup program
- mysqldump-secure(1) - secure mysqldump wrapper with encryption
- MYSQLDUMPSLOW(1) - Summarize slow query log files
- MYSQL-GENOCIDE(1) - Parallel operation on MySQL processlist
- MYSQLHOTCOPY(1) - a database backup program
- MYSQLIMPORT(1) - a data import program
- mysqlman(1) - default man page for mysql
- MYSQLPUMP(1) - a database backup program
- MYSQLROUTER_PASSWD(1) - MySQL Router Password Tool
- MYSQLROUTER_PLUGIN_INFO(1) - MySQL Router Plugin Information
- MYSQLSHOW(1) - display database, table, and column information
- MYSQLSLAP(1) - load emulation client
- MYSQL-SNMP(1) - MySQL-Server SNMP agent for Net-SNMP
- MYSQL-STRESS-TE(1) - server stress test program
- mysqltcl(n) - MySQL server access commands for Tcl
- MYSQLTEST(1) - program to run test cases
- MYSQL-TEST-RUN() - run MariaDB test suite
- MyStyle(1) - the second parameter,
- MYTID(3PVM) - Returns the
- MYTOOL(1) - manipulate map files for yudit, uniconv and uniprint
- MYTOP(1) - display MySQL server performance info like `top'
- MZC(1) - compatibility Racket compiler tool
- MZSCHEME(1) - compatibility executable for Racket